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aviisevil Mar 2018
you suffer,
and so, you learn-
talk about stars and lovers,
through scars, and
how they don't burn anymore

dreaming eyes,
dream about the dreadful lies;

the man in the sky,
isn't here sitting besides you-

the woman you pry;
maybe she's slick and sly,
it makes you sick,
and you wonder why ?

maybe it isn't about
love anymore.

the world has summer,
and it had your winter-

autumn withers'
spring too;

and the man in the sky,
he isn't sitting there anymore

the child you could see
in the mirror, died;

he's no more, maybe-
only as much as you are today;

and the bird you
could've freed;

you placed silence by
its side, and a song
on it's beak, so bleak-

bleached by the solemn
good-bye, and a seed,

praying, it becomes a tree,
and not a storm.
aviisevil Mar 2018
it's cold and lonely as I look outside at the rain falling down from the sky; darker than the eyes reflecting at the middle of the cracked window.

it's so lonely, I am so lonely, the voices keep repeating inside my head, over and over again, as if a forgotten jingle has taken a life of its own.

I don't feel lonely now, I feel afraid; when will the voices stop calling my name ?

when will I be just nothing ?

silence speaks louder than any broken heart screaming; for whatever it's worth, I've always found chaos to be very comforting. it soothes my scars and gives my mind something to think about, something other than this cold lonely hour I cannot tick off the clock.

I wonder where people are right now, so many people doing so many different things in so many different places around the world, it's breath taking and so mundane at the same time, to think about how fragile my own existence is, and how much I crave what doesn't exists at all.

how do you explain what you feel when you feel everything and nothing ?

how do you survive in a perfectly boring equilibrium whilst being ripped apart by the extremes waging war inside of you ?

how do you explain to them how much you want to talk about absolutely nothing ?

the light is flickering inside the room and it's making me drowsy, I don't know if I'm on anything or not right now, for lately it has been so hard for me to tell reality from hallucination, wisdom from fiction, and monsters from me.

I feel as if I'm always floating just inches away from drowning, but miles away from dying, thinking about life and death, and all the felonies they bring with themselves.

maybe life, and death are just people, people like me and maybe people like you, maybe there's a man in the sky and a woman out there to fall in love with me, a love that's pure, to make a religion that's holy and divine, and as magical as any fairytale there ever was.

the clock is finally ticking, and I can feel it moving in the wrong direction, I want to speak and tell it how wrong it is, I want to scream and let it know that I know better but I am paralysed, from eyes and up, and I don't know if I can move my arms or wipe away the tears, I'm too afraid to even try.

maybe the man on the other side of the window can help me, he looks familiar but I've forgotten his name, there's somebody in his eyes, and I think I remember that face too, but he looks much older than what I think he used to be, or maybe I'm just younger.

I don't know why there's a crack just around his lips, what caused it, and the story, the history and poetry behind it; maybe it's there to make him look like an old man with a crooked smile, or perhaps, it just is, without a reason.

reasons scare me, everybody has a reason, or so they think, or so they pretend.

monsters, and ****** and gods and men, strangers, lovers, enemies and friends.

I don't have a reason tonight, or that's what I think.

the clock has stopped ticking, the rain has stopped falling, maybe the sky will be cleared, or not; it never mattered to me anyhow.

I feel as if there's a moment just around the corner, I'm going to pass by and make my home inside of, maybe because I've shed enough hurt, or maybe there's not enough to keep me going, but perhaps it's because every once in a while the glass is half full, rather than being broken and sharp.

it's a tuesday, and it's 3 am, and I don't know if there's going to be any sun tomorrow.

the only thing I'm sure of, is that, I'm not the man on the other side of anything, I'm on this side, here, and now;

and that's all there is to it.
if you like this , I'd probably add more to it and keep this going and make a better story out of it. let me know.
aviisevil Feb 2015
Mary had a little lamb butchered by the same people who raised him
His throat was slit open and skin peeled as they made their way in

He would be enjoyed that evening served with some sauce and wine
His eyes blank with nothingness and soul struggling to leave his body behind

As he was fed to the fire; there was no one in the room more cold
His fate but sealed when in pieces he was sold

And thus, it would end - one story cut short by a blade
To be served and bled in shadows that one day will fade

There by the boiling *** full of dead plants and salt
Will be the final farewell and the last assault

And there by the wooden table sat Mary who once had a little lamb
Tongue struggling in lust, eyes glimmering in the bright of a lamp

Mary had but forgotten about the little creature she raised
Slowly seeping back into the real world and morrow she faced

Not that she wouldn't remember the time they once had
And the cherished memories would surely take her back

But tonight was an exception; when will it be served she wondered
She would have loved to see it blossom, but **** this hunger.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jul 2017
:zone zero: :alone:

what am i doing back on the phone, back on the drone, i admit i am alone, like ozone
in the air and i don't care if you're aware i'm not in the zone,
sometimes i wish i could ****** my own clone,
i hate everybody and everything he owns,
when i'll be gone there'll be no one left behind to mourn,
i'll be just lost in death as i was alive, in my time i roamed,
all across my mind and galaxies as far as i could to atone,
for my insecurities and responsibilities, they don't gel well in a broken home,
suspectible to them sticks and stones,
don't be a **** if you've never had your mind-known,
there's a circus fit, the circuits lit, let the circle sit in the middle of the riddle that has your mind-blown,
you won't understand a single thing, if you don't linger in ink,
long enough for the seeds to be sown,
i have a shot attention span, so many thoughts hunt and spam,
everybody just running to please the known man on the throne
the screen is glittering with ****, enough to make me sick,
there are so many infected by it, soon i'll be one of this,
i can feel the delusions have grown, the more illusions are born
at every opportunity thrown out of the window to rot and be ******
and as i look out that window world still feels hot but too out grown,
i'm happy on my own in my zone. zero. hollow.

:one: :two many:

i hate you today i'll hate you tomorrow
i hated your love i'll hate your sorrow
there's not enough air left to swallow
i suppose i'll be dead alone and hollow

surely in my head where thoughts follow the reason to dread anything that's not impervious to change,
i mean, me and myself are pretty strange, petty and ugly out ranged,
not in frequency like the rest of them, not trained,
not tamed, there's something wrong in my brain,
so come along and become a song as you find a voice to sing and shame,
the person who died because you said it's alright if you see the light at the end of tunnel where i found myself staring at a mirror again,
i'm back where it all begin, in the reflection looking for a name,
but there's so much hate that i cannot wait to hate you more as i waste myself in haste to make myself the monster i became,
i won't blame your tastes but, you're just a lame luck, a shame bud,
and i gave you all you could take thus you took everything but the pain such,
left me alone and cold on my own with blame enough,
that all the love got flooded in flames and now i'm stuck,
with all this hate that's deep down and shut,
i feel like a clown and a ****, so tough, ready to combust,
i'll be awake from night till dusk, reminded that i must hate you till i bleed to dust.

