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I've been lately writing poetry!
Oh? What do I see?
A perfect poetry site waiting for me!
First poem, proud of it!
Oh? Someone in my messages?
This guy seems sweet
And he's hoping I don't get beat!
Pretty songs for me to listen to!
And a drunk man messaging me...?
“You're only making yourself a victim because you're cutting yourself"
Oh? Okay- thanks for the paragraph/drunk rant?

Shining lights on all of my latest poems?
Thank you! You're so sweet!
….oh…talking to me about pedophiles…got it…
Why are there so many sad songs?

Oh? You wrote a poem about the 764 and absolutely humiliating them?
Great! Good job!
…But uhh… why and how did they make a virus only going after your followers that are minors? Not funny!
Why is this man warning me if they threaten me? Is he trying to make me scared on purpose?
Blaming the Japanese for this virus now, huh?
Oh? Now blaming someone else named Pax to be part of the 764? Crazy

…. going to another website? But you're so fun!
May as well click on the link you sent me so I can join you

Drunk rants with me? That's okay!
Giving me gold so I can freely make poems?
Daily texting
2-10 hour sessions
Why are you drinking everyday?
You're making me concerned for your health
I told you to stop drinking, papa
You promised me you'd stop
All you did was keep on drinking

Commenting on every poem I made
Oh? So suddenly I'm a “nasty *****" when I have done nothing to you? ありがとう!
We have a suicide pact now?
I'm going off the bridge first?
Don't mind if I do

Oh? Another poetry site? Okay…
I really don't like the way this site works, can't we just message each other with email?
Yes? Yay!

People bullying you on the internet? That's not okay!
Why would they accuse you of being a *******?
Letting me join an uncensored group to back you up? Great!
Sending me to a Reddit page to back you up?
….oh … they warned me and I didn't do anything….
******* this man is an actual *******…..
gotta go fast like Sonic
pack my bags and leave

Oh? I betrayed you? Crazy
We were just friends
Can you stop spitting my name everywhere?
It's like you're so obsessed with me
Stop trying to be the Eminem to my Mariah Carey
Made a poem about you and you HAD to take it down?
Never thought you'd want to hide your identity THAT hard
Oh? Betting on my suicide now, are we?
Sending me multiple emails, desperate for me to come back to him?
I'm not that ******* naive or gullible
It's crazy if you think that about me
…I did tell you to send those photos of your cut open arms but I DIDN'T THINK YOU'D TAKE IT SERIOUSLY AND DO IT

Being racist?
Why are you so obsessed with my Chinese genes?
“I thought I can use Kai because of her Chinise genes because the Chinise was known to be very good spies. ☝️🤓" へー! Didn't know that!
Also, that's not how you spell Chinese, my fellow kind sir
Threatening people to come to America with a Katana and slice us to pieces
So envious, I see
You're just mad because we have a little bit more freedom than your drunk *** does

Oh…. Talking to me about ****
Got it
I didn't need to be taught about METART or some **** like that
I'm only 12 years old
You ***** *****

Well…this is the aftermath
There it goes out to all of you:
Ryan Geoffrey Hayward
Nephilim Angel
Rose White
Rose Red
Jacob Lives
Hybrid Angel
Bread Crumbs
The Machine
Soul Unknown

(Btw, all of these names are RGH's names so if you have these names, please don't feel targeted! The person knows who they are.)

Marc Morais
This world grows in me—
stone and root,
water bending like sorrow—
the river rises,
catching smooth stones,
carrying all that has been broken.

She spills—
cunning as a courtesan,
her movements deliberate—
a quiet confidence in every curve,
never losing herself.

Her hands shape the world she touches—
soft enough to cradle,
brave enough to let go.

The mountain pauses—
a quiet thinker.
Each step is careful,
his resolve etched in stone,
teaching me to belong—
to stand firm.
Even when the wind cuts,
even when the world
shivers beneath me.

