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51.2k · May 2018
Stormy Angel
She can walk
             night and day
               never letting either
                  get in her way.
She learned this trick
                     many moons ago
                     going deep within
           and never letting it show.
Her soul is innocent
her heart is pure
she’s gone through more
than most could endure.
            She’s an angel of light
                 an angel of dark
                 you never know
              what you will spark.
                      You want to hurt her?
                         Please, go ahead and try
                           she’ll be the one to show you
                                  just how well she can
­                                                                l­
                                                                ­  y.
                                  Her soul innocent
                    her heart pure
      but never think for one minute
that she’s not secure.
                                Say what you will
                          please, do what you must
                       but your jealousy and hatred
                             won’t waver her trust!
Even Those Angels Out There Have Their Limits…..
12.8k · Jul 2018
The Poets Pen
There are hearts that break
in silence, with tears
that nobody can see.

So maybe,
                just maybe…

Some tears demand
to be written by the poet's pen,
so others can find beauty
in that which makes us cry.

           just maybe…

The tears of the poets' pen,
unveils the beauty
of love and pain
giving comfort to others
that they’re not alone.

And then again
          just maybe…

There will be times
that nobody
will understand your feelings…

Write them anyway
because they are still
so **** beautiful!!*

11.3k · Feb 2018
Sweet Sensations
I melt
when your desire speaks
as you wrap yourself around me
like the night…

I lose myself
as I swim in the pool of your eyes
moving my finger’s oh so light…

Passion devours me
when you say my name
as it rolls off your tongue so very fine…

Ecstasy falls on me
like the sparkles of fallen stardust
covering me until I glisten and shine…

Delight fills me*
as I become mesmerized by sweet sensations
as eyes are blazing bright…

I melt
when your desire speaks
as you wrap yourself around me
like the night…..

I melt*
In the presence of your love…
10.1k · Oct 2017
Stay In My Heart
[You] are the whisper
giving me a hope
I never want to end.

[You] are my wish
                         ­     falling
    ­     my lucky penny
in that old glass jar.

[You] are my heart
touching me deep
with such tenderness.

[You] are the shine
the word of your promise
a faithful love tune.

[You] are my sun
                       ­ light,
                      stay in my heart
forever shining bright.
The Fairy Tale of the Warrior Prince

Once upon a time, long, long ago, far, far away there lived a Warrior Prince at the edge of the Magic Forest. The Warrior Prince once rescued the fair maiden Shelby and the fair lady Di, Shelby’s grams, from the Evil Mystical Wizard who lived on the far side of the magic forest. After settling the fair maiden and the fair lady into his castle where they would remain safe until his return, he set out to do his one and only job; guard and protect the magic forest.
He liked guarding the forest during the day because it was quiet and peaceful. But in the dark night, the great magic came to life and even his trusty horse became on edge. The bushes and trees took on eerie shapes that seemed to move. The night noises were loud and frightening. It was not like the beautiful forest noises of the day. At night the trees became witches and the bushes became trolls and animals. They would claw and scratch at his legs as he rode his horse through the forest.
It was at night when the largest magical creature appeared. It wanted to take over the magic forest. That creature’s whole purpose was to steal all the magic from the Magic Forest. The creature had been made that way by the Evil Mystical Wizard who wanted all the magic in the land for himself. That is why he kidnapped the fair maiden Shelby and the fair lady Di in the first place. He knew of their magical powers. The fair lady Di had the magic of touch. She could feel if she knew a person from another time and if they were good or evil by the touch of their hand or by looking into their eyes. She could see if love had ever found a home in their heart. The fair maiden Shelby had the greatest magic of all; the magic of sight. She could see into a person, see their life and what was to come. These magical powers coupled with the powers of the forest would make the Evil Mystical Wizard unstoppable.
The warrior prince had no magical powers of his own but was highly respected by the magical world because of his willingness and ability to protect them. He thought of them as family and would fight to the death for them. The love in his heart was a pure light of goodness. He knew if the Evil Mystical Wizard took over all the good magic in the world, everyone he loved would suffer greatly to the end of days. He pledged to fight for them to the end because of his love for them. It was his greatest power.
One night as he rode his beautiful horse through the magical forest, he heard the fair lady Di cry out in grief. Riding toward the sounds of her cries, his heart sank with the visions that flooded his mind. The fair lady Di had been restless and not able to sleep so, as many nights like this before, she went for a walk in the magic forest. The forest had always been a place of calm for her. It was a place where the hurts of the world would quiet and fade away. She could feel the love of the magical world around her. She could still the fears in her heart.
On this night as she walked along the forest floor she came upon a beautiful unicorn. It was waiting to bless her with his own magic of love. As they stood and stared at each other, she could feel the magic of his love flow into her heart and settle deep into her soul. She knew he was giving her his magic of love but didn’t understand why. When the transfer ended, she stood in awe as he bowed his head and told her, “You are the keeper of love. You always have been and always will be. My time is ending and my magic needs to live on. It will live in you and you will do great things with it.” Fair lady Di started to ask, “Why me?”… when the wind started to blow.
The clouds moved across the moon and lightning struck a tree somewhere deep in the forest. Just as the moon peaked around a cloud the thunder crashed and the creature was standing in front of them. The fair maiden Shelby was in her bed and could only sit up in fear as she watched the sight play out before her eyes. She saw the creature inch closer to her grams saying the words “Love must die.”
The fair maiden Shelby could only do one thing. She sent her sight to the magic of the forest hoping the forest would see that if love died, the world died too. As she watched, she saw two small magical creatures of the forest pull her grams back and away from the fight that played out before her. The creature moved forward and the fair lady Di thought her night would end. She closed her eyes and felt the wind blow through her. She let go ready to float away to a world without pain. As the crashing noises grew louder and the wind blew harder, she felt unknown hands pull her to safety.
The fair lady Di opened her eyes and watched as the unicorn fought with everything he had to save her from the terrible creature of magic who only sought to end love, to end her. The fight was long and hard but in the end, the beautiful unicorn stood no chance against the powers and strength of the terrible creature of magic. As the unicorn fell to the ground and his breathing slowed, the fair lady Di ran to him. All the creatures of the forest tried to stop her but she pushed them away. She had so much love for him and needed him to only feel love as he floated away to that world where there was no pain.
As she reached him she laid her body across his and poured out every ounce of love. Through her grief and pain, she gave love as his last breath left him. She cried. The wind blew, lightning flashed across the sky and the thunder crashed high in the heavens. Just then, the Warrior Prince came through the forest walls into the small opening of the forest center. He pulled his horse to a sudden stop at the sight in front of him. His blood began to boil. There was the Magic Dragon with a cruel evil grin on his face. He stood over the fair lady Di with her face buried in the mane of the lifeless unicorn. She was crying and pouring all the love she could into him.
The fair maiden Shelby watched with her inner sight and knew what she must do to save them all. She emptied her sight to the whole magical world and focused it into the center of the Warrior Prince. She showed him all the good he had ever done for the ones he called family and those he loved so dearly. Through the magical world he touched in so many ways, she showed him their respect for him, their gratitude for all that he had done for them and their unconditional love for him. Through her sight, he found the strength to fight the greatest fight of his life: The fight against the Magic Dragon who was there to destroy them all.
The Warrior Prince wasted no time as he pulled out his sword of courage and truth. He fought long and hard but, even close to death himself, he would not give up. With each swing of his sword the evil he so feared died a little more. Swing after swing until he pierced the heart of the great beast. Upon the death of the beast, the magic of the world returned the magic of the fair maiden Shelby to her. The magical world knew only one willing to give up her powers to save those she loved could be trusted with such power.
Very battered and bleeding, The Warrior Prince walked over to the fair lady Di, held her close and let her pour her grief and pain into his heart and soul. When she calmed, he lifted her onto his horse and brought her back to the castle where the fair maiden Shelby waited for their return.
When the Warrior Prince slayed the Magic Dragon and ended the magic that had been instilled within him, it also weakened the Evil Mystical Wizard. For the wizard had given all his power into the dragon and was confident the dragon would succeed in taking over all magic in the world. By the Warrior Prince destroying the dragon, it also ended all and any magic the Evil Mystical Wizard had or ever would have again. The Magic Forest, The Magic of The World, The Magic of The Fair Maiden Shelby and The Magic of The Fair Lady Di was finally safe. The Warrior Prince, he also learned he had a little magic of his own and had only needed to look inside himself to find it.

