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2.0k · May 2015
Farther away
Ann May 2015
Just stop

              go away

Stop asking

                                    Don't look back

Keep going forward


             As far away from me as possible


*As far away as you can ******* get
1.5k · Jan 2015
Ann Jan 2015
It's hard falling
For somebody who
Didn't fall for

It's even harder
Watching them fall for
Somebody who isn't
It'd be Better if we chose to fall in love with a specific one
1.5k · Mar 2015
Ann Mar 2015
But I don't want that
I want you
I want us
I want to go explicit
I want forever
Hand in hand,
Side by side,
Sweet, meaningful kisses
And soft whispers
I want you to show me the world
And more importantly,
*I want you to show me your heart
Confusion gets neither of us anywhere.
1.4k · Aug 2015
Chemically Invasive
Ann Aug 2015
I can hear the dryness of the tobacco burn
Thousands of chemicals burning for my desire
I can feel the burn of the nicotine gushing into my lungs.
Thousands of chemicals leaving traces throughout my organs
I can smell the bitterness of the smoke exhaling into the air.
Thousands of chemicals surrounding me
I can sense the damage being done to my body
Thousands of chemicals killing me
I can see the dangerous chemicals of the smoke filling the air
Thousands of chemicals polluting the space
I can feel the cravings executing my need.
Thousands of chemicals made to fix me
I can hear the pulse in my head
Throbbing in the frontal lobe of my brain
I can feel the blood fighting the nicotine
Steadily rushing at an unsteady pace throughout my veins
I can smell the evidence on my skin
Reminding me of the chemical I am letting ruin my body
I can sense my rapid heart beat
Pumping my blood faster and faster until the foreign invader leaves
I can see the regret surfacing the space I currently am occupying
Making this one my last
I can feel the effect of my decision invading my body
My chemically invaded body
1.4k · Aug 2015
The wolf
Ann Aug 2015
When I look into the mirror
I see a girl-
A girl who hides behind her skin
I see a girl-
A girl with a look in her eyes
A look of regret
A look of sorrow
A look of a painful experience
I see what you've made me to be
I am a victim of yours
I am the girl they talk about
I am your victim
I am the girl you damaged
I am your victim
You're ******* victim
When I look into the mirror
I see nobody
I feel nobody
I hear nobody
When I look into the mirror
I see the fear blazing into my eyes
I feel the masculine of your hands beaming down on me
I hear your muffled groans and audible grunts
I am what you've made me to be
I had a life
I planned a future
I wanted love
I wanted a husband
I wanted children
I wanted so **** much but-
I want you,
I want you dead
Buried six feet plus in the **** soiled ground
I want you gone
Banished to hell!
When I look into the mirror
I see the outcome of my most horrid nightmare
I feel the bile rising in my throat because you never fail to make me sick-
I fear you
I hate you
I ******* HATE YOU
But you're the only one I can think about.
I was raised
I was loved
I loved too
But you took that from me
You took so much from me
Confidence, you took from me
Bluntness, you took from me
Pride, you took from me
I believed in myself
I had faith in myself
But you took that from me
I see you, Often enough
On the streets, selling dope
Riding around, lookin for ******
In my dreams, ****** me again!
You destroyed me, you took my womanhood away
You did this to me!
I can't walk outside alone because of you
I avoid alleys because of you
I hide behind tinted sunglasses hoping and praying I don't run into you
You changed my life in more ways than you can imagine
I am not the same person I used to be
I am not the same person I was last year
I am not the same person who completed high school
I'm not same person who politely introduced myself to you
I am not the same person my parents knew me as
I- I-... I am nobody
All because you took myself from me.
1.3k · Apr 2015
You've started somewhere
Ann Apr 2015
Who gives a **** if the person who makes me
Is of a different race then me?
You married him
You married her
Because you fell in love
with them
You looked past their outer
layer of skin
to find what was within
But in order for you to have
