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I've come by, she says, to tell you
that this is it. I'm not kidding, it's
over. this is it.
I sit on the couch watching her arrange
her long red hair before my bedroom
she pulls her hair up and
piles it on top of her head-
she lets her eyes look at
my eyes-
then she drops her hair and
lets it fall down in front of her face.
we go to bed and I hold her
speechlessly from the back
my arm around her neck
I touch her wrists and hands
feel up to
her elbows
no further.
she gets up.
this is it, she says,
this will do. well,
I'm going.
I get up and walk her
to the door
just as she leaves
she says,
I want you to buy me
some high-heeled shoes
with tall thin spikes,
black high-heeled shoes.
no, I want them
I watch her walk down the cement walk
under the trees
she walks all right and
as the pointsettas drip in the sun
I close the door.
galaxyofentities Jan 2019
Holding back tears with a straining smile
I speechlessly waved goodbye.
And now i think of you hopelessly
learning a thirst that cannot be quenched
a craving that eats you away like a venom.
As i type out this poem late at night
i begin to realize
There are pain in the world that leaves you helpless
and in that helplessness, I learn love in its full force.
harlon rivers Feb 2018
The trap was set by the light of the winter blue moon ;
just a simple blank sheet of paper and a pen
The Antique Cherry carved poster bed stood alone ,
adorning four Bordeaux colored silk pillowcases ,
fluffed feather pillows impatiently laying in wait
The stone cold down comforter that blanketed the loneliness
was neatly turned down from where it lay tucked and rolled ...

I close my eyes with a surrendering sigh ;
the cold touch of solitude brings a breathtaking shiver
Curling up in a fetal ball for a sense of closeness ,
like a tiny abandoned child, waiting for the sandman
to steal away the remains of another lonely day ...

In the imperative silence of the moonlit stillness ,
you could hear the blood running through my veins
The pounding heartbeat is reluctantly softened
quietly drifting off into a dream ...

The first arousing whisper broke the silence ,
as musings tiptoed through the silent reverie
Songs danced throughout the secret places ,
safely kept out of the wilderness' nocturnal voyeurs eyes
Words murmured expose an unsated caged yearning ;
an insatiable thirst that aloneness can not quench ...

Emotions ebb and flow within the twilight depths
of our thickly breathed word play
Intertwined in the infinite beauty
of enchanting moonstruck conjured delights ...

We glide speechlessly in the starlit moon dust,
levitating blissfully like giddy adult playmates
with  an  uninhibited  wanton  glee
Mesmerized by a rousing romantic essence
stirring up an urgent swooning breeze
If only this recurring dreamfulness
could reach out beyond reach a bewitching dream
to tenderly touch another impassioned heart of soul ...  


The sweat soaked sheets are now tangled ,
twisted traces of ecstasy tossed and turned
Awakened flesh trembling with the uncovered morning chill
A body drained and exhausted
as if there were never a moments sleep ...

The trap was set by the light of the winter blue moon ;
perfectly placed to catch the spilled secrets
of a moonstruck midnight spell
Awakening to find a paling illusion’s memory
laid bare in words, stranded on the cotton sheets of dawn ~

In the heat of the night these three simple words 
were clearly scribbled, trapped on the once blank sheet of paper ―
                       to remind me in ink blue ...

                               It  is You !!!


               " I breathe you in my dreams "

             harlon rivers ….❤  happy belated St. Valentines day ☽
Thanks for reading !!!

"Breathe You in My Dreams" ― Trixie Whitley
alienobserver Nov 2014
It's early morning
And the maid hasn't even arrived yet
Your morning breath
And my tired eyes staring back
At your final seconds of sleep
We get up, speechlessly
I start to make my morning tea
And you pour sugar in it for me
It tastes like the colour of your skin
I don't even shiver anymore
You're the heat inside my lungs
And the golden tones of my rising suns
The touch of your voice in my ears
Makes me feel like I'm melting fears
And I have never felt so safe
By looking into one's eyes and say:
"You're my entire solar system"
mark john junor Jan 2014
this maligned soul
speechlessly awaits with lips bound
by butter soft feelings
forever melting on the tip of tongue
with its lies and doubts forever right
there graphic and visceral in minds eye
having reached the edge between this and all other human beings
she asks from the other side how it feels
asks if it would be all right to venture
my emptiness finds no objection
just objectification
pant and release the guttural sounds
where they seem to be heard
wish  it was more
but its just empty push push push push
i cant  feel anything
should that make me sad
she asks how that makes me feel
i just look out at her perfections and softness wares
with a maze of questions
and a thousand lies
to cover the obscenely unclad
to remove the dried stain
in my eyes
don't touch me
don't touch me
for riwa
Tommy Johnson Jul 2014
A hastened silence
Implicit danger
Bed bug bites

Being submerged speechlessly
In the bay by the dying chrysanthemums

Stocked shelves
To pay for all the pings and dings in the car
Couldn't make the rent in time

Shoveled sod and soot
**** and mud
Wearing stained tank tops and horn rimmed glasses  
****** in the gut
And filled the shot glass to the brim
But always got home at a respectable hour

Fastened to the table
Hurry up and wait!