Writing Copyright © All Rights Reserved
2017 Brianna Love/SA/DBMA
I have gone back and forth on publishing this story, in many ways, it’s very personal.
“The Fairy Tale of the Warrior Prince” was written three months after the death of my dad. My dad was young and though he was a hard man he loved his family and my granddaughter loved her great grandpa so much. This story has many truths in it by the way of story metaphors. My granddaughter, five at the time named all the characters and I used many of her thoughts and feelings. This story was a way for her and me to work through a grief that surrounded us. Each character in the story is real, they each played a part in our grief. I wrote this story because of my love for her and her love for him. When we were walking away from his grave that day, my sweet granddaughter turned around and like on cue every person stepped back to let her have her view. We all witnessed the most amazing and beautiful thing, she turned and said the very words I have always said to her. “Dream Sweet” “I love you grandpa” and then blew him a kiss.  Children’s love is unconditional, pure and the most beautiful love I have seen and felt.

I know this story is long and many don’t like long reads but, a dear friend told me that I would know when I was ready to post it and that’s when I should.
7.5k · Nov 2017
To The Stars I Wished
And like moments
were words
I made a wish
to the stars…

And now

Soon I will hold you close
envelop your heart
kiss your loving soul
and when the words
become so real
that we cannot stand
the electric energy
that flows...

Those moments
will be ours.. alone
with each other...

And again and again
we will meet
after dark
as the moon
yawns in awakening
and the only
light to be seen
embraces us
in a sparkling soft shade
of silver blue.

