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David Nelson Mar 2010

She was always making things up, she thought I was a ******,
always playing tricks on me, she was such a meenie,
I thought I was a friend of hers, but I am such a dodo,
she probably put doggie do, in my chocolate Yoho,

I sent her cards of friendship, but she never opened mail,
guess she flushed them down the tubes, sent them out to sail,
guess I cannot blame her, this was her choice to make,
I am just an old ****, and probably a big mistake,

for I have no rights here, no reason to expect,
that she would even give a glance, should show her more respect,
I over stepped my boundry here, although the sin was teeney,
I was the bad guy here, yes I was the real meenie

Gomer LePoet...
Jeffrey Robin Oct 2016
In da mornin yeah

(  Dis very one )

We were

like kids comin on

Into the great adventure

Of life and love


Eenie , meenie ; minie  ..: AND  .. mo


Yeah baby

Stay with me

Gonna be good times

You 'll see

.ernie meenie minie AND mo


High hill song

Early riser

Gotta know what's goin on

Gotta be a new man

Come the new dawn






Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
Eeenie, Meene, Minie, and Moe

all stood under the mistletoe.

Eeenie kissed Meene.

Minie kissed Moe.

Meene got mad…

She loves Moe.

Minie told Eenie,

“Meene should know,

kisses go ,with mistletoe.”

Meene was mad

at Minie and Moe,

and shot them both

by the mistletoe.

Minie survived

but you must know

this story is over…

‘cause there ain’t no Moe.
Becky Littmann Mar 2015
Eenie Meenie Miney Moe
You're just another ***
Never saying "no" & NOT **** fo' show
Beyond  ****** is where you go
The nasty crust is what you are below

A busted *** ratchet
With a scandalous habit
So bounce *****, with  that ****
Or you're going to get hit
Peace out **** it
You need to just quit
Karma is what you're going to get
Because ******* DONT  FORGET

You're  not classy, just a slutty *****
With legs like a revolving door
Open to anyone wanting to score
But your ***** is stank & rotten to the core!
With more than one new STD sore
Just like I said before
BOUNCE,***** no one wants MORE!
zebra Nov 2017
back in the day
rocks could talk
they where
casual, petty and small-minded
just like us
divinities platitudes
every word a drop of manna
its magic
wow magic

so out of conceit
we made them gods
deferred to their credibility
and like idiot children
paid attention to their great allegories
a provident sea of wisdom
from the skeletons of time

we carved their faces from stones
put them on pedestals
and gave them names
the great know it alls
urns of heaven
those oracles of old

and so ensued
the epic cycle of talking statues
and thats how decisions where made
back in the day

the statues are strangely mute now
sunken shadows into earths bowels
and the age of reason
has been transplanted
by the age of
what the ****
a new
hobbled world soul
of darkened consciousness
to cope with tentacles of complexity
and a forest of trials
where depth of thought has been replaced
and decisions are made by
the exalted
ennie meenie minee moe
an abstruse form of ritual magic

so from now on
all arguments will be settled
by me
sticking my tongue out
David Nelson Mar 2010
Apology to Meenie

The very audacity of my mind,
too think that you would owe me,
for doing simple things I've done,
heck you don't even know me,

I showed you my rudeness,
I apologize for this,
crawl down on my belly,
and with forked tongue I hiss,

now I'm sure I've won your heart,
this display of childish acts,
I do what I'm really good at,
reacting without facts,

please accept my humble plea,
and yes, I am a dodo,
forgive my bad behavior please,
I stepped in real bad mojo  

