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10.8k · Nov 2015
Deez Nuts!
Red Fox Nov 2015
Guess what I'm writing about
Deez Nuts!
No seriously,
Not the thought we were going for?
So let's go a little more;
Maybe about the presidential candidate
Or the family jewels on my plate.
I'm trying not to laugh
Or bust a gut.
Maybe I can use Deez Nuts!
To bust in your guts.

Let's just rhyme.
I like big butts
(And I cannot Lie)
Or I might get in a rut
If you play with my nuts
And don't let my kids
Kiss your back or your ****
Or reach those guts.

Sidenote: I'm tan
Like a pharaoh, King Tut
But first,
Get Acquainted with me
Unless you're a ****.
Than you're more than welcome
To meet Deez Nuts!
Sorry, It was a bet.
1.5k · Dec 2015
Questions for the Boogeyman
Red Fox Dec 2015
Don't question me about my thoughts
Read my poems to know who they haunt
Check my past to see what I want
Short and sweet cause I'm bored
1.5k · Dec 2015
Red Fox Dec 2015
No one knows what it's like
To live as a ****
we have Hobbies,
And we give Our kids hugs.

No one knows what it's like
To be Black all the time
For everyone to lock doors around you,
In fear of imminent crime.

No one know what's it like
To be Me
My problem are through the roof.
I take my anger out
Through poetry.

No one knows what it's like
To be Someone Else
I'm grateful to be here
And hopefully in good health.

If we all placed our problems on a table,
We'd take ours back.
That's a line I learned from a White gentleman,
Who looked at me for more than being Black.

Appreciate Everyone
A poem in appreciation of my mentor
1.4k · Dec 2015
Caged Bird
Red Fox Dec 2015
Why does this caged bird sing?
Because I'm Black,
In a country that says that doesn't mean a thing.
Because racism has taken many setbacks
And the Klu Klux **** has applications
and we know where the police get their reps at.
So why can't we take a step back?
My life means less than yours,
But I find myself pursuing better things
So my daughter never wants for more.
Locked in cages,
I'm a Starling
So I yearn to fly.
See my brothers in them four walls
Like that's where they were born to die.
If our privilege was like yours
We would never hear those expensive collect calls.
So we use our knowledge for wrong,
You'd never appreciate that a felon could write this poem.
Trapped in environments that don't care for us,
We try to branch out
They take a few shots
And you no longer hear from us.

So why does the caged bird really sing?
Probably because I know where my opportunities really lie.
In a ball, a mic or some reality show.
I'm not against those options
But I live in reality though.
There's no hope for the rehabilitated,
You have to carve your own road,
And nowhere is that clearly stated.
And to add insult to injury,
I'm Muslim and if you knew
You wouldn't see a friend in me.

So why does the caged bird sing?
If you clearly can't hear us,
Why put on a badge in a neighborhood,
If you fear us?
You prop yourself on a pedestal
And look down.
You brought us here, left us in the field, in shacks
And now we're in the Slums of every town.
You diminished our importance
And showed us anything that wasn't white was wrong,
For all I know you helped me write this poem.

So why does this caged bird sing?*
So my words can vibrate my shackle loose,
So my ideals can blow open the door
And my melody can inspire every bird too.
1.3k · Jan 2016
My Ignorance Isn't Bliss
Red Fox Jan 2016
You can never save the world
Without Loss
You can only change within
No Matter the Cost

Change Within
Our Greatest Weapon,
A prolific ammunition,
Conveying wounds through the most infinitesimal incisions,
Ricocheting across the battlefield,
We call our nation.

The greatest weapon
Against our greatest enemy,
Is our ability to inspire one another.
Love Conquers our Differences
Time can Build a better Future,
Even over a foundation of
**Belligerent Ignorance
I am neither White or Black
I'm just ME
Without an understanding or empathy
For anyone who can't see that
1.2k · Dec 2015
Red Fox Dec 2015
Far from sympathetic,
No fond memories
Of me as empathetic.

Some emotions
Seem like distant cousins
I've never met with.
Red Fox Dec 2015
These words leave my mind
Course through my veins
Find strength in my pain
And bare their soul through ink stains.

May or may not be intended for you
Cause if the shoe don't fit
Get yourself a size two
I don't have the capacity to disrespect a whole race,
Oh yeah this isn't an apology too.

