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Why do I like him?

Can I touch you?
Just there on your throat
Lean in to kiss it, and
Smell the earthy scent of your skin.
To press my lips on you,
to taste the skin
to **** you
hold you.

I want you to sink your head into my lap,
smell me, wrap your arms around me.
To cry, to find comfort with me.
Fall asleep there.
Play with your black hair,
feel it's texture thick.
The heat of you on me,
it burns on me.
I'm not tired
No, not in the slightest

I'm not upset
No, just mellow

I'm not sure
No, I really don't know

I'm not smiling
No, my face is straight

I'm not empty
No, there's emptiness to me

I'm not together
No, rather I'm apart

I'm not sane
No, try insane

I'm not saying it
No, I've said enough I think

I'm not done typing*
*No, I have plenty more I could give...
This stuffed cat toy is my only sense of physical companionship right now. Even then, the more I hug it,  the more I cry. Sorry... im just down...
 Nov 2015 Marcus Belcher
Can't leave him,
I've got to stick to my word.
I accept these mistakes
But isn't it just fate?
a Plan
a Play
By someone who wants it to be this way,

You can't stop loving someone
In just,
One day

God help me now
Save me now
You graciously brought him to me
Now don't pull him away

Direct me
To the right path
The honest path
The balance of my feelings
And what's right
I promise
I will not sway.

I've come this far
There's no turning back now
If only
Love were to be a car
Which could make a u-turn

That is the practical side of my mind
Wishing it were true
But I know
My Heart
My Soul
My very existence
Wouldn't allow me to

Tell me
When it wonderfully appears
It might take long
It might take years

Tell me
Once again
It glitters bright
At the end of this long,dark tunnel
Hope returns
A relief, a Stunning light

Wow, this brings me back to last year. It was a confusing time. I was figuring out my priorities. I'm sure about them now haha. But I wasn't then. I wrote this in that turbulent time. Hope you guys can relate to this. Enjoy ;)
 Nov 2015 Marcus Belcher
Dragging your feet,
Cursing at life,
Sighing continuously,
Dreading goodbyes.

Sulk and frown,
Cry and drown.
Concealing and hiding,
To never be found

Skies seem grey
Oceans seem rough
Life seems hard
Breathing seems tough

Snap out of it
This is no way
To go
Be proud of it
Be proud of the life you have yet to explore

See things with light
Look out for the silver lining
Right over there!
Can you see it?
It's glowing
It's brightly lit
It seems concealed and not out there
But like the moon
while the sun is shining,
It is present
It will go nowhere

View things through rose tinted glass

Now lets start again
From start to end

Stars twinkling
Flowers blooming
Spirits lifting
Sun is shining

Cooling breeze
Fresh and Free
Stunning seas
Life can be easy

Look hard
Look at it
If you can see the light
You're doing life right

Look at life like it's spring
not bitter cold November
Giggle and sing!
Positivity is the key
To being alive
To being happy.

A little refreshing uplifter to keep reminding myself that life is not so bad. It's how you look at it.

Positivity is the key
To being

Smile Guys.
 Nov 2015 Marcus Belcher
Seriously, Guys!
This is what I don't
I can't buy.
Like dogs, why do we fight?
When we can be kind and care
Why are people's souls filled with spite?
When love can fill the air

We are all originally
Simple Human Beings
We all have feelings

That one special gift God has bestowed upon us Graciously
That one special gift that separates that Monkey and Me

But are we
Being the good humans
We're expected to be

Are we,
To put it simply,
Being Human

Because, if we're not then...
We should Learn
If not
We'll never yearn

Open our eyes, ears
Hearts and Souls
To learn

Because we are Human,
So we should be,
And write our own destiny

When our inner realization sparks
We would know in our hearts
That we've made a mistake
We would know that
Why did we discriminate?
Why did we constantly hate?
When we all have blood of red
Which we often forget

When we all have two eyes
A mouth
And two ears
When, we humans, all
Have the capacity to fill oceans,
Lakes and streams
With our innocent tears

Step by Step
Hand in Hand
Let's all take a firm stand
To bring back
To rekindle
Our Beautiful World

When Humanity is Lost
We would not recover
We would not be able bear the price, the cost
When Love is over.

Lost with pointless
Battles and Wars
Lost due to endless
Violence and Brawls

There would be no return
So we should learn
Once again

I'm afraid of what people are becoming. We are forgetting that we are humans first before anything else. Many have forgotten how to love. I hope Humanity is not lost because that would be the emotional end of this World.

I hope you all enjoy this poem. We are human beings but many of us aren't Being Human.

The title is inspired by Salman Khan's organisation Hehe.
 Nov 2015 Marcus Belcher
Swirling through my brain
When will I feel free  

Mentally damaging pieces of ****
Just throw yourself into a hole please
Por favor... I'm sure you'll fit

Not the ones that heal or touch
But the ones which annoy me

Its okay..
Shrey BAE

Its your future
This exam paper
Determines your happiness
You'll enjoy the benefits

Hheheh exam stress is getting to me. This little rhyme doesn't create much impact sorryyy. BUT, Just wanted to let you know how tired I am.

XOXO Shreya Dristi.
 Nov 2015 Marcus Belcher
Folds of water
Layers of dirt
Bubbling foam
A vast body
wrapping itself around the Earth

Schools of life
Clumps of Color
This is where it thrives
The souls of creatures
A potpourri of lives

The might of the ocean
The strength of the Sea
No one can match
No one could hardly believe
its ability
to devour kingdoms
Engulf islands and make them its own
Drag them down
Yank them by their legs, shatter their bones
Drag them down
Til they ultimately can descend no more

I can almost hear the primordial sea deity bellow
With a voice so deep
It shocks, explores
and shakes your soul
An immense
Deep bass tone.
It strikes more than just a powerful chord
“Come back to me”
“Return to your mother’s womb, down here, down low”
“You belong to me, my right, my property!”
“Return to the world below.”
“Come back home.”

Under the Sea
What's deep beneath?
The iridescent water
The clouds of foam
Conquered by monsters?
Down there,
Do sirens roam?
We aren't aware
We do not know

Enigmatic waves
Rows of fossils
Caked in dirt
A haven for aquatic raves
A museum holding remnants
telling the story of the Mother Earth

This is the Sea
Take a swim sometime and feel its rhythm
Listen to its story

Flow with the sea’s entrancing beat
I have faith and I believe
That the sea is a world of its own
Accentuated sometimes by its powerful voice or melodious hum
No less mighty than the world above.
Let's keep this beautiful wet world untouched
to keep it as it is, the world we love

My take on the ocean. I have an uncanny connection with the Sea.
I feel it is the epitome of strength. I just love it. I don't know how something so huge and vast can be so personal to me. Ironic.
 Nov 2015 Marcus Belcher
There is a vastness within you
That I don't think I'll ever understand.

You hold a worlds worth of wisdom and stories

Let me climb into your heart
and see your core
Ill scale the walls
I am quite the adventurer.

Eventually I want to reach the peak of your mind so I can see what you are looking at.

For when I said I wanted to take on the world with you,
I meant even the one in your head.
when you quite cant know enough about someone.
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