fallen in love
with him
with her
You had to have given them a CHANCE
You've given them a chance without
knowing what would've happened.
Why the **** can't I have a chance?
Don't I deserve to be as happy as you were ?
when you first met him
when you first met her
Don't you want to see me happy?
1.1k · Oct 2014
Ann Oct 2014
Roses are wilted,
Violets are dead,
Leaves fall around us
As something gets stuck in our head.
The light beams onto the silver,
But quickly reflects-
Sooner rather then later,
I'll start to neglect-
Blades are silver
They look good on skin,
But listen before you begin,
Wait until the wind breaks
Before you let the blade
1.1k · Apr 2015
Fallen Trees
Ann Apr 2015
Strong trees also grow to weaken
They stand tall, and broad
They claim their grounds,
They are known for their astounding
beauty in nature,
As well as their shelter, and their resources,
For as much **** as they can take,
The storms they fight, The diseases they endure
They still stand strong.
When they weaken, they fall.
Same goes for a Strong woman,
compare her to a tree,
She stands tall, with broad shoulders.
Who also claims her grounds.
They are known for many reasons
Reason for which aren't always understood
For as much **** she takes,
The fights, the drama,
She still stands strong
It takes a lot to break her down,
When she becomes weakened, she
tries to brace her fall.
Nothing can brace a fallen tree.
I'm not waiting.
801 · Oct 2015
Ann Oct 2015
Right when she betters herself
she falls sickening with the blade of a razor clenched in her hands
Holding onto that piece of metal
As if her life depended on it.
And history repeats itself.
747 · Mar 2015
New street use
Ann Mar 2015
I feel like I've started a new addiction
Weaker than herion
Stronger than *******
This **** should be illegal
But I'd still go for it
Because there is no better
Then what you can provide.
******* emotions man
731 · Jul 2015
It's time
Ann Jul 2015
And your pain?*
Your thoughts?
What about your actions?
And your expressions?
     On paper, On a canvas
Are you an artist?
     If you want to call it that
How about depression?
Close relationships?
     A few
The closest may be?
     No one in particular
Do you speak of your troubles with them?
     They wouldn't understand
What is your addiction?
     Temporary Pleasure
     With pain, of course
What is it exactly, your addiction?
     A razor blade
Once again
721 · May 2015
Ann May 2015
More then a few breaths a day
Over a thousand thoughts too
But there isn't a moment
That I don't think about you
And what could've been
If you only have stayed
I'll always wonder what made you to come to that decision.
But you're the one who left.
What's it to you to wonder what I'm
681 · Jan 2015
Broken hearted
Ann Jan 2015
Your love were my weakness,
That made me buckle at the knees.
My heart were your treasure,
Which fit your key.
Your lips were my forest,
As I kept losing myself there.
My body was your vehicle,
Which you drove to insanity.
Your hands held the knife,
That I were blind to see.
My clothes soaked the blood,
That rushed faster then adrenaline.
You stood there,
As my heart were ripped in two.
662 · Oct 2014
Razor Blade
Ann Oct 2014
Can you keep a secret?
I haven't told a soul,
You're the only one who'll
Stop thinking for a moment,
Imagine A grey, humid sky,
Dry, brown grass,
Welted, pale red roses,
Brown, lonely petals accompany
the dry dirt around the stem,
Leaves being blown softly by
the chilly wind,
Dry, cracked pecans fall
toward the browned grass.
No squirrels,
No rabbits,
No birds,
No signs of mammels,
Only me
Imagine a train,
But a train of thoughts
Rushing through my mind-
Engraving itself in fine
calligraphy across the darkness
of my mind,
My thoughts telling what
to do,
Never ending.
But she whispers,
"It doesn't matter, nobody can see
you, only me."
I turn to her,
My bestfriend,
Would you like to meet her?
This is Razor-
Razor Blade
651 · Aug 2015
Six words
Ann Aug 2015
Look ahead, not at your past.
630 · Jan 2015
Obey madame
Ann Jan 2015
She* came, I conquered
I licked, I tasted
She moaned, I accomplished
I practiced, I mastered
She needed it, I supplied.
Ann Mar 2015
Dark shadows
Open feilds
Bright lights
I don't want to
spend my time in
Watching every angle
trying to untangle
my dismantled