"People are expendable"
"**** the low-lives living the high-life"

       -Tommy Johnson
(Hive Wired)

As wires round the world get lighter and thinner
the autoscroll feeds you fourty-nine homicides
from desktops at noon to plasma at dinner
the auto-cue commits sixty-five more crimes.

Mad and red in the face, you picture yourself
pace by pace, walking the span of the kitchen
but the network fail to mention the other seven billion
who kept living their life devoid of such sinning.

Typhoonous winds and hurricane fever
head out the window, yell for your kingdom,
yell so we hear you ’til you’re hoarse and unkempt.
yell 'til your sad old neighbour get’s hell bent.

Step back to the desk and slam on your keyboard
tell all that you know that there’s more to life
than watching the ’strife of idiocy’ part two thousand
and something, there’s more to this world

than serving a system; there’s more to a system
than the buds at the top, the roots don’t need trimming
the buds must be stopped from dying and rotting
and killing the crop. Still glum? Relax in your favourite shop!

With a roof overhead and your screen polished down
forget the anger, the strife, and fantasist who yelled.
tip-tap the day away, earn and pay away that frown
forget how lonely you are and buy some new health.

Tip-tap-a-tip-tap-a-tip-tap away the evening and next day
Now you live vicariously through social media
you cannot stop networking, lonelier… lonelier.
Connections you make get quicker, and quicker.

You pick and you carve a residual image.
‘Life is the greatest’ on appearance
the best fools fool themselves, it’s addictive
post after post you build up a rhythm.

Second life, third face, prosodical features:
hive mind rewired you’re speechlessly grinning
Staring at screens you’re now silent at dinner,
your diary entries get sparser and sparser

you forget appearances are a farcical demeanour
sixth chord diminutive, false life fever: your square
-eyed and ill groomed head sits on a hunchback miser,
the hive mind keeps ticking you keep getting wiser.

'The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men - cries out for universal brotherhood - for the unity of us all... The rich free themselves but they enslave the people!'

Chaplin's Dictator (1940)
Kat Pan Sep 2017
I am disregarded

Your vile eyes gloss over my body and label me victim

Your spiteful intentions *scald
my skin as you target me speechlessly

I am a apparition

Treading on what is identical to Hell's surface

I beseech God to forsake me and let me perish in the authentic blaze

I am unfit for the toil, the betrayal is worrisome, and my frail heart is left in shambles

I am puzzled by the way you dislodged those malicious words from the pits of your repulsive throat and slung them at me

All your transgressions are in vain

but you and your friends cackle like witches

I am sorry my exterior is a rarity

My hair is brown like the Earth's dirt and the roots that stem have culture

I am so sorry that my body is a precious temple

petite and dainty while yours is filled with *sin and ego
kind of working on it
As my heart grew more enamored,
And as I felt this burning flame,
It was then I knew what mattered—
It was to give Beauty its name.

Her image would not go away,
But all the words I spoke would err,
So overcome I could not say
A description that suited her.

What should perfect Beauty be called?
There is no name that could suffice.
Overwhelmed I was too enthralled—
My language was too imprecise.

You simply are so beautiful,
That any name would be inapt.
Your Beauty makes my heart so full—
That I am speechlessly enrapt.
Instagram @insightshurt
Blogging at
Buy “Insights Hurt: Bringing Healing Thoughts To Life” at
Jon Gilbert Oct 2015
"I'm completely speechless, " she says.

She continues, "I don't know what to say."

She goes on, speechlessly,
for another fifteen minutes.

I understand.

