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9.5k · Apr 2014
Alison Apr 2014
the future was a tunnel
with no pinprick of light at the end
and i stumbled blindly
sensitive fingers keeping balance
by the roughness of the walls
eyes never fully adjusting
                          you tore the roof off
sunlight is a powerful thing
to someone who is used to the dark
The first one.
7.1k · Apr 2014
Physical Affection
Alison Apr 2014
There are some people who drape themselves across others
like rugs,
who beg for physical affection
like a dog waiting to have its belly scratched,
who hook pinkies and elbows and knees
with their best friend from childhood while huddled under blankets
in the middle of the night.
                  I am not one of these people.
I sit on the arms of couches,
feet turned away from the pile of mismatched body parts
that occupies the cushions.
                  I am not used to being touched gently.
But something about you
makes me crave contact.
     Hand to hand
             Hip to hip
                     It doesn’t matter.
All my life I have been balancing on the edge of
fear and desire
in a world without all of my senses,
and I think
      one touch from you
              a brush, a spark
                       would send me falling.
No, not falling.
somethingsomethingsomething get naked. (working title)
2.5k · Apr 2014
Alison Apr 2014
you told me you want to create
beautiful art
and i can't understand
how you don't see
that you are already an artist.
you paint your stories on my skin,
masterful watercolors
in deep reds and clear blues
your every word is a
drop of paint
that i carry with me.
i am a willing canvas
for your beautiful creations
She is my artist.
1.3k · Apr 2014
Language Barrier
Alison Apr 2014
Sometimes I think
there are not enough words
to describe the color of your eyes
or the curve of your neck,
the way you make my bones ache
or the speed of my heart when I hear your voice.
I think about the lack
the inability
to outline you in pencil and ink
with all the words I know now.
You are something new.
You require a new combination of
letters and sounds.
There is not a single phrase in all of the world
to explain the way you make me feel,
so for you
I will create a new language.
1.2k · Apr 2014
Natural Instincts
Alison Apr 2014
In the middle of the night
I wake briefly
and reach for you
How quickly you have become
one of my
natural instincts
Every night.
917 · Apr 2014
Phantom Limb
Alison Apr 2014
People tell stories of phantom limbs
pieces of themselves that were lost
were severed
that they can still feel.
They are haunted by what they once had
an itch here
an ache there
ghost sensations as powerful as the real thing.
You are my phantom limb.
You fill the hole in the center of my chest
with a continuous presence
that radiates outwards
in soft gray waves.
I feel your fingers on my stomach
your lips on my cheek
your heat mingling with mine.
Pleasure mixed with pain.
Because there is pain, yes.
Pain of remembrance
pain of what I left behind
pain of what I must wait to regain.
But there is so much more than that.
A which sort of beauty,
my little ghost heart.
And while there are those
who reject the invisible part of themselves
I relish it.
My constant reminder
that you were once in my arms
that we truly have touched
that this love has an origin.
My little ghost heart.
Alison Apr 2014
There are some days
when my thoughts curl up my throat
to seal my lips
with red hot wax
and I cannot even try to open my mouth.
There are some days
when fear is a sharp-clawed monster
on my tongue
held inside only by a
pearl white cage.
There are some days
that I count my words like grains of rice
because one too many
can open floodgates.
But recently
there are most days
when thoughts of you
break the wax seal,
when thoughts of you
calm the dangerous beast,
when thoughts of you
dry up the flood,
and words come tumbling off my tongue
dripping honey and lavender
and wide open vowels.
I talk about you
to anyone who
will listen
I love having you to talk about.

— The End —