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Aug 2019 · 296
superpower self confidence
Day Aug 2019
I want to be invisible
but, really what I mean
I want to be okay
with the way that I am seen.
#socialanxiety #social #peace
Aug 2019 · 247
Day Aug 2019
What is the definition of myself?
A modpodge rendition of a pinterest post I saw?
A poem I wrote drunk off my ***?
A half-hearted rhyme I can't tie tother?
This is not a poem. It's my life.
Day Aug 2019
I feel like a crossword puzzle puked in my brain,
jumbled thoughts on a trackless train.
I'm trying to sort through this emotional pain
but, I'm not even sure there is something to gain.
Day Jul 2019
First thing
I noticed,

but, you found
a place
to call home.


Are you
scavenge and

Is my question
Should I just
stay mute?
I can't help
but look over,
while on my
Jul 2019 · 353
Dissociate's Degree
Day Jul 2019
How am I supposed to plan a future?
When, I don't even know
who the **** I am today.
Jun 2019 · 636
depends on the mood
Day Jun 2019
which is worse?
no-one or everyone
how it feels
Day Jun 2019
brain's running on a train track
destination's outta wack
no station in sight
breaks off left and right
no telling
where my mind
will go
a quickly typed out poem about my adult struggle with ADHD
Jun 2019 · 147
dizzy day
Day Jun 2019
It's hard to pause thoughts twirling
when lady earth just keeps on swirling.
Try to keep my head in the air,
but if I fall,
why should she care?
Day May 2019
or does she just
feel their cry?

Never could ask
them why.

Just wait around
to dry.

Maybe next time,
she'll say
playing in my thoughts tonight
Day May 2019
I tasted you,
but then I came to the realization
that paying for my demise
made me
a poor* ******* idiot.
May 2019 · 871
my name is a noun
Day May 2019
Racing arms and angry sneakers
in a concrete hallway -
my heart beat.

I can't feel my feet.

"This is the floor." I tell myself,

in auto speak.

Who are you?

I am running.
I can't tell if this one will make sense to anyone but me.
Apr 2019 · 289
Mom said
Day Apr 2019
"Don't be Day, she acts like the devil." to my sis,
but, I have never felt Satan's dark and humid kiss.
Only to myself, have I attempted to be true.
So, a message to little sister , "Please, just be you."
I need to be writing. Time slips by me, but I am trying to scoop it up again. Re-finding the things that drive me to be alive is truly a neverending adventure.
Apr 2019 · 221
Day Apr 2019
No reason to stay,
but no place to go.
P l e a s e, go away,
I wanna lay low.
"Can't stop", they say.
Whatever, I know.
Day after day,
the clock's running slow.
Got bills to pay,
turn this body on auto.
Apr 2019 · 219
is this is my life?
Day Apr 2019
Eyes open
Phones broken
Alarms on
Cars warm
Show up
Clock in
Do my work
Get paid
Clock out
Drive home
Feel drained
Close my eyes
Can't express
How I feel
Do I feel?
Breathe in
Breathe out
Feb 2019 · 615
behind these words
Day Feb 2019
Why why why why why
why am why why why
why why I why why
why why why hiding why
why why why why ?
a constant mind game I play
Day Feb 2019
I'm sad because no one likes me
No one likes me because I'm an alcoholic
I'm an alcoholic because I'm dead inside
I'm dead inside because I've been hurt
I've been hurt because I am weak
I am weak because I love everyone
I love everyone because no one loves me
No one loves me because I'm unlovable
I'm unlovable because I am broken
I am broken because someone broke me
Someone broke me because I left them
I let them because I loved them
I loved them because I am naive
I am naive because I trusted them
I trusted them because I was ignorant
I was ignorant because no one taught me
No one taught me because no one was there
No one was there because no one likes me
No one likes me because I'm an alcoholic
I'm an alcoholic because I am dead inside
I am dead inside because I am sad
a poem written by my friend Jeff - posted with their permission.
Wanted to share his words with you all
Day Jan 2019