In that secret place
we will always meet
where the clouds greet
the swaying trees
sprinkling moonlight
in the shadows
as your touch
lingers on my skin
a radiant heat
melding slowly
with the
tingling warmth
your love
blankets me in.
7.0k · Jan 2018
She Is….
Gorgeous is the woman
with storms in her eyes,
a bruised soul
and many scars
but still dares to open up,
to trust with her heart
and fall in love
that is a woman
who bleeds stardust
and cries
tears of pure love….
This is dedicated to a really sweet person that I know, who has no idea how strong she actually is.
Sweetie, you shine, keep shining!!
6.8k · Oct 2017
Moment of Tranquility
cares just…
       fall away,
                                    waters of life,
         overcome my strife….
5.5k · Dec 2017
You Are He
You are
           my ever shining light
           of all my dreams,
the softest touch of the
and the sparkle in
My first
           thought in the morning
my last
           every night,
you are
           my Knight in shining armor
my life’s
           true story delight.
You are
           the kiss upon the wind
my star
           from above,
the heart
           of my heart
the essence
           of my love.
You are
           the song of my soul
           forever destiny,
the meaning of my
you are the other half of
4.5k · Dec 2017
You Reap What You Sow
You think you’ve broken me down
that I’ll never stand again,
you think with hateful words
you’ve landed the big win.
So you think you know me…
I’m a pushover because I’m kind
don’t underestimate,
I actually have a powerful mind!
You don’t know the whole of it
and never, you truly will,
unlike you, I could never hurt another
out of hatefulness or thrill!
You are powerful with judgment
and you think you give a great show,
so go ahead, pick up that rock
give it a good hard throw!
But, remember this sweetheart
actually, it’s something you should know,
karma pays back in triple
I’d tread a little more lightly
if I were YOU,
all that hatefulness you put out
well, eventually darlin,
that bills gonna come due!
This Is Dedicated To My Troll With Love!
Merry Christmas!!
4.3k · Nov 2017
Fated love
Along time ago
    it was written
in the stars
    by the moon
and the wind
    of a love that
was meant to be…
    For many years
the stars held
    the promise
and the moon
    and wind
watched from afar.
    A love
written in the stars
    fated to be
A love
   of truth, purity
hope and faith
   A love
that stands firm
   casting even the
darkest shadows aside.
   For it was written
a very long time ago
   and no matter
the journeys of these
   two hearts past
this love was fated
   always meant to be.
   *the moon moves aside
and the stars part
   as the wind sings
a calling love song
   making way
for this fated love
   that was meant
to be, all along.

Walking down a wooded path
tall flowing trees all around,
I came upon the river’s edge
and sat down on the ground.

Sitting at the edge of the river
I stare at its ongoing flow,
I start to give it all my pain
a release with each little throw.

My hardest pain is fear
that I’ve had from so long ago,
of never feeling good enough
that’s dulled my inner glow.

It eats at me like a cancer
each and every day,
the fear of never being good enough
and again being thrown away.

Years of disappointment and abuse
only being property, nothing to love,
but always trying to make things right
so everyone else could rise above.

I throw this fear out into the river
sit back and watch it pass slowly by,
I wrap my arms around myself
feel the release, let myself cry.

I throw out all the other pains
betrayal, heartache, loneliness and more,
I watch them drift gently way
these last tears will be left on this river shore.

Noticing as each and every pain
slowly floats down the river away,
I observe at a distance
as they fade into the suns sparkling rays.

Walking down a wooded path
tall flowing trees all around,
I came upon the river’s edge
and was surprised at what I found.

And ever onward shall we strive
and from the circle peace derive.
The sea in robes of mossy green
and blues the eye has never seen...
In grays that mock the stormy sky
and depths that hold the tears gone by....

A sweet release we give our heart
from pain of past that tore apart,
relief that only one can find
when hearts we let, become unconfined,
to leave behind those stormy skies
letting self-love baptize…

A tide of tears resides within
and waits to overflow.
i greet with a smiling face
so others will not know.

How feeble is this masquerade.
Transparent are the games.
Emotions should be given room
without the chides and blames.

The time will come to open up
and let the dam release...
my will, the pressure stop.
my soul will be at peace.

Weep when grief prescribes.
Laugh for humor's sake.
Love with everything you have
and forgive, all your mistakes.

Thank you Cné!!!!!
4.1k · Aug 2018
Decisions, Desisions
Karma, Karma
hateful heart in trouble,
***** deeds of action
will now simmer and bubble….

That surge in the stillness of air
vibrates leaves on every tree,
the truth laying below deceptive layers
where you think you’re safe to be.

That tingly feeling on your skin
the spark of fire within your eyes,
a surge of deception fills the air
as light flickers in the sky.

An eye for an eye
paybacks can run deep.
Do you think yours are any different?
Karma really does SEEP!

Be careful where that energy roams
Karma pays back in triple,
for that ***** deed done and lie told
can devastate, destroy and *******.
Wrong thing done for the right reason
or so you may think, is still the wrong thing,
you never know the consequences to yourself
that ***** little deed can bring.

So many people hurting each other.... Will we ever learn that our actions always come back at us?
3.8k · Jul 2018
I Know That They Matter
As a child, our feelings ran free!
         in the way of this world
       as we grew into adulthood,
     we were told that our feelings
    are not as significant as reason.

As we grow,
we are taught that showing feelings
                  is childish
we are told to control our feelings…
     Don’t let them see you cry,
showing feelings can be dangerous,
         it can show weakness
     making us seem too sensitive.
And because of what we are taught,
  we don’t always understand them
      or even know how they come.
But, they do come, knowing us better
          then we know ourselves.

    But I know that feelings matter…
         Love, pain, joy, hurt, happiness.
    Sometimes they can be small,
  like when I smell cookies baking
          and I miss my grams.
  And sometimes they are massive,
     like when my granddaughter
   died at birth and I watched her
                   come back!

However, if you are fortunate
       and I mean, really fortunate,
            that one feeling will come along
                   that will change everything!
I remember such a feeling,
and how it flooded my heart years ago
when this guy invited me to his community
and showed me his kind and loving heart.
And not so long ago,
                when I looked into his eyes!

And those are the same feelings
                   that I have right now….
The feeling that you are him,
       my future, my love, my heart, my life!
And this feeling, I trust, I believe in
    more than anything I have ever trusted
       or believed in, in my life!
Because with you, is the only place
      I have ever felt was home.
3.7k · May 2018
If I Could
If I could have you back
for just one day,
I’d tell you all the things
I never did say…

I’d tell you I love you
and that I always will,
I’d tell you all my joys
even my little thrills.

