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Poetry Fanatic Jul 2017
With each passing day it gets harder and harder.
The promise of my future fades further and further away.
I don't know if I can keep pushing through, keep moving on, so promise me forever.
Promise me that the pain will stop.
Promise me the abuse will be over.
Promise me that in 8 short months I'll be free.
Promise me I have a forever, a home that I can call mine.
Promise me you'll forever love me for me.
Promise me that you'll protect me.
Promise that the dark nights full of tears won't pass in vein.
Promise me I'll be ok.
But I know you can't promise me a forever.
It's sad to say.
How long is forever anyway?
Not very long, not in this day and age.
So goodbye to my "forever"
I'll find you one day.
Bianca Hodge Apr 2015
I Promise to love you, and care for you in you're darkest time.
I Promise to cherish you, and be there for you, and complete you.
I Promise to protect you , and keep you safe.
I Promise to care for you when you're sick, or even when you're hurt.
I Promise to guide you, encourage you, and be you're strength.
I Promise to lay in bed with you and hold you tight , especially after a long day.
I Promise to wipe you're tears, and kiss you're forehead, and give you hugs especially when you're down.
I Promise to make you smile , because you're smile's brightens up my day's.
I Promise to make love to you, and caress you, and make your body reach ecstasy, and pleasure in every way.
I Promise to defend you, and always stand on you're side even if you're wrong.
I Promise these things along with my heart.
I Promise to love you until death do us part.
Ryan Joseph Aug 2018
Don't promise, so that no one will suffer.
Don't promise, so that no one will regret.
Don't promise, so that no one will be abandoned.
Don't promise, if you are not even too sure.

Don't promise, if you are only good at talking.
Don't promise, if can't you even do it.
Don't promise, if you're not really interested.
Don't promise, if you don't even know how to fulfill it.

Don't promise, if it will only come into nothing.
Don't promise, if you can't keep it.
Don't promise, if you're not confident.
And lastly, don't even promise if you already knew that between the two of you don't even exist in the beginning.
promises are meant to be broken.
Hunter of Jewel Jan 2015
A promise to be there for
A promise to hold on to
A promise to support
You always

A promise to repair  
A promise to rebuild
A promise to cure
Your heart

A promise the gift of
A promise to love with all
A promise of trust from
My heart

A promise ring to hold the place of future rings, that is my promise to you.
First time posting and first serious poem.
The Pidgeon May 2021
I promise my love, to always be here for you
To always be your light when all else grows dark
To always be your guide when you lose your way
To always be your reminder when you lose all hope
I promise my love, to always be here for you

I promise my love, I will never leave your side
You will never wonder where I am
I will always be there when you reach for me
I will always be here when you need me
I promise my love, I will never leave your side

I promise my love, I will love you with all that I am
I will always miss you when you least expect it
Always look upon you, even when you don't know it
Never give up on you, even if you give up on me
I promise my love, I will love you with all that I am

I promise my love, that I will be everything you need
I will be your shoulder to cry on
I will be your pillar to lean on
I will be your soulmate, now and forever
I promise my love, that I will be everything you need

I promise my love, that I will be loyal to you
Loyal in the times you don't want me
Loyal in the times you don't need me
Loyal in the times you need to be away from me
I promise my love, that I will be loyal to you

I promise my love, that I will love you always
No matter how hard it gets
No matter how lost we become
No matter how far we drift apart
I promise my love, that I will love you always
Myriah Apr 2015
I can't promise you
That dark clouds
Will never hover
Over our lives Or that the future
Will bring us many rainbows .
I can't promise you that
Tomorrow will be perfect
Or that our lives will be easy.
I can promise you my everlasting
Devotion, my loyalty, my respect,
And my unconditional love for a lifetime .
I can promise you that
I'll always be here for you,
To listen and to hold your hand,
And I'll do my best to make you happy,
And make you feel loved.
I can promise you that
I can see you through a crisis
And pray with you,
  Dream with you,
   Build with you,
And always cheer you on
And encourage you.
I can promise you that
I'll willingly be your protector,
Your advisor, your counselor,
Your friend, your family,
Your everything.
I promise you
Danica Sep 2014
You promise me you'd love me..
You promise me you'd marry me..
You promise me you'd take care of me..
You promise me you'd keep me from harm..
You promise me you'd take me away somewhere safe..
You promise me you'd make me happy..
You promise me you'd be happy..
You promise me you'd never cheated on me..
You promise me you'd follow me anywhere i go..
You promise me you'd never leave me be..