Sometimes speech is not enough
to express what I am feeling.
Sometimes it is sheer magic
that I am understood at all.
Skyy Blu Aug 2013
Looking out my window on this cold and dark day, I find myself drifting and some how floating away. Mind over matter, matter over time, time over reason, and all without rhyme. Wanting to go forward but always falling back, wanting to prosper but head- over-heels in lack. Looking for a brighter day, hoping for some sun, no-beaches in view... No, not one. Looking out my window, speechlessly screaming out-I'm falling deeper into this.. Can't see my way out. Help me, in my mind... I don't wont to do this, no-one can hear, I'm yelling thru the mist. I'm so tired, I've done my best, I've given my all and I find no-rest. No, peace within these walls, these walls that are my skin; these walls that are so cold; keeping others out and trapping me in. I'm reaching out, reaching up, but falling in, into a maze that hates me from within. I can't seem to find myself, tired of hoping that someone else will find me too; so this is the logical thing to do. No-one, will miss me, no-one will care, I wonder if, anyone will even notice that, I'm no-longer here. I feel so cold so cold and weak, I'm falling now into a deep-deep sleep. Where will I wake? I just don't know-where do all the broken vessels go? The Question!
ᗺᗷ Apr 2016
Speechlessly in love
A dialect of the tongue
Where words disappear
Minuscule Ego Aug 2015
As we stood in the crowded pew,
I heard the good man speak,
He voiced of the believable unknown,
That the earth deem Nibiru's, displaying chaos,
And the universe stood observant, speechlessly stunned.
That which was foretold, no longer a dream,
A glimpse of the mystery, that high esteem.
That which we've imagined, than believed,
A Paradise promised,
Beyond what any of us ever dreamed,
Where it all ends.
When sleep shall consume us all not,
But we shall all be changed,
In a moment, in the twinkle of an eye,
At the last trump... the awakening sound
And the dead once again walked the ground.
To behold the King in all supreme.
As he comes to ferry his bride,
The faithful who abideth,
Soaring on wings, as the angels sings,
Now is the time to contemplate,
The halcyon of life, when the old becomes new,
Or the augury of death, where the ungodly perish twice,
The scene where it all ends.

Heaven and Hell is REAL
ordained Oct 2017
yes strings attached.
my heart is fully yours
just because you've been between my thighs
i know, i know,
it makes me weak to fall so simply
one touch
one smirk as you shadow over me
and i give up my soul--
but i don't care!
i get hurt every time, but
the look in your eyes when you speechlessly tell me to
come over
and the gentle brush of your fingers on mine when we're not alone
i live in those moments.
the dull throb of my heart when it all
falls apart
is so worth it, just to have the time with you
oops i did it again
Ella Sep 2017
Mere words can't describe
the you I hold inside

Insufficient the attempt
to paint one such as thee

If only, the hands you see
mirror the man I know you to be

Then mere words would render
All speechlessly
Minuscule Ego Nov 2017
Knock, knock... I heard
Hello there...... she said
Hmm hello… I replied speechlessly
Who are you...? I regained reluctantly
Me! She answered. Oh I'm just a stranger
A stranger who's searching- who's seeking a rest
Somewhere I would belong, but somehow tis a quest
For I've walked and tugged through those happy dangers
But somehow they all came for the worth of my dangling dimes
Like the world we live in- is where we are groom to serve the dime
Or perhaps tis only me.... that I failed to erase those hurtful angers
No matter how much I tried- but somehow I wish a rest of my own
A place that stands with everything, but falls for nothing
An arms that wishes serve- but commands like a King
Are you..... [Silence]- Then she smiles
Leaving me again.... speechless

Dock and run! My mind screamed
Who is this? It suddenly exclaimed
Who's this.... stranger- who just broke our walls!
And walked right up the stairs- to the door of our heart
To cry with a master’s call that makes us feel- we’re in danger
  Do you know who she is? No! I answered- but I do know me!
I'm a ranger- I’m always running- always smiling n’ docking
For I’ve gallop with my trumpet, but haven't met the mile
The one that will play-out my little game of cunning's
And care enough for my team- thus passing our test
Our pretense of no dimes- till we can make the smiles
For we have war and tossed with pretty mimic angels
But they all went singing for the nickels and dimes
And care less for our steadied, but precious times
Yes! We need a rest of our own- but tis still okay
It’s still okay to remain speechless

Lock-in… I’m now seated at the window
With her last words still lingering on my mind
“A rest of my own- a kingdom that I can control
A throne to cherished, whenever there's war n cold
A hand that will protect- till our hearts can beat old
For there's history to make, so all the seas can be mild
And there's battles to win- that all smoke maybe gone  
A union that serves, but backed by the likes of a King
Who stands for everything, and falls for nothing"
A mudslide is in Freetown- my walls are down
A stranger cried croak, and they just tumbled down
Down the mountain went- like that of the Victorian falls
It stood against everything, but fell for something strange
A queen- who has humor immured within her walls
The stranger- who have made my nights
Chandra S Nov 2019
I was a bit startled by the sudden pop-up.

