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Jan 2022 · 1.6k
Asuzx Jan 2022
Portrayals of suffering -
Mine and everyone else’s -
What are your cravings for?
May you matter
Existing in this endless instant.

Voicings of my pain,
Do you matter if you save a life?
For a life is but a number.

Representations of my fears -
First aid or pitiful joke?
Sublime art or appalling misery?
Beauty or madness?
Tokens of life or death?
Pointful or pointless?

Does it even matter if it matters?
God doesn't either,
dead or alive,
in dreams or in nightmares,
Unless He makes you laugh.
Does God make you laugh, sometimes?
Oct 2021 · 343
Asuzx Oct 2021
Pain, pain, go away,
Wish you hadn't come today
But I'll miss you tomorrow,
Drown alone in sorrow.
Loved the good and loved bad
Now non' to do and I feel sad.
Pain, pain, don't leave me,
At least in my sleep I have thee.
Better. Luck. Next. Life.
Sep 2021 · 143
Asuzx Sep 2021
In my desperate attempt to gain it,
I have lost everything.
It took me so much time to realize
That the future in my head is an illusion.
It took me so much pain and dread to now,
Let them all consume me.

The past and future do not matter,
Nothing does as you would think.
You suffer so much for what does not exist.
Abandonment is your salvation here,
When you have been hoping, always,
Only for a minute dream.
This is where it ended
Aug 2021 · 878
Asuzx Aug 2021
Today is pain
If today comes after yesterday.

Today is imperfection
If today comes before tomorrow.

What illusion of time are you stuck in?
Time does not exist.
Aug 2021 · 622
Why not die?
Asuzx Aug 2021
It makes me feel alive
When I want to die,
And reminds me why
I haven't done it yet.

Hold on to your reason
For, when your life gets ruined
And nothing remains,
It is all you have.
Reason not to die.
Aug 2021 · 1.1k
Asuzx Aug 2021
You are creating an identity
But is that you?
You are making a fool of yourself
By dying too.

You don't know who you are
Because you think that you are someone,
Hence your life will exist
Until it will not anymore.

In this, what sense and meaning
Do you understand?
Tell me. I would love to know.
Since I learned there is none
Long time ago.

Where do you exist?
Is it in your mind?
Because then you are
Nothing but a concept.

Where do you exist?
Is it in your body?
Because then you are
Nothing but some sand.

Where do you exist?
Is it in your soul?
Because then you are
Nothing but a belief.
You are nothing.
I am nothing.
But in this, we exist.
Jul 2021 · 641
Asuzx Jul 2021
We were born alone
And we will die alone.

But as long as we're here
We can be together.
Together or only an illusion?
Jul 2021 · 338
Asuzx Jul 2021
There are reasons to live
And there are reasons to die.

But what makes a difference is

What level you live on
And on what level you die.
To live or to die?
Jul 2021 · 676
Life is simple
Asuzx Jul 2021
I do not need much in this world
Because the world has already given me everything.
Life is this moment and this moment is everything.
Jul 2021 · 350
Is that love?
Asuzx Jul 2021
What do you feel when I hold your hands and look deeply into your eyes?
Is that love?

What do you feel when I kiss your lips and gently wrap my tongue around yours?
Is that love?

What do you feel when you let go of your fears in the heat of the night?
Is that love?
True love is real.
Special love is an illusion.
Jun 2021 · 645
Humanity is not serious
Asuzx Jun 2021
Do not take people seriously.
Not when things are good
But even more so when
Things are bad;
Because people are uncertainties
And, so are you.

Do not take people seriously.
Not when things are bad
But even more so when
Things are good;
Because your life will be deceived
And, so will be you.
Good and bad are only labels. Do not get deceived.
Feb 2021 · 271
I was done long ago
Asuzx Feb 2021
Have you ever hated someone so bad
That it made you want to end yourself?
Not because you felt bad about it..
But because the anger was suffocating-

So suffocating that you could not breathe
And did not want to live
Knowing you had to feel that again.

Anger can **** but it is mostly poisonous.
I am not done now.
I was done long ago.
Nov 2019 · 282
Asuzx Nov 2019
We're home now.
But home is nowhere to be found.
Nowhere is my home
Sep 2019 · 333
Asuzx Sep 2019
Tomorrow we'll be fine.
But tomorrow never comes.
Sep 2019 · 196
Still here..
Asuzx Sep 2019
If you had said you'll leave before me
I wouldn't have believed you.
The tears I shed
And cries I laid
Are proof to show you how I felt..
But you never see them,
So you'll never know
There's someone out there
Who still loves you..
I guess you'll never know...
I'm still waiting for your love
Sep 2019 · 954
Asuzx Sep 2019
I think I'm done
Getting lost in your mind.
I think my love
Was one of a kind.

I cared for you
More than myself.
I lived for you
Not anything else.

My life is over
With you not around.
Farewell, son
We'll meet in paradise.
- See you later -
Aug 2019 · 287
will you?
Asuzx Aug 2019
When you die, will you miss your struggles?
When you die, will you miss the pain?
Will you miss your life, that mostly lived you
instead of being lived by you?