I wrote Caged Bird to tolerate ignorance
It was more of me letting off a hindrance.
I let it bare my fight
My hooks were my words
My jabs, my verbs.
And the ten count was the title, Caged Bird.

Yesterday someone called me a N**
I just wrote unhindered
I let loose my mental trigger

So I've said it before and I'll say it again
If the shoe doesn't fit
Don't worry my friend
So if you know where you stand,
Be there, unshaken.
If your lip have never uttered the words
Then why is it offense you've taken?
1.2k · Dec 2015
Red Fox Dec 2015
I can't sing
I don't dance
But I can make these words
Prance across this page
And soothe you with melodious rhymes of my life at a glance.

I'll never be Trey
but I can write poems into Songz
I'm not soulful like Gladys
But I write these poem to be someone's shining Knight
I'm a spur of the moment poet
Nothing more and probably less
I'll never be the greatest
But I'm glad I got these words off my chest.

I can float like a butterfly
And sting like a bee
But growing up I realized
I'm kinda good looking
So fighting really wasn't for me.
I'm 6 foot 3
Can dunk and dribble a ball
But I have a bad knee
So I'm just another guy that's tall.

So for now your stuck with my poems
At least until I find something better to do
But I have to stop somewhere
So I'll end it with this.
I think you're all way better poets than me
But I won't give up til you all
Know I Exist
Just writing because I have nothing better to do at work
1.1k · Nov 2015
Stage Fright
Red Fox Nov 2015
I still don't know what poem to write!
Write about the black man's plight?
Nah, oversaturated and a little too light.
So, ... We'll scratch that.

After this maybe someone will match that.
But seriously, maybe about me.
But I'm not free or open
And you don't wanna hear about how
I'm 24 years old and spent the last 12 smokin'
Ya probably think I'm joking.

But seriously,
Some would call this this writer's block.
Then what am I doing up here
Just wasting my 15 seconds of fame
Before I leave ashamed
Drowning my pain in a bottle
Of someone else's Success?

So who will it be tonight?
Jack, Remy or Jimmy?
But before I go
Do me a favor
Please applaud.

So I don't slump into a depression,
upon realizing my pocket's recession
So a flew claps can sway my pain
So please do me that favor
And don't let me leave ashamed!
Open Mic Rant
1.1k · Dec 2015
Red Fox Dec 2015
I am Muslim.
Full of mistakes,
And far from a good one.

I'm a ****.
Not too far from a hood one.

I know whoever reads this
Has been labeled before
And not always good ones.

But You and I are the same,
Honestly Understanding Mistake And Nproving.
We can't ever perfect.
So for those with labels,
Embrace them.
For your only Human
And labels are just small puddles in the rain
So roll up your pants
And dance through the pain.
Wanted to write something uplifting for Lunch.
1.0k · May 2016
A Couple of Forevers
Red Fox May 2016
From the crest of your head,
To the ***** of your feet.
I love every inch of you,
A couple of forevers.
Only makes you taste,
All the more sweet!

I get lost in the ocean,
That lies behind your eyes.
A manifestation of your love,
Even greater than
What's between your thighs!

Making constant eye contact,
To disseminate later periods of bereave.
As open as a window,
On a cool summer night's eve.

A couple of forevers,
Just falling leaves from a tree.
A couple of forevers,
Just small trials to endure.
Even smaller,
When I think of you,
Spending forever with me.
844 · Nov 2015
Musiq Soulchild
Red Fox Nov 2015
Why am I so guarded?
Emotional defense on *******
Too scared to hurt or be hurt
So relationships, I readily deter them
Jumping through situations like a temp taking any employment
Treating ***** calls like an active soldier ready for deployment.
Missing something,
Just don't know what it is,
Treating women like thots
That's me being the kettle calling black on the ***.
Just wanna be friends
Like Musiq
But I'm the soulchild of a disadvantaged generation.
Why shouldn't I abuse it?
So lets just just hook up, hang out,
Netflix and Chill
780 · Nov 2015
Say It!
Red Fox Nov 2015
So I do more than Say It
Never less when I Do It
For you I gotta Prove It
You're the goal
And I just gotta get to it.
Even though others want you
I know what I want to
And I hope it's mutual
And we can make this perpetual.