Gomer LePoet ...
mannley collins Oct 2014
catch a person,
of African/Asian/European/Amerikan/Antipodean extraction,
by the prejudices.
When she/he files a fatuous complaint
at the Court of Human Responsibilities
let him/her board a Plane back to where she/he came from
clutching a Louis Vuiton goody bag full of
strings of meaningless associated but fine sounding
politicians speeches,
and as much moolah as he can carry
and several contracts to appear on reality TV.
Food for the journey will be a Cup of bitter gall
and a rapidly melting Vanilla Ice-Cream
containing at least 20 chemicals that will destroy his/her
ability to synthesise Testosterone.
Inflight entertainment will consist of the oft repeated lies of
all major "religions"spoken in oh so sincere voices,
by old paedophiles wearing bedsheets,
consumed with stupidity
and hatreds that are thousands of years old
******* stewardesses and bottomless stewards
will hand out suicide tablets
with cheery smiles and hearty cries of "Bon Voyage!!
JJ Hutton Feb 2013
coupon for Granny's Original 32% All Natural Oatmeal®
cart-to-cart down aisle 48 and this man's an affront to khakis
and this woman's brain runs off a child's complaints
according to the radar, buy 80 pounds of rock salt
from The Home Depot®, more saving. more doing.™
more rock salt. more doing
according to the radar, buy two-weeks-worth of tuna,
a pallet of Pepsi Max®, and four loaves of Baker Good's NeverMold Bread®
all for $21.99 with your Sam's Club® Rewards Card
cart-to-cart down aisle 62 where once there was soda, now an I.O.U.
and I read on the internet that the preservatives in diet cola will keep
my body from decomposing and I read on the internet that these
dented, discount tuna cans will give me botulism
one jug of water from a spring in Mountain View, Arkansas
one jug of water from a spring in New Iberia, Louisiana
picking between Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana
the pitter-patter on the warehouse roof reassures
time for eenie meenie miney mo
and the intercom desperate for a cart wrangler
customer service now open for checkout
don't leave your toddlers alone in shopping carts
they're choking on free samples
with an echo, raindrops strike parking lot pools
just past the intersection an ambulance grumbles
in a room with a view wishing the windowpane weatherized
beers bought by volume, candles forgotten, six months of
licorice, EverFluff® popcorn, and hand warmers of chemical kind
will not be landing in the city, watch out for that rain though
if the temperatures drop below 32 degrees it could ice over
and if the temperatures don't, well, it won't

News 7's coverage of Blizzard 2013 brought to you by
The Home Depot®, more saving. More doing.™
and Sam's Club®, savings made simple.™
Kelly Bitangcol Nov 2016
I was taking a bath at 3 in the afternoon. Just finished brushed my teeth, now staring at the water below me, about to rinse off my shampoo while thinking of you. And then a certain thought came to my mind, this moment already happened. I don’t know how many times, probably twice or thrice but I remember looking at the pouring water and thinking of your love that has kept cleansing me. Not only the setting is same or the thought is similar but also the feeling that I have was the feeling I exactly felt when this thing happened. I remember dreaming that I was already running late for school and so I got ready so quickly as if I only have 5 minutes of my life left and when I already reached our classroom, all my classmates were staring at me like I murdered someone and the feeling was horrible. As I was dying from embarrassment, I suddenly woke up. Everything changed but it felt like nothing happened, then all of a sudden I was in a zoo, all dressed up with a camera, and a snake was about to **** me, and as I was dying from fear I woke up sweating. I checked my phone and it said it was midnight. I couldn’t remember what I was thinking back then but in that moment, the only words that came out of my mouth were “It was a dream within a dream.” When I was answering my math exam, I couldn’t think of anything to answer, I couldn’t even think of what to do in trigonometry, so I did the famous eenie meenie because I have already accepted that I was beyond bad when it comes to numbers, but I remember wishing that the Kelly Bitangcol in the parallel universe is a mathematician.

Déjà vu, dreams, parallel universe, what really are those? How does the uncanny sensation that you’ve experienced something before, that an event is repeating itself possible? Why do we dream and what even are dreams? Are we alone in this world? Is there another world? Or are there other worlds? Thousands of questions and all you get for an answer are 3 words, the great unknown. And that is what keeps everyone wondering right? Things we don’t know.  We keep on searching for answers even if takes decades to get them and until now the mysteries aren’t solved. So what we do is create our own ideas, our own theories. I think that our dreams are events that are happening to our other selves in another universe, and maybe your other selves are also dreaming of what is happening to you here. I think déjà vu is an event that already happened to us in another world so when we experience that moment for the first time, we feel that it already happened before. I always think of other versions of me, maybe one Kelly likes sports, maybe one Kelly is quiet and mysterious, maybe one Kelly loves math or maybe one Kelly is the very opposite of me.