:three: : i wasn't humble:

and i can find myself often in a situation where the words fumble,
and i tumble down under into another void, i have no voice,
so many times it would have been wise to surrender,
but i was open up wide and i chose to ride the thunder,
and now here i wonder, if all my principles were insane ?
if a good man is really that huge opportunity of nothing to gain,
is it okay to be strange ?, is it not okay to be changed ?
when everything is evolving around you how right is to remain the same ?
and i still wander, in the lane, where the fast one's run and rise
is it easier to become again who you became and other-wise,
there's nobody out there to welcome you to the other-side,
all side's are the same, if you can see the clues in blue light,
it never mattered if you cannot see the atoms in violence,
there's only silence where you fight-
sitting on your made up throne, wearing a crown of your broken bones,
sipping the wine aged by your tears, you made a kingdom yet nobody's here,
you don't even have the luxury of a broken home, and it's clear,
there's no time-travel and you have wasted so many of your years,
in need of a few eyes and ears, there's not much on me i fear,
i'm even worse than i am, when i'm near a mirror that's dear,
watching the reflections sing to me  before as i,

:four: :paradise:

paradise in a pair of dice, repair ice, build me frozen lies-
cold and soothing, a puff of smoke and the time flies,
nothing to check or choke, how the mind-flies, into unknown, where the blind man tries,
to see the world, to find and understand the words in his sight,
don't let go, we're plunging back to earth and i'll lose you if you don't hold my hand tight,
we'll never reach the sky, falling back to where the dreams die,
i don't want the light, i want the dark and the cold to hold me all night,
i wasn't told you'd have to earn the fun by setting fire to the paradise,
i'll set fire to the paradise, and we'll both burn in hell for an eternity,
there's no love for me in this city, i'd have to leave you by your side,
take away my vice, travel all the way away never sin and be nice,
so i can learn how to keep you in, read in ink, breathe and win,
every battle that i wasn't prepared when you looked at me and clicked your heels thrice,
it's not paradise, if you need to survive, i've only died like twice,
and a million times more only to come back alive,
it's not para-dise, if it can-not die.

:count to five: :be dead:

there's no brain in my head, every time i take a breath, i go back to bed,
it's hard to fight the loneliness when you're not well,
i go back to myself, strangle myself, angle myself from a high and jump,
my brain made me do so many stupid things that i became a joke,
now i don't suffocate when i choke, get high when i smoke,
turn the wheels when i walk, i talk stupid when i talk,
on purpose i sting and shock, close the doors, burn and lock,
all that i have learned is that i have turned into a clown,
with tears in my eyes and words on my lips,
enough stings to sing them something that brings them the bliss,

but they've to all go back before it's nine,

these *******' lovers are so hard to find, i don't trust them with all my mind,
end these times, with fake *** people and their feeble kind,
the **** gets deeper the more you grind, and it's ain't a hole if it's a *****,
take me for my rudnes but i can't be that blind,
i've seen the signs, i've served my crimes, don't look at me like you can't bear me,
like i'm so ugly that you don't even feel me,
i've been left behind, and now it's just me and sadness,
talking about how i'll never be fine, my heart's telling me it's my time,
that's it for me, world wants to get rid of me, i don't belong,
and every thought in my head feels so negative and wrong,
it's just the narrative, trust me it's many more times more strong,
it's so cold where i sit that i'm sure of it, i'm sure i'll freeze everything that warms,
so i never find myself not numb, i'm not that dumb, but i hope i never find myself  in your arms,
i hope you forget me, delete me, count to five and i'll be gone,
some people never get to build a home, for they're the storm,
everything comes and goes, they've come and gone, earned and known,
made whole and be torn, into a million pieces to be born again,
over and over again, until the wheels stop rollin',
the voices stop callin',
there's nobody waiting,
so start walking back to where you are,
the night is full of stars,
and the wheels are still rollin'
stop controllin' and you'll reach where you are,
the light is full of scars,
so switch off the lights, and the tears will stop falling,
there's nobody else strolling in the lanes where you find yourself today,
i won't be loved by nobody, until i dive into a grave some-day,
wearing black, everybody would come around to give respect that would have nothing to say,
nobody cares for you like you do for the man in the mirror night and day,
but the man in the mirror has someone else in his eyes all day,
so blind, enchanted by the shine, of an artificial sun,
that'll burn everyone if the reflection stays.

i've come and gone in so many ways, that now i'm just tired-
that it's the time i count to five, and burn my-self in the fire.
aviisevil May 2016
do you not fear me as i fear you
afraid of the silence
we have for each other
now that you are, my soul's true
broken in two
for love that has no mother
only a lonely corner
where knives draw the scars
someday we'll find it
in arms of another
to remind ourselves
of who we are
as we look from afar
then them tears will tell a tale
when the coffin is ripe
enough to be kissed by the nails
as i stare back through the steel rails
there, we are again,
in pain for each other
always to do our part
i fear you just as you fear me
for we walk with no heart
afraid, always afraid.
aviisevil Oct 2015
I don't know what drug the world is on these days
I see only the faces, eyes, flesh not the soul beneath all that dark
is there a place in that pit of seething anger for a heart

there is a terrible silence beyond those metal walls
steel cages and burnt chains
roaring pets put to sleep in warmth of the fall
disappearing under the skeletons, looking for the remains
of what remains, written in ash

parallel realities crashing at the birth of a common sin
I have no clue why anyone would let the storm in
to a broken home
where there is none to feel alone

making pretty promises and petty vows is as good as gold
because there is nothing as such as cold
only the absence of them arms
that warmed every hollow space
only dreams and no face

perhaps there is more to this world than meets the eye
and it is a folly, a farce that the heart would never lie
maybe it has no clue, there cometh time to die
just ask the severed head resting by
and be polite

gamma rays are invisible and so was my imaginary friend
but under the lens, one can see how they break and bend
make and mend  
**** what they do not believe
what they won't see
crawling in torment

in a world where there is always more
than what meets the eyes
and in the end
we are left with even less to die with
drowning in tales around the world
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Oct 2022

what paints the house
in swirl of the night

what lurks in the shadows
the unknown?

a fleeting glimpse
of reality

or just a distant glare
in nothingness

held together by the
summers greed

falling asleep in arms
of tomorrow

resting in old photographs
collecting dust

in wilderness that comes
with dying dusk

hunted by the ends
we seek  

barely ever breathing

aviisevil Apr 2014
"stop, Avi you make no sense,
What is so wrong with you, eh
when will you understand?!
You, your words are chaos
You don't write poetry,
you write crap man!"

That's how it is, I am but a kid,
My words make no sense,
My thoughts?
They say i've to get rid of it
The world outside maybe cruel,
But I thought i'll be whole with the ones my kind,
But no!
To them i'm just someone with no depth in his rhymes
Maybe I never read enough,
So my words don't echo the dead voices
I just began to write when I first learned to spell
But again I never had many choices
I tried to break away from the herd,
Those rules and conventions never held me down,
But they always found faults in my method,
Made me turn around

"wait, Avi haha what is this ?
Do these words even mean a thing ?
Your poems are so bad,
Mate, you are good for nothing
And what's up with this one over here,
Do you think anyone will read it ?
Even if they did by mistake,
Don't you think they'll find it stupid ?

He walks on the lonely trails,
Forgotten with passage of time
Every sight is a word,
Painting a picture in his Mind
He picks a blade instead,
Time to draw some scars
Even if we run to the end of the world,
We can never escape who we really are
He makes a wish and lets go,
May the winds reach their place
He looks in the mirror and stares hard,
But he can't recognize his own face

"today I feel like dying,
Its 3 am and everyone's asleep
I guess i'll go for a walk
Been weeks now but I just can't sleep"

"it was quiet dark and lonely,
But the silence held some kind of magic
My hands ache to write something,
But I won't, I know it'll be too tragic"

Take me as I am,
If I am nothing else, i'm pure
Even though I can't write
I still feel like a poet down to the core
I know you'll frown,
But I cant lie, I dont want to live anymore
But I know someday i'll die,
So i'm 'gonna put up with life somemore  
All I want is to be heard,
Guess that's not too much to ask
To move someone with my words,
A quiet feeling that would last
I don't want to be remembered
But I want someone to know who I was,
That I always found my way back, alone
No matter how lost I was
That even though I kissed the blade,
It never was a friend,
that I am sorry for all I did,
But sometimes I just wanted it all to end

"why are you sad , Avi ?
Don't you have everything ?"

