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Jan 30 · 50
Ryan Jan 30
Thought cried expectantly
wishing for an other Chance
in sundering limelight
Jan 30 · 48
Ryan Jan 30
I turn to seek a moment
of contemplative silence
I expect the trees
to sway in the wind.
It is a still day
Jan 30 · 216
Ryan Jan 30
What is this feeling
that fills my soul?
The dull ache of a relationship
that has wilted and withered
before the first stem,
or leaf, disturbed the soil under
which it rested.

I swore the seed had already sprouted -
its fresh tender stem, vulnerable
and needy, had burst
forth into the vivid piercing
light of the sun, gobbling
up it's nutrients and crying
for more.
Ryan Jan 30
"Everyone tries their best"

It is no wonder then, that everyone's best seems to dissipate with a single
gust of wind

The collective effort of 8 billion
people - or however many of us there are now - is simply too much for the world to handle. We are too straddled with overtimes, unrequited love, building a body
that is more attractive
than our perceptions
will allow, and a multitude of insane,
other, 'productive' tasks:
mindlessly absorbing ourselves into the depths of the internet
so there is no space for the efforts
of any others: it is that grindset mindset,
the continuous, unending, unceasing
flow that is inevitably lost on these winds
of time. Every well intentioned effort
simply flutters and flys and flees away
on a single whimsical gust.
Never noticed. Or seen.

This absurd cacophony of effort wilts
away into silence, as if dropped
from an old willow tree in the shade
of a grey autumn eve. Once a great canopy of lush, productive, hard-working
leaves, it was soon ripped,
from a tree who no longer needed
it, and carried by the harsh
November wind - to fall and rot
and disintegrate into the groggy
earth with all the others
piled on one another in some pitiless
heap, waiting to be trodden
on and shat
on by a passing poodle wearing a pink coat.
Jan 30 · 47
Being in the Present
Ryan Jan 30
What does it mean to be in the moment?
To be present, truly
For your mind to not be wondering,
Second guessing,
For when I ask myself, "am I present?", I realise I am not
For if I were, I would not have asked
So how can I know myself to be present,
If I cannot ask?
Jan 30 · 42
Ryan Jan 30
Change is the only static thing
When the question is asked
Is it changing, or is it the same
The answer will always be
The same, for it is always
Changing. So you must stay
The same within the change
And as such, be always changing
Jan 30 · 38
Ryan Jan 30
Look around and see
There is everything
For you, and for me
The world is at your fingertips
So see
See it all
It belongs to you,
As it does to me
The infinite and everything
Touch it,
Feel it,
Become part of it,
Become absorbed in it,
It is as real as you
Or me
Since it is everything
Breathe it,
Become it,
Can you feel it?
The vast swathes of everything
Jan 30 · 228
Limbo Spaces
Ryan Jan 30
Shimmering light, gleaning
In my eye, million
Shades of green
Among the trees
What is it
That I see?
When I look at you,
Is it a reflection of me?
Or an abstraction of you?
Is it really you,
That I am looking at,
Or am I looking at me,
Through a part of you?
When you look out of the window
On a train journey
Ryan Jan 30
When did children lose their love of learning?

When they were told to conform,
To forget their being,
To discard interests, agency, creativity

My own complicity
In the stifling of identity

Authenticity, a digression of the self,
A dissolution of swarming

When did I gain my love of learning?

The burning crucible
Of curiosity

Set aflame by rejection of conformity

Constraints, curriculum, crushing expectations
and a world disintegrating
fires of digressions

When is conformity an expression of authenticity?