But,that's all were lies..

And you promise me,you'd never lie to me..
Tick Tock.

Tick Tock.
I wait.

Tick Tock.
I'm waiting.
You made a promise.

Tick Tock.
I'm waiting.
Waiting on a promise.
A midnight promise.

Tick Tock.
I'm waiting,
Will you make it to
Your midnight promise?

Tick Tock.
I'm waiting.
Standing at the door now.
Waiting for the moment;
Waiting for you to come for
My midnight promise.

Tick Tock.
I'm waiting.
My heart feels ready now.
All it wants is you,
So I wait for it--
Wait for you to fulfill
The midnight promise.

Tick Tock.
I'm waiting.
Will you ever come?
My heart is fleeting,
My head feels dizzy.
Am I ready?
Ready for it?
Our midnight promise?

Tick Tock.
I'm waiting.
Looking out the window,
Pushing out the dark curtains of
Doubt in my mind.
You promised.
I'm hoping, waiting.
This is
My midnight promise.

Tick Tock.
I'm waiting.
I know that you must be coming,
But there is a shadow--
A shadow of doubt and fear.
Please come,
Come before this shadow
Destroys what is good in me
And burns the
Lover's midnight promise.

Tick Tock.
I'm waiting.
I'm in a panic mood.
Less than a minute left.
Won't my friend,
My cherished,
My hero,
Keep his promise?
I remember he said he would.
He said it was
His midnight promise.

Tick Tock.
I'm waiting.
Silent, alone, doubting.
The clock has struck.
I look out, one last time.
Grievance ending as I catch
Your starry gaze.
I run,
Heart pounding,
Feet smacking-- suddenly sliding,
Falling into a midnight sun,
Waiting on a midnight promise.
Candock Definition: A white water lily
Andrew Ciaciuch Sep 2012
With this ring comes a promise. You must be willing to accept it before you wear it. The promise is to love me for as long as possible as I will you. To love me through all the hard times that are yet to come as I will you. To love me and nurture me back to health on the days where I am sick as I will you. To love me and comfort me when I need it as I will for you. But most of all when the day comes where all that matters to be said is “I do”  when I say those words you will not hesitate to say them back to me.

Our love is not fragile, it is not shallow. Our love is strong and none can fathom how deep.
Our love is not short, it is not passing. Our love is for a lifetime and it is here to stay.
Our love is not one sided, it is not full of doubt. Our love is open and it is built on trust.
Our love is not for you or for me. Our love is for US.

Some say that the journey into life begins when you first enter this world. I have a theory that there are multiple journeys of life in the life that you live. There is obviously the journey into becoming a adolescence and then teenager (it is coupled with school). When that ends there is the journey into adulthood (can be accompanied by but not limited to college, vehicles, taxes, jobs, stress). But I believe the two most important journeys in life are the ones about love. The first one begins when you are first born, the second one begins when you find the right person. The first one is finding the person you belong with that you love with every fiber of your being. The second journey is simply to spend the rest of your life with this person. And as I have went through both of these (the first being a bit rough to start) I ask you  to join me in starting the second journey of love. I want you to be my lifelong partner in exploring the world.

If you choose to make this promise all you have to do is put this ring on your finger, and I will be yours for life.
I wrote this to go with a promise ring that I bought my girlfriend
lucidwaking May 2021
you call me your light -
breaking through your cloudy days and darkest nights,
and making the sunny days burn brighter.
if that's the case, then you're my light switch:
lifting me up, turning me o-
... okay, that's not the direction I meant to take that in.
i mean... it is tr-
alright, let's just move on.

i'm not sure whether to make this sweet
or silly.
i guess it could be both? i'm not really sure.
i'd like it to have some sort of flow, though.
i'd like to make the poem poetic.
how am i supposed to make feelings into "art"
when i barely understand those feelings to begin with?

all this talk of "feelings," feelings.
feelings are fleeting...
i'm not playing around with that *******.
i have so much more building up in me
than just a feeling.
what i have, pulling at every muscle in my chest,
is... more like a promise.
a promise to you, and a promise to myself.

but what is that promise for?
what does it entail? what does it assure?
is it a promise for the future,
to press forward together despite the wrathful storms?
or is it a promise for the present,
to keep our palms and arms open
in case we need to fall back on each other?
i don't know - it could be neither, it could be both.
i'm still trying to figure out what the promise means,
and what it's for.