I thought I heard you today,
in the voice of a man
asking me for a cigarette.
A nineteen degree request;
faint on a cold, city street.
A memory of Sunday story
caught me off guard.
" Silver and gold have I none;
but such as I have give I thee."
I've since stopped attending
my scheduled worshiping.
Long forgot,
about an un-kindled burden,
but today I wondered,
are you still here?
Jan 2019 · 3.4k
Day Jan 2019
Just a nameless voice on a busy line,
but what makes me worth your time?
Jan 2019 · 498
And vice versa
Day Jan 2019
React with kindness
Respond with honesty
Jan 2019 · 391
F*CK this rage
Day Jan 2019
Looking for a better weapon to fight this vulnerability
Day Jan 2019
i poured out my heart
and counted the contents
a jumble of insecurities
mixed with variety of pleasures
days of happiness stored
next to nights of suffering
feelings and emotions cluttered
next to my organized logic
i tried to find some sense
buried in the chaos
weighed out the burden
that seems too heavy to hold
this little heart of mine
carelessly made in so little time
she worked so hard
to keep me alive
but never learned to
do anything but that
i crafted her to be
strong and safe
locked everything away
prayed she was secure
but now i find myself
with something new
and realized she has no space
set aside for peace
she knows to run
but not to sing
spent too many sleeps
fueled by disappointment
she must be reassembled
to process this peaceful bed
and maybe some beauty
will come from this head
I want to create something meaningful.
Jan 2019 · 1.9k
Day Jan 2019
Please don't take it
from me,
I have nothing else.
I simply need you to
acknowledge my existence.
Self-branding is just *another* form of mutilation.
Day Jan 2019
Will you love me when I'm dead and gone?
Request you play my favorite song,
and listen closely to the words.
let this fading soul be heard.
Jan 2019 · 363
sunday morning sex
Day Jan 2019

One hundred forty-four hours spent
~ dreaming ~
about twenty-four hours of bliss

Happy Monday!
Jan 2019 · 405
heavenly love(her)
Day Jan 2019
Go searching for
a person,
to lie with you in bed.
I did and found
an angel -
to fights demons in my head.
Every morning
tell yourself
"You are not alone."
open hearts
create the safest home.
accept that it will take work
happiness is a fight
one the many take for granted
some have people fighting for them
others, only themselves
but never stop fighting
because you deserve that
7.7 Billion people
it's easy to feel
it's easy to think that
you don't mean anything
but you're here
and you deserve happiness
so fight for it
Jan 2019 · 233
Please, tell me
Day Jan 2019
How do I handle
waking up
with a strong-*** desire
to bleed out in the bathroom?
Imagining my toothbrush
as a weapon,
bleeding gums are the least
of my worries.
Before I leave for work
quickly check
underneath my mouse pad.
Yup, it's still there,
my blade.
I don't need it,
I tell myself
as I start my car today.
Turn on 104.9
and journey on my way.
Passively suicidal mornings have dominated lately. No apparent reason why. I do it to myself you know?
Jan 2019 · 186
Day Jan 2019
I'm sorry for
my choice(s).
Count 'em up,
trace 'em back
to the very
first mistake,
of being born.
Day Jan 2019
Seems way too good to be true
so for now, if that's okay-
I'll just keep loving you.
I appreciate you more with every sunrise
Jan 2019 · 138
Day Jan 2019
i thought safety and happiness came hand in hand
but turns out sanity still isn't my friend
Dec 2018 · 670
What is jealousy?
Day Dec 2018
A symptom of
my own character flaw.
I'll take things I can't ******* get out of my head for 500 Alex.
Dec 2018 · 1.3k
hurting holidays
Day Dec 2018
~ C'mon car -

Drive me home !

Broken heart -

Please don't roam ..

