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Nov 2017 · 253
Tony Luna Nov 2017
I watched her jump into the ocean.
Moments later I jumped in.
She wrapped my arms around her waist, and whispered I love you.
I spoke the same words, she asked if it were true.

She dunked me under the water as I said yes.
While I was yanked, I pulled down on her dress.
Now sharks are my number one fear.
M made that emotion disappear.

I was only focused on her nothing else mattered.
As we were both below the water she smiled.
Shortly after she swam back to shore becoming a fish out of water.
M began to shiver.

We got back inside her leather interior corvette.
We were both soaking wet.
I took off my clothes as she did hers.
Her skin tone changed different colors.

After our sesh, I covered her up with my vans beanie and sweater.
M saw my clothes were still wet so she turned on the heater.
Each time M smiled was breath taking.
The radio was turned on and the evening became more amazing.

We sang for hours as our bodies dried.
Got out of the corvette then headed back to the tide.
I swung her around as she laughed and giggled.
I was only wearing shorts, but M was nicely covered.

The sun was resurfacing,
We got back inside her car; she started driving.
We arrived to her house and made out.
As I opened the car door to ride away, M had already planned our next hangout.
The adventures never stop
Apr 2017 · 342
Moving On
Tony Luna Apr 2017
I get messages, but they're not from her.
Lately, I've been writing a lot about her on a sheet of paper.
Her smile glistened and in that moment I was caught in awe.
****, she made me laugh to the point where I couldn't feel my jaw.
Apr 2017 · 414
Tony Luna Apr 2017
I often write to many writing task.
But that's just because I'm trying to mask,
The inside of my inner thoughts.

They come back and forth like the waves to the shore.
It often gets chaotic making it hard to ignore,
The inside of my inner thoughts.

Regularly my head is drooped on my palm.
The hold it has on me, I want it liberated from...
Feb 2017 · 422
I Still Remember
Tony Luna Feb 2017
I wasn't always sleeping when you were gone.
At times when I heard the door shut, I rose.
You see I was terrified of John,
He crept up in my room; lightly stepping on his toes.

Not knowing if he was mad he'd say "come here!"
Always listened, for I heard the cries at night.
The house was drenched in fear.
Twenty one years have gone by and I still recall the fight.

Blood dripping from her shoulder.
Tears falling from her cheek.
That is when I built up anger! (aaaahhh)
My brother and I weren't strong enough to take on his physique.

All we could do was stare as he desperately tried to bring her down.
She used the wall as leverage.
John all while losing stamina for the takedown.
My mum stood her ground and tired the beast with unforeseen courage!
I've heard a lot of "kids wont remember a thing as they get older". Even with the crash that I was in, I still recall a few terrors.
Dec 2016 · 740
Take Flight
Tony Luna Dec 2016
I can see the weight of the world on your shoulders;
And your eye lids crashing down like boulders.
I know it seems like you're never at rest,
But here we are trying our best.

To lift you up,
Through all the hiccups and the gossip.
In this tremendous sphere.
Where many people fear,

What tomorrow will bring
Just know there's nothing,
That your doing wrong
Approaching everyday headstrong.

Drop your anchors,
And pull out your feathers.
It's time for you to take flight,
And let us handle the fight.
We have each others back
No need to worry about your pack.
Dec 2016 · 719
Tony Luna Dec 2016
This loneliness I feel, I know is only temporary.
Just as I know my right hand won't always be empty.
Nov 2016 · 442
Sorry Mum
Tony Luna Nov 2016
I know I just took the biggest spill,
But, I cannot live without the adrenaline thrill.
I know it hurts you to barely see me walking.
But, I'll always find a way to stand with all this aching.

I know this was a big scare for you,
But, I will continue to pursue the things I love to do.
Your mother intuition never seems to fail.
Because you were able to see the ail;

That I tried to hide in the shadows.
My brother, I'm sorry blood dripped from my hands onto your pillows.
I'm sorry you were also scared.
This mysterious accident left me impaired.

Only temporary
For I am already on the road to recovery.
My hobbies do come with consequences;
But it will not stop me from going against those forces.
When I got home I asked my bro if mum was home. He said "no, **** what the hell happened to you". I went to go lay on his bed not realizing I was getting blood on his favorite pillows. When my mum got home she automatically knew something was wrong even though I tried to hide my pain. Mum said "get up, get up, lemme see how bad you are". The fact that I couldn't stand, she knew I was in pretty bad shape.
Nov 2016 · 621
Tony Luna Nov 2016
I hate how I can't sleep at night.
Why does my body put up a fight?
I yawn like I'm gasping for air.
So I lay there listening to "The Prayer".

Pulling out a pen helps me sleep.
Rather than imagining and counting sheep.
My spilled ink allows me to create a universe on a smooth surface.
Like Van Gogh with a canvas.