With an exclamation sign, it speechlessly cried:
"Do you want to archive your old items now?"
Before clicking 'Yes' I could not suppress
the desire to casually scrutinize some of the files
from erstwhile.

It was then that I found that sepia-toned photo
from a long time ago.
I clicked the button and the picture began to open
like a suspense presentation.

And lo!!! the screen was soon exuberant
with the boyish delight
of a face that was raw and digitized.

I was besieged by a certain memory of a bygone memory.
The face;
resembled me and seemed pure and unsullied
...sans any imprints of time.

I was exhilarated
as I had not hurriedly superannuated
that amber shaded, nascent and jaded

After all, It was me of my teens!!!

Lost in reverie, I hit: "Save as JPEG"
but the computer reparteed: "Can not save. Read-only"
And then: "Do you want to save with a different name?"

As I clicked 'No', I seemed to know that it was
as futile to save the file, as it is to try to replicate
that ‘flower-in-a-bloom’ smile

Somehow, it seemed inappropriate to keep a counterfeit
of what was then authentic.
So, I took a while to carefully feel the rays of innocence
exuding from the screen and then exhaled,
clicked 'close' and ...let it go.
Inspired by the longing to recapture childhood and the realization that the arrow of time always points ahead and there is no way to turn back the clock.
Jamie F Nugent Nov 2023
We were soon to dislodge
ourselves from this
embarrassing embrace,
though longed to be
as permanent
as the trees:
Arcadian spectators
longing speechlessly to let
our discolored ancestors
live in a fortified mound of leaves.

A cigarette burning
at her elbow,
he proposed
“I will give you sponge cake and cider
in exchange for alcoholic lullabies.”

Too late for that now;
the stars pierced the pale vale
spread heavily
over an August night,

Far too late
She rose gauchely,
brushed sawdust from her cheeks
                        and wandered
out into the open,
into a reality that she knew then
would soon become
a stolid simple thing.
Travis Green Apr 2023
He is the boldest coldest Romeo
That makes me shiver
When he speaks his stellar slick slang
When he tames me with his high-powered game
Makes me call his name

Draw me into his bright, hyper-heated flame
Give me a fever, take me deeper
Into his brazen reverberating waves
Of extravagant praisable captivatingness
Hold me captive in his sensual detention
Of essential seamless dreams

Flex his incredible fresh finesse
Lethal irresistible lover boy
I love how staggeringly powerful he is
So tall and rock-solid
So crash-hot and unstoppable

I need him all over me
His hearty muscular grip
His insanely masterful and thrilling touch
His lingeringly dreamy masculinity is
All that I desire to rouse every inch of me

Kiss my scented sweet neck
Caress and treasure my jaw-dropping jawbreakers
With his deft, artistic hands
Sink his teeth into my bare captured blinkers
Drive me crazy with his sexually arousing display

Make my pole grow *****
As he strokes it at top speed
Do as he pleases with me, make me melt
In his huge sinewy pool of rude splashy pulchritude
Let me stay in his tight, tender embrace

Feel his juicy passionate lips
Slithering all around my firm, youthful skin
As I gander into his deep, dark, and smoldering eyes
Stuck in an ecstatic magnetic trance
With lots of top-notch mind-boggling hotness
That turns me on like a bang-up plugged-up cell phone

****** with my homoness
Make me moan deeply
Make me need thee more than anything else in the world
Turn my structure upside down
Make me worship his manhood

Bow down to his heavy hood wood
As it dangles before me
With his massive action-packed *******
All I can do is speechlessly stare at him
As he jacks my turgidity

He makes me reach my peak
And excrete sweet, steamy milk
All over his potent poetical feelers
He reaches out to kiss me
Leaves me so addicted to his astonishing
And all-conquering magnetism
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
One second conquers knowledge
another fortitude, another, wisdom
to understand lessons taught.

Manifest your images

Why life settles after a storm
no one knows, it blows away
filtered dust, softly snowing
the purity of love.

Manifest your images

Flowing from mountains, new
revival, stream curing infected
minds of misery.

Manifest your images

Another world speaks falseness
among distorted thoughts, where
people live speechlessly, adorn
with no beliefs, with evil desires
corrupting natures flow.

Manifest your images

When once there was a paradise
it appears again, the world has now
been purified after three days of
darkness. now, goodness prevails.

Manifest your images

Your birth of self-reflection created perfection
time itself has blown away the fake illusion
now your time of creating has begun
with little effort.