- I guess something's wrong with my brain,
It just keeps coming back all over again

"why don't you opt for therapy"

-them drugs could never make me happy

"you don't have to be so ******* yourself"

- sometimes it's the only thing that helps

"Avi, remember we're all here for you"

-I don't care, i've fought all my battles without you

"if you go on like this you'll even lose the ones that are left"

-I guess it's true what doc said, no one can save me from myself

I wait in the hall,
She calls my name out
"he is ready for you"
Rings a little loud
I walk inside the door,
There he is , so old and grey
I wonder what he'll say
But there's just silence today
"Avi, i saw your reports
It shows improvement
i guess those sessions are working"
-what about my inner torment ?
"it's all in your mind"
- i know
" these pills will help you "
-i know
"take one in the morning
And one in the night,
One when you feel sick
And one when you feel alright"
- will it ever stop ?
"it's hard to say
- why me ,doc?
- Avi, you were born this way...

"avi, I'm sorry but i can't stay"

- i know , just go away

"i wish you could change"

-I'm comfortable in strange

"you don't have to be this way"

- but that's all who i am today..

Take me away and bring back my remains,
Standing on the other side won't make  the winds change
It'll all be as it was and I'll be lost,
Burning me won't fade my name
Hurt me with your lies,
And **** me with your truth
If i had a chance to be happy
Trust me, i would
But there's no hope,
I can't live in lies
This is all who i am ,
And i don't even know why
Maybe I'll learn to pretend,
Maybe I'll die
But no matter what happens,
I know there'll be no one by my side

" you're at it again , don't you?
You just make a fool of yourself,
Stop showing them your work
Or they'll start making fun of you themselves,
What's the matter, Avi ?
Did my words made you cry ?
Now write a poem about it,
That no one will ever read , oh my!"

I always struggled with words,
They were so hard to come by
And when they finally did,
I froze and couldn't write
But when I did write,
I never stopped to see what they meant ,
I could finally fight my demons,
And I could do it over and over again
I wish I was better,
And could fuse beauty in my lines
But I know i'm ugly
And this world never misses a chance to remind,
That I am not a poet
I am but a kid
That no one will ever take me seriously,
And I'll have to live with it

"avi, do you think they understand?"
-some of them

" do you feel alone?"
-no,i have my pen

"Avi, you have to stop writing so dark"
-why ?

"it's not what they want"
- a lie

"so you think they like it?"
-i don't care

"are you any good?"
-no, but I'm getting there

I speak to you with all my heart,
Oh, let me be, just let me be
If I ever write my heart out for you,
Close your eyes, don't you see
if I ever try to make you understand,
Remember, I am not what I claim
Even if I think I belong somehow,
I know, you and me are not the same  

I am but a kid, one sad sad kid...

Bleed away and sleep away,
All your nightmares, dream away
Oh child, step down
From your bed of thorns, walk away...
As personal as i can be
aviisevil Aug 2015
savage men with army of teeth
mowing down the ancient life
in all of the curses god has preached
he's the one most wicked and vile
mangled veins chocking a mothers breath
Killing another child in wombs darkness
men eating trees, in lores of plants and death
walking on an old yellow road to nothingness
eating radioactive bites and pieces
in bits and diseases, poisoned veins
pouring an acid on time that bleaches
and reaches, where he's no more again
all those naked skeletons seem the same
only buried hand in hand in cold depths
now who's rich, what weight has a name
after all who died have wept and left

sane don't blow a head off, do they
angles don't cut themselves at birth
generations upon generations lost away
in strangers burning all across the world
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jul 2015
I am not her master, she's not my slave
for her to be just mine-
there's no need for her to be in a cage
Notes (optional)
aviisevil May 2015
sickening voices
and sinister whispers
a fading oasis
by the tear it withers
these empty cold walls
lingering in the shadows
i await in the dark
Of the moment that follows
when screams become too loud
and someone knocks on the door
you have heard that tale
so many times before
of strangers hiding
beneath another strangers bed
eyes lurking in the basement
but you never see the head
skeletons in the closet
and corpses piling on the streets
reaping the fodder
for the next monster to breed
I abide my sins by the hour
till sun-sets I weep for the night
then I weep some more
wearing them shadows in moonlight
a rotten taste on my tongue
by biting on my own flesh and bone
ashes seeping in my lungs
taking away my time to mourn
this life I am told is a gift
I should be alive till it lasts
there's a god I need to worship
in his glory I should bask
but all these books
they teach me about our debts
all these words
they preach about our regrets
strange shapes haunt you
random number makes you afraid
you get lost inside the riddles
that you have made
tearing you apart in animals
in savages that know only the sky
the green of the wooden wells
white mountains tall and high
they lock you in chains
if you confess what you've known
like we're different than them
being miserable in their homes
as I fall back in my cage
in white sheets lying in a circle
blood sowed in every page
forming another circle
with no beginning
or an end
i can bow my head
but them knees won't bend
for they have only known
a thousand miles traversed
peeking inside every home
all the memories travelled
and as the steel cuts the flesh
all they would ever see is a scar
they say I am mental
but how can I escape who we are
and what we'll always be
another error for them to see
we'll always be different
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Mar 2023

sound of wilderness
has come to pass

machines of men
have come to age  

children no longer
go outside

it is not safe to

the traffic is
too much

and streets
are all crowded

old buses are filled
with people who do
not have time to live

there are no
stars in the sky

the sun is masked
by the tall buildings

water is no
longer free

fire is now

the night is
never dark

pierced by the
screams of a thousand

without hope
or the warm sun

tired and

people watch the
tall buildings

stare them

watch the
neon signs
street lights

cars, trees
and music

pass them

one by

they are

placed inside

old crowded

one by

they become
so many

a town
a city
a slum

that speaks of

not a word

only silence and
more silence

and the silence
becomes so heavy

crushing dreams
of every new born

until the silence
begets a scream

begets a machine
with a hammer

that knocks
on their feeble

flatten their
denude walls

for opulent men living in
the silver clouds

in tall buildings with
neon signs

men who


the sun
the buildings
the mountains
expensive cars
diamond rings

old crowded

traffic and
winter smog

birds chirping
by the windows

voices talking
in the room

people tired
and bothered

hunch over in
their despair

coiled up in

waiting for
the batteries
to run out

suffering in

telling their
fractured stories

that speak of

not a word

only silence and
more silence

until the silence
becomes so heavy

that speaks of

not a word
only silence  

until the silence
begets a scream

begets a machine
with a hammer

that knocks on
feeble doors

flatten the
rustic walls

to mine the rubble
and mint more sky for
opulent men living in
the silver clouds

men who


the sun
the river
the moon
the mountain

golden sunsets
expensive cars
exquisite laughter

each worth more
than a lifetime

of impoverished
daughters and their

angry fathers and
women they beat

mothers and
****** and
beggars and

millions upon

without hope
or the bright sun

silent as
a scream

silent as
a whisper

silent as

and it speaks
of nothing

not a word

only silence and
more silence

passed down

millions upon

such is the

without hope
or the bright sun

each laugh as expensive
as an entire lifetime

suffering in

aviisevil Jan 2014
Proclaim me as the king
I want to rule the infinite
crown for my heart ,
A day for my night
My kingdom , home to my dreams
Memories are paradise
Forgotten, outside the walls
Those stand guarding my being
For I'm the universe,
Without me nothing will exist
World hangs in balance
And I'm the axis ,
What i see is alive
What i don't never was
They may come and go ,
Only i can witness the loss
Of time
Beyond me lurks nothingness
Empty spaces and nothing else
What i know , there is
What i don't , will never be
everything is made ,
For me to see ,
I am alive
No one
Else is
aviisevil Feb 11