But in the alternate dimensions, I wonder, would we meet? Would you ever come across to the sporty version of me? Would you never give up to unravel my mysteries? Would you like the mathematician Kelly? Would you fall in love with my opposite? I also made theories about your other selves, perhaps you’re a rockstar in one, perhaps the other version of you likes to paint, or perhaps one version of you abhors me. We could be staring at the stars in another universe, unable to tell our feelings for each other. We could be teammates in a math club. I could be sitting on a park bench while reading a book, and you are jogging, and as you decided to take a rest and sit on a bench I already left for class. We could be two people that would come across on the street, unable to look at each other, because we’re holding someone else’s hand. We could be anything in other worlds, we could be enemies, we could be just friends, or we could be strangers. And so I realised, that this version of me is beyond glad to meet that version of you in this one world out of no one knows how many. I do not like sports, I am not quiet and mysterious, I am horrible when it comes to math. You are not a rockstar, you cannot paint, but the thing is, I met you and you met me. We met one another and have known each other, we saw our imperfections and flaws and the things we couldn’t do that we wished we could. Maybe in another universe we could do all those things but we don’t have one thing there that we have here, each other. But hear me when I say this, if ever all of these are true, if I have lots of versions and you have many, whether there are things you can do or can’t, whether you’re worse or you’re better, one thing is certain. I will no longer spend decades to find an answer, I wouldn’t need to wonder anymore because it is not unknown. Baby, if there are millions of different you and millions of worlds, I know a thing for sure.  I would still choose this, I would still choose you.

SheCaldWar Nov 2013
Every time you write you get this sparkle in your eyes
A supreme gleam that is your dream to win the grand prize
Between the King and Queen, you're just the joker going nowhere
But you're my turtle and I am your hare
You finish first even when all odds are stacked against you
Undervalued and underestimated, no one understands, no one knows
Better when empty; the bottle spins and lands on eenie meenie miny Poe
No need for gin and tonic, you're iconic without the sin
Paper may be thin but the words on it crawl under my skin
Your pen may bleed through but only because you put your heart on the page
You may age but your poetry will not be caged by thyme or sage
People can try but no matter what you type up, it will never be as good as what comes from his rib cage
PrttyBrd Jul 2015
The paths that lay ahead call
Singing harmoniously to the soul
A chorus of whispers like flitting wings
Opinions, unsolicited and unwelcome
The future is seen in logical deduction
Two steps down this road
Five steps down that
Some are well lit
While others sit in the darkness of the unknown
Eenie, meenie, miney, and moe
Life is ruled by a despot
Every choice, each minute decision
Made by one
There is no team in, I
Take a deep breath
One foot in front of the other
The options are limitless
Final say and fate accepted
There is no one to blame
When responsibility lies within
Change direction at will
Enjoy the unexpected
Each life a maze
Each with its own tyrant
trashcanpoetry Sep 2017
eenie, meenie, miney...
no -
but do you ever feel like yes?
like it probably wasn't your time
to be with him?
but what if you could
make it your time?
like if somehow we could go back
to the very moment you ruined
everything that you had good
going for you
like maybe if that guy would just
hear you out one last time
as if you havent been
begging for my forgiveness
for months
i can pinpoint the exact time
when my world went topsy turvy
and all you forced to do is
live with the consequences of stupid decisions
you made that one night...

the one night that
put out the glow
that beamed from your
soil-colored eyes

that night that deemed your once
textured locks of curled hair into
a mess of your own tangled regret
that took control over my anxiety

that night i "over reacted"
i remember that night so well; better than i care to admit.
i remember crying into the shoulder of the university
t-shirt i gave you,
and knowing that was the last time i would ever
eenie, meenie, miney, mo
you're it
Brent Kincaid May 2015
Hey ** and there you go
And when you get there
Well, there you are.
Now, ain’t that something;
Better than nothing?
Two guys walk into a bar.

The barkeep asks them
What will you guys have?
The both gave him a look.
I would like to be rich
Both guys said, but that
Is neither aa creek or a brook

Two little old ladies
Were rocking on a porch
Throwing fruit at passersby.
Their husbands hid out
Finding it were best
In case someone asked why.

All this and all that was
Somewhere not quite all
The way to awesome.
There were a few pretty boys
And then some women that
Were known as handsome.

Eenie meenie miney moe
Olly olly oxen fee.
Whattya know about that?
Higgeldy piggledee
Hotsy and totsy, has
Your tongue got your cat?