Tired legs -

/ Hold me up \

Convince myself

To never stop, ~
Eve of an Eve
Dec 2018 · 599
Day Dec 2018
How can I explain.
I I sound insane.
I know someone can hear me.
They surely see this insecurity.
I'm sorry I freaked out there.
I just keep trying not to care.
Dec 2018 · 231
We all pick our poisons
Day Dec 2018
Mind racing -
Like a puppy excited
to go outside.
I ask him
"What motivates you, Fido?"
He answers
"All dogs go to heaven, so why worry about it?"
Dec 2018 · 1.2k
My 2am question
Day Dec 2018
Do you ever feel TOO alive?
Dec 2018 · 237
things i say during sex
Day Dec 2018
"I've never felt like this before"
but what i meant was
"I've (always) felt alone. (I guess I've never known)"
Is this (real) love?
i feel happy
Dec 2018 · 315
Middleschool love letter
Day Dec 2018
Why do I feel the urge to write 11/16 on the back of my hand?
Temporarily tattoo this day onto my bleeding heart.
Dec 2018 · 228
my proseposal
Day Dec 2018
been writing about
a dream
thought never would
come true
but now i find
in paradise
with you
the only question
comes to mind
is when can
I, finally,
make you mine

marry me,
Dec 2018 · 763
Day Dec 2018
a flower needs
to survive
maybe some
to stay alive
add some fresh
she can thrive

a flower knows
she should go
and in due
she will grow
but do not
time goes slow

a flower learns
she's meant to be
but still she
its not easy
to live a
but only breathe
Dec 2018 · 391
Day Dec 2018
this body was build with autopilot,
so guess i'm worth more then I thought
Dec 2018 · 779
Day Dec 2018
   █                    ▄▄▄▄  ▄▄▄▄   █
    █    █████    ▐ ▓▓▌▐▓▓▌  █
    █    █████    ▐ ▓▓▌▐▓▓▌  █
    █    █████    ▐ ▓▓▌▐▓▓▌  █
         █    █████    ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀█✿ ✿
          █    █████ ___                     █(\|/)
_ make me feel _
like I'm
_  home __
Dec 2018 · 154
Day Dec 2018
Dec 2018 · 1.5k
questions of the heart
Day Dec 2018
C a n
                y o u
                        l o v e
          m e

Dec 2018 · 299
my dam(n)ation
Day Dec 2018
How could any good,
come from this broken soul of mine?
Prayers never do what they should,
but they tell me I'll be fine.
Depression feeds religion
or is that just my line?
Could this suffering be conviction
my warning from divine.
where is the line between what is right and what is wrong. between what is good and what is bad. humanity will never agree - are we alone in insanity?
Dec 2018 · 494
key to happiness
Day Dec 2018
Dec 2018 · 142
Day Dec 2018

I'm sorry to ask this
one more time
but do you mean it
when you say you're mine?

I know you're worried
I'm being too quiet
but my mind has to hurry,
and my brain is in flight.

Now my self-esteem hungers
and creativity's run dry-
keep counting up the numbers
so I don't fly too high.

Can't stop running on this track
assure myself, I'm pulling weight
constant pressure on my back
creating more self-hate.
Nov 2018 · 695
Depression does not care
Day Nov 2018
I think that I am blessed with life.
This morning I woke up warm and safe,
with a kind man next to me to kiss on the face.

I have been granted the ability to work.
I have a welcoming space to earn a living,
with a wonderful boss who is kind and giving.

I still have the privilege to text my mother.
She is a sweet woman with a kind heart -
loves who I am even though our beliefs sometimes part.

But today I woke up and my heart still feels heavy.
I feel unworthy of this body I've been given,
and my mind overworks without my permission.

Depression does not care about my positive days.
Even though I am blessed I struggle with pain,
and constantly still I fight with this dreadful brain.

But day after day I will never give up.
For too many people are counting on me,
and encouraging that one day I shall be free.

So *******, Depression!
Today I woke up and continued to breathe
and while sometimes it's hard I have faith in me.
Nov 2018 · 4.2k
Feeling dumb
Day Nov 2018
Please forgive my silence.

I don't know where to start.

My voice cannot project
the volume of my heart.
Nov 2018 · 181
lost love
Day Nov 2018
You're still in my head,
though long left my bed.
Yeah, I thought this was dead
but, I guess I misread
this stupid heart of mine.
Nov 2018 · 6.9k
Day Nov 2018
thank you
for the
that no
are they**
than my voice.
**anything/anyone trying to tear me down, whether mentally or situational

!!Don't forget to get out to those polls!!
Change is coming.
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