they come and talk between
the lines and I tell them I am
here and listening

countless hours and
countless words spent

I turn the pages and I
write them down and I
show them

the drying ink on
the counter

to look for themselves
in the emptied spring they
call by my name

that they can take to
their hearts desire

and fear not for me
I gently whisper to the

let them all

aviisevil Jan 2014
A kiss from the night
Drunk from all that pain
Struggles to breath
Can't remember her name
Lost his eyes
Love made him blind
Hate made him see
Scars remind
A story that'll fade away
Pages eaten by time
Memories don't go away
Weather is not kind
Storms bash the home
Walls ripped of from the bones
All his secrets in the open
Strangers are gone
Who will love him now
Caress and hold him now
Wipe away all the blood stained tears
Who will bring him down
From the skies he wanders at nights
Searching for a lost cause
A moon that glows in anger
A sun that's faux
A wolf howls at a distance
A dog barks nearby
Night shows resistance
Ghosts never pass-by
A bleak view from a window
And a madness from outside
A letter of hatred
Enough to hurt his pride
He cannot see but whisper
There's a tale hidden in the stones
He warns once again
About the rage hidden in his bones
No one listens
World won't skip a beat
It Dosent matter
Even if with blood he repeats
They'll only see red
Not what's in his head
They look right through him
Like staring at something dead
He's afraid of the demons
That guide him to scars
Gently takes his hand
Makes him draw on his arms
Death , he mused
Life had refused
Where to walk now
He is so confused
And lies that destroyed lust
Ashened black lies in dirt
Forgiven but not forgotten
In dark prisons they lurk
Prisoners of darkness
They weep solitude
Embracing their fate
Another sunrise they refute
And to feed them love
A mistake of the holy
Wise seeks hurt
Impervious of the story
But a mother does worry
If her child lives or not
Thirteen cents
For which he was bought
She loved him and fed him hate
Watched silently and smiled
While he ate
His mouth blood stained
From the flesh of the saints
Imploding the verses he preached
Every rule he ever bleached
Hands of god from heaven
All hell broke loose when they reached
And strangled his very neck
Coldness in his eyes
Staring at the mirrors that don't reflect
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jan 2014
'Mister' rage is killing
'Mister' hatred making us numb and cold ,
'Mister' fear is creeping in our minds
Mister pain is on a roll
Where are you 'mister' peace ?
we're breaking under the load
bring along 'mister' calm there are stories to be told ,
Its been a long time and the world's ****** up
'mister' love , will you please stand up ?!
aviisevil May 2016
mixed in water
in the middle
where it subdues
a fickle mind
keeping riddles
in a trance
escaping chaos
to another void
makes no noise
only silence
as tides
aviisevil Nov 2014
"mommy, where is daddy?"
- he's gone far away and will never return
"where did he go mommy"
- to the other side of the sun

* little Jessica
(oh that's really far)
(bless her little heart)

" mommy, but tim told me he died"
- now, now you're too small to know
" but i'm too big for your lies"
-I guess you ought to know
" how did he die, mommy?"
- well, you know how he was
" he was really nice to me"
- well, thats not how he was
"how was he mommy"
- he was a bad person
" no, he was nice mommy"
-remember how he used his gun
" he let me try it too"
- oh, when Jessica ?!
"he told me not to tell you"
- but you must, Jessica!
"alright, but I want a candy"
-ok, Jessica
" and an ice-cream too"
- anything you want, Jessica!
" I want a pretty dress"
- you're crossing your limit
" other one is so old"
- but you still fit in it

*little Jessica
( i'm hungry )
(I hope theres nothing to worry)

"mommy i'm hungry"
- first tell me, what did daddy made you do
" he told me to aim and shoot"
- and did you ?!
"yeah, but I missed"
- aim at what ?!
"he told me not to tell you"
- why not ?!
" well he said it'll be our secret"
- you can tell mommy, dear
" what if he gets angry"
" jeez, calm down"
- tell me what did you do
" first get me a gun"
" i'll show you"
- no, you can't have it
" than I won't tell you "
- alright, danm it !

*little Jessica
( i'm really hungry, danm!)
( he was such an evil man )

" give it to me "
- Please, be careful !
" just watch me "
- thats the trigger, don't pull
"jeez, mommy relax "
- it's all so wrong
" do you want it back?"
- I have to be strong
" so, he told me to hold it"
" and to be steady "
- don't aim at me
" woah, thats what he said to me"
" why are you so sweaty"
- Jessica , put it down
" why mommy, daddy's not around"
- give it to me now
" i don't like the way you sound"
- don't force me
" you can't, it has a live round "
- Jessica, get away from me
" than he begged for his life "
- don't come near me
" he told me to walk by his side "
- Please, don't do this
" and than I laughed because I thought he was funny "
- its not funny, get rid of it
" don't worry, i'm better now it'll be quick mommy"

*little Jessica
( i'm really really hungry)
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Apr 2014
"mommy, where is daddy?"
- he's gone far away and will never return
"where did he go mommy"
- to the other side of the sun

* little Jessica
(oh that's really far)
(bless her little heart)

" mommy, but tim told me he died"
- now, now you're too small to know
" but i'm too big for your lies"
-I guess you ought to know
" how did he die, mommy?"
- well, you know how he was
" he was really nice to me"
- well, thats not how he was
"how was he mommy"
- he was a bad person
" no, he was nice mommy"
-remember how he used his gun
" he let me try it too"
- oh, when Jessica ?!
"he told me not to tell you"
- but you must, Jessica!
"alright, but I want a candy"
-ok, Jessica
" and an ice-cream too"
- anything you want, Jessica!
" I want a pretty dress"
- you're crossing your limit
" other one is so old"
- but you still fit in it

*little Jessica
( i'm hungry )
(I hope theres nothing to worry)

"mommy i'm hungry"
- first tell me, what did daddy made you do
" he told me to aim and shoot"
- and did you ?!
"yeah, but I missed"
- aim at what ?!
"he told me not to tell you"
- why not ?!
" well he said it'll be our secret"
- you can tell mommy, dear
" what if he gets angry"
" jeez, calm down"
- tell me what did you do
" first get me a gun"
" i'll show you"
- no, you can't have it
" than I won't tell you "
- alright, danm it !