When is authenticity just another form of conformity?
Jan 2018 · 446
The Sea in My Mind
Ryan Jan 2018
Inspiration is a hard thing to grasp
When you mind is empty
Like a field of grass
Yet filled within this field
Is nothing but countless hills
Rolling and moving and slowing
Soothing this lush green meadow
A massage to help the mind to help it mellow
Making it shallower and less
Convoluted. Not so complex, not seething in
Interpreted meanings and stained allusions to
Past confusions, not waves that pummel the grassy shores
Seizing those hills in frothy exhalations, seeming so
Unseemly to those guardian hills
Holding those pleasant fields and pleasant thoughts
Safe while the waves wash among the grass
And become those hills now washed with sea

And then my mind turned blue.
Jan 2018 · 240
Ryan Jan 2018
I sometimes wonder
If all is for naught
And every step
Towards the hallowed garden
Is a step away from me
I haven't written anything for a while but I suddenly felt a sudden compulsion to. This was the result
Jan 2018 · 1.0k
Winter Wind
Ryan Jan 2018
Passing wind,
a swarm of air
caressing skin
so sweetly
let you meet me
let you hold me
in that prancing wind
that tricks you
makes you think
that the piercing cold -
daggers through your soul
cannot hold you any more tightly
than that smooth summer air
so fall back
and rejoice
in those dancing waves
of wind
a hurried chance
till summer comes rolling
rearing above tepid clouds
to greet in
exalted expectations
that searing blow
of a summer prance
I honestly love this time of year, even though, sometimes, the wind can make it a little TOO cold.
Jan 2018 · 268
Ryan Jan 2018
A simple smile to yourself
A love that never moves
Jan 2018 · 135
Heart in the Wind
Ryan Jan 2018
I don't understand the way
My heart flutters in the wind
A paper bag caught
On streams of air
That swing it back and forth
Till it finally settles
Then is sweeped back to that
Blizzard gust
To swoon in the power of epic wind
Only to become limp
And fall
Impotent to that shadowed movement
Of love in the wind

While the wind is harmless,
That within it is not
And fluttering so softly
That paper bag
Swiftly smothers and suffocates
A single poor figure.
Only to be let go
And hurt
And again
And again

To be left, on the ground,
Limp and lifeless
Like a paper bag
A mutilated corpse
Cut through a thousand knives
Beaten through a thousand drums
Leaving nothing but a twisted figure
Caught in its own inexorable misery.

As the paper bag
Ever so softly away.
My Heart, tied in a paper string
Caught in the wind
Jan 2018 · 141
Ryan Jan 2018
To act in indecision
Which may peter down the road
Of a life not deserved
Or to act in a decision that hurts
Immediately and strongly
But may lead, later,
to a life all the happier  

For is a break
To that mythical better place
A better chance than none at all?
Jan 2018 · 312
Standing at the Crossroads
Ryan Jan 2018
Two withered paths, a corded brow, a face rigged in string.
Each subsequent step away from the decision –
Just met –
Draws this string ever tighter
Its tension rigging the two paths;
Options that will last,
Into this sort of equilibrium.

For the crossroads –
Just left –
To peter down the path
Of which he is unsure if his decision was one
That could be respected,

A sort of pride remained behind
Dragging him back, down the path
Which he just passed
A decision regretted
To bring him to the start which he, oh so hated

Why did he repeat these wonderings
With no meanings?
What brung him back –
time and time again –
To that same track?

He teeters on the edge of one path,
Then falls into the other
Only, to his dismay,
To be pulled back on strings – traps –
That rip him back to those same crossroads
Will he ever learn his lesson?
Or is his lesson learnt?
The man who swings on ropes of fate
between one decision
and another.
That's the last poem I've written so far. Make sure to tell me if you're enjoying them and would like me to write more.
Jan 2018 · 334
Ryan Jan 2018
Now is all I have,
A masters grace that transcends
Ability of those before and after
My only tercet (I think that's what you call it). I wrote it in one spurt, couldn't think of anything else to write after it, so I left it as it is.
Jan 2018 · 437
A River Below Me
Ryan Jan 2018
An age of silent desperation
Reaching to that beyond mention
A call for words in a stream so sickly sweet
Milk flowing below my feet
Children rejoice in a world of snow
White silk slipping and swirling as I row
Through screams and shouts that echo
In the chamber of my dreams
Jan 2018 · 341
Fire in the Woods
Ryan Jan 2018
You find yourself alone, oh, so alone you are,
Hiding from that horrid grasp
Of breath; a roaring rasp of air
As panic rears its child of lurid dreams;
Whispering to you in a muttered verse:
“oh, so alone you are, unbeknownst to those you love,
Accept the embrace –
That warm, loving embrace –
Of solitude beyond the grave!”
You whisper to yourself,
Calming. Soothing. Let your breath breathe,
In silent, Consistent, steady beats
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