there is one thing that's clear to me.
there's one part of that promise
that i'm absolutely certain of.
no need to build suspense...
i'll cut to the chase.

i promise

i know, that seems like such a little thing.
i can give honesty to anyone, right?
but when i say honesty, i don't mean the bare minimum.
i'm not talking about basic respect,
and baseline truthfulness that everyone deserves.
i'm not even talking about polite humility,
or standard integrity.
i can offer that to anyone,
and i could give you that even if i didn't love you.

so let me clarify...
this is what i mean when i say honesty:
i'm promising to remove my mask around you;
to let the fake persona shielding me crumble.
i'm promising to let you into places of my conscience
that i don't even know about.
a promise of full vulnerability,
to give you a carbon copy of the key to my being.
i promise to tell you things
that i've never told anyone.
hopefully, by opening up that intimate honesty,
i can support you in a stronger way as well.

there's more to the overall promise, yes,
but i've yet figure out
what each dimension of it means.
i'm excited to further discover that promise
together with you.

wow, i intended this to be funny.
i guess it got real, huh?
I personally don't know how to feel about the piece, since it reads a little differently than my typical writing. The person I wrote it for said it was their favorite though, so I figured I'd post it. Critiques welcomed!
Hallee Apr 2015
Promises I need you to make me (and her):
1. promise you will never call her princess; for both of our sakes.
2. promise you will never make her wonder if you're going to come home. always find your way home at the end of the night.
3. promise you will tell her you love her, every day, every time you think it, say it.
4. promise you will never put anything before her: drugs, friends, work, Airforce. don't make her feel like she's your second choice.
5. promise you will remind her daily how happy she makes you. if you find yourself miserable more than happy, promise you will leave; for both of your sakes.
6. promise she will know she's beautiful. daily, hourly, remind her. scream it from the rooftops. make her feel like the most beautiful girl in the world, I know you're capable of doing it.
7. promise you will tell her you love her in front of your mom, every time. and in front of hers.
8. Promise you will remember her birthday, it's so important. remember your anniversary, remember her moms birthday. but most importantly, remember hers, please.
9. Promise you will let her in. I know it's hard when you're hurting, but she loves you. promise not to push her away, confide in her, do not close yourself off. she can tell when something's wrong, let her in.
10. promise you will love her. love her more than anything, love her with every bone in your body, make her the happiest girl in the world. I know you're capable of making someone so happy they forget they hate themselves, make sure you do that. but more importantly, let her love you. you deserve it.
Promise you’ll come home when you leave
Promise you’ll always achieve your dreams
Promise you’ll smile in the rain
Promise you’ll never forget me
Promise you’ll always call home when you’re gone
Promise you’ll think of me
Promise you’ll tell your new friends you have a sister
Promise you’ll still laugh at our jokes when we’re apart
Promise you’ll still be my brother when you come to visit
Promise you’ll never change.
rica abul Mar 2016
A promise is a promise don't say no
when you have a promise  that has to go
A promise is a promise don't ask why
when you make a promise for fill it until you die
when I see you I hound you so bad
I don't intend to make you mad
those who don't for fill there promise now
will not be able to die with a smile
the smile of a happy person whose promise is paid
that smile on there face will not be delayed
so make promises that you can keep make it well
unless you don't want to die with a smile.
Poems are wisdom listen!!!
Maya May 2013

I promise to hold your hand,
when your fingers get too cold.
I promise to kiss your lips and,
love you even when you're old.

I promise that you won't be lonely,
I promise to never make you cry.
When you're sad, I'll say, “Don't be.”
And if I ever say I hate you, that's a lie.

I promise to play with your hair
while you lay your head on my chest.
I think we make the perfect pair,
and I think you're absolutely the best.

I promise to tell you my secrets,
as long as you promise to keep them.
I promise not to do anything I'll ever regret.
And I promise to kiss you, even at 4 am.

I promise to be there when you wake,
and I promise that I always think you're cute.
I promise that I'll never make your heart break.
And when you have a head ache, I'll stay mute.

But, most importantly,
I promise to always love you.

♥ qtsp♥
Deepak shodhan Apr 2015
I promise to love you
when your jokes ar'nt funny
I promise to love you
when you've no money

I promise to love you
when you're sick and all snotty
I promise to love you
when you're angry and grotty

I promise to love you
when you hurt me
I promise to love you
when you hit me

I promise to love you
when you dont help me
in exams
I promise to love you
when you cant share
your bread and bugers

I promise to love you
when you drive me 'round
the bend
I promise to love you
because you're my
best friend!