I’d tell you my dreams
and sadness’s too,
I’d tell you my dark secrets
that you never knew…

I’d tell you about the love
deep in my heart,
I’d tell you of the day
I was torn apart…

I’d tell you how I miss you
and wish you were here,
I’d tell you everything
I hold so dear…

If I could have you back
for just one day,
I’d find a way
to continue the stay…
Sometimes the feeling of loss and grief can overtake you in a second, leaving tears streaming down your face. Sometimes, just by a smell, like the smell of lilacs floating through the air on a cool spring evening.

Just having a bad “Miss You Dad” day…
July 4th will be five years since he's been gone, it doesn't seem that long.
3.5k · Sep 2017
Dream Sweet
as beauty kisses
      the dark of night
dreams of whispers
      take heavenly flight,
floating high, above sleepy beds
       leaving whispering dreams
           to fall
                   sleepy heads….  
so dream
              a dream,
                     of your love so true
                      while stars twinkle
                         silver and blue….
as mr. moon
            watches from above
       the most beautiful dreams
of sweetest love…
3.4k · May 2018
Night Sings Softly
”˜˜”°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°”˜˜”°•.¸☆

Stars gather in a twinkly show
     moon ascending in the dark sky,
          drowsy souls falling asleep
               in the still of night passing by.

                  peaceful dreams

               in gentle flows of height, and depth,
         myriad auroras of colors dance
a soft melody, on whispered breath.

Lingering just a moment or two
      as the world of dreams take hold,
           putting tired souls at ease
               in a soothing light of mosaic gold.

                  in songs of night

            magical melodies fill the air,
      floating upon a gentle breeze
tranquil moments, and answered prayers.

Stars gather in a twinkly show
     moon ascending in the dark sky,
          drowsy souls falling asleep
               in the still of night passing by.
              ☆”˜˜”°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°”˜˜”°•.¸☆
3.3k · Jan 2018
The Paths of Love
Having him by my side
                              makes me feel safe
                                      from all the dangers
                                 that i may come across
                                         during this walk in life.
                                                       With him by my side
                                                        i feel capable to walk
                                      these paths, life puts before me,
           i know that all steps
                   i walk by his side
                           will be worthy ones,
                                 they will be the right ones.
                    Because i feel his strength of love
                                                            ­               decency
                                                         ­           friendship
                                           ­                   honesty
                                 by the simple touch of his hand
                                             by the light in his eyes
                                             when he looks at me.
             He helps me look to the future
             with a certainty
             that happiness is possible
             those obstacles
             we should never fear,
             there will always be obstacles
             always dark clouds and shadows
             together, we will always find a way
             out of these difficulties
             we together will always find our light.
                     Because we together
                         will always keep our hearts
                              filled with this greater feeling
                                 called love!
                                        A love that means unity
                                         in a life, we have chosen
                                              For our hearts
                             are filled with a beauty
                    inflated with the confidence
               and hope
only a great love can bring.
If reading from your phone, please flip your phone so you can get the full format of the poem

In wonder of the world
of her mysteries
sitting here dreaming alone
I wandered over a hill one day
seeking expecting
and she appeared
like a vision
shimmering perfection

I had been admiring
for years
the beauty of his heart
I had watched
from a distance
never letting myself
become apart,
  there were times
   he would approach
     the top of the hill
      always stopping
        and turning back
       my pounding heart
     would then painfully still.
    I sent him dreams
  of a sweet first kiss
sprinkled visions
of starlit bliss
then one day
by the touch of grace
I looked up to find us
standing face to face.

I saw her in dreams before here
she was standing growing
over the hill the whole time

always she had been there

I had just not gone forward enough

I stood in awe

and she like a tulip

dreams, now reality
love floods this heart of mine

I stand in awe
of beauty, so magnificently divine

the essence of love whispered
and I, like a tulip

Again the moonlights company
4 am. She's somewhere.
About the skies glow
Stars flicker eyes turn
Search seek
A lone northern light
A light show
I gaze up to search for
And she's there I turn. My
Sight looks beyond now
Beyond my dim sight
Farther than I can reach
And I hope.
I remember
I close my eyes
And see.
For tonight
Her memory
And the moon
Light glow northerly
And a star's
And all my might
Are all I can see.
She is everywhere
But here...

She walked this night
in a snow covered field
as the snow blew all around
dancing diamond’s, iridescent light
with a kiss, the magic was sealed.

To the sky she points, lights appear
stunning colors, fill the dark of night
a graceful dance, only he will see
the beauty of the northern lights.

To him, she sends, her heart, her soul
through lights that dance among the stars
pushing back a looming shadow
she takes comfort in their beautiful memoirs.

Closing her eyes, she sees his face
his eyes, his heart, her beaconing light
pushing back that looming shadow
bringing comfort to her fright.

So she walks this night
in a snow covered field
as the snow blows all around
dancing diamond’s, iridescent light
with a kiss, the magic was sealed.
3.0k · Sep 2017
Starting Point
Oh yes, where to start….
                 A Kiss behind the ear
             trailing across the jaw
                  a light sweep of lips across lips
                       a catch of breath…

                               moving down….

Fingers tracing every move….
    soft wet kisses to the neck
           ….are you feeling the groove?

                 Slowly lips move from neck to chest
                             as they lovingly adore
              fingers lightly travel down
                                           eager to explore…

      Wet trailing kisses to the navel
               fingers circling around chest
      bringing forth trembling lightheaded sensations
                    lips against skin, pressed…..