Thingamjigs, doolollies
Gadgets, whirlygigs
Don’t amount to nothing.
Whatsername and Miss Thing
That ought to do it right now
To keep your beer frothing.
preservationman Nov 2018
Eenie Meenie miney Moe
But you don’t really know
It’s up too me to narrate being the show
Life having it’s down and with an although
A man being in total despair
Having no direction beyond his own compare
A man loss with no directional finder
It’s a case of being confused
But at some point in the man’s life he was used
However, the man used other people in his lifetime
Some might consider him like everybody else
Yet the man is of human nature

Now help me in giving this man some sort of insight
But it must be inspiration in getting him out of his plight
Right now he is in a dark tunnel needing light
Trust in above
It’s Heaven too think of
Inspiration that comes from a total high
Your question needs no answer as of why
Just give heaven a try

As I narrate further, the man was once married, but he also cheated on his wife
Now for that, he deserves no advice
The man and his Wife would often argue and Shout
Curse words after another I am talking about
So his Wife told him to pack his bags and whatever belongings he could carry went with him on the pavement which became his home
But now he is alone
Well maybe not totally alone in the sense of physical presence

The man’s loss base with family and friends
However, the question is, will the Man’s life ever mend
No, we are not at the end
So what words of encouragement do you think I should give other than what I said already
Prayer is priority
Life is the reality
Look to the skies with a Man ever so wise
Within life, there is always a surprise
It will be a turnaround with a new sunrise
Tomorrow is understanding with a suppose too be
So look up Man, and you shall see.
David Rombouts Jan 2015
I am lost, and in a way where it seems as if nobody, no not even myself can find me. As if trapped inside of Waldo’s body, I seem to be striped left and right with endless wonder about how exactly I came to such a state. Not knowing how or even when it all started, I happen to be stuck in my own labyrinth of a maze. My mind trailing on endlessly, looking, searching for any and all clues, but like a virus, everything of sanity had been dropped along the way. It all just vanished! If being completely lost was a form of art, I’d be the founder of the movement, which would proceed not to be called expressionism nor surrealism, but more likely known as Davidism. In some way I managed to confuse myself, the ultimate da Vinci Code! Which tunnel to take now is all a matter of eenie-meenie-miney-mo, and to come out the other end with total understanding seems absolutely impossible right now! I am lost, and I don’t trust anyone to find me…
A dramatic monologue mimicking the thought process we all encounter eventually.
Allen Wilbert Sep 2013
Ten Doors

Behind door number one,
is a naked woman, tanned from the sun,
willing to do anything you say for fun.
Behind door number two,
green grass and a sky that's always blue,
and a giant house built just for you.
Behind door number three,
a toilet bowl, in case you have to ***,
and a brand new Hybrid SUV.
Behind door number four,
you get to pick your own lifetime *****,
if you don't like our choices, in the back we got more.
Behind door number five,
is your favorite rock band, who will perform live,
also an in ground pool, so you can always dive.
Behind door number six,
is all the secrets to all the magic tricks,
and we will also sew on two extra *****.
Behind door number seven,
at your death you will go straight to heaven,
never again will you feel any kind of depression.
Behind door number eight,
in no more long lines will you have to wait,
and your choice to live in any country or state.
Behind door number nine,
a lifetime supply of you favorite beer or wine,
and plenty of *******, so you can always do a line.
Behind door number ten,
the day you die, the how and the when,
all the money you want, but only in yen.
You only get to pick one number,
hurry up you're not getting any younger.
This is such a tough decision,
it may take time and a precise precision.
I just don't know which one to choose,
either way I cannot lose.
I think I will go Eenie Meenie Miney Mo,
and from there, just see how it might go.
Francie Lynch May 2014
I was It.
Singled out
By a mere
Now I touch you,
You freeze.
Now you're It,
I'm not.
Frozen tag was a game we played as children. A different game as adults.
Jessica Jarvis Nov 2018
You know, I haven't written in a while.
It's been hard, because I don't know what makes me smile
anymore. I see one's eyes, feel his fingers through my hair,
while, on another note, I cannot forget how another one cared.
I thought love was something that I once knew,
until my love for my best friend suddenly grew.
I fought and I argued and I justified the means,
but now my heart hurts from hearing my head's screams.
I'm torn, I'm broken, and my heart has been shattered.
I don't know what to think, as my romantic thoughts scatter.
I can't help that one is so close of the two,
but also can't help but wonder if the One is You.
Eenie, meenie, miney, mo;
why were you the one to go?
Why is another one so close by?
How can you both cause my heart's cry?
The time is not now, so I'll wait for it's end,
but it's difficult when some want to be more than friends.
I wonder if this collision is sometimes inevitable,
but if this is it, how could I feel so terrible?
I don't hate the kindness or subtle ways of affection,
but it feels like that's the surface of this overwhelming infection.
One overtakes me completely, working hard with great intention,
while another barely speaks, and he has all of my attention.
Which love is greater? Is there such a love as this
that can take my breath away with a subtle little miss,
or is it of another, the one who gives me all his time
to sweep me off my feet while the ground is one my mind?
Am I falling in love or caught in it's memory?
Can I call it quits now, or still wait for my legacy?
If I knew, I wouldn't be ranting in a poem.
I just wish I had closure, so I could better know Him.

