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Jul 2024 · 282
Color Blind
Ghostverses Jul 2024
The color of the rainbow makes no sense.
I say this like I'm color blind.
parents are weird ya know?
clinging to their baby to the very end?
but what if they were never there?
like what if it was all a lie just to make you feel better?
I can't really talk about it much but through this poem I say:

No one ever loves you till your vulnerable.
They don't love till your on your knees begging for their love.
I've never felt loved by my parents.
mom hates me cause I want to "leave" her.
dad hates me cause I exist.
I don't know what to do with my life atm.
But I do know one thing.

I will always love your smile.
Your laugh.
Your wittiness
Our heartfelt moments.
Our desire to be who we are together or alone.
the connection we have
even when you think we don't

I love you mom and dad.
I just wish you did the same.
Jul 2024 · 189
Ghostverses Jul 2024
It's cold out.
I'm clinging to my wit while the cold air hits my body.
my skin feels dry, cold and frosted.
My head is filled with tired thoughts.
My heart is beating slower and slower.
My bones feel fragile.
It all doesn't feel right.
is it just me? or just the snow?
tired at the moment..
Feb 2024 · 804
heaven on earth
Ghostverses Feb 2024
heaven on earth.
a strange phrase for such a dreadful place.
i always ask myself, "what makes earth so.. peaceful?"
I have yet to get answer.
sitting here, hearing the rain drip down buildings and houses.
Maybe I can count to a thousand reasons why.
maybe I'm just delusional.
that word.
makes very many people happy.
but why not me?
am i afraid?
or am i just dull.
a planet we humans call home.
but are we really home?
questions like these keep me up at night.
heaven on earth.
why is it so cold?
honestly, I thought about this while my boyfriend is peacefully sleeping. I don't know.. maybe i think better when my partner is a ease. :)
Jan 2024 · 959
Ghostverses Jan 2024
Today's sunlight will forever be my eternal darkness
Just a little quote I made up. Wanted to get some opinions about it
Apr 2022 · 710
Left on read
Ghostverses Apr 2022
Hey it’s been a while…
I know you hate me because you don’t love me anymore…
But because of you the earth shines like a star.
Areas in my life have changed ya know?
Am I not enough..?
Am I not the one you loved?
I guess it was all just like breaking pencil lead…
Okay.. I love you.
Aug 2021 · 1.1k
The End
Ghostverses Aug 2021
I forever stand with you
even if it's till our dreams end
if I told you to stay in
would you break my little rotten apple?
Just cause' you ended up in a grave?
Look at the end and read the end words :)
Aug 2021 · 453
Ghostverses Aug 2021
I feel like ****
Just can't get you out of my mind
can't seem to replace the y
I call this poem "GET OUT OF MY HEAD"
Apr 2021 · 1.1k
Short story?
Ghostverses Apr 2021
I love how you imagine us together
Oh how knifes are so pretty.
Idk i just came up with this while in math class
Apr 2021 · 1.5k
I can't stop it
Ghostverses Apr 2021
There's no way i'm gonna make it.
There's no way I'm gonna make it.
There's no way i'm gonna make it.
There's no way i'm gonna make it.
There's no way i'm gonna make it.
There's no way i'm gonna make it.
There's no way i'm gonna make it.
There's no way i'm gonna make it.
When will it stop?
Feb 2021 · 288
I don't know, just read it.
Ghostverses Feb 2021
Sins are like questions.
Some are causes of fate.
Some are because of what you believe in
Sins are what I call peaches.
They slice softly through the heart into the shell.
They may protect your inner fate, but not for long.
Once that knife hits your inner shell, there's only a matter of time till it cracks.
This feeling you have..
Is it painful?
See, i'm not a human yet I can see how much pain and suffering you go through.
I see why humans often try to forget and forgive
But in reality you can't cause it's all an illusion.
I can't really explain much more
Only to realize that..
I love you.
Even if it is just a dream.
Feb 2021 · 704
Love Life
Ghostverses Feb 2021
I see blood on the walls.
Tears falling down like rain.
Everyday I think about you even when its part of pain.
3, 2, 1..
I hate you.
I never wanna see you.
You know what, I wish I never met you!
1, 2, 3..
I love you.
I miss you.
Can't wait to see you!
3, 2, 1..
It's happening again isn't it?
I wonder if he loves me?
Will he break my heart?
1, 2, 3
Oh god, not again..
I'm not good enough
I will never love again.
I just realized how lonely i've been all my life. This **** kinda *****. Can't even get a bf irl is sad.. Ah, i hate my love life.
Feb 2021 · 720
Society Anxiety
Ghostverses Feb 2021
This society is much needed.
Faking our smiles, just to get by.
I'm gonna be honest I know nothing about you or anyone here.
I want you to know that this is a frighting flow that I call-
You see, it's not what you think but it's what you see.
Society is nothing but a pinch of death.
You walk the other way, you make another stray.
You walk the same way and now you get to stay.
Me, only 16 was walking the other way.
Society is what I cannot follow
I walk, walk, walk.
I hear them talk, talk, talk.
You, and I will never be the same.
Has it's name.
You cannot claim
Please let me be sane.
My teacher just asked for me to show one of my poems to the whole class! I am so scared and super super nervous. Please help me
Feb 2021 · 143
Ghostverses Feb 2021
One at a time we lay on the grass.
Two lovers were sitting on a boat.
Three times the waves would hit.
Four we're looking.
Five of us sat there looking out of way.
Six, seven, eight they all became bait.
I made this one during english class! hope you enjoy
Feb 2021 · 282
Ghostverses Feb 2021
