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 Feb 2018 Scarlet A
Justin Parks
If we're so close
I'd no longer stare at photographs
No longer read between lines
I could just touch your face
Look into your eyes
And finally know my place.
We could either play pool
Or sit at the park
I'd hear your stories
While you are looking afar.
Then slowly, I'd take each chance
To watch you from your side
And wish for myself
That I could call you mine.
But the first thing I should wish
Is that we'd be so close
I'd no longer have to stare at photographs.
 Feb 2018 Scarlet A
Do you bleed when you write?
When your fingertips
get sore and your muscles
get tight
Do you bleed?
From your heart?
With each beat comes a new
and you hope that it sounds like something
that doesn't quite rhyme
But it sounds good in time.
It'll sound good in time.
Just keep writing.

Keep bleeding.
Don't give up on this. The pen was made for your hand and your hand only. I swear.
 Feb 2018 Scarlet A
 Feb 2018 Scarlet A
Wipe off the makeup, let down the hair.
Take off my clothes, til everything's bare.
Dig under the flesh, dig under the bones.
Lock myself in a room, make sure I'm alone.. and let it all go...
I need to find myself, my passion and my pride.
To do what fits me best, other opinions aside.  
All of my life i lived to impress, they told me what to love,  they told me how to dress.
But I'm taking it all off, you can laugh and you can scoff.
But ill learn to be happy on my terms this time, I'll make myself proud, I'll make this life mine.
So dig under the flesh, dig deep in my heart.
Cut me down with your words but I won't fall apart.
Shocked? I thought you would be,
Cuz all of my life i hid behind jealousy.
But of what? The fake mask of beauty we call makeup?
But its time for my soul to wake up.
To find happiness in the nature of me, naked and alone, but I'm finally free.
For this is the closest to myself I've ever been.
My soul smiles and says "It's nice to see you again"
And I find myself smiling back... It's good to be home.
 Feb 2018 Scarlet A
Vale Luna
(read forward, then backward, line by line)

I ran.
Not knowing what else to do
There was so much blood on my hands
It was mine
The kitchen knife
Caught in my chest
Consumed by
I was heightened by
But running on
Wasn’t enough
While trying to stay calm,
Losing control
It was me that would end up
Dead. Because
He was
In front of me
The whole time
It was too late
I found myself
Locked in chains
My fate was
Forward: from the victims perspective.
Backward: from the murderers perspective.

Sometimes it feels like
We share one soul so big it
Takes up two bodies
I feel like I've finally found my other half. I know that is clique but I don't even care I am so happy. This is what true love feels like.
 Feb 2018 Scarlet A
Madisen Kuhn
the thing about feelings
is that they change
  you may have been
   completely infatuated
    with someone  
     or entirely immersed
     in sadness,
   but that doesn’t mean
that’s how you feel now
or how you’ll feel forever
and i fear that people forget that,
  i fear we fail to remember
   that emotions are not permanent
    and maybe that’s why
     her stomach hurts
    when she thinks about
   the girls in his life
  before her
  or why i’m reluctant
   to share old poems
    because i don’t want anyone
     to think that’s how i feel today
    so maybe we should start asking
   “how are you?” more often
     and stop accepting
      the default “i’m okay.”
       and maybe we should start
      caring more about
    what people say now,
   instead of dwelling on
  words of the *past
 Feb 2018 Scarlet A
Ivy Rose
She always seemed so synchronized,
To the thoughts that crossed his brain.

Picking up her feet to dance,
To distract him from the pain.

She kissed his worried temples,
Wiped his tears away like rain.

All the while still syncing with the
Thoughts inside his brain.

He wondered why she danced there,
And focused on his thought's.

"Maiden don't you think that there
is something you've forgot?

You spend worry on my brain waves,
you dance around and sing.
But don't you forget fair maiden,
that your thoughts can also ring."

She stood a while and faced him,
and focused on her thoughts.

"No my dear it's clear that you
are something I am not.

Your thoughts they never linger,
they come and then they go

And unlike me the bad ones
never stay and never grow

So yes, I'll dance about you,
and I'll kiss your temples pink.

And dance about you daily,
just to hear the thought's you think."

 Feb 2018 Scarlet A
Ivy Rose
 Feb 2018 Scarlet A
Ivy Rose
It freaks me out.
my breath increases in speed

It makes me worried.
my thoughts begin to jumble into one mass

I feel frightened
my eyes water

He isn't yours
you don't understand

Don't call me that
you don't understand

Just let it go
you don't understand

She wants to take you back
but there's more she doesn't know

They want to ask me out
but there's more that they don't know

no one knows
no one can

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