Andrew Ciaciuch Apr 2013
This ring is one of the most important things you will ever hold in your hand. For this ring is not just a ring but a promise. A promise that in itself is my whole heart ******* into. With this ring I am pledging my eternal love towards you. I have thought of this moment for many months and I am happy to say it is finally here.

Love in today’s culture is not what it used to mean. People fall in and out of “love” so fast now. I hope that you and I can set the standard for our generation. Together you and I will go through thick and thin, health and sickness, rich and poor. But we shall not let that slow us down. For our love is true. Our love is eternal. I know that together we can face anything. For love can overcome all things.

I cannot promise that things will always be perfect. I cannot promise that there will never be a time where you will cry. But I can promise that I will lend you my shoulder and cry with you. I cannot promise you that there will be no pain. But I can promise you that I will be there to comfort you. I cannot promise that there will be times where there is sadness. But I can promise that I will be there to make you laugh. I cannot promise that I will never make you mad. But I promise you that I will do everything in my power to see you smile.

I have thought of this moment for many months now trying to figure out the perfect way to do it. Should I go down on one knee, should I try to be sneaky, where should I go, when should it be. But one thing came to mind while thinking about all this. None of it matters as long as you are there and always will be there for me.

With this ring I am asking a lot of you. I am not asking for part of your life I am asking for your whole life and in return I promise to give you all of mine.

Will you marry me?
I used this letter to ask my fiance to marry me. She said yes and the wedding date is may 10th 2014
jeffrey conyers Jun 2014
I promise.
I strictly promise to cherish you.
You're my queen.
Destiny to be my life forever.
I made that decision.
When others thought it something I should do.

I promise.
Strictly promise to do it all for you.
You're my life.
You led m off a path of wrong.
To a path of doing right.
When others tried to attract me back that way.

Oh, if they had a wish.
It would be you disappearing from my life.

But don't worry.
I know just where my good blessings lies.
And I strictly promise to stay forever by your side.

This I promise.
Strictly promise.
Robyn Jan 2015

I promise that everything is okay.
I promise that everything is going stay okay.
I promise that I love you.
I promise that I will continue to love you.
I promise that you're not a bad boyfriend.
I promise that you never have been and I doubt you ever could be.
I promise that you're not fat.
I promise that I will love you even if you ever get fat.
I promise that the world isn't falling apart.
I promise that it won't, as long we keep praying.
I promise that you're worth all our messes.
I promise that you'll always be worth all our messes.

I love you.
Happy Birthday to me.

Kole J McNeil Feb 2021
Little me
1st grade me
Sitting on the swing
My best friend beside me
A pinky promise on a playground
A promise now long forgotten
A promise of friendship forevermore
A promise too soon broken

Little me
2nd grade me
Sitting on the slide
No one beside me
No more promises left to be broken

Little Me
4th grade me
Sitting on the swings yet again
This time it was me next to me
But it wasn't me
He leaned over and stuck out his pinky
He said he'd always be here
He'd never leave me

Little Me
5th grade me
Sitting on the swings
His hand in mine
An invisible person
An invisible friend
He has yet to leave
His promise left yet unbroken

Innocent Me
6th grade me
Sitting on the playground wall
Sitting there with him
Hes grey eyes
His short spiky white hair
His soft smile
His sad eyes
They were always sad
My only friend
His promise sits unbroken

Cut me
7th grade me
Sitting alone
A girl moos in my face
I laugh at her
My long hair falling in my face
Hi my name is Dory
She looked at me
I said go away
She sat down anyway
Where he usually sat
But I couldn't find him
His promise now broken in my eyes
I slowly forgot my invisible best friend

New Me
Broken me
8th grade me
Hi I'm the invisible friend
I now realize that he was me
He was who i'm supposed to be
I now know he never left
I now know his promise will be forevermore
He will never break it
I just found out who I was
I found out I was He

Little Me
Innocent Me
Happy me
Not Me
His promise never broken
He was my best friend when I had none, He was always there and he never did break his promise. He may not be that invisible boy I used to play with on the swings and i may not see him anymore but hes still here. He's the only one who hasn't broken the promise to never leave.
Bhaskar Dhakal Dec 2014
This Valentine’s Day,
I will not promise you
the twinkling stars
or the dreamily shimmering
blue moon.
No, don’t get me wrong,
My love, But,
I will not promise all those
that I cannot really gift you.