I write till my face hits the table.
Every night is the same, so I stay up planning my next travel.
Sometimes I'll wake tearing a page off my face.
I'll read it then throw it straight into the fireplace.
The Prayer is a song by Kid Cudi that I enjoy listening to.
Oct 2016 · 858
Tony Luna Oct 2016
I close my eyes and the black sea rises.
As I try to sleep, I feel my body sway.
My dreams are filled with many surprises.
So I force myself to stay awake till the next day.
I love amusement parks, but when it comes to sleeping it *****. Then when I start to dream it gets crazier. So I force myself to wake up.
Oct 2016 · 233
Not Completely
Tony Luna Oct 2016
My feelings for you vanished.
Plus the places traveled with you perished.
I know, I didn't lose every memory;
Because my body responds unknowingly.
I forgot you, but not completely.
Sep 2016 · 1.4k
Tony Luna Sep 2016
Four hour drive to Nevada
Long *** drive I knew, I should've had some *****.
No traffic, just a bunch of rear view lights displayed as stars.
No sight seeing, just mountains and lame *** cars.

Music plays, and laughter took place.
I sang to keep the drowsiness off my face.
We encountered some dips,
And I began to dance; but didn't move below the hips.

Mainly listened to hip hop,
That kind of rhythm you cant just stop.
You gotta dance all throughout to the last note.
Even if someone sees you dance and prays for an antidote.

We arrived to our destination close to midnight.
Once my body touched the bed, I no longer saw light.
Only to wake at four in the morning,
Laying in bed breathing and writing.

Seven forty five small black box starts to yell.
My family woke up, and made our way out of the hotel.
Set course to the lake then hopped on a boat.
Sailed to a shore that wasn't remote.

My aunt's family is pretty cool and chill.
Their boats and seadoo made the weekend that much more of a thrill.
The food and drinks never seemed to end.
I climbed a cliff and prepped for my descend.

Jumping into black water,
On our way back, scolded by my uncle as if he were my father.
I didn't get mad, with my adrenaline, I never know when to stop.
So I listened and never went back to the hilltop.  

Chief took his boat back in with a big floating device.
Oscar told me to hold on, that was his only advice.
I haven't smiled so much in so long.
That's how it should be all yearlong.

Touching land again, my existence was then recorded.
The video was sent to my mother to show I wasn't wounded.
The water began to call my name, so I entered it's depths.
The water touched my skin like a cool breeze kiss.

Going back to Aquarius, we were burnt as hell.
I'm sure we stood out more than Wisconsin's well known carousel.
Showered then went out to eat.
Returning back to the room to sleep cause I was beat.

I met this girl named E with much more consonants and vowels.
Saying I jumped from a kiddy cliff, her words played constantly in the back of my head like howls.
Well E, I love my life and get injured on the daily.
I can only imagine myself screaming like a little baby.

I mean there has to be a reason those rocks are carved out like skulls.
I've climbed trees higher than that castle.
But jumping such height, I'm not sure I can do.
But if I do jump and the light vanishes who will come to my rescue?

Packed up our gear and headed back to our room.
My uncle and I stayed in, but my aunt changed into another costume.
Drank a beer then fell asleep.
Woke up to the sound of my heartbeat.

Two hours later and there was still no sound.
Looked out the window and there was no one around.
My cousin woke, and began to talk.
My fam got up and we began our walk.

I swam for a good two hours.
My aunt, cousin, and I got on a raft; I kid you not we should've gone to the doctors.
Tia skipped on water, my prima broke her finger, and I coughed blood.
Hell I'd go to the ER, if and only if all my trips were funded.
This trip I'll never forget,
That goes for the teal water, and the red pink sunset.
Three weeks after the crash, I went on this amazing trip! ****, just ****, this trip was so much fun! I wish it didn't have to end.
Aug 2016 · 205
Tony Luna Aug 2016
She's stumbling,
She's struggling.
I'm trying to lift her higher,
Away from all the fire!

There's only so much I can do or say,
Before she's tugged by the weight.
That's been sitting on her chest,
Only allowing her to rest;

When her body crashes.

I sit by her bedside
Trying to put aside.
The stress that holds her down.
Making sure her head still holds the crown.

Without her head gear,
You can see the fear,
In the eyes of my brothers.
Not for long though
From what we've come to know.

Is that we grow from every battle.
From every fumble.
Never losing hope in one another.
Helping each other even if at times we're not together.
Aug 2016 · 233
Why I Write
Tony Luna Aug 2016
I write what I see and hear.
What I've felt and what I fear.
I write and read poetry to have something to believe in.
Others might do it for the same reason.

For what's being described is true.
Or venting out our problems to get us through.
Every writing task is different,
Just like a student; everyone brings forth a diverse movement.
Aug 2016 · 357
I'm Tired
Tony Luna Aug 2016
I'm tired of all this sickness, and the pain.
All I want to feel are the thunderous skies rain.
I want to travel to New York by train;
Because I don't think I'll see much art by plane.