                              Moving ever so slow….

                                        finger traces
                                           circling tongue
                                              lips adoring
                                                 wet embraces
                                             intensity flowing
                                          curling toes
                                        twitching muscles
                                      heart pounding
     ­                                     out of body
                                            a second of clarity
                                              Sweet Release….

                                   Good morning baby, shall we go on……..
© 2017 Brianna Love/SA/DBMA
A little different for me, but it was fun :)

I have this place where I go
when I need to be all alone.
I call it my place,
a place where the hurts of the world
quiet down and fade away.

I have this place
no one knows about
between a field and a willow tree
along a pastures edge.

A place of beauty, where my fingertips
can paint over all the wrong
and all the pain I feel
in colors bright and cheery.

A creek down around the corner
I go to when
things get oppressive
dark and hard.

It’s a place of peace, where the fears
of my heart slow and still…
A place of calm, where the oceans
of emotions lay at my feet
and weep no more.

And I sit there
I don't know if I meditate
there in this place hidden
but I get peace
I see love I hug this earth.

It’s a place where I can breathe,
where I feel sheltered, protected
from the coldness outside
of my canopy of shade… It’s my place.

They go to their place…..
……they visit very often...

2.6k · May 2018
I’ve Had Those Times
Those sometimes
    those moments of time….
I’ve Had My Times.      

        I’ve had my times….
times of feeling loss, pain, hurt
   times of wanting to run, to leave
   to go far away where nobody knows me…
   there was a time when i was carefree, loving life
   and in one moment,
                      in one little moment, it was gone.
i’ve been beaten down, i’ve had my innocents ripped away
     [fifteen-year abusive marriage]       [***** at sixteen]
i’ve cried a river or maybe it’s been an ocean of tears….
           [pain consumed my life for many years]
i’ve felt the hand of death too many times
my soul has bled, my heart….. has known much pain
    i’ve looked through windows of dark blue
seen streaks of red…
                               pondered black holes…
                  have had days of staying in bed…  
sometimes i’ve wanted the world to just go
                                                         leave me behind
let me be, let me die….

I’ve had those moments of time when….
                               i’ve held new life in my hands
heard the beauty of a newborns cry
       i’ve seen the beauty of an ocean sunset
gazed wondrously at sea spirits’ dancing on the water
i’ve breathed deeply in the fresh mountain air
          felt the softness of a breeze
                like gentle fingers moving through my hair
           i’ve seen the old find new love
                  an amazing magical sight to see…
i’ve watched my children build beautiful lives
      not always perfect but, full of hopes and dreams.
i’ve learned to give through my pain
   i’ve seen and felt passion
            i’ve walked through fire
               and found true beauty on the other side.
   i look for beauty every day, even when it’s hard to do
i let love flow to every part me
                                                 giving the best to you.
  i let it consume me because falling into the depths
     of the demons of my past, would destroy
that part of my soul i have fought so hard to get back
to keep, so i let love, passion, and beauty consume me.
   And I Forever Will…..
              A sweet release we give our heart
                from pain of past that tore apart,
                    relief that only one can find
         when hearts we let, become unconfined
             to leave behind those stormy skies
                      letting self-love baptize…
2.5k · Oct 2017
What He Does
Hand in hand he leads me
down the hall to the bedroom,
     sweetness is found
  as love opens in full bloom.

    it’s in the way he touches
   the way he runs his fingers*

it’s in the way he makes me feel
    cherished, loved, adored
       making me feel as though


I wish to be lost in that moment
      a connection so strong
        an embrace so tight
      to just love him always
       everyday every night.

to take long walks
             along the countryside
    down an old dirt road
into the forest, we’ll hide……

then back home
              down that short hallway
to the room that he made
                 for that coming day…..

it’s all in what he does
   it’s in the way he touches

  ­                      mind

          *I wish to freeze time
                 to be lost in that moment…..
2.4k · Oct 2017
That First Kiss
Eyes meeting eyes
      as anticipation peaks
           hearts pounding fast
               even skipping beats.

A slow moving burn
      blissful fire on the rise
            gentleness in the moment
                 emotions intensify.

  Fingertips trace
passion flows free
souls lock together
  sparks you see.

                 Melding into one another
                         as lips meet
                   time and space stills
                repeat… repeat…repeat…

           A magical moment
            deliciously divine
                that first kiss
           dripping of honeyed
                                 sweet wine.
ღ♥´¯'°¤ღ ღ¤°´¯'♥ღ

My last first kiss
shall be
taken in with every touch
into my very last nerve
every fiber of my being
make me whole my
soul find heaven
my life have meaning.

My last first Kiss
shall be
in my heart forever
eyes meeting eyes
as anticipation peaks
hearts pounding fast
even skipping beats.
I will take it all in
blissful love on the rise
gentleness in the moment
as emotions intensify.

That last first kiss
I shall savor taste
I shall be united for once
when I taste her lips
meant for only
me to find
from the beginning.

That last first kiss
will be
heaven on earth
as our
passion flows free
and our souls
lock together
just him and me.
Melding into one another
as our lips meet
time and space
will still….
repeat… repeat…repeat…

Just her

A magical moment
with him
so beautifully divine
our last first kiss
will drip
of honeyed
sweet wine.

