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Feb 2018 · 703
glass love
Julia Feb 2018
I met someone
we had some fun
then we were done

he made me so happy I couldn’t write
he made me so happy I didn’t bite
he made me so hopeful I thought we might...

I met this man
whose daddy hand
could burn my sand

we stole each other’s shirts
kissed each other where it hurts
planted flowers in these dirts

repainted stained and tainted glass
gave each other words to pass
decided not to pay for class

sand falls through spaces
between fingers’ interlaces
wind blows it in our faces

we shared some time
body soul and mind
there is no rewind

I said things I didn’t mean
Across the darkness like a screen
Pages burned and turned the scene
Feb 2018 · 357
The escape
Julia Feb 2018
escape a blue speck
(life is) not what you expect
post-it® this isn’t real
Real is when two dots connect
when two lines intersect
3, 6, 9 interject
Real is two coils who convect
Real is Life
That happened    how?
Nobody knows
          nobody here at least
answering these questions
i slip into darkenss (ice
can help with this)
i understand i don’t understand
a robot could understand better than i
but I’ve got a blue pen.
Jan 2018 · 4.1k
Julia Jan 2018
His strong arms
hold me close and tight
keeping me warm.

His strong arms
are raised up to fight
those wishing harm.

His strong arms
lift me high like I'm
a jar full of air.

His tender fingers
twist the tendrils in
my naked hair.

His face, his feet, his chest, his gut inside it
are Chakras he never hided
when we both decided show each other
let go of our pasts
to grow in each other.

We each have the strengths the other lacks,
but how can we make space living on each other's backs?

His strong arms
tend me like
a living room.

His strong arm
sows seeds in
my bleeding womb.

His arms stronger than any enemy's of mine
cannot fight what they cannot find.

Demons he cannot see he cannot face,
so they will take me away from him without a trace.
Shoutout to my demon demolishing hunk of a future husband
Nov 2017 · 434
π, the symbol
Julia Nov 2017
loss of ego immortal wound
loss of possessions
bohemian hallways crumble
souls escape through backbends
spiders build webs
as Lucy learns to walk on legs

an eye is opening
showing us as one
becomes infinity
escapes zero
precedes the binary
in the absence of (time)
the crucial slit makes here/there
omnipupil primes the present

3 6 9 ...
5 8 13 ...
17 19 23 ...
everything you want
nothing how it seems
Nov 2017 · 293
autumn evening
Julia Nov 2017
moon beams glisten
bright blue beats
whistle mist in
swiftly sweeping heat

sweet sighs escape
tufts of dissipating hate
ice twinkled
spice sprinkled
pumpkin pies on plates
lakes glazed with skate scrapes

dusty bins clumped clumsily
comfort uncovered
memories rediscovered
two gloved lovers hovered
behind the bog’s fog
star song
symphony of doves
slipping into silence
Nov 2017 · 588
haikus in the tub on sunday
Julia Nov 2017
be a big bubble
burst with potential to pop
into the ether

trees want to grow leaves
leaves want to fall on lovers
who cry salty tears

oatmeal bath haikus
complicate caresses by
poison fingertips
Julia Nov 2017
Surround us in white light so that we may be your eternal servants of good
Temptation is pervasive as we remember what we should
Intend our curiosity
Empower creativity
Deliver us from evil
so we may live eternally
trying to use the divine tools the way I think They are showing me
Oct 2017 · 1.1k
I should mention:
Julia Oct 2017
the most beautiful glass hearts are shattered,
patterned with perfect imperfections,
stained with painful expression of
ingrained in the scattered reflection:
white light sliced into spectrum ascension,
the pension of attention.
Aug 2017 · 651
Julia Aug 2017
loneliness rains in my brain
someone strains a refrain
pain slain, I'm stained insane
daisy chains in my hurricaine mane
hip hop in the my undercover lover -ldr
Julia Aug 2017
A glass of wine
A drop of sunshine
A shower
A flower
A sprinkle
A twinkle
And fistfulls of crayons
Aug 2017 · 525
The Stupor and the Flame
Julia Aug 2017
Everyday drooling drones awaken
To a nation overtaken
By souls in stupor so mistaken
That the universe in space has shaken.

Dripping in sulfurous stench
Emerging men and women clench
Their nails into the typed trench
Climbing with the worded wrench.

Swirls of sullied slime and snot
Drooping down from Tyrant's lot
Unfurl as if we all forgot
Our Fathers' flames under the ***.