When you go, will you remember the sunshine?
When you go, will you smile one last time?
Or will you curse this world of vanity and vanities,
forgetting this was your chance to life?
When you die
remember your life
and give it a smile
for it's all you ever had
Aug 2019 · 184
Until you'll come back home
Asuzx Aug 2019
As you’re standing there on edge -
the edge of this world -
You can’t see more than a ledge
And feel nothing new.
You’ve been caught up in your head
so long, you became your own perception;
Caught up in your world,
You miss the world itself.

Oh dear long lost friend,
what have we become?
The things you’re doing to yourself
Are only making me numb.
I’ve been trying, and still am,
to help you see this through,
Until you’ll live to understand that
you don’t need to suffer anymore.
Jul 2019 · 180
A gain
Asuzx Jul 2019
If you did it once, you will do it again
If you killed me once, you will dump me again
When you broke me last, you wished it'd happen again
If you think you love me, you should consider again
A loss // A gain
Jun 2019 · 224
Asuzx Jun 2019
What is your limit?
Scratching my skin.
What is your limit?
Drowning my head.
What is your limit?
Cutting my soul.
What is your limit?
What is your limit?
Jun 2019 · 379
To your world
Asuzx Jun 2019
It's hard these days
to get me through,
This me, this us,
You know it too:
No room for trust
or for goodbyes
For my death I
cannot compromise
with yours,
or hers,
"If she existed"
But she does -
She still takes
all your nights.
And me?
As if I ever mattered
to your world,
or hers -
No room for me.
Somewhere, far away, far from home
Jun 2019 · 244
I don't know
Asuzx Jun 2019
I don't know when I'll be good enough
For you or for myself.
I wish I wasn't scared of light
To tell you we can die.
We can't fly today - you know that too
Wishing not for something new.
I still don't get how you can live
Knowing you can't die.
You're not allowed to die today
Jun 2019 · 192
I am
Asuzx Jun 2019
I am an emotion,
I live until I die.
My ways mean life
Or death sometimes.
I am a new hope
When I am not an apocalypse.
Today -
I am love in it's purest form
Tomorrow -
The agony in the depths of hell.
I mean nothing
As without me nothing would mean a thing.
I am
And I always am until I die.
I am for everyone
Jun 2019 · 580
A & B
Asuzx Jun 2019
A: "I'm still happy as I've always been
Still reaching further than my dream
You’re nowhere to be found, yet still unfair
But I am happy; and my life will rest."

B: "I’m still crying myself to sleep
Still too afraid to take the leap
You see me, yet you still don’t care
But I am crying; and my life is dead."

Do you think there is a difference
between A and B?
Guess what
Jun 2019 · 482
For you
Asuzx Jun 2019
I cried for you
I killed my past for you
I died for you
I stepped on my soul for you
I buried myself deep in the ground for you
.And that still means nothing to you.
Jun 2019 · 278
These things / This you
Asuzx Jun 2019
There are things I cannot understand
Things were said
Now things are dead;
But you still look me in the eyes
in ways I cannot comprehend.
You and I were left to spread
Wishing where this could've led

This you was one I never had
When times and things mean nothing.
Jun 2019 · 180
This is sempiternal
Asuzx Jun 2019
You will be born each day
And you will die at least
three times the same day.
Your mind will be trialed
and your soul, much more.
Everything that you will remember
you will forget,
And everything that you will know,
will not matter anymore;
Not because you died already,
but because it never

Your cry will die also
and will be born again.
Nothing new you will live,
your life will repeat itself – the same day:
you will die at least
three times.

And every night – the same thought,
You, as everyone else,
all together:
Is there any point in living
if we die at least
three times
each day?
Jun 2019 · 303
When you say - no
Asuzx Jun 2019
When I'll cry my soul away
When I'll lose my life to pain
When I won't have minds to keep me sane
Will you guide me with your cane?

No. You will only tell me I didn't hurt enough.
Cause suffering is a bliss just when you don't need it anymore.
Jun 2019 · 150
To satiate
Asuzx Jun 2019
I'm trying to deal with the world inside my head
I'm trying to fix what was real and went to shreds,
My soul burnt out 'cause of all the words he said;
Certainty and trust are the things I never had.

Will you look into my eyes and watch me sink in grime?
Will you break my rotten bones and give me stairs to climb?
Remember, you can live... while I'm eating up my time
When saying that you love me is the best of all your crimes.
Jun 2019 · 241
Asuzx Jun 2019
I died today...
and it felt real.
Nothing's left now
all came clear.
Day by day
we try to show
we're still alive but
...we both know.
Both know how
the past is endless.
Both remember
life is reckless.
and dreams?..
They all go shades,
black to white, are
same old gates
that keep us far
from one another.
Since the fall
we can't recover.
Those dreams...we ****
them one by one.
The more we dream,
the more are gone.
Everyday the
same you dying.
Everyday we
fake our trying.
See, it's useless,
just give up;
it's overdue
what you called "luck".

— The End —