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 May 2014 Hayleigh
 May 2014 Hayleigh
when he says your name you swear it's like nothing you've ever heard before
you taste his on your lips before you realise that you know it
and you feel the metallic taste of iron and blood mixing together
pooling underneath your ribcage
as the others call you a soldier
(but since when has killing for nothing meant the same thing
as fighting for something)
clarity is not in your vocabulary
neither is love
or hope
but you feel them threading through your veins like they were always there
you've forgotten how it feels to remember
your life is a series of ones and zeros but he
he is more than you will ever know
you're not sure why he loves you
{ you are ice and metal and a **** streak
over two dozen assassinations in the past fifty years }
but he swears,
words pressed into the small of your back,
that he does
and you believe him
you're not sure when it was the last time you felt something other than
the electricity or the thawing ice
(his hand in yours brings tears to your eyes
you don't really know why)
you sometimes wonder how he does it
how he loves you
how he can stand to see you every morning
one night, you ask him
and he tells you, quiet, that it helps make up for all the mornings
he woke up without you
(you're pretty sure you're dreaming, but when your hand finds his
it feels real)
you still feel the heartbeats of the targets
you still see them when you go to sleep
the tick marks have become a part of you and they are
inked into your skin like they belong there
they pulled out your lungs while you were still breathing
electric hands scooping you hollow
but he would carve out his own to give them to you
if he had the chance
and you aren't really sure if that scares you or not
when you wake up, screams bleeding from your teeth,
sweat dripping down your back
he whispers memories into your fingertips
and somehow
everything seems like it could be okay
i keep writing poems about gay brainwashed russian assassins and their gay superhero boyfriends
 May 2014 Hayleigh
R Daniel
That which is true surpasses time because it cannot be destroyed.
Just like our words...
They might torture, cage, and even ****** us.
But the one thing they cannot take is our soul.
Death will come,
but our words will never die.
Our soul will live on and resonate in others.
The words that we have spoken can never be taken.
Our soul will always be free.
 May 2014 Hayleigh
R Daniel
 May 2014 Hayleigh
R Daniel
I fell for
His freckles.
His corny smile.
His monkey ears.
Which magnified his tender heart.
He was kind, oh, so very kind.
His heart was an open book.
It told no secrets to share or
Regrets to ponder on.

Everybody loved him.

And he loved everyone and everything.
except for me…

But I loved him anyways.
 May 2014 Hayleigh
R Daniel
it's unbelievable
this world we live in
is filled with people
is filled with experiences
we are constantly growing
but most importantly living
this world challenges us
it makes us believe that there is a tomorrow
that hope exists
these people
these moments
we cherish them
we write them down
we create stories of them
they move us forward
and they give us strength
sometimes we forget
but somehow
we always remember
this world
with its people
and these tiny moments
once was small
now is infinite
just like our lives
anything is possible if we choose to live
im clenching the edge of the skyscraper called life.
you are the only thing keeping me from death.
I hear the angels call my name
and I hear the shadows whisper
I just beg you.....please dont let me go
I need to be saved
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