You ever just..
look at yourself..
and realize that..
You're still loading...
yoU're sTilL lOaDiNg....
Feb 2021 · 175
No words
Ghostverses Feb 2021
I wanna scream.
Get out.
Just get out.
Feb 2021 · 1.8k
Ghostverses Feb 2021
This element in life gives me passion.
This element gives me freedom.
This element gives me power.
This element gives me *******.
This element gives me hope.
This element gives me feeling.
This element gives me life.
This element is who I am.
Feb 2021 · 1.0k
Ghostverses Feb 2021
White, fluffy, wet.
Smiles, laughs, joy.
Air, ice, clouds.
Every flake is unique on it's own.
Apart as but together make tons.
Schools are out, students are about.
Cars are sliding, trucks are providing.
Roads are frozen, salt is spreadin'.
You are the reason why I stay in the-
I made this in the middle of my first period class. Hope you enjoy! <3
Sep 2020 · 119
I can't see
Ghostverses Sep 2020
Glad to have you here tonight
Holding me tight with a knife
stuck in my head filled with fright
You ever have that feeling that you're being watched?
Seeking around every corner waiting to be caught?
I hear those words come out of your mouth.
Now your not there
wondering where you are
Looking up at the stars
hoping that you aren't that far
You say,
"I see you, why can't you see me?"
I wish I could have found you that day.
Maybe I wouldn't have been too late
Is it my fault that you had that fate?
Could I have changed it?
Everything is happening so fast..
I start to bleed
arms are getting weak.
Seeing you there makings me wanna stay in the heat
My eyes close as I eat
Only remembering red marks on the wall
all of a sudden..
I'm here to fall.
I wake up and you're still not there
Looking at myself and my hair
You we're never there.
I'm stuck in a bed
Knowing this isn't fair
Banging my head
until I see a needle an thread.
Now it's all in my head
Sep 2020 · 141
It's time
Ghostverses Sep 2020
Decent I say.
Passing time down the line
Making sure you're all mine
You have this scent that makes me wanna die inside
Your world is upside down
Jumping around
making sure you don't pound your head into this sound
It seems to be awkward but very tempted
Your smile is nothing but a fraile flower waiting to bloom
You catch my eye and burn my skin
It makes me want to end
That's why I say
Your more then a dime
more then all is fine
decent I say.
Just like time
Jun 2020 · 116
2 on
Ghostverses Jun 2020
Everyday before I wake up. I have dreams. Some are about you. some are about me. But most are about us. But everytime it seems to end before it becomes reality. I fear that this could be a warning sign. But like always, I ignore those signs because I believe in a thing called love. It's no ordinary word in a dictionary. It has a form of material to itself. Some will call it lust. Some will call it... well just love. The point is, we seek this material everyday. I have a bit of a promise I want to keep to you (and only you). That is if you can keep my heart in 2. On a sunny day. Bright skies, birds chirping. Me and you will forever be stuck in a dream.
Aug 2019 · 263
Deeply Confusing.
Ghostverses Aug 2019
The things we do.
The things we say.
We pick at each other while we play.
This sick twisted mind game that no knows.
Only the ones who have stories,
Belief in the skys.
Looks up, saying "I wanna ride! I wanna ride!"
But deep down inside,
there's no where left to hide.
This poem is just another deep thought that I had. and to be completely honest, I named it deeply confused for the fact that I went that deep in to my emotions and creativity that i was confused.
May 2019 · 190
Ghostverses May 2019
Here lies a girl.
A wonderful girl who thinks she has no world.
She often wants to be committed to the impossible.
Knowing how she is, she seeks guidance from others.
Knowing the unknown, she still wonders.
She finds that not only, are people so cruel, They have no soul.
So they fool.
Her emotions are confused.
Realizing that nothing will change, she goes to where unique ones play the game.
Failing to seek the truth, she loses by a noose.
So, here lies me.
The wonderful girl, who's hanging from a tree.
I thought about this just now.. On my birthday. Cause nothing can stay the same when you're afraid of change.
Mar 2019 · 338
Ghostverses Mar 2019
Once there was a girl.
She makes the world shine.
But if only the world could see what she could really see.
She was afraid of what the world would be.
She even hated saying the word 'afraid'.
This world has many terrifying results of what she thinks.
Maybe she could wonder, "Will I ever overcome this world?"
Mar 2019 · 183
Ghostverses Mar 2019
Humans are something special.
They have features that no other could have.
Even if u did have the same features, u would still be different.
Not all things are different.
Yet, now humans want to be the same.
This isn't just a poem.
It's a lesson.
Let this teach u, that not all humans are special.
There are some who are worthless, a disappointment, and a waste of time.
Some people may tell u, “It's not the word special that defines u. It's the saying it's self”
Mar 2019 · 329
The Woods
Ghostverses Mar 2019
It's funny how people go to the woods for answers.
Trying to find what's wrong with themselves.
The woods do nothing but make fire wood.
But that fire builds through pain and sorrow, like wildfires could.
The woods are a mystery.
They make you lurk, and seek more questions than answers.
Making your life much harder, when the fog comes in.
Leading you to difficult tasks, more likely to give up then to push.
So, what i'm saying is don't go through the woods.
You'll find yourself hurting, making your way through your mind that we call 'The woods'.

— The End —