*little Jessica
( i'm really hungry, danm!)
( he was such an evil man )

" give it to me "
- Please, be careful !
" just watch me "
- thats the trigger, don't pull
"jeez, mommy relax "
- it's all so wrong
" do you want it back?"
- I have to be strong
" so, he told me to hold it"
" and to be steady "
- don't aim at me
" woah, thats what he said to me"
" why are you so sweaty"
- Jessica , put it down
" why mommy, daddy's not around"
- give it to me now
" i don't like the way you sound"
- don't force me
" you can't, it has a live round "
- Jessica, get away from me
" than he begged for his life "
- don't come near me
" he told me to walk by his side "
- Please, don't do this
" and than I laughed because I thought he was funny "
- its not funny, get rid of it
" don't worry, i'm better now it'll be quick mommy"

*little Jessica
( i'm really really hungry)
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jun 2015
In whispers of darkness
as it darkens the sleep
Darkening thunder
darkened as it bleeds
in mystic of darkness
Another hour fades away
disappearing in faces
lost since ages
in yesterday
mourning softly
hidden from sight in
dark alleys and
darker nights
darkest without
the moonlight
that is tonight
dancing through the sky
from the slivery haze
in scars of the night
there is another cage
mister moon has a face
albeit a sad one
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Feb 2014
Shine of the stars fall across the sea
The crease of the sky dances with the waves
Symphony of the scarred old night ,
Rests so mute on the ground , in its grave

Everything is covered in the ol' silver
Resonating every ounce of its existence
From the sky , wrath of the might shall be delivered
And the withered old hands will show no resistance

What have I done , to be left in this decaying land
These hands maybe old and withered but they do understand ,
What came my way , a curse that wouldn't go away
To be left just a shadow of a forgotten man , of what I am

Tears taught the longing of the mellow years
Hurt preached wisely but this heart could never hear
Always found a reason to bury thy soul
In the gravel and stones this world now bears

Inside was full of scars , more , as I travelled afar
I could feel nothing but my own emptiness
And Taste the sweetness of nothingness , once I was empty nothing to fill my own hollowness ,
Just some more emptiness

The man in me was lost to the ghosts
Lurking in the shadows breaking under the load ,
Eyes searching for the shore upon a sinking old boat , losing every last ounce of hope ,
A wound so deep that even time can cope , lends me a rope

Now, what shall my eyes search for
In this darkness that have engulfed my land and sea ,
Winds howl , brings forth the old lore
Words of the silver moon-light these
withered hands couldn't reach

I'll drown in my own sea of emptiness
A few drops of sorrow this world could never see
As my being turns to corpse and than dust ,
This world will finally forget me

Every lie that crossed my thought
Your lies , their lies , a carcass left to rot
In the morgue ocean , the dead howl all silvery night
With every moment , decaying in the moon-light
I was born in that very cold morgue , a shallow place it tends to be
My fate always temped me to the other-side ,
Away from the comfort of the home and into the rough seas

Your lies , their lies , a carcass left to rot ,
Their eyes , your eyes , searching for what I have not
Your lies , their lies , sent me to the rough seas
Their eyes, your eyes , the world will forget me.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jan 2014
I see you up close
No smile , no Tears
You look the same
Even after so many years
I look in the mirror
And I feel so old
I've gained nothing
No treasure , no gold
But you still shine
Call yourself mine
You young as ever
I'm old as dead
Been together
From the day we met
You've made me feel alive
And for that I owe you with life
You were there
When everyone was gone
My mate , when I was alone
But nothing lasts forever
Our friendship too won't
I'll leave you now
So follow don't
Stop flowing in my veins
It's time to forget your name
I'll take my leave now
Farewell mr pain
aviisevil May 2017
a murderous low
watching a ****** of crows
in a dangerous glow
pouring from my mind

thoughts left in kind
walked the centuries blind
carrying memories to remind

there's no place else to go
home never grows
the kids never knows
till the end of time

there's a sky
on fire, for him to breathe
sun is only bone and desire  
with no tongue to speak

there's a hollow
with a heart to keep
if you follow
you'll find the words to read

in that sleep,

here i am
in a murderous low
dreaming out the window
of a view left behind

another shadow,

as i imagine his soul
breaking the shine
smoke circles in a blow
ready to remind

why the mirror never fades
and i keep staring
at my own face
looking for an empty space
to fill my tears

howling for a breath
a flower inside my head

a rose that is dead
for a fear of thorns
those appear dear

and then,

killing him as he wept
burning me inside
where he's kept
not yet ready to breed
leave my head

stranger things have happened
at the orion belt
as far to me
as you've been ourselves
in ways

as near to me
when the night has slept
with a murderous low
and a crown that melts

sitting idle,
how do you describe the aggressive pain in a moment,  in love with the passage of time.

#dark #life #feeling #thoughts #time #passage #travel #vessel #things #heart #pain #love #life #alive #death #macabre #author
aviisevil Apr 2020
beneath the moon
the world's still dark

ocean's are dead
haunted by the sharks

turned on its head
the knife won't stop

filled with summer's debt
winter's not worth breathing

it's only september
and ghosts won't be leaving

children are fed
but mother won't stop

shut those eyes
while they're still sleeping

thoughts multiply
and scars keep breeding

cut open the alive
while they're still speaking

voices of dread
keep repeating over and

**** everyone
be free

stop believing.
thank you for reading.. your input and feedback/review would be greatly appreciated.
aviisevil Feb 2016
I wish I was more than what I turned out to be,
I wish I was who they always wanted me to be
another lie in this sea of corpses hanging on to each other,
without any dreams or sight,
I wish I was as dark as night,
so they could see the flaws in every light,
I wish there was no need to pretend that I am no one yet,
but they know not to forget,
what they once wanted me to be,
I wish I was free in this world locked in chains and scars,
I wish I wasn't a machine and had a heart,
that everything was more beautiful than how they claim,
those empty words that fall down on my conscience like winters rain,
forming icicles that dangle over my head waiting for me to speak,
I wish I was weak,
so I could give in to their desire and leave,
tear a hole in my head and bleed
every thought they want to ******
I wish I was young again,
so I could be afraid of the things beneath my bed,
instead of the voices inside my head,
I wish I was dead,
so they could stop counting my every breath,
I am not what I have always pretended to be,
I am too cold and they are too old,
to see,
beyond the rainbow where colours still dance in peace,
I wish I could leave,
I wish I could breathe,
in this hollow they call my home,
I'm so alone,
wandering inside my head all alone,
I wish I could mourn but I won't,
it is I who chose not to wage war on the strangers,
that have made me a prisoner within my own skin,
I wish I wasn't always burning,
for I cannot feel the pain no more.
aviisevil Jul 2017
O' K    AVI  
       ( LYRICAL)
       LINK in BIO

I wish I was more than what I turned out to be,
I wish I was who they always wanted me to be
another lie in this sea of corpses hanging on to each other,
without any dreams or sight,

I wish I was as dark as night,
so they could see the flaws in every light,
I wish there was no need to pretend that I am no one yet,
but they know not to forget,
what they once wanted me to be,
I wish I was free in this world locked in chains and scars,
I wish I wasn't a machine and had a heart,

that everything was more beautiful than how they claim,
these empty words that fall down on my conscience like winters rain,
forming icicles that dangle over my head waiting for me to speak,
I wish I was weak,
so I could give in to their desire and leave,

tear a hole in my head and bleed 
every thought they want to ******
I wish I was young again,
so, I could be afraid of the things beneath my bed,
instead of the voices inside my head,
I wish I was dead,
so they could stop counting my every breath,

I am not, what I have always pretended to be,
I am too cold, and they are too old,
to see,
beyond the rainbow where colours still dance in peace,
I wish I could leave,
I wish I could breathe,
in this hollow they call my home,
I'm so alone,
wandering inside my head all alone,

