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pat pakla Jun 2012
Fatima Latima**

I had wished I had no gift of sight
That the worst I could endure is hear you speak
And not snapshot the footfall of your gradation

You may not be a thief
Nor ****, daughter of the dayspring
But definitely my heart you stole

I speak of the daughter of Arabia  
Aesthetically, she rocks
The queen of the pilgrim sands
And aeonian desert stones

Beyond the hijab
Artistically knead with consummate craft
Like the relics of Mecca
Blest by the prophet’s bones
The blessed

I see torches
Beaming with intelligence
Within those mascaras
Exquisitely trimmed and vibrant
A lulu class botany

She fixes a searching gaze
As she saunters close
And the stride and tread
Beats a drum entrancing
Soothed in her solacing spell
I give in, to her lullaby

She halts her perambulation
Stands magniloquent and stupefy
Like some pop diva magazine pose
Or Victorian secret shot
A tactical derangement of her gluteals
As she rests her palm in its cleft
I feel contractions, my dartos muscles

The blew of summertime
Gently beats her exceptional form
Her belt submerge her thigh crevice
Cleft by the sundered rift of fleshy fat
Built by the dainties and delicacies
Seasoned by the finest Arabian chef
As her silken dress slithers and gowns
Under the breeze bulging and blooming
Like a rose blossom or sunflower fore

As she bends down
To assuage the burlesque
The sun specula lilts her sensational
Her smile apologetic bids me stillness
I am caught staring
Guzzling down her scent and
Feasting on empty imaginations
Of What If that accentuate the mind and
Speed a hormone
And I pray I sin no more
Next time we meet and I see her again

For I am but a writer
Learning to use my pen and paper
And hope you but forgive
My linguistic impotence
When I make my confession
Employing too plain a language
When I say thus;

Her smile is classical
Her walk magical
Her beauty celestial
Her stride sensational
Her religion ethical
Her character spotless
And that leaves me breathless

And forgive if I step on broken toe
And try speak of the unspoken
Her ****** is sacred
Her being a type that dresses up
In the milliards of brutes dressing down
And shamelessly style it fashion

I must see a priest
One confession I ought to utter
And even vociferate abroad
For once I had fallen in love
With an Arabian Beautie
A ****** of Mecca.
You two both it cost you but for one of you cost you the make-up mascaras and the lip-glosses for you to be glamouras cost you bore-tie and suit to match your  body with the shining shoes then we call you a gentle and we call you the lady but we see the price ......

How much does your personality cost ,how long and far would you make it priceless much does it cost ...your body have price and it cost like the bible says but how much does your personality two both ...make your personality to have a price ...
Your personality is your inner person .....don't make it cheap
Haley Elizabeth Jan 2015
My throat is closing
My eyes are blurring
My mind is racing
My hands are shaking
My chest is burning
My stomachs dropping
My mascaras smearing
My heart is breaking
My soul is dying
Though I keep screaming
And I keep crying
they never notice
SilverSpoon Oct 2015
Ever since I can remember, Barbara has been coming to our home
With her poofy hair and her powdered cheeks, all in a cloud of pink perfume.
She would speak in the fragile, broken voice of a woman well beyond her years,
And Mother would beckon her cheerfully to sit at the table in our dining room.

With whatever coffee was in the *** and whatever Danish found,  
Mother would prepare the table and invite my older sister and I to gather round.
From noon to three they’d gab and chat and flip through the catalogues
That Barbara the Avon Lady had brought.

My sister and I would thumb through glossy, vibrant pages
Of blushes and eye shadows, eyeliners and mascaras.
But I, I would thumb quickly and tire even faster
At the conversation of the table that awaited me, inevitably, after.

With feigned interest, I would sit there a bit
And watch as my older sister would, more patiently, fake it.

I’d grab a cookie and then leave
Mother with her checkbook and her bitter black coffee,
Barbara with her perfume cloud and cheeks all porcelain powdery,
And my sister, with her blonde hair, which was just like mine,
But which tried, much harder to grow much faster.
Yes I would flounce away with my neck-length locks,
And go play with my younger brother.
With shaken hands,
she reaches up with a wand in defeat.
Performing magic on herself,
Artifically covering what she wants to hide.

The blemishes, the mistakes
The hurt, she has felt.
The tear stains, quite possibly.
The facade does not mirror the interior.

The mascaras flakes off her lashes,
When she places more than she should.
But her hands shake too much, to stop.
All of it, she wanted to cover.

She hears the voices,
Telling her to stop, telling her to go on.
She does not hear them,
The pounding pain in her heart silences them all.

She continues, then it gets quiet.
But she still carries on.
Shattered breath, love that had left.
The tears drag the culprit down her cheeks.

She drops the wand,
All is gone.
But pain shall always prosper,
It shall always live on.

Through the quiet, yet labored breaths
A voice has returned,
The same voice has returned.
Asking her why she hides what she is.

She says,
You are the reason to start.
And you are the reason to stop.
What shall I do then?