And the forest—
speaks of skies torn apart,
alive with things
I’ve never seen before—
its roots speak softly,
an inheritance of quiet strength.
It whispers of lives lived long gone—
a story written in every leaf,
a hand outstretched
from every branch,
reminding me—

I am their breath,
their silence, their strength—
through stone and root,
water and sky,
this world grows within me—
I am not alone—

None of us are.
The river is my mother,
the mountain is my father,
the ancestral forest, my grandparents...
and I, their breath.
my brain has become inert
my thoughts fragmentary
i don’t know where to start
i’ll hold on to all that hurts
out of need, i need to bleed
Moon wanes tonight
The woeful Anhinga takes flight
She’s foul fowl, past lovers say
Truest form—Bird of Prey
little thoughts
Le poète naïf, qui pense avant d'écrire,
S'étonne, en ce temps-ci, des choses qui font rire.
Au théâtre parfois il se tourne, et, voyant
La gaîté des badauds qui va se déployant,

Pour un plat calembour, des loges au parterre,
Il se sent tout à coup tellement solitaire
Parmi ces gros rieurs au ventre épanoui,
Que, le front lourd et l'œil tristement ébloui,

Il s'esquive, s'il peut, sans attendre la toile.
Enfin libre il respire, et, d'étoile en étoile,
Dans l'azur sombre et vaste il laisse errer ses yeux.
Ah ! Quand on sort de là, comme la nuit plaît mieux !

Qu'il fait bon regarder la Seine lente et noire
En silence rouler sous les vieux ponts sa moire,
Et les reflets tremblants des feux traîner sur l'eau
Comme les pleurs d'argent sur le drap d'un tombeau !

Ce deuil fait oublier ces rires qu'on abhorre.
Hélas ! Où donc la joie est-elle saine encore ?
Quel vice a donc en nous gâté le sang gaulois ?
Quand rirons-nous le rire honnête d'autrefois ?

Ce ne sont aujourd'hui qu'absurdes bacchanales ;
Farces au masque impur sur des planches banales ;
Vil patois qui se fraye impudemment accès
Parmi le peuple illustre et cher des mots français ;

Couplets dont les refrains changent la bouche en gueule ;
Romans hideux, miroir de l'abjection seule,
Commérage où le fiel assaisonne des riens :
Feuilletons à voleurs, drames à galériens,

Funestes aux cœurs droits qui battent sous les blouses ;
Vaudevilles qui font, corrupteurs des épouses,
Un ridicule impie à l'affront des maris ;
Spectacles où la chair des femmes, mise à prix,

Comme aux crocs de l'étal exhibée en guirlande,
Allèche savamment la luxure gourmande ;
Parades à décors dont les fables sans art
N'esquivent le sifflet qu'en soûlant le regard ;

Coups d'archets polissons sur la lyre d'Homère,
Et tous les jeux maudits d'un amour éphémère
Qui va se dégradant du caprice au métier :
Voilà ce qui ravit un peuple tout entier !

Bêtise, éternel veau d'or des multitudes,
Toi dont le culte aisé les plie aux servitudes
Et complice du joug les y soumet sans bruit,
Monstre cher à la force et par la ruse instruit

À bafouer la libre et sévère pensée,
Règne ! Mais à ton tour, brute, qu'à la risée,
Au comique mépris tu serves de jouet !
Que sur toi le bon sens fasse claquer son fouet,

Qu'il se lève, implacable à son tour, et qu'il rie,
Et qu'il raille à son tour l'inepte raillerie,
Et qu'il fasse au soleil luire en leur nudité
Ta grotesque laideur et ta stupidité !

Molière, dresse-toi ! Debout, Aristophane !
Allons ! Faites entendre au vulgaire profane
L'hymne de l'idéal au fond du rire amer,
Du grand rire où, pareil au cliquetis du fer,

Sonne le choc rapide et franc des pensers justes,
Du beau rire qui sied aux poitrines robustes,
Vengeur de la sagesse, héroïque moqueur,
Où vibre la jeunesse immortelle du cœur !
Twisted Poet
P- pages torn from books coated in prophesies  
R- razor blades slice through memories
O- open wounds drip crimson blood upon chalk stars
P- pen drawn runes coat your skin drawn in black ink
H- haloed in holy fire angels descended with knife blade wings
E- eyes gunmetal grey rimmed with puffy red highlights
T- they call you proclaimer, gods words carved into your bones.
Welcome, dear artist, step into the light—
Paint on your pleasure, make your grin tight.
The crowd here is eager, the clapping is loud,
But only for those who have clapped for the crowd.