While high at an ungodly seat
Tyrant twitches from his feat.
Below the witches herd the heat
Into the house of white discrete.

Unmask the mighty majesty,
His hideous atrocity.
Yank yank, courageous cavalry,
For rebirth of humanity!
¡Sí se puede! ✊
Aug 2017 · 319
Julia Aug 2017
I've got wines in my ***** and if you have the coins, I may let the pavement leave scars on my joints.
Aug 2017 · 420
The Yearn
Julia Aug 2017
Hanging out in my room, I'm alone and I'm naked
Sitting, wondering why you and I didn't make it
Every man in my life ends up being a fake kid
I've got a dark demon and never will shake it

Clicking poems out now slurping down some black coffee
Thinking I'll really do it, and nobody can't stop me
If they wanted me here, why did all of them drop me?
I'm salty and sweet, so you choked me with toffee

My abandonment itch is so easily triggered
With no dad and no brothers, my heart grew disfigured
Sweetest strawberry patch in all of the vineyard
Every vintner passed by never even considered

I love myself, know myself, truly am learning
This caustic behavior toward me is burning
I see stars when he mars battlescars I am earning
I am left bent and selfless, possessed by the yearning
August 25, 2017
11:00 am
Aug 2017 · 1.6k
Julia Aug 2017
My knuckles look like coke and roses
The winter bit them hard; they cracked
I **** on them; they bleed their noses
I fear they are forever chapped

My knuckles look like milk and lipstick
Dressed in cream and Vaseline
I'm oiled up so says the dipstick
With pink supreme silk gasoline

My knuckles look like wine and diamonds
I deck them out most everyday
They never mind the crime and violence
I keep them moist with Tanqueray

My knuckles look like snow and crowbar
They finally just had enough
I tried to run; I didn't go far
My knuckles, unlike me, are rough
I got into a fight with the curb on which I cry.
Aug 2017 · 621
Julia Aug 2017
I'm happiest alone in my blue room
When the new moon
Brings hymns from my blue muse

Curled up in my blue egg
Bought some new Keds
Now I'm spinning blue webs

You didn't mean to do this
But you really blue this
Turning everything so blueish

We may just be two fish
But I don't know who this
Swimming soul is who could do this

I dug up some blue blooms
To fill my blue bath with fumes
While my bottle consumes
these blue veins like reigns how the hurricaine looms

I don't want to play with you boy
This blue pen is my favorite toy
I'm a kind kitten who doesn't **** coy

You can kick me til I'm sick and then make me lick the wounds
And from far away I'll meow to you blue blue tunes
It never gets better; it gets familiar
Aug 2017 · 4.5k
Only Vice
Julia Aug 2017
Her only vice was that of ****** promiscuity
You couldn’t blame her—the girl had daddy issues,
Body issues, the blood red American 
bit her lip, and
hit a rip, then

flicked the tip

Don’t blame her she blamed herself enough, she
Popped, snapped, snorted, puffed, ******, squirted
A sweet escape hypodermically inserted
Straight to the               heart of Texas 
She had her lo               ng list of exes
Vices collect                   their dues.
If reading on a phone, please turn it sideways.
Aug 2017 · 1.0k
Julia Aug 2017
Sadness is like sipping sea drops drowning down the trench
Sadness is the stain of rain glazed moonbeams on a bench

Sadness is my soulmate; sadness she's my willing *****
Softly singing spirits sleep when sorrows are all spent
Learning to love myself through pain
Aug 2017 · 652
The Swim
Julia Aug 2017
I am swimming in a cup
Still warm but time is running up
The lid goes shut
The lights are off
I squeeze my knees
So I can fit

I am powder in a box
Next to Benjamin stuffed socks
Open the lid
Take me all in
Exhale, inhale
Now I'm inside

I am poison in a pool
You may drink; I'm always full
Go for a swim
Come take a dive
You drain your brain
To get me out
Nov 18, 2015
Aug 2017 · 414
Moon Daisy
Julia Aug 2017
Will you come play with me up in my daisy tree?
Isn't it crazy we feel so elated
Just know that I hate it when you have to go

And know that I'll lose you
As soon as I choose to
I'll be the loneliest soul you'll ever know
The sweetest **** to break your heart
And the bluest moon to ever glow
Billie on repeat, because he hurts me so sweet

— The End —