Love is scary for the impatient ones, as there is danger in the unknown... but why is this unknown?

I don't know.

Catch a poet by his toes,
If he suffers,
Let him go,


Aly OMalley Jan 2021
Eenie meenie little souls
How I wonder, be thou cold?
Stay thee in thy secret spot
Stripes of iron, cloth be naught

See we nothing, hear no sound
Sight omits thy tattered gowns
May death be kinder?  Death be quick?
Yes.  Death be gift by candlestick

We’ll send thee bread of molded clay
To save thee from thy wicked ways
Of clashing blood and god and skin
Inhuman made by ink of sin

For church reveals the sacred spot
Of heroes draped in thoughtless thought
Of condemnation, fears and tricks
And bearers of the candlestick
Cyclone Dec 2019
The air blows, in which it never cares where it goes, caught up in the whirlwind put me with hoes, that only loved when I rose and put the wind beneath my wings.. battled thugs, took the slugs, no love- cause they were just above the life and death or "living hell", all thugs go to heaven while I'm moving in a ghetto cell, but truly I started to know where to finish, now I'm back as a ******* menace, and I'm hype!, I be like, "free life!" and I'm never going back..the slave, can dig his grave on wax, eenie, meenie, miney, mo, low in a so-so way, though it's so many ways to get paid, and I ain't lying cause I'm trying to; just look at every thing I recently had been through; I really want it!, reminds me of the kind of person I adore; we both working for the better things to show, nearly equivalent but he was in the stage where you're just too young to see..simply put, this late star was an early one, I could see it in his eyes truly fore the dusk after dawn before he died, I knew he would explode, on the road to success where the best be your dreams and includes all the nights where you couldn't even sleep it seems- when I reach the sky I would shine so bright but I knew it was the limit so it all falls down just right about now when the world seems small though I'm still living large I would stall in his footsteps, never living up to them, still I try to live by what he said, I must size up to these bigger *******- if it's time to be a man and only deal with it, I would simply just say "**** em all!", but still hit it.
Cyclone Dec 2019
The air blows, in which it never cares where it goes, caught up in the whirlwind put me with hoes, that only loved when I rose and put the wind beneath my wings.. battled thugs, took the slugs, no love- cause they were just above the life and death or "living hell", all thugs go to heaven while I'm moving in a ghetto cell, but truly I started to know where to finish, now I'm back as a ******* menace, and I'm hype!, I be like, "free life!" and I'm never going back..the slave, can dig his grave on wax, eenie, meenie, miney, mo, low in a so-so way, though it's so many ways to get paid, and I ain't lying cause I'm trying to; just look at every thing I recently had been through; I really want it!, reminds me of the kind of person I adore; we both working for the better things to show, nearly equivalent but he was in the stage where you're just too young to see..simply put, this late star was an early one, I could see it in his eyes truly fore the dusk after dawn before he died, I knew he would explode, on the road to success where the best be your dreams and includes all the nights where you couldn't even sleep it seems- when I reach the sky I would shine so bright but I knew it was the limit so it all falls down just right about now when the world seems small though I'm still living large I would stall in his footsteps, never living up to them, still I try to live by what he said, I must size up to these bigger *******- if it's time to be a man and only deal with it, I would simply just say "**** em all!", but still hit it.
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2021
Eenie, Meenie, Miny, Mo,
drums beat loud, a finger shows
Tigers prowl within our reach
—on tippytoes our fate impeached

(Dreamsleep: October, 2021)

— The End —