Powder your cheeks with engagement and grace,
Lace up your lips in reciprocal praise.
A bow for a bow, a sigh for a sigh,
Wink at the watchers or wither and die.

Here in the House where the hollow hands meet,
The loveliest dancers must stay on their feet.
A round of applause is a token to spend,
But spend it too slowly, and you’ll find it ends.

The jesters all juggle, the poets all moan,
The painters trade colors but none of their own.
Each stroke, each verse, each desperate tune,
Not meant to be felt—just meant to be hewn.

For love is a fiction, and merit a game,
A trick of the trade, a conjuring name.
So curtsy, dear artist, and play your part—
For silence here is the end of art.
but what if
'I hate that I love her!' ?
As my dreams play
vivid images of a future
I'm yet to mold
my brain cries in silence
as in my hands, wet clay
is all I hold
Joan Zaruba
Didn’t always love you
In fact I think I hated you
Tried to erase you with my sick games
Tried to **** you by ignoring your light
But now I see
I feel
your light
your life
is lovely
What a feeling it is
to embrace and accept
I love you now
I accept you now
I see now
Tristan Corey
The tulips teach me that beauty
can return even after the frost,
The sunflowers remind me to turn
towards the light,
And the forget-me-nots whisper softly
that some things are meant to be remembered,
not lost.
Em MacKenzie
My back is aching from being bent
kneeling down to write our names in wet cement.
It’ll be there for eternity, decorating the houses both bought and rent.
Too bad I slipped and messed up the hand prints; what counts is the sentiment.

I should’ve been looking both ways
before I crossed every single street.
Regardless I trip, I tumble, and I sway
I think the problem’s within my feet.

I’m tied to you like a boat on the sea
to it’s dock; bobbing up and down endlessly.
Pushed towards you from the waves crashing,
like the boat; doomed if I’m ever cut free.

I’m burdened by games of black and white
and your determined to find a shade of grey.
We could find a way to win if we could place our pieces right
but everytime there’s a loss the board get tossed and thrown away.

I was walking down the city streets
making choices like Meryl Streep,
trying to hide a weakness to showcase a feat,
or maybe just choosing direction; actually not deep.
I was trying hard to just fill some seats
almost like I had some promise to keep,
handing out both set lists and call sheets
looking for any opportunity to sow so I could reap.
Who even knows that this one was.
Axel Guzman
As I stare upon the sea,
I see myself dancing
between the waves,
wishing I were free
from all this pain.

One tear drops,
adding mass to
the already disdained.

I can’t be certain
if it will be washed away,
for I’m controlled by pain—
the same way the moon controls
the way the sea sways.
David P Carroll
A couple happy as can be
In love you and me and
Life's joys were ahead
With love as our guide
Two hearts entwined
A love profound and
Our future is bright
A happy life snuggled in bed.
Julie Grenness
Tempted into wrong way,
Diverse team held sway,
Keen fan did sag,
Boys had lost the flag,
Old team won, glory beamed,
Traitor was back, it seemed!
Feedback welcome.

I don't know what I was looking for,
in the honey draped lights flashing
in my eyes
And the sound of music
that keeps on playing and playing

And the wind that laps over my face
as the world turns,
Like horses running on axis,
weaving through the lines of shadow
and fireworks
And in their trail, I found
stardust that shimmers and shimmers

I found it confusing sometimes
In the endless mirrors and lights
that spirals in my mind
Like vines coiled around poles
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀  ⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀     ⠀⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

And the looming sweetness that lingers,
like pink foam swirling in my mouth

I smiled towards the dying sunset,
thinking it would last forever
I try not to close my eyes
and not be blinded
by the world slowly slipping

Before the music dies
Before the yellow stars burn out
You might not hear my voice
or even remember my name
But I just want you to know that

I was here

There are many sleepless nights for me..
Nights spent pondering what Linux distro to install next..
Nights spent wondering if my parents are gonna find out again.
Nights spent wondering... "Will my boyfriend break up with me"..
But then my alters tell me.. "Go to sleep Elizabeth. Quit worrying."
But I never seem to listen...
And the cycle goes on and on..
I'm back.. Considering deleting most of my socials.
Also, if you dont know what an alter is, look it up. its part of a disorder called DID which i am suspsected to have.
hands seek the
                           blue ribbon--
the flutterer

                                            in butterfly

catch it.

                      please. This too cannot

    go to god.