I wish I could mourn but I won't,
it is I who chose not to wage war on the strangers,
that have made me a prisoner within my own skin,
I wish I wasn't always burning,
for I cannot feel the pain no more. for the full track.
aviisevil Sep 2014
Her red eyes whispered,
And the tears began to fall
Her face slowly dispersed,
And she leaned against the wall.
The dark slowly cleared,
There I saw her crawl
In the midst of her fear,
Now I could see her all.
She lingered on the wooden floor,
As the shrieks filled the air
She wasn't herself anymore,
The old face but disappeared.
Instead eyes darker than the dark,
Pounced at me from the clear
At her chest was a burning scar,
With all the fire her heart bears.
Her fingers clenched in a fist,
Broken glass lying everywhere
Her eye's doused in mist,
She was in her nightmare.
Pitying for her sorry state,
Waiting for her to calm
I wondered if it was too late,
But I wanted her in my arms
Her beautiful face still haunted,
And I longed for an embrace
I guess I was still by her side,
But I knew soon I would fade.
I felt from across the room,
Something poking at my eye
It was so painful to feel
I wished I could rather die.
We weren't meant to be,
But I still lived in a lie
And now when it's over,
It's so hard to say good-bye.
Then i felt her arms in mine
As she slowly came back to bed
Maybe we can leave this behind
As we both slowly laid to rest.
And there across the table
Covered in layers of red
There by them white flowers
Sat my lonely head.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jun 28

clouds of a
thousand tears

disappear as I
pour the rains

into another cup
to calm my nerves

for there is a winter
that I see from my

finding her breath
upon my trail

for there is nothing
else that would come
knocking on my door

is this how you must
suffer on the last days
of autumn

before the winds
cut you open?

aviisevil Oct 2015
one day when I'll be gone
I don't want you to feel alone

I want you to learn on your own
for I do not want to see you mourn

I want you to smile and be glad
for all the moments we have had

I wish there was more than this black
and one day we can have it all back

how i wish we could be there again
I will love you till I forget your name

what we were and what we became
in your arms I never felt no pain

how so soon these years do fade
with everything that we once made

I hope this parting is worth its wait
I'll find you again, you don't be late

when I'll be gone you too don't have to die
think of us before you bleed one tear from your eye

when I'll be gone my love please don't you cry
close your eyes, smile and just say a good-bye
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Dec 2015
you are so ugly
so beautiful and pure
my rotten angel
your touch has no cure
I know I'm feeling
what I never knew before
more than a stranger
I know I love you
never been more sure
my rotten angel
I was no more
the smile you painted
in tears you pour
before I could be
you made me yours
aviisevil Feb 2018
what have you got ?
oh, my withered man,
set in rot, lingering in dust
as bleak as you can,

don't you understand,
this life is a lie

water becomes sand
and the name dies

you won't ever be beautiful
again, and you know

you'll never fly,
you'll never try

because you made you cry
and now the rain
has to find it's way to an ocean

nothing was ever yours,
all you have is your heart
and it's so broken

between sparks, sharks and
shards, there's no hope

there's just this smoke
and a door that never opens

no matter how much
you scream

no matter how much
you dream

it'll never be true,
nobody is listening to you
nobody waits for you
you're all alone,

this world will fade for you
with a sky so blue, you'll forget
you ever had a home

and when the sun sets
there's not going to be
another dawn

they're all gone,
far away from here
when you were sleeping,
keeping cold

and now the child looks at
you, as he did weeping-
so many moons ago,

pleading into the mirror
for a better tomorrow

and you tell yourself
he was but a child
how could he ever know ?

who we become,
when the day comes
to an end

how then,
every morning that you mourn
will fade in time
fading with your mind,

how when,
just as the moment disappears
into another void
the world goes blind

this world,
full of people and pain

there are so many of them
full of our hollow noise
and silence to claim,

spilling words, worth and
grey feelings and a bright shine

they don't tell you
how every tear has a voice,
and how important it is
for you to stay kind,

to be away and sane
to find a way and bind
yourself into a prison,

made of blank pages,
you could never write

so many reasons,
and all it takes is one
autumn, one winter

one season,
to find nothing rhymes
to your heart beat,

but it's important
you know you're always dying;
and there's no grand plan,

and you won't keep
flying forever;
breathing forever,
oh, my withering man

there's no time.
aviisevil Aug 2015
a naked tree stood on the end
of a forest far and wide, blue and green
a lonely place with no friend
at the corner it would hide, unseen
unheard were its tears at night
as it stood cold against the winds
when the sun shone high and bright
It would be reminded of its sins
forest grew more green and dark
and the river filled up to the brim
but peace in this world never do last
sooner or later a monster walks in

the forest was cut open and sold
in pieces, scarred and in polished tint
burnt to the ground, breathing charcoal
diseased and with a despairing stink
the river was fed a poisoned brew
howling abuses and killing every child
the monsters bred and the hurt grew
in the shadows of the corpses piled
only the darkest of the forest remained
green all but lost to the monsters red
for every mother lost for them to gain
world will nurse scars and birth death

monster fed till nothing was left
only one naked pillar from the yesterday
when they got full, turned on themselves
the river ran red for a thousand days
and silence swept in the sky again
clouds started building the blue sky
those who were hiding came out again
slowly and softly the clouds begin to cry
the naked tree stood alone in the rain
now one with the world and its creed
every star in the sky now knew its name
for in this world, it was the only seed

*the river began breathing again
and the children seeding in depths
a barren land filling its scars again
breeding what little that it had kept
the tree grew more beautiful everyday
now that the world swirled to its feet
the lasting winter came and went away
and it stood as wide as it could reach
it planted a seed upon springs breath
birthing more in every coming spring
down the river they would be swept
and soon a young forest began to sing
all around their mother, a king.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jun 2022

to you, from the slopes of Shivalik

Nestled between two hills flows the river Tawi

"you should see my city in autumn," i say to an old friend in his new apartment in Gurgaon.

In the bastion of the mighty Dogras, nestled between two hills flows the river Tawi - daughter of the sun

and there i was, standing on the old bridge overlooking Bagh-e-Bahu, "you should see the great Tawi during heavy rains, you should see her might when no one is looking"

the very might, of a son, that saved the king of the serpents, and in return the father crowned him the lord of the virtuous slopes of Shivalik

"she flows here from kailash kund," i tell him with a smile, "to the land of my father, of his brother, and his sister"

the land where the maharaja once saw a beast and his prey - bowing together, quenching their thirst in the month of June; free from shackles

"you should come on a sunday, and have some Rajma," as we take out the foreign bread from a local joint.

"maybe we can have some khatta meat too, if you decide to stay," i say to him as i take another bite.

for long have our forefathers told us to take pride in the soil of our birth.

they know of the threads that bind us to the place that has come before us.

some escape, some never come back, and some carry with them, always, the colour of their soil.

before i left, i too, stood on the old bridge - on my way to the old city; bowing to the Goddess at Bawe, as she looked on, ever present -- in the land of the Dogras, in her ever lasting abode.

"you should come see my city in December," i say to him as i take a last bite.