Just to clarify,
This isn't just ******
More of a pursuit based on intellectual.
With a little thirst,
Knowing I'll never be the first.
Just hoping to be your last;
Wanting more than just convos
Through our Apple and Samsung glass.
Just hoping to get past
These Instagram filter at last.
777 · Dec 2015
(10 Word)
Red Fox Dec 2015
I am ME
For I am FREE
Uncontested, **NEVER BESTED
I wanted to do a 10 word poem to end the night.
769 · Dec 2015
Drip Drop
Red Fox Dec 2015
Can I have you
Once more?
Can I have you
Some more?
Hooked on you.
A better word to employ.

Can I have you
Just for tonight?
Your warm embrace
Sends the boogie man away

Can I have you
All to myself?
Is too much of a good thing
Really bad for your health?
So when will the horrors of your company
Turn to joy?

Or maybe they wont!
Stuck in a nightmare
Of my vices and faults.
Looking for a resolution
That I subconsciously don't want.

Every drop is a momentary release.
Moving one step forward
But always two steps back.
Trapped in addiction
Is always defeat!
Lunchtime topic
738 · Nov 2015
My Bio
Red Fox Nov 2015
Righting wrongs,
Pen strokes
No songs,
Stepping away from
Chasing thongs
716 · Dec 2015
Red Fox Dec 2015
Day in,
Day out.

Gambling pool of what I aspire for,
But I don't
Money on the table for what I could be,
But I won't

6 foot 3,
But a home full of Jerseys,
Isn't what I want
A felon with a rap sheet taller than him
Words with meanings, much smaller than him
Who am I?
Can we start over again?

But still a Giant
Has a temper,
But still compliant
Heart of gold,
Always defiant
Eternal war waging,
David Vs Goliath

Proving my mettle,
Harder than it seems
Maverick, something like Kanye,
* Getting Out Our Dreams

Feeling powerless,
But fighting on.
Chasing goals,
Dodging wrongs.
Fuel for today,
*Headphones On
695 · Dec 2015
Who Am I
Red Fox Dec 2015
Who I thought I was:
Who I was:
Who I think I am:
Who I am:
Who I want to be:
Who I will be:
566 · Dec 2015
True Beauty
Red Fox Dec 2015
You're more beautiful than anything I've ever seen.
Infatuated with your morning face
Before layers of make up
And glistening hair from oil sheen.
You demand attention within every room
You're a perpetual storm of beauty
Just your existence makes angels swoon
You require no additives or extra fillings
Your allure is truly a gift from above
Without a proverbial ceiling.

You are woman
And everything I say is true.
You are woman
And we as man are truly blessed
To be allowed to exist beside you
For all women, big, small, short or tall. You complete us and we don't offer enough gratitude besides when we see you in your drawers.
552 · Nov 2015
The Approach!
Red Fox Nov 2015
This is a little one sided
Cause I need to **** like I'm about to get indicted
Forget all those candles
And your need to light them
Come here and let me feel your tightness

Excuse my demeanor
I'm usually the politest.
Not trying to be loquacious,
Just a tad persuasive.
Don't have time for chit-chat
Just want to use my lips to make your lips flap

But, let's forget that
Tie you up
Go 50 shades
Place these furry cuffs where your wrist is at.
Maybe I'll be the perfect guy
Hem you up in a bathroom
Bite and **** on ya lip like a vacuum.

Maybe, just maybe I'm jumping the gun.
But these thoughts were fun.
So before I come off crazy,
Let me just say Hello to you, ***!
546 · Nov 2015
Lunchtime Thoughts
Red Fox Nov 2015
Striving to achieve goals for others
My Daughter
Staying true to ideals of another
My Mother
Constant vigilance so as to not be like my uncle's brother
*My Father
516 · Nov 2015
We Need The Old Ye!
Red Fox Nov 2015
I miss when we couldn't tell you nothing
Now someone better tell you something
You're dealing with the Devil In A New Dress
But We all know you're Major
Sadly, you blew up on Sway faster than a dope dealer's pager.
And I know what I'm wearing Ain't Ralph Though
And I don't care how well Kim's mouth blows
I just want a new Workout Plan
OR find the guy who knew George Bush
Didn't care about black people
You Watched The Throne for so long
Only to achieve it
But this is your Homecoming
And I hope you receive it.
Lately, It's been a Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
And I'm not here to play the Blame Game
And maybe I'm too Late for Registration
But I'm just a College Dropout
Trying to make it to **Graduation
493 · Dec 2015
Is Tomorrow Monday?
Red Fox Dec 2015
Days spent;
Enduring hardships,
Trials & Tribulations,
And tortures with timelines of eternities.