                                      The heavens

                     are glutted with
Sabrina Shapiro
Blinded by the sun,
So why can't I look away?
Finally - a cloud.
Lotus bud in sparkling haze,
slowly opening in search of light.
Special bloom from ancient times.
Unique in stimulating ways.
Rebirth of many things.
Calming restless minds.
Caressing eyes with charm.
Magic to gloomy days.

Shell ✨🐚
Ancient flower. Symbol of all that’s good in life.
the prologue spoiled the plot
and yet we devoured each line.
consumed by shared truths
and every word unspoken.

it’s not romantic —
just a little tragic.
bookmark it.
put it on the shelf.
the story can’t end
if we never read on.
Mohsin Ahmad
I am but my own foe.
A mere shadow of poignant speculation.
A culmination of nightmares,
An ugly tainting facade of fantasies.
A palatable fluid, ample to make one vanish.
A perpetual glamour of wondrous thoughts.
A package of slain ambitions.
A puzzle, static, unresolved.
Uncertain of genesis,
A mystery unfit to resolve.
I am but my own Frailty.
A dream not to cherish, but to disregard.
I am, or am I?
Joginder Singh
ध्यान से सुनें ,
अपने इर्द गिर्द
तामझाम का मुलम्मा
चढ़ाने वाले ,
दिखावे का
महाप्रसाद तैयार करने वाले।
यह सब क्या है ?
इस आडंबर रचने की
वज़ह क्या है ?
इस दिखावे की बीमारी की
दवा कहां है ?
यह सब कुछ क्या है ?
आप सबको हुआ क्या है ?
दिखावे से क्षुब्ध
आदमी के अंदर
बहुत से सवालात
भीतर पैदा होते रहते हैं !
उसे दिन रात सतत
मथते रहते हैं !!
सवालात की हवालात में बंद करके,
उसे बेचैन करते रहते हैं !!
आज आदमी क्या करे ?
किस पर वह अपना आक्रोश निकाले ?
अच्छा हो कि देश दुनिया और समाज
दिखावा करने वालों को
निर्वासित कर दे
ताकि वे अप्रत्याशित ही
किसी साधारण मनुष्य को
कुंठित न कर सकें।
दिखावे और आडंबर के
मकड़जाल में उलझाकर
अशांति और अराजकता को फैलाकर
जीवन को अस्त व्यस्त कर
आदमी के भीतर तक
असंतोष और डर न भर दें।
एक हद तक
तामझाम अच्छा लग सकता है ,
परन्तु इसकी अति होने पर
यह विकास की गति को बाधित करता है।
अच्छा रहे कि लोग इससे बचें।
वे सादगीपूर्ण जीवन जीने की ओर बढ़ें।
बल्कि वे आपातकाल में संघर्षरत रहकर
जीवन धारा को स्वाभाविक रूप से बहने दें !
इस की खातिर
वे स्वयं को संतुलित भी करें ,
ताकि जीवन में सब सहजता से आगे बढ़ ‌सकें।
तामझाम का आवरण
अधिक समय तक
टिक नहीं पाता है ,
यह आदमी ‌को दुर्दशा की तरफ धकेल कर ,
सुख समृद्धि और सम्पन्नता से
वंचित कर देता है ,
भटकने के लिए
अकेलेपन से जूझने के निमित्त
असहाय,दीन हीन अवस्था में छोड़
प्रताड़ित करता है ,
सतत् डर भरकर
आदमी को बेघर करता है।
Michael John
so, like the ostrich you stuck
your head in the proverbial sand
(lily the merciless)-yes,

but in my defence-the position hopeless,
as thatcher defined the times,
there was no alternative..or is..
It's ok to feel discomfort in the body.
It's ok. Observe it, sensations are ever-changing. Nothing wrong with it.
John Bartholomew
Living like a king
Dressed in others bling
Some may dress you down
Well they can just go and sing
You are who you are,
one fantastic human being
Clothes are for the aesthetic
Just pleased in what you're seeing
Ralph Lauren, Hugo Boss onto YSL
I now spend frivolously,
not in fashion hell
As you don't have to be flash and minted
Just get online and spend spend spend