  ღ♥´¯'°¤ღ ღ¤°´¯'♥ღ
#Collaboration #Love #Kiss #First #Last #PoetryWeave #Forever #Enchanting

where the most importance resides on
the meadow
in apparent
I saw
her eyes.

from the first moment I met him
I knew we sang the same song,
I watched from a distance
with loving eyes
staying his friend
all along

took several decades and wrong turns where
until I found that there
her being life
an angel you might call
her, yet flesh and blood,
and heart
and soul  so much
in tune with my

I loved him    from afar
his caring heart, his loving soul
I kept a distance but, stayed near
giving love, encouragement, and hope
when I could sense his fear.

my lungs called her name for many years
sang out searching for her eyes
and did not know she had been
all the time
I refused to hear.

I always heard his song
I sang back
never loud enough to be heard
and in my heart I would long.
I’d step back many times
his song
would always draw me near,
I knew then that I would sing
until the combined melodies
he would hear.
Then one night melodies sang
calling song
calling song….

And now,
like newness and hope and heaven
we sing together!


a bit of

in her hair I figured
all along the strands down to her bangs
I lingered along the lashes
became a vision
leaked down a cheek fell onto
her silky neck
became a molecule came into her
blood flowed down her heart
pumped me into her toes as they curled
traveled vascular
up her spine-tingling and came
smiling out the corner of her mouth
a wet spot
next to the corner of her smile
soft silky moist glistens
a mist on her breath
a bit of touch on the pillow
a dream on the next day's memory
a dream for forever

every touch a slow-moving pulse
sending shockwaves
through every point of touch
awaking every part of me
with his soft touch
his warm lips
our bodies move gracefully
his brown eyes
lingering deep
touching the core of my soul
the warmth of his kisses
his fingers floating
like a paintbrush
leaving a burning trail
of ecstasy
and brilliant colored hues
each stroke caressing
each caress leaving
a beautiful new color of love
filling me with all of him
his heart
his soul
his being
all of his colors filling me
with his love

1.9k · Jun 2018
Dream Sweet!!!
1.8k · Jan 2018
Sweet-Scented Paradise
On this night let’s take a walk
together just you and me,
holding hands we’ll count stars
with a kiss for each, we see.

Down a path, into a garden,
lined in Queen Anne’s Lace,
we’ll make beautiful memories
those that even time, cannot erase.

Loving you is like breathing,
true beauty of a heavenly design,
just as our seeds of love were sown,
forever into a growing vine.

As angels sing of beautiful love,
filling the sweet-scented night air,
a Joyful melody of sound,
reveals the love we share.

On this night let’s take a walk
until the sun meets our star-filled eyes,
and then when the stars twinkle and shine
we’ll walk again through paradise.
1.8k · Sep 2017
She said, to the Moon
It was there, on that old log where she sat
under the trees cover, she talked to the moon
where she told him, I cause my own pain
as the wind quietly hummed her favorite tune.

She said,

The scars I bare are not just from the hands of others
not all are caused by the hurtful thundering rain
some are caused because I love too deeply
on that old log, she told him, I cause my own pain.

She said,

I cause my own pain, because I feel too deeply
I’ve loved when I shouldn’t have, way too much
I’ve longed for, dreamed of, desired for
just one certain, from just one…. A touch…..

She said,

To the tearing moon, I cause my own pain…….

The moon said, to Her

It was there, on that old log where you sat
while the wind hummed, your favorite song
that I touched you, ever so gently with light
to lead you in the direction, where you belong.

He said to her…

I touched you ever so gently with my light
to lead you to a heart, like you’ve never known
one, who like you has loved and felt deeply
who knows pain but also, the love you have shown.

He said to her…

Tis true you’ve longed for, dreamed of, desired for
but you’ve also given, and loved so very much
I’ve touched you, ever so gently with my light
so that you can feel, just one certain, from just one….

His touch….
1.8k · Jul 2018
Live In Today
There are no promises
      for tomorrow,
   it may never come
say I love you today
to those special ones.

Set goals
       dream your dreams
but, live within today
       for right now
          this moment
             is truly everything.

Stop wasting time
      on what was before
the past,
lessons learned,
      now it’s time
          to close those doors.

Comes a time in life
   when one must grow,
      the saying is true
you reap what you sow….

Give your heart
to the one you love
         make it a point
to show them
          No One Else
   could ever rise above.

Live in the here and now
   give a smile
          to all you meet
walk every day in love
make your
            life complete.
She was a girl
full of dreams,
affectionate, adoring,
easy to please,
a full life ahead,
so it seems....

Living and laughing, dancing a dream,
loving life, to its means.
sixteen and beautiful
full of passion and grace,
she hungered for the day
she could take her place.

Hopes and dreams
of a full life ahead,
she saw it coming
she never had any dread.

Living and laughing, dancing a dream
loving life, to its means.
daytime turned to darkness
joy to grief,
laughter to tears
with no passion or grace.

Beaten and wounded
youth taken away,
she longed for the day
she could escape this place.

Protecting the ones she loved
from the outcome of her fate,
she pushed it deep down inside
and hide it at any rate.

Day’s turned to weeks
weeks turned to years,
she kept smiling and living
but joy was replaced with fear.

Longing for the one
who would hold her tight,
turning her darkness
back into light.

Living and laughing, dancing a dream
Loving life to its means…
Copyright © All Rights Reserved ~
Stormy Angel/DMA
Registered: 2015-04-20 07:08:23 UTC

April is ****** Assault Awareness Month along with National Child Abuse Prevention Month the two go hand in hand. Any form of Child Abuse happens from infant age to adult age and at times carry’s beyond. If you see or feel a child is being abused in any form of any way call this National Number To Report It…
1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) or visit the web site at, Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline…   Crisis Counselors Available 24/7.
This poem is a true story about a girl who was ****** Assaulted by a family member, who after years has come out of her hiding place, has found her true love and is living her dreams.