Nestled between two hills flows the river Tawi - daughter of the sun, nourishing land of the Dogras

aviisevil Jan 2014
A hollow smile
Waiting for a stranger to arrive
A door opens
And welcomes the dark night
A woman screams
Whispers pregnant with secrets
Searching for a ear
To lay down and give birth
To the horror of the night
Hidden and scarred
from the knives and stones
A wall of glass shattered
And the pieces feel so alone
Crumbling under the shoes of the night
Buried where they fell down
Running away from the mirrors
And the unleashed hell hounds
A face looks for the stranger
He's just outside that door
A déjà-vu in the air
This Light has faded before
Womans screams turns mute
As a flash of thunder roars above
A storms approaching this madness
A carnival of pain and hurt
Night grows even darker
Stars bid farewell to the sky
And you can see a glimpse of smile
In the strangers eye
The world is covered in blackness
Separated and segregated in Demise
A dog barks at a distance
As he chases away the wise
Nothing but a memory left to die
As the blades of hell
Kisses the women goodbye
A farewell to tomorrow
And the dreams that'll resonate
In the sky
Another act in the carnival
To kneel before and oblige

-doors left open
As the darkness invaded a home
Blood stained prints
Accross the wall and into the hall
A silence of thorough quietness
Picture frames Wont talk
A struggle in the corridor
Marked by the broken frames and a vase
And a corpse sleeps in the corner
Darkness has engulfed its face
And the strangers footprints leads to the night
That befalls this bloodstained sunrise
And when the darkness fades away
Cursing under its breath about the approaching day
All that is left are dreams that lie shattered across the floor;broken
And a ****** hand print on the front door that was left open
aviisevil May 2020
there's nobody out there
behind the voice

all there is
is this vacuum in void

filled with rotten
flowers and emptied sun

drifting around the
asteroid belt

where frequencies
are sung

filling sequenced days
from the last

in various ways
blooming into melancholic

alcoholic space
and in an unholy flask

sailing across the page
between the lines

not enough velocity to
to escape the mind

stuck forever in this
fallen place,

diseased and blind

isn't universe just
a cage that

no poet can rhyme;

nobody can hear you scream
on mars, nevermind.
I'm not sure if there's a cure for heaven, or hell. maybe all there is, is the lack of both.
aviisevil May 2017
sit here all alone
mommy's not home
she's built in stone

laid on the ground
in her gown
and before she was
laid down
she said
i'll never be found

i'll never hear her sound
like her children did
before i came around
and i wonder if
i wander this
would i drown ?

scars left open with
thoughts i cannot get rid
pieces those do not fit
makes a circle
that's not round
and i'm stuck inside of it
sipping on
tears of a clown

swimming deep
within this pit
made of
so many tricks

but the clock
always lost
does not tick

it makes a weird sound
i'll never wear her
like a crown

like her king is
songs just sing this
there's a place in my mind
and it's
a weird town

full of dead bits
a face where my head fits
a place for misfits
and failed organs
this world is one big glitch

we're all orphans
and bound

and i wonder if
i wander this
would i drown ?
It's twisted.
aviisevil Aug 2022
comfort my soul
touch my hand

make me believe
i am here


i breathe nothing
i see nothing

how can I tell
anything apart?

you tell me to
sing my name

what's my name?

am i not yours
to keep

what am i
living for

is there more
to me

will i ever be
enough for one

how far can
i run

before i leave
me behind

is there a mountain
i can spend

between green
grass blue skies

it must mean


things should mean

anything but this
sinking feeling

that keeps me awake
when i'm dying

do you know how
it feels to die

to die

how can i tell
anything apart?

when i'm never

when i'm already

how sharp is a

the heart keeps

nobody's home
nobody's home
nobody's home


aviisevil Oct 2017
there's face on my face
and it's wearing a smile
there's a face within my face
soaked in tears, full of fear.

there is no mask,
just scars and marks.

and a portrait with nails
poking out.

there's a picture
with a thousand words
and no meaning.

you can find me
in my nightmares
eyes wide open and

i make sense when
it is convenient.

i like dark comedy
when i'm alone.

i like random.
i love chaos.

everything has a meaning,
how boring.

can you tell me
if i am right.

i made no sense
but it's alright.

the bar is low,
so nobody crosses over.

for i know what it
takes to be human.

have a heart and not
to see things get over.

to feel low,
on a mountain peak.

there's something
about loneliness,
that makes silence speak.

i love stars,
and scars.

rain and thunder.

to observe from
a distance, and

i'm distant and i,

with lust and dust,
in equal parts.

i'm not a machine,
but i'm mechanical
if they ever tear me apart.

i'm nothing,
and you won't ever
remember my name.

but that's alright,
i'm the greatest.

and i have no problem,
repeating myself again.

i'm no one,
absolute in my

there's sadness and
my ego at war.

they say be humble.

they say be polite.

but there's no country
for the ugly.

and that's alright.

i've never been
anything else.

tell me i'm pretty
and buy me petty things.

i'll be your slave
and you can be the king.

just tell me
i'm beautiful too,
and i'll show you my
face, and you'll know
what's true.
aviisevil Oct 2018
this is what i remember
and this is
how it will be

and this is my december
this is my deep slumber
and this is
the only way i know how to be free

this is my memory
and there is
nothing you can take
from i

this is my city
and this is
where they all come to die

these are my blessings
mixing with my sins

i made this leash
and now it makes me want to
sleep forever

and i'll give it all away
i'll give it all to you
just to see how you'll look

and i'll sell it all away
all of me - in red and blues
just to free me from what you took

this is what i remember
and this is
how it will be

and i'll give it all away
just to have a place to be

and if you find me someday
don't disappear as soon
as i count to three

and this is what i remember
and this is
how it will be

and i'll give it all away
to find a way far from here

and i'll live it all the way
until you find me there
cutting myself open so i can see

and this is our december,
but i know you don't know how
to feel no more,

this is my thunder
and i'm drowning far too under
the blankets to feed

this is what i remember
and this is
how it will be

until i leave

and this is what i remember
this is what i breathe,
how it all will be.

this is what i remember
aviisevil Sep 2019
just a moment more
please hold on tight

been livin' in torment
but i'll be home alright

nothing for me to forget
don't have no words to hide

been livin' my regrets
but i'll be home tonight

i watch the sun set
and watch the moon rise

dreaming of tomorrow
in love with the moonlight

so tell me your sorrow
fill my hollow with your sight

have no stories to tell
and got no enemies to fight

no roads to learn and follow
wasting away miles and the life

got so many pills to swallow
i'd rather **** away all the lights

just a moment more
please hold on tight

been livin' in torment
but i'll be home alright

nothing for me to forget
don't have no words to hide

been livin' my regrets
but i'll be home tonight

nothing for me to say
you say my dream's too bright

i tried but you didn't stay
now i've got no bones to bite

no gloom for me to pay
the man in the mirror has died

no room for me to pray
got no demons for me to oblige

just a moment more
please hold on tight

been livin' in torment
but i'll be home alright

nothing for me to forget
don't have no words to hide

been livin' my regrets
but yes, i'll be home tonight.
aviisevil Aug 2019
meet me there
where the world ends

i need some air
for there's no friend

nobody to share my woe,
and i always count to ten
before i take my life.