Mr Vinted

stefan badham
I'd like to make a movie,
And I'd like to put you in it,
I know you want to be a star,
I know you want to go real far,
I'd like to make a movie,
And I'd like to put you in it,
So if you want to go all the way,
I got just the part for you to play.
I have pictures in my memory
Just like the pictures on the wall
That remind me of a time
When i was happy
Could not fault it at all
But now i ask the questions
What happened to the days of laughter?
What happened to the nights of love ?
Will they ever return to revisit me
And once again put love
In the forefront of my mind .
We don't regret what we did, we regret what we didn't do.
Nishu Mathur
The copper bells glisten
Swaying in the sunshine
I pause as I listen
To the tinkling
Of the wind chimes

In the distance, they ring
A gentle melody -
I hear their songs
The unsaid words they sing

How sweet is their music
Sweet the joy they bring
Such is the wonder -
The magic of little things
March arrives, marking the beginning of spring,
though chapters are closing and seasons are ending.
These heavy rains will soon come to an end too,
and the trees are blooming, yet we’re still pending.
I could cry
My whole life
For you,
But you would not stand
At my funeral
When it only rains.
Alvian Eleven
I'm bored of watching the first and second world war movies.
I want to watch the third world war.
Not a movie but a real war.
High tech war with various modern weapons.
Mutual destruction between China , Russia , Iran against America , British , Europe.
This will be the most epic war and I can't wait to watch it.
I will watch it streaming on the big TV that I just bought.
I will watch it casually sitting on the soft sofa in my warm room.
I will watch it while eating martabak and drinking cincau ice.
The third world war will be the best entertainment in the 21st century.

March 2025

By Alvian Eleven
For the things I have been complaining
Because I have not found real joy
I know they are meaningless

The joy cannot be found searching
There is nothing to seek

All I crave I have already
Nothing has been taken
From the starry skies.
Do I hold myself away
In my metal shell
But unchanging
Watching the people go by
From inside
Moving but sitting still.
Or do I open myself up
To painful
Excruciating growth
Knowing in myself
I'm not really meant for this world
I'm not really designed for this life
I don't really fit here

I have so much to give
I want to learn
I want to know why
And that very sense of self
Is a sharp and bruising pain
In every uncertainty
In every doubt.
It's my fault.

The soft sweet life can not grow
If it doesn't feel the burn of the sun
If it doesn't feel the thirst of dry land

Will these challenges
Help me grow?
Or twist and warp me?

I open myself up
I take the leap
Out and away from that metal cage
And into the unknown
I don't really belong here
Ryan O'Leary

When 5 eyes blink
@ night I think the
Saxon hands join
in a link

All coming from a
WASP gene pool
they have become
an evil tool

Four of them still
got a King one a
joker known as
the bling
He is back, being

a foreigner in the land --

he longed for so much.
Novella "Tralievader" (1991, "Nightfather", 1994, Carl Friedman), chapter 'Vreemdeling' (Foreigner) - [1] Odysseus, [2] people who survived a German **** concentration camp, [3] ...

Collection "Thinkles Lusionless"
Night runs through your veins
Alone with the stars
You cut a path into the heavy damp air
And pull life towards you

Brushing by silences
That whisper truths into your soul
Shadows become other worlds
You dissolve into

Pausing to breath in the night
The smile in your heart
Replenishes the desire to be alone
You exhale another chapter of yourself

Starlight shimmers on your skin
You pierce the solitude of darkness
And move ghostlike
Deeper into yourself

Heartbeats pound in your chest
Leaving the used parts of you behind on the path
Your footsteps become a rhythm
To this song of being alive
With the night
Each day.
All I see—
a shadow.
For me,
you left
long ago.

Each day,
we share
the same space,
but there is no
of you—
the person
I once knew.

Each day,
I long to
look deep
into your eyes.
But I know
all I will ever see
is black—
my reflection
staring back.

You don’t laugh anymore.


not like you did before.
Mary Huxley
The room is quiet,
but the silence is louder.
Shadows stretch along the walls,
cold and still.

I sit alone,
hearing nothing
but the soft echo
of my own heart.
No voices.
No warmth.
Just me…
and the quiet.
trailing through the clear crystalline water
squishing through the lush grass
turned up towards the warm heat of the sun
inhaling the sweet, clean air
blowing in the gentle cooling breeze
listening to the wonderful serene sounds
at peace at last
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