All abuse damages the heart and soul, it puts out a light and the scars you forever hold.

Make a stand, report if you see or think a child is being abused, you could save a life!
1.5k · Feb 2018
As March Blows In
As March blows in
so does new life
new hope
new chances to fulfill dreams
to make them come true.
March 20th the first day of Spring
also known as the Spring Equinox.
One of the two days in the year
that the sun will rise due East
and set due West.
And with the arrival of this date
the days will become sunnier
and new life will start to bloom.
Although for some of us
we may not see it quite yet
after all we could still
get our fair share of snow.
But, March is the promise
that spring is beginning
that warmer brighter days
are ahead of us.
Watching the seasons
especially spring
is a wonderful reminder
of learning to wait for things
to arrive when they are meant to.
After a long and what seemed
like a very cold winter
feeling the warmth
of the sun on my face
through the window
as I stood admiring
the rise of the outside thermometer
it brought a very warm feeling
to my heart.  
Early spring is such a beautiful time
but, many times
the beauty is missed
in the longing
for what hasn’t yet arrived.
Rest assure that beauty is just ahead
because that is the promise of spring
new hopes, new chances to
make dreams come true
and Spring, she never disappoints.
We just sometimes
must be patient enough
to let her show
her beautiful self
when she is ready.
Take time to admire the beauty
of early spring
as she slowly stretches
and yawns herself awake
to dazzle us
with new beauty, hopes
dreams and growth
as March blows in….
Inspired by a quote by Rachel Carson

There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – The assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.
~ Rachel Carson
1.4k · Apr 2021
I haven't wrote in 2 years other than the other day, it felt good to write something again. April is National Child Abuse Awareness Month. I have always helped to spread all abuse awareness in April and I'm going to do it this April also.
We are creative writers, we know words hold power, so I'm hoping to see more of my fellow writers spread abuse awareness this month. If you do send me a message and I will share them. It's really important to spread abuse awareness but this year, it's even more important. Because of the  pandemic more people have been cooped up with their abusers so unfortunately abuse has become worse. The spreading of  awareness helps give victims hope and helps give people strength to not look the other way, to pick up that phone and make that call xover and over again if they have to. Please help out by even posting one poem on awareness that I will help highlight.
1.4k · Nov 2018
Falls Kiss Goodnight
It frosted good and hard last night
for it was twenty-eight degrees,
heat and humidity are now gone
so we’ll welcome the snow and bare trees.

But today the sun was shining bright
high in the November sky,
there never was such a shade of blue
to delight my searching eye.

The Burr Oaks dropping their golden leafs
no more Maples a fiery red,
the quaking Aspens are flattering maize
a warm quilt, to put the earth to bed.
A morning of snow and icy roads... For those of us who live in a place where we experience all 4 seasons fully, it's time to brace for the long months of winter, look past the cold and see the beauty that is placed before us. Remember, the new birth of spring is right down the hill, through the forest and right around the corner. Best wishes for a warm and safe winter!
1.3k · Sep 2018
Blooming Wild Rose
Somewhere between night and day,
she wiggled from side to side
then pushed and stretched
until each petal was opened wide.

Painted in beauty
she's a symbol of grace
gently swaying in the breeze
planted firmly in one place.

to be plucked
               and caressed
full filling
               her passions need
                      in beauty's pose
with ancient secrets of old
       blinded by her sight

she is....

The Fire and Ice, Wild Rose
1.2k · Jun 2021
Soul Connection
Many years ago

    another place,
                        another time,

I felt the beating of your heart,
beating together with mine.

The starlight
    on the water,
         the glow
            of the full moon,
               I remember us,
                  the melody
                     of our eternal tune.

Scents of the Magnolias,
the soft feel of our kiss,
the love that was invoked,
   true everlasting bliss.

Whispering breeze melodies,
waking with you each morn,

     ultimate love,
                    strong and true,
           with you reborn.

Forever our love shall linger,
no amount of time can undo,
   even in the vail of death,
I will forever remember you.

Many years ago

another place,
                    another time,
the beating of your heart,
beating together
                     with mine.

Another Place, Another Time......
1.2k · Oct 2017
Winds of Change
Burning eyes,
tears running down her face,
he tore her heart out again
as he put her in her place.

Pain racked her body
and hate-filled her mind,
but she couldn’t let it out
because it wasn’t the time.

Another day in this marriage,
another day with him,
she hated his whiskey breathe
as he climbed within.

Holding her down,
covering her face,
fighting for air, how the hell
did she get in this place?

Sitting in the bathtub
alone and afraid,
looking at all the marks
his ***** hands made.

Rage building, consuming within,
watching the blood swirl in the tub
and knowing her sweet baby girl,
was gone then…..
Not only is Domestic violence Abuse, it’s Abuse that can also harm a child in the womb. Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, yet the problem is often overlooked, excused, or denied.
1.1k · May 2018
Heart Hurts (10 W)
Longer I'm away from home
the more my heart hurts.
1.1k · Aug 2018
That Place
Meet me in that place
   where the clouds
                    greet the trees,
   where swaying
                         on dark shadowy dreams.
That beautiful place
              of shining light
                     and ever loving grace,
              that place free from fear
                     filled with
                              peace and love,
                              of  eternity
                                     that never end……
Far away from the hum-drum
                                     of life,
                     far from the place
                          where anger and hate
                            cut you like a knife.
That place where the stars
            sing sweet songs of love
               where the sun and the moon
                      dance passionately above.
Meet me under that big willow tree
            shaded by
that place
           that was always meant
                          for us to be free.
That place for you and me....
1.1k · Apr 2021
A Midnight Spark
As midnight approaches
a calm floats over the terrain,
with the sweet sounds of night
and the patter of light rain.