sincerely you had me
and you have me,

surely you must have an idea
what led you to me
to the place where i hide

and i'm dying in circles
in this circus
circled by the circus
going deeper

take me to your home
i want to see how you cry
behind the closed doors
where the real you lives

not the one
you keep for the people

i'm so poor and dry
i can't even give you me

nor have i any dreams to trade
and i'm going to waste alone
i don't even need your hate
to remind me of the reaper

blinding me of you,
chasing me through
this heaven

and oh look how
i've killed myself again
you didn't even see me
count to ten,

aviisevil Aug 2016
out of thin air, ghosts appear
somewhere in the moment
as I turn back, time disappears
and all that remain is gone
the torment cuts me open
and everything broken spills out
no matter how much I shout
it's all the same, it's all the same
nobody else is interested in change
to change, re-arrange the physics
this darkness holds something mystic
artistic, that keeps numbing my soul
not counting the countless sanity it stole
I've never been able to escape from it
there are only walls and no doors anymore
and I've been stuck inside of it
for as long as I can remember
last december I almost killed myself
but that's alright, just a story of one night
if I just hold on tight, I can learn to spell
just the thought of it makes me sick
i wasn't even down the road and I still got hit
guess, I missed the signs after all
too busy counting my tears those didn't fall
now I'm left all alone, and I'm haunted
only silence and nothing else, exactly like what I once wanted
oh, I'm so rotten, it's insane and I have no clue where I belong
everything else appears so colourful and enchanted
am I the only one dying in this song
why am i crying again when I have nothing left to lose
i made all those memories and they made me a noose
I'm in no mood to end my pain
it doesn't matter, they won't even remember my name
I'm used to being at the same place and never move
hiding the flaws all across the empty space
there's no face I remember, not even my own
and 'tis my grave, here I will sleep, until the ghosts are gone
to haunt another memory
aviisevil May 2015
may the corpses rest in peace
killed by them scars and disease
cutting a smile in half
awaiting the sweet relief

tears spilling in grief
breathing the ever lasting pain
until it's too late to leave
I don't know what I became

and ran through those doors
out in the ocean
climbing up the walls
that are now old and broken

swam with the sharks
and I danced with the clouds
as a symphony of thunder played
beyond the reach and loud

lightning up the fiery stars
as they fell down from the sky
exploding in a thousand pieces
and no one could hear me cry

that was a rather lonely time
there was not much to find
in dark that consumed me whole
i lost all that was ever mine

i turned to see but it was gone
nothing but empty space all around
i screamed and wept for the names
but there was never to be no sound

then a shiver ran through my bones
and I felt a stranger in my own skin
thunder was raging up and high
I thought that would be my coffin

and then I saw the dead crawling
in numbers on the shore
a sea of rotten meat
like they sang in the old lores

winds blew me to the herd
as they grazed beyond a red sea
the sky was full of birds
more than it was supposed to be

there I stood in the shadows
mesmerized by what I had seen
memories spent in mourning
how long could it have been

I'm forgetting all that matters
time has never felt so wrong
in the ages that have been withered
have I been dead for so long ?

i remember dreaming of a ghost
in whispers I heard him sing
he told me that I shall too be
swept away by the northern winds
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aviisevil Nov 2015
do tears still soak the bed
as demons whisper inside your head
do you feel lonely?
when the world is dark and cold
and there's nobody to hold you
as the moon grows old
does the empty space remind
the reasons you sat crying
can you not hear me
now that I am sick and dying
do you still remember my voice
now when tears don't make a noise
as I fade into the void
Bearing your silence
For us, forever.
aviisevil Jun 2016
karma **** me in pieces
I have no guilt
the house you've built
has no walls
and my all
everything I own
is out in the open

set in stone
my unknown fear has
broken a heart that
won't have no faith
oh, how much I hate
my wait
to die young

karma find me
tell me if I'm alive
I have a question
why life ?
there must've been
so much more before

open the door
and let me in
it's so cold outside
and I'm frozen within
my tears are ice
cutting my skin
and bleeding an ocean
of nothing

tears don't mean a thing
they don't exist
stop resisting with all your strength
you make me sick
I think I will die
before you can get rid of me

I think I've faded before
but that wasn't my fault
it was not me
someone else got caught
it was so long ago
I must have forgotten
he was not me
I've never been any rotten

autumn comes and goes
but I find no birds
the trees won't talk
I think I'm lost
where nobody knows
somewhere in you
switch on the lights
see me as I am
I've always been yours

leave me be
there's nothing else to see
I've seen all I can
but that's not enough
to buy an ounce of dream
do not scream
you don't have to whisper
i won't linger for long
i do not belong here at all
inside these walls
aviisevil Jul 2015
all I have are words
in this world, of hurt and love
In all the ways I am cursed
i still find an ocean above
raining down, ash and dust
every breath, in my every death
from the dawn till dusk
as I bleed to become someone else
losing myself, In the skies I rust
beneath the shadows and stars
in my scars I see it unfurl
another design,
to nurture my ****** hurt
ticking hours tricking my hurt
as I watch another rust
in those broken mirrors
a stranger fades with a touch
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jun 2017
trickle down
in pieces

in so many
that not any
can piece it

let fickle minds
do the thesis

the riddle
that you are

they'll never
complete it
aviisevil Jul 2017
the ill on my lips
is filled
with hurt in my heart
and the thrill
in my veins;
of knowing
there's a sadness
coming again,
to soothe all my scars

as the salt on my tongue
keeps reminding me
of the tears i cry

it'll still take
an ocean's worth
for the love to dry
aviisevil Oct 2018
rest in peace
inside my mind, in my heart
with love and the pieces

you never know what you're
about to learn, or burn

until it reaches the throne
on the stone, the third rock
beyond the shine, where you've
been seated.

here without you,
i too have - all i've ever needed
the secrets, and the pages

and nobody can read it.

and you can bleed it, feed it,
you're my only, the only i have
ever needed.

here without you
i'll try to fill myself with
everything you've left me behind

i'll set myself on fire
and lock myself in, in time,

maketh the man,

and keep it.


hello darkness my lone friend
tell the truth of what we've become

i can't see in the dark
and i know you're lost too
without a clue in the blues
breathing in the violet violence

listening to the silence
waiting for us to make a sound

but no one's ever gonna
come around

and the day will go on
just the same, here without you

we'll never be found in our pains
and that's all there is to it

six feet deep into the ground
heart first into the coal

and the charcoal skies still speak
of the rains that drowned out the noise
and they ******* scream about you

they scream in my brain
and they dream in my heart
they find a way to tear me apart
but they find a reason to make me
fear the shards, the sharp and sharks

swimming, and breathing a firestorm
and there are no angels only a
thunderstorm, bleeding what is gone

written in the stones
on the snow covered trees
and i swear, i'll miss your voice
for as far as i can see

and i'll make your void
a part of me, as far as i'm free

and i swear, i'll love you today
and i promise i'll love you
now and every day for the rest
of my life, here without you

so, sleep my child
and i'll be there for you
singing to you a new lullaby
every night for the rest of
my life, here without you

and i don't care
if nothing again is ever
about you

and i won't fear even
if ever it starts to pain again

i'll be here, i swear,
here without you.

here without you,
and always be about you.

and i'll be here till i hear,
i will, and i swear, until you
make me find a reason
to remind me,

nothing is, and will be
ever without you

here without you.
rest in peace
aviisevil Aug 2015
I saw a revolution in the sky
someone said it was all a lie
there is something wrong in my eyes
he hopes I die, I think..
I think I saw him cry too
but would something like this
Happen to maybe, you
are you still confused between
what is going on around you
and if this world really is just a dream
when the sky isn't so blue
now why don't you all
gather behind in line like slaves
cave in to the depths of greed and sin
tumble down the pile we all have made
washing our hands with so many grins
whilst silence whispers of those
who were wise enough to let us in
down on the path of weak and brave
till we ate all their hearts from within

there is only one who can stand atop
and all must feed down from him
there is no stick, curse or a rock
that can reach his mighty wings
only his own journey back to civilization
another melancholic song for a mad nation

thumping their green against the barren sky
wearing the world that has been broken and taken
its clouds and rivers swallowed by the howling smoke
for some colours so many rainbows had to die
painted in white and black all across the border
you can hear a lonely mother cry
in the middle where the old tangled veins choke
the mercy of a poison, painting blunders far and wide
the old burnt banner in the middle of dying corpses spells hope

it has been raining blood since that late night
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