The power is in your hands

All I can do is fight,
Scratch, Bite
Call upon God to help me
I dare not to scream,
for I cannot find the
voice to.
I dare not to tell a soul,
for I cannot find the
courage to.
I dare not to cry,
for the fear they'll hear.
I dare only to think,
for what he almost took
from me.
The Devil,
is real
He who I fear,
*He doesn't work alone
599 · Jan 2015
Go over there
Ann Jan 2015
Over that way, actually
583 · Feb 2015
Attempted Murder
Ann Feb 2015
You tried to **** my dreams
But, no,
They cannot die
542 · Sep 2014
Ann Sep 2014
The curse of Oak Island,
A tale without a tale that hasn"t
been tailed.
It's a curse, but a curse without a cure
waiting to be cursed.
Witches, Tribes,
What lies  lye behind the burning
sake of your eyes?-
The head of the match,
It has been struck.
What's did is done and may not
Be undone-
Elizabethan Era,
Hangman's Knot,
Wrap, wrap, outta slack
Pull, pull, pulling, are you
Satisfied yet?-
Tomorrows fears brings tonights
It's almost like confetti, but
Tears fall faster, like
The rain being blown by wind-
Tossing and turning,
Swaying like a dancer on the
Hawaiian islands.
A fisherman's fears,
Caught in the midst of
a hurricane
Rolling, Crashing
Against the waves-
Except this is humanity.
536 · Jul 2015
Once again
Ann Jul 2015
Silence lurks through me
Faint thoughts cross my mind
I've been fighting sleep-

Possession takes over me,
Leading me to the desk
Rummaging through the drawers
I find what I'm told to-

Sitting in darkness
Fighting my demons
Calling those of greatness
But none answers-

At the swipe of a blade
I'm walking on clouds
Once again.

You knew better then to fight me.
As my demons knew better then to temp me.
I guess everything we do or seem, is in fact, all but a horrid dream.
419 · Apr 2015
Ann Apr 2015
Maybe it's all a dream
Somebody, please
Wake me from this nightmare,
This nightmare of **reality
The worst part? I've no tears left to cry.
403 · Jul 2015
Counting time
Ann Jul 2015
It doesn't seem to settle on
Others one has a problem
Until they get their head out of
Their *** and look at a person
For who they are in the moment
That's the upside to an addict,
They don't have to answer to anyone.
But when they do,
It's not the truth.
Counting time until time relapses
347 · Apr 2015
Ann Apr 2015

I've no words to express what I feel-
I've stared at the paper relentlessly
trying to conjure words of glory to
express the feelings you've caused
In me.
I've stared at the seeming-less walls
With no thoughts running through my
I've aggravation because there are
No words for this poem.
I can't do what I'm best at because
I've no feeling.
No words to express how I feel-
Only because of you,
And your pettiness
328 · Apr 2017
Ann Apr 2017
Oh dear Lucifer,
There's a perfect ******* soul
For you to take.
**** y'all
312 · Oct 2014
Ann Oct 2014
Sooner or later,
It's one of the two-
My thoughts are
Slowly flowing,
Into suicide.
114 · Feb 2022
3 A.M
Ann Feb 2022
It began 8 years ago,
But I believed I couldn’t
Since I was told I was too
Young or I didn’t
Understand what it truly

I found solace in a
different way-
A dangerous way that
only provided
The temporary feeling of
Something other then just -

I battled myself daily, wanting
Nothing more then to vanish into
another life

Easily, another life could’ve been better.
I wouldn’t lay there
staring at the ceiling
physically causing harm
just to feel something -

As I grew older
The less I dreamt of a new life
and allowed the dreams of making
mine better

And as time went on
Things did seem to get better.

I cleansed my space of the
physical and negative attractions
That I’ve accepted as a lifestyle.

I started accepting
new people into my life
Even though I knew they’d
drift away in time.

Then I became an adult,
And this is the hardest
thing I’ve ever had to do.

I’ve been floating through the days
In a haze and I need a *******

I understand now more
Then ever and
On a much more
personal level.

But, it’s been 8 years-
Four years since it’s ended
And an hour since I’ve had
An old thought
Of allowing myself to
Repeat history.

But as I think of it,
I have been

Just in a different way.

— The End —