We emerge Triumphant
Small victories,
Stolen by Thieves

Everyday problems and stress,
Miniscule moments of rest.
Weekends shorter than the last
Watching the  Sands of time
Pour through the Hourglass

Contemplations of our next 24
Everything appears palpable
Fragments of time
Skip across the lake, we call the present
Exhausting the chance for more.
482 · Feb 2016
Poetry (Truth)
Red Fox Feb 2016
The rhythm of my heartbeat.
The sound of my soul.
The emptiness I keep hidden away,
Filled with hollow words,
That I use to write these poems.
What poetry really is for me
473 · Jan 2016
I can hear you mumbling...
Red Fox Jan 2016
I bare my life in these words
Never find shame in your slurs.
Avoiding action,
Unless Malcolm follows,
Your name,
Preceding a verb.
473 · Dec 2015
Free Love
Red Fox Dec 2015
I love you
Cause when it's darkest
You're my light
I love you
Cause you're there
To defend Malcolm
If I'm wrong or right.

You're my joy
When I know sorrow.
You're hope
When there's only despair I can borrow.
You're the only glove that fits
Without you, I wouldn't exist.
I long to see you throughout my day
Even when you're close
I still miss you as if you're far away.

I love you
Cause you're Me
You've always been you
And you've done it all for Free
Self Love
473 · Dec 2015
Under Siege?
Red Fox Dec 2015
You're not our problems
You're somewhere closer to the truth.
You're not our problems
They're just the personifications of the weakest parts of you.
Nothing last forever is always the easiest thing to say
But that never eases or sends the problem away.
Our problems drown us in oceans of sorrow.
Fighting to breach the aloft waves of pain
We tire ourselves until We and Our Problems,
Are one and the same.

You're not our problems
You're somewhere closer to the truth.
You're a warrior
But every story needs a villain too
Form not walls,
But bridges for kin.
For we do not know,
When we will face our antagonist,
Problems, again.
For my friends who became family
P.S. I really enjoy center alignment
455 · Mar 2016
Bearing It All
Red Fox Mar 2016
I think you're gorgeous
But don't know how to say.
I'd hate to come off thirsty
But a slide in your DM's
May be the best way to get the feelings conveyed.

Wanting you but a little too shy to say it
My actions kinda already display it.
Miss texting you,
Even when my days lit.
Overthinking and too scared to say ****.
Feeling indifferent
To all other women I can get with.
Its shoot your shot 16
But you're the one I want to end with.
I don't convey my emotions much
I want to take this chance
More than I wanna give it up
On top of it all
Your overall beautiful
Like finding a briefcase
With a few million plus
Nevertheless, I'm glad I got it out
Nothing left to hide
We can call this verbal lust
Even if you shoot me down
I've already put my feelings aside.
454 · Dec 2015
Love in Waiting
Red Fox Dec 2015
I've loved you since before I knew it.
Your appearance,
Flawless, just the way God drew it.

Your smile, radiant.
Your eyes, deep.
Estatic that it is I,
That gets to crave every word
Your mouth speaks.
Any moment without you,
My heart weeps.

I've loved you since before time began.
Before the first grains enables this rat race to begin.
I've loved you before you loved yourself.
Never had the chance to say,
In sickness and in health.
I've loved you longer than I've ever known.
The mere thought of you inspires this poem.

I've loved you and don't even know your name.
But upon finding you my heart shall never beat the same.
For you are the Omega to my Alpha.
The Yang to my Yin.
But when I find you,
I'll leave this Earth loving you.
My Best Friend.
I had to write something, so here it is.
449 · Dec 2015
Red Fox Dec 2015
I don't want to be
Just a friend
But you,
Yeah you.
You've friend zoned me,
Not once or twice
But it seems to happen,
Again and again.

So I can't listen anymore,
I can't be that friend.
I care for your problems,
Just not when they always start with him.

Yeah, I'm a little bitter,
Because I know I'd do you better.
But every time you have a problem,
You bring it my way.
How black clouds precede bad weather.

So you've run out of time
And I'm just that fickle.
I've found someone else;
But my heart will always yearn for you.
Just a little.