Getting lost in the musical tones
thoughts drip of soft dew,
memory tickling giggles
a moment of Déjà vu.

A peacefulness through the heart
outside, the wind a soothing sound,
the light tapping of warm rain
hearts loving, souls bound.

Hearts of love, souls of light,
a touch of magic, rhythm and rhyme,
enchanting dreams, fill the night,
of love so beautifully divine.
She is a girl
full of dreams,
affectionate, adoring,
easy to please.
A full life ahead,
so it seems....

Living and laughing, dancing a dream,
loving life, to its means.
Sixteen and beautiful
full of passion and grace,
she hungered for the day
she could take her place.

Hopes and dreams
of a full life ahead,
she never saw it coming
she never had any dread.
Daytime turned to darkness
joy to grief,
laughter to tears
with no sign of relief.

Beaten and wounded
youth taken away,
she longed for the day
she could escape this place.
Day’s turned to weeks
weeks turned to years,
she kept smiling and living
but joy had been replaced with fear.

Protecting the ones she loved
from the outcome of her fate,
she pushed it deep down inside
and hide it at any rate.
Laughing and living a girl in her teens
living life to the fullest, happy future dreams,
then found a place, safely deep within
to hide from the torture of this cruel evil sin.

Living and laughing, dancing a dream,
loving life, to its means.
Sixteen and beautiful
full of passion and grace,
she hungered for the day
she could take her place……
All abuse damages the heart and soul, it puts out a light and the scars you forever hold.
Make a stand, report if you see or think a child is being abused, you could save a life!
1.0k · Oct 2017
Always You’ve Been
You have
been that missing piece;
         that missing  piece of me
that mystery in my life
              the magic
                the fire
                  the delight  
                    the desire
only through your eyes
                  can I see myself
and a new way
                a new life of
With you
            I know true love!
You are
          my one star in the dark of night
              my true beating heart delight
the truest beauty that holds my sight
       my Sun, my forever shining light.
The beauty in my life is all YOU!!!
994 · Oct 2017
Gifting Love
On this night I give to him
with my heart so full of love,
the beauty of the moon and stars
enchanting magic from above.

Within the wind, I give to him
the whispers of true romance,
swirling around his heart and soul
the beauty of lovers dance.

In the warmth of morning sun
I give the song of a dove,
to wake him from sweet slumber
with cherished music of love.

I give to him my love
sealed by destinies kiss,
a love destined for eternity
of forever pure bliss.

With all my heart and soul
a promise forever to be true,
the gift of each tomorrow
for love to bloom anew.
972 · Aug 2018
Soothing Sleep
When I drift off to sleep
stillness fills my limbs,
tranquility wraps my spirit,
as my dream world begins.

Soft and beautiful colors
fill my peaceful sleep,
visions of beauty and love
then begin to seep.

Soft and gentle touches
moving through time,
causing the pink of auras
to magnificently shine.

Tender enchanting tones
play softly in my ear,
a melody of song
so calming and dear.

Our essence of love
seeps into our dreams,
causing soothing sleep
until the first of sunbeams.

It’s overflow from my heart…

As it flows down
it touches the land
seeping deeply,
leaving beauty and tranquility
in every sparkle of sand.

Making the trees grow
tall and green,
leaving the flowers to bloom
in the brightest colors
ever to be seen.

Touching streams,
making the waters flow
glisten and gleam.
Twisting and turning,
the sweetest melody
bleeding into the rivers
beauty and love
these streams deliver.

It tickles my toes dangling
in the turn of the river
where I was sitting
in the turn of life’s river.
I’ve waited all my life
on that bank.

And it’s there
on that river bank
where the overflow of my heart
rises up through your toes
touching your heart
filling you with
my overflow
my love
our love
our life together.

Always forever

And with that….
We became one heart
sharing all.

Like two hands grasping
fingers intertwined.
Holding on Forever!

As it flows down
it touches the land
seeping deeply,
leaving beauty and tranquility
in every sparkle of sand.

It’s the overflow of my love for you!

907 · Jul 2018
Broken ~ Loved
The deepest wound
is one inflicted
by the hand
that once caressed,
for it knows
where the softest
parts are…
A Broken Heart
    A Loved Heart
are not so dissimilar,
for they are both
the most fragile things
you will ever hold.

Hold them with care!
900 · May 2018
Have you heard about them?
   (felt the magic…)
They are
the essence of love      
they hold
the beauty of life
they are all around us shining bright.

It's a whisper
of love
that floats 
through the trees
ruffling every leaf
of a breeze.
It’s a hint
of a fairy tale
a maiden
a white knight
a love
blessed by the stars
tenderly held tight.
A love that                  
grows stronger
as hearts became whole
for the love
them comes deep
from their souls.
From the very first moment
love shined
bright and  warm
casting out
doubt and gloom        
even the worst of storms.
It’s a whisper
of love
that floats
through the trees
a promise of eternity
on the sweet scent
of a breeze.
893 · Jan 2018
The Night Air
She feels the night air
as her thoughts drift to him,
his touch, his kiss
his warm breath against her skin.
She feels the night air
as sleep takes her away,
to that place of safety and love
within his heart, she stays.
She feels the night air close in around her….

Sometimes every word is a sweet tear falling from her eyes
                                      She feels the night air…..
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