I will vow to love you
till the eternity
And make you realize
howspecial you are.
And you’ll crave for
no cloudland.
Because my love will be your
Only euphoria.
And I will promise you
Honesty, love, trust and happiness.

I will not promise you
the bed of roses only.
For I know every rose
comes with its thorn.
Life can be cruel at times
and I promise at those
harsh moments,
I will be the last person
to leave you alone.

What good are the big vows,
when one fails to bestow
even a simple smile?
What good are the big crystal moon
and the twinkling stars when
you have eclipse in your heart
and misery in your eyes?
Today, my dear,
the world has failed to realize
that happiness comes from within.

So sweetheart,
I will not promise you
only the happy days ahead.
For life is the blend of
ecstasy and agony.
But I will assure you that
in every strive,
you’ll find your hand
locked in mine
and together we will make
our future shine.

I will not promise
the expensive pillows
to make you sleep at night.
But I will guarantee that
my arms will be there
to hug you tight.
And, in my arms,
may your eyes shut
with utter pleasure
every single night…

I want you to know this,
that your smile is my
only Sunshine,
Your ever glowing face
is my full moon.
And, the ever fluttering
big glowing eyes are
my glittering stars..

My love, if today,
you catch my hand and
whisper in my heart
that you love me,
I will need no particular day
as Valentine’s day
to love you and express myself.
Because with you beside me
every day will be my
special day.
Every day will be my Valentine’s day.
Every day I will love you.

I promise that.
Sky Jan 2016
I should be touching the stars still
Because I have you, holding me in your arms
But I'm slowly falling again
About to hit the ocean's roaring surface
About to shatter, then sink
So hold me close, and never let go,
promise me
If I break, you'll piece me back together
Promise me
If I wander away, you'll follow me
You'll find me and bring me home
Promise me,
promise me,
promise me
You'll only ever tighten your grip
but don't smother me, no
Help me breathe
Just promise you won't give up on me
When I am falling, you'll catch me
promise me,
promise me,
oh, please, promise me
you won't leave me to fade away
Red-Writing-Hood Oct 2012
A world wide phrase known so well as a lie, but as I say this to you, a lie, is the furthest it can get from the truth
I will not curl my pinkie around yours like kids do in elementary, I will not look into your eyes and say these words because that's just too simple, I will spend my lifetime making you believe
Making sure you do not have the slightest doubt in me, in us, in this ring I'm putting on your finger, this I promise to you
I promise
I will kiss the tears off your cheeks when you cry, I will tell you you're beautiful over and over and over even though I know so well that you'll deny it time and time again
I promise
That every word coming out of those soft luscious lips will be heard, never ignored, and when you feel like you're free falling down to the rock bottom of your life, I will be there, arms outstretched and ready to catch you, cradle you in my arms, happily walking you down the path of the journey you're destined to take
Whether it means carrying you on my back like a backpack, on my shoulders like a toddler, or in my arms like a newborn baby
I promise
I will never live without you
I will never let go of those bright blue eyes so detailed like the deep color of the ocean water, illuminated by a layered color palette of sunset
The gleam of your soft, smooth dark brown hair that catches my eye every time will always be mine, the coconut smell so enticing I lick my lips and beg for more
I promise
To always follow along to the orchestrated love song your voice plays for me every time you speak
To never stray from the beat of the drum your heart pounds every time you breathe or the wonderful wave of your laughter that bounces on air with every joke
To never let any challenges come between us or keep us apart because I will always find my way back to you like a lost puppy looking for it's owner, a baby bird trying to find it's mother, or a turtle making its way to the sea
You will stay a tattoo on my heart and a stained picture in my mind, never once leaving my thoughts, always in my arms
I promise
To think of you when my eyes are open and when they are closed, as the sun rises and as the sun falls, and until the day that I die, I will use every breath I have to whisper I love you
I promise
I do
burned up Jan 2015
I've promised you a lot of things,
but these are the most important
There are pieces of you falling apart
and I promise to walk behind you
to pick them up
I promise to tell you
that you are kind, and beautiful, and smart
Because you were all those things before I came to know you
and you will be all those things when I leave
but I promise to acknowledge them
I promise that I will love you no matter what
that your hour long rants and mood swings will not drive me away
But that I will deal with them accordingly to try and make you happy again
I promise to leave you to yourself
when you're in a bad mood
Because I know you don’t like to talk about your feelings
and I know you  hate crying in front of people
But when you do
I promise to wipe your tears
before they drop from your chin onto your shirt
And to fix your make up so that you look as flawless as you did before
I promise to talk to you when you need
and sit in silence with you when you don’t
I promise that I will stop everything to be with you
No matter where I am,
No matter what time,
I would do anything for you
Because you are the most important person to me
I promise
Karijinbba Apr 2020
April 54 - Jan 51
I promise to honor you to love you to never conceal epics of my life no matter how tragicly painful a victim fated to lose loved ones I was.
I promise to share my Joy's passions and all my pain.
Darling beloved King of hearts. Heart of gold twin soul,
in another life if you ask me
to marry you I will say I do!
And I will spill my heart to
say I love you, I am sorry
I will marry you timely
if I must
my dearest precious Beast.