No it won't,
won't even feel a tickle.
But since I'm gone
Have fun,
Becoming best friends with
A Damp Pillow.
Spur of the moment rant
440 · Nov 2015
Red Fox Nov 2015
I'm just expressing myself,
showing my values through pen strokes.
Writing poems for women in thin clothes,
Never really wanting to see how this pen can go.
Just chasing relations
As long as the next chick's real hair flows.
Not shallow
Just not very empathetic
Kind of a contradiction,
Seeing how my heart hangs by thin tethers.
In today's world, that's either light skin
Or just pathetic.
I'll answer myself;
It's the latter.
Scared of commitment
Like I'm living with a weak bladder
Causing problems that don't exist.
Find myself alone and just reminisce.
I'm my own downfall,
I'm just proud
I know where my flaws exist,
For that alone makes me
438 · Dec 2015
Lost in communication
Red Fox Dec 2015
We all make mistakes
But when do we atone?
The byproduct of us still haunts me,
I feel it scratching within my bones
A sorry I could never convey
434 · Dec 2015
Red Fox Dec 2015
It went down in her DM's.
I went down in the P.M.
Slip and Slide
Not tryna get caught by my B.M. (baby mother)
Creeping and sneakin
Always strapped up
Won't be caught by misplaced *****.
Guilty conscious,
But won't be me talking while I'm sleeping.
No hotel rooms
We practice our dalliance in the back seat.
No time for anyone to get any sleep in.
Stick and move
You're just this moment
And I won't get caught creepin.
416 · Dec 2015
The Man in the Mirror
Red Fox Dec 2015
I smile
But not due to cheer.
I smile
To hide my fear.

I hope never to make the same mistake again.
Living with the knowledge that I am no farther away from him.
Him being the me that I once was.
I see him in the mirror,
I hear his voice when I speak.
We even have the same mannerism
When we lay our head
Or sit down to eat.
I can run but it never will far.
He's my shadows
He's always there
Somewhat like a childhood scar.
I can tear and I can scratch
But my scars only remain after that.
Daily trials seem to feed his purpose
But newfound wisdom defeats his resurface

I am stronger than you
405 · Dec 2015
Red Fox Dec 2015
Ghost of a road yet traveled
Blistered feet
For you walk on my heart of gravel
404 · Dec 2015
To the ladies that made me
Red Fox Dec 2015
I was raised to be a man
I was raised to be strong
I was raised to know how to admit when I'm wrong

I was raised to be a man by a mother of six
She worked four jobs
Never saw her sleep
Smoked cigarettes
I was under the impression,
She never got sick.

I was raised to be strong
But never knew what that was.
I've beat bigger, stronger and faster people
Just because.
Tolerated all kinds of pains,
Been locked up more times than I can count.
Made a beautiful little girl
And that's the only thing,
That made me as strong as I am now.

I was raised to know how to admit when I'm wrong
Anything I've ever done I never regret,
Change tunes or sing a different song.

I'm proud of who my mother raised,
And my daughter perfected.
So I write these poems to show the world where I'm headed.
A simple thank you to the ladies in my life
396 · Dec 2015
Red Fox Dec 2015
Lose my number
I can't be your man
Only your plumber
If you were hoping for more,

So just lose my number
You barrage me with ideas of an ideal slumber
But I'm single and free
And occupy my time with whoever gives me their number
So just lose my number.

You assume you mean more than you actually do
I never led you there
For me I'm a drill
And you the *****
We're here for business not personal beau.
We'll never cross that line
And that's the message that won't get through

I only see what's in front of me
And you and what's in your pants,
No longer fun to me.
I've tried to block your calls
And distance myself
But you won't give up
It stressful and that isn't good for my health
So please lose my number.

What more do you want from me
I don't want to me your man
And honestly prefer it,
If you didn't talk to me.
So lose my number
Cause what I'm saying is not going to change
I've never had feelings for you
Alas, that'll stay the same.
Sounds harsh but it's the only poem I could think of
394 · Dec 2015
My Vows
Red Fox Dec 2015
I may fall short on everything that's seems worth it.
But know,
When we got together.
I never said it would be easy,
But I'll always make every chance, worth it.
For I fall short of a God,
nowhere near perfect.
But through constant effort,
I'll make you happy.
Show you a headache of a husband that's worth it.
What I would say
393 · Dec 2015
Red Fox Dec 2015
Winter is upon us,
But I will not return.
For I have moved on
To the next chapter
As the pages turn.

— The End —