Manifest your images

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Yenson Jan 2021
Its the 21st Century
In a sparkling local Hospital room
so, why would a starched professional elderly nurse
suddenly become Gonzo, or is it Animal
anyway you know, that mad drummer from the Muppets
yet there she is, twisting and turning
clashing silver lids of those pristine medical trays and bowls
creating a cacophony of dins and jarring metallic sounds
like her life depends on it

Yeah, I'll tell you why
but the story started yesterday
yours truly is on an evening walk
when I tripped on the pavement, and stagger, stagger, splat
arms flailing, remedial action impossible, man slammed on pavement
the knees took the blunt of the impact
I am crocked
limped home, knees swollen, two pain-killers, what the hell

Now it gets interesting
some may remember I am the targeted man
the smart *** who stood up to local criminals
bravely calling them out and refusing to pay protection extortion
the criminals had declared in return, we will hound you to death
character assassination, public humiliation, harassment and more
I had laughed in their odious faces, yeah! I was a mug
I was later to learn what being connected means

OK so you're now thinking
what has this got to do with our Gonzo or Animal Nurse
well. good thinking, I'll tell you what
because next day after the splat on pavement and knees mishap
I am in accident and emergency swollen knees and all
finally after a lot of knowing looks and procedural whatsnot'
I was escorted to this treatment room
and our prospective drummer soon arrived to attend to me

She asked me to take a seat
and then almost immediately started banging
the pots and pans
I watched transfixed as this modern professional person
morphed into an unruly child playing drums with mum's pans
she was at it with full gusto, slamming various medical pans
against eachother, all with an evil smirk on her face
I watched speechlessly, unable to comprehend the scene
when was the last time you saw a nurse on hippy crack

Eventually she stopped
I expected the whole annexe to come flooding in
but nobody appeared,
like I was Chapman of beloved Lennon, she stuck on plasters
flashed ***** looks at me, could barely bring herself to speak to me
finally she handed me two tablets and literally heaved me outdoors
now in the corridor another Nurse walked by
Mister she said, try not to drink till you fall over again, she said
hope your hang-over hasn't worsen, she added
and there laid the explanation for the percussion interlude

She was gone before I could reply
I don't drink, I actually don't like the taste of almost all *****
my fall was a total accident
but as I walked away it all come home to me
but wouldn't I have been reeking of *****, eyes glazed
or dulled eyes and looking worse for wear
yet there I was, bright eyed, well kempt, functioning ably
but the net-work of misinformation and disinformation
has been at work again

it was showering slightly as I limped to the bus-stop
I had experienced so much drawbacks and throwbacks from
character assassinations to even begin to mention
it has stopped amazing me that people will believe
whatever they choose to want to believe,
even without the slightest proof or evidence
and act accordingly
we are gullible, we are denser.....
First in the Series...FROM INNOCENT EYES
Travis Green May 2022
When you took my world
I couldn’t speak one word
I was utterly enraptured
By your smooth grooving machoism
There was a deep sensual rhythm
In your beastly ripped desirability

Your hands were all over me
I was moaning dreamy lucid sounds
In the saucy foggy air
You were deep inside my inner space
Fractionalizing my femininity

I had a hard-on, steady blowing
And floating in hot seductive trances
You pushed deep into my picturesque entrance
Had my legs in the steamy gleaming air

I felt the impossible strength
Of your colossal solid sausage
Sliding inside me over and over
While you told me how voluptuously
Enchanting I was to you
You told me to breathe and stay still
I looked at you speechlessly
While you overtook my **** wet world
Travis Green Dec 2021
I muse on you more
When I marvel at your elegant form
Your indescribably charming manliness
Crystal-clear painted dreams of passion
Suffusing your truly majestic body
I adore the lush brushstrokes of dopeness
Surfacing your immense, well-fortified chest
I thirst for my tongue to lick your armpits

Disappear into bliss when you stare at me
With your phenomenally penetrating eyes
Kiss me fiercely and dangerously
Pen seductive poetry on my extraordinarily slender physique
Sink my existence into the saucy, salty dreams
Of your flawless exoticness
Your intriguingly ****** world so grips me
I feen to ******* your hard, swollen pole

I hunger for my tongue to compose
Lyrical melodies on the façade
Spellbind your awesomely artistic charm
Hear you moan loud and desirably
Become utterly enthused
Feel the magic in my galaxy
Bask in your profound poetry
Etch tantalizing tattoos on your hot
And powerful thighs

Let my searing fingers electrify
Your wondrous design
Elevate your *******
Imbue your hanging ******* with passion
Tease it with my teeth
Let my exquisitely sensual caresses
Make your senses leap with glee
As you gasp, staring speechlessly at me

— The End —