From my virginity I promise to be only yours your first love
your last love
I promise to love, to cherish to join making mad passionate love to you as you and me did
once upon a time
I promise to fill up our world
or heaven with children
that look just like you and me
There will be no hell
no wars no disease no pandemics there will be a paradise
new world imagine
I promise to continue to not be jealous without justified reason
not greedy nor malicious
and to share you rather than
to lose you lover divine
if need be, naturally.

I promise to forgive you
if you hurt me despite amazing creative and passionate romantic venues in each other's arms.
I promise to love you like I was never hurt in this Earth or past lives by you or anyone else.

I promise to forgive you seventy times seventy if you ever cheated on me and fill up rooms with red roses peony and carnations
to make up to heal our hurt
as long as you never abandon me and our kids for another woman
like you did in this lifetime
after we found each other again and again you always
left me behind and another waited for you for money

I promise to tell you if anyone has hurt you very deeply
that you can heal with me
we can have a beautiful huge family to cherish adore
that physically mentally I am attracted to you and wish
to earn your love if necessary.

I promise to place all my good fortunes inheritances in your hands to give you and your family every treasure I possess
so you will never be afraid
that I will abandon you
for any other person.
You will give me your heart
and I will give you mine
to know each others secrets
and hope we won't have to cry.

you will cry knowing my sufferings and I will bitterly weep knowing yours loving me
if we are ever a bit apart
we will find each other timely
and never part.

Before we die of natural causes our children will be
by our bed side
we will watch a video of our happily ever wedding day.
I promise to be burried by your side eternaly to rest by your side our mortal vessels my beloved.

You must promise to keep me
to grab me heart spirit soul body and all when you find me again
darling beloved.
Beg if you must lift me off my feet take me home lay me down in you bed call me wife
best wife best lover best Mom best friend
like you wrote with our prenuptials in this life time.
If there is anything you wish to change in our prenuptial
agreement for our next lifetime wedding day
or change anything here
please do so
By Karijinbba
©Copy Rights apply.
In memory of Rdd/BBA Jpc /!JPT
Sierra Primus Jan 2016
To promise is to create a bond,
A bond which cannot be broken
Except by lies and by hate.
So today I will make a promise to you.

I promise to be your's forever,
I promise to never say never.
I promise to put differences aside,
And to hold you through this wonderful ride.
I promise to stay fair and true,
And I promise that there is none other than you.

This promise I'm making is special.
It is real and genuine and your's to keep.
This might seem a nit overwhelming,
But, in short, I am saying:

I promise to love you, for you.
Ember Evanescent Oct 2014
I will never wake up looking like the girls do in the movies
I won’t always end up doing the right thing
I can’t promise I will never be angry with you
I can’t promise I will never do things that make you angry with me
I can’t even promise I’ll be sorry for them every time
But I can promise that even if you aren’t sorry
I’ll find a way to forgive you somehow even if it takes years
In our time together
I will have good days
And bad days
Busy days
And sweatpants days
But if you will be there for me
Through the rain
And the storms
And the mist
From sunset through ‘till dawn
I will be there through it all for you too
I can’t promise smiles the whole way
But I will promise you one thing for certain
If you will promise me the same
I promise you eternity
Please comment if you interpreted this in any kind of unique way, I would love to hear it!
Harry Velez Jan 2018
I promise to love you,
I promise to care,
I promise to hold you when no one is there,
Promise to respect you and put you first ,
I promise to kiss were ever it hurts,
I promise I’m yours so promise your mine,
And I promise to love you till the end of time

— The End —