Let the forest hide your fear,
You know no one can hurt you here,
Wrapped around a cloth of silk,
You embrace solitude like mother’s milk.

The comforting gaze of a fire ablaze;
A roaring rasp of flame.
It nestles softly in a nest of cherry,
Kissing the eyes of new-born child laying in the grasp
Of a common saying:
“let the lost be lost!”
And so it was, the destined child in a house ablaze
Finds itself in the comforting embrace
Of lustful licking flames
Who bring the child to a peace everlasting.
I really enjoyed writing this one and like "Balance" it has a very nice rhythm to it which I really enjoy.
Jan 2018 · 183
Ryan Jan 2018
Teetering on edges fleeting,
My sanity close to meeting
The granted expectation of ages past –
Understand the world beyond the laugh
Come to me,
Come to me,
Come to me – Now!
Understand the world that bows
Goodbye to a fleeting dream,
Running on empty steam
Help me now to
The world
That is
This is one of my favourite poems that I've written and the more I read it out loud the more it grown on me. The way it sounds is really fun and I made it shaped like a spinning top which it is loosely based off.
Jan 2018 · 333
Ryan Jan 2018
Thinking is a difficult thing.
Thinking is a difficult thing.
You think that thinking may be too much thinking for you,
Your mind flowing like the wind, in the wind, on the wind,
Stepping through the passage of the wind, unknown to you.
Highlight cities in grass so green
That thinking seems a silly thing
Thinking is a difficult thing.
I've decided to post all of the poems I've written, in the order that I wrote them. My first has already been posted and it is called "Movements of Water".

I didn't like this poem at first but it's sort of grown on me and it's fun to say.
Jan 2018 · 249
Should Peace be Forgotten?
Ryan Jan 2018
Finding the words to let flow –
Such a difficult thing to know –
To accept the fact that they may be inadequate
Or that your failings may be more than simply adequate
For opening up your mind and soul
To allow the world to know
More about yourself – than you would deem
To know about yourself – a whisper to an insight
More profound and more elaborate than the whole worlds sight –

So find yourself, in a pitied endeavour,
A repetitive task that scrounges the dirt like
A beast of some withered forest path
Screeching an echoed laugh
Your words floating, oh nothing worth mentioning
Across to nothing worthy to mention
A harrowing dimension
Of endings, non-existing,
Calming yet sadistic
Feeling oh so reminiscent
Of paths beyond reminiscence
And rambles that hold no meaning
Beyond the words at their conceiving

So don’t reconcile yourself
You ****** defender
You’re nothing but a severed member  
A piece of soul so worth forgetting
That the soul troubles existence
In a setting beyond that which can reconcile
The peace in your heart, you imbecile
Leave me in a peace worth forgetting.
Dec 2017 · 252
Movements of Water
Ryan Dec 2017
Wandering lines of water
Lost, flowing through the glass; not
known not certain,

A fragment of a lost source, vanished from begotten source,
Etching lines, deep lines, an impression into
Glass with a responsibility, a sire to
That which ridicules the world that
Stands avast in light that wanders past the eyes,
Eyes of wonder,
Peering to that beyond yonder,

A world of ink, flowing through the vast
Cacophony of falling waves, crashing, raging,
Violet indignation.
Cursing the gazing sun that holds the world
In yonder;
A pair of open arms,
To the passion that precedes the red velvet that amasses in the east.
An army that shall never cease.
They ponder on silent dreams as they plough
Through the sea that never fails
To open up the arms of isolation.

— The End —