I want to leave California for a bit, I want out.
Once there I shall climb their tallest towers and shout.
I need to scream out all this distress.
It's put me under a pile of mess.
Aug 2016 · 733
May 13th
Tony Luna Aug 2016
I have scars on my body the origin to some I have no clue.
Some memories are a blur, and I don't know exactly what I've been through.
You're more than welcome to read my mind or hand.
I no longer have a steady stand.

The crash had changed me in ways I didn't know.
Since the crash, my brain has lost so much info.
People I've known slipped through a crevice.
Memories of mine found a way out of my iris.

I used to question my surrounding.
Now I question myself for not knowing.
I'm trying to chisel away as much blur as I can.
Each piece I break off only seems to grow larger than my wingspan.

This day and on I only hope to retain,
My new campaign even if it turns me insane.
I'm ready for what comes my way, cause there is still an airflow.
Life knocks me down and I rise back up without a halo.
I was on my way to the beach with a few friends. It's was a four car pile up. One of the cars took off. It was bad enough that the freeway I was on got shutdown. The crash was cleared up, and we spent the next eight hours stuck in Los Angeles.
Aug 2016 · 402
Round One
Tony Luna Aug 2016
I've been off round one for a while now.
Since then my anxiety has grown ten times its size.

My grip on life has gotten loose somehow.
Now I'm scared when people look into my eyes,

They'll catch a glimpse of something they don't need to see.
A boy lost out at sea.

My chest has caved in, I need air.
I'm staring at the sky because I know it's there.

So why do I struggle to breathe it in.
Or feel it against my skin.
In this poem "Round One" is an actual place located in Socal. Everytime I've told my mum I was going to this place, I was actually smoking.
Jul 2016 · 572
Tony Luna Jul 2016
I feel like an anchor sinking down to the bottom of the sea.
A strong hold that's taken grasp upon me.
I know I can fight my way above the water.
But somehow I keep sinking down further and farther.

At that moment I realized it might be the end.
And every time I feel my body let go, I'm back above the surface once again.
I don't know what my purpose in life is.
So I stare at myself in the mirror just looking into my iris.

Nothing but pitch black, a sky without stars.
A boy covered in scars,
Someone with heart;
Who's been torn apart.
"Lassen Sie den Ozean zu nechmen Sie mich" - Joel Birch
Jul 2016 · 237
Be The Change
Tony Luna Jul 2016
My words on paper are like a meteor,
I don't always write something amazing.
Every now and then my words can be someone's ember.
I've been told my words can be life saving.

I often catch myself speaking to someone that needs advice.
Someone in need of a smirk.
I tell them phrases I have written, thoughts that entice.
Because I don't want someone in need of help to go berserk.

You know a smile and a hello,
Carry out such a far distance.
It can make someone's heart and soul glow.
Make conversation, and within that moment everything will change; especially their essence.

My words, your words can help out.
Be the change people look towards the sky for.
Some people walk around with so much doubt.
Be someone's heroine, savior, be someone's cure.
Jul 2016 · 505
Ask 'em
Tony Luna Jul 2016
The thrill is not far away
I don't want us to be astray
This one thing i will speak of
Is not pressured like a dove

I've been preparing for this say
Knowing now is the day
To ask for the nights adventure
The moods will change like temperature
I wrote this for a homie that needed help asking his girl to prom
Jun 2016 · 560
Tony Luna Jun 2016
When the sun gets low,
The city starts to glow.
Walk to the tallest point,
And roll up a joint.

Inhale exhale
Watch the stars sail.
Vivid images above the atmosphere
Only then do things seem clear.

Good vibes no stress,
Don't worry about the progress of your success.
Put on a good tune,
And sing as if your howling at the moon.

Dance as if your feet are on fire
Then rest and watch the sky turn sapphire.
Don't contemplate on what you haven't done.
Just live your life, time waits for no one.
Jun 2016 · 491
Rise Like The Sea
Tony Luna Jun 2016
Sway me back and forth, hold me in your chest.
My head feels like it's being compressed.
Put me to sleep, put me to rest,
Because I can feel my upcoming quest.

Wrap your arms around my body,
Sing me a song, just not so loudly.
Part my hair from my eyes,
And you will see my unlit cries.

Clasp your hand between my fingers,
Cause your touch are my only embers.
Keeping me from going overboard,
You strum my heart like the c minor chord.

Because of you I have a smile bigger than the setting sun,
Which makes you the ocean.
You make me rise like the sea,
And when I fall it doesn't hurt that badly.
May 2016 · 285
Tony Luna May 2016
I'm laying down in bed,
Thinking ******* the words she has said.

Laying down in the dark,
Waiting for the flame to ignite the spark.

Her words, and spirit constantly running through my head.
She makes me feel alive and never dead.

If I describe her beauty to you it might sound like a myth.
She's the only girl I want to make conversation with.

I've watched the sun go down and rise,
But nothing compares with the look in her eyes.
A girl from the past

— The End —