You tell me yes,
then it changes to no.
Acceptance, than denial.
Back and forth again,
Swaying like a swing.

Whether up or down,
I am always left.
With this pain,
So how must I cope?

Split response ring through her ears,
Telling what to do.
Telling her things she does not want to hear.
So she hides, with hatred pouring down her face.

I live in a world,
That hates me. But loves me.
I am who I am by this world.
You are my world.
DAVID Jul 2017
El placer de la mirada,
La voz melodiosa q emana
de ellos

La mirada sensual
Y sonora, latente
Y viva

El candor de sus ojos
Y la verdad que emana
de ellos

Y el alma sanada
Sonrie. Sanadora,

y aun asi, en contra
De todo, una mirada

Pasión y ternura, almas
Conectadas a través
De sus miradas

Y la libertad de saber
Eso, completo y perdido,
Desnudo y sin barricadas

Mas alla de certezas,
Zonas seguras y escudos,
Conectado, sereno

La desnudez de la libertad,
Sin mascaras, y el distante
Placer de una mirada frente
A otra

en sintonia con el todo,
A traves de los ojos
que lo embellesen todo.
Benji James Jun 2017
Feels like things
Are gonna get hot and heavy
Hope you don't mind getting sweaty
Think your make up
Is going to get messy
Smear your lipstick
In the kiss
Girl you know I know
You want to be loved like this

Let me help you out
Out of that dress
Let your hair out
Girl don't think we're gonna
Make it to the bed
Your lips are locked on mine
Tongue in cheek
Lipstick stains on my neck
Legs wrapped around my waist
As I carry you to the bed oh yes

Let's get naked
Take it off
Take it off
Skin to skin
I want to feel every inch
Take it off
Take it off
Let me run my hands
Over your body
I can tell that you want me
Take it off
Take it off
You on me, me on you
What does it matter
All I want is all of you

Oh, girl, you got your hand
down my jeans
You know I like it like that
I need some more
of that sweet honey baby
Let me taste your body baby
Let me help you get off oh baby
This is what I need
I need kiss every little bit
But I really like the taste of your lips
I like the way you bite
Just a little bit
Oh yeah, alright
She grabs the bed head tight

Let me help you out
Out of that dress
Let your hair out
Girl don't think we're gonna
Make it to the bed
Your lips are locked on mine
Tongue in cheek
Lipstick stains on my neck
Legs wrapped around my waist
As I carry you to the bed oh yes

Let's get naked
Take it off
Take it off
Skin to skin
I want to feel every inch
Take it off
Take it off
Let me run my hands
Over your body
I can tell that you want me
Take it off
Take it off
You on me, me on you
What does it matter
All I want is all of you

Scratch marks down my back
We both look like a mess
Mascaras running under your eyes
Hearts are beating faster inside
You sure know how to make out
You sure know how to make love
Yeah you feel so good, babe
Inside was so nice
My God this felt so right
I think we need to do this again sometime
How about again tonight alright

Let me help you out
Out of that dress
Let your hair out
Girl don't think we're gonna
Make it to the bed
Your lips are locked on mine
Tongue in cheek
Lipstick stains on my neck
Legs wrapped around my waist
As I carry you to the bed oh yes

Let's get naked
Take it off
Take it off
Skin to skin
I want to feel every inch
Take it off
Take it off
Let me run my hands
Over your body
I can tell that you want me
Take it off
Take it off
You on me, me on you
What does it matter
All I want is all of you

©2017 Written By Benji James
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2016
i. prelude in accordance with comparing the parting glass with auld lang syne.

aye, jingle jingle bell... jingle all ye may...
tis' the season to be jolly,
in times when elves are half-wits
without the graces of a Lord Elrond,
majestic, proud, here where little
hobbit-elves roam with pointy ears
and hairy nostrils... aye, jingle jingle bell...
jingle all the way...
   as you look east, and hear both the dove's
song of *silent night
, to later hear
   the sombre mea culpa, and the creed
come easter... and upon the altar: get
your blames and your sins...
         for letting it happen! for letting it happen!
o heathens and o you gentiles!
    come while i scold my dog into having to
father me - aye...
       so frown too at the acronym prelude
with all that pandemonium glitter - presents,
crucifixes replaced by christmas trees:
and as is the clause of santa - reduced to burnt
smithereens of torture instruments standing
in Ka Ka poses - o hear the my new fatherland
waiting for me... while the cradle of my word
seemed but almost ready to finally to get rid of
me, i come back swiftly... and rid Europe
of harmony... nor was it that the Englishman foresaw
it... being a gemini-gentleman, he did what
any Pontius Pilate could do: he washed his
hands, then washed his feet - and assumed a moral
high-ground: in times when speaking German
or using German words parallels national socialism...
aye, and all good tidings to the many.

ii. interlude, beyond the 24th hour awake.

you know how they have these cautionary moments
on television during the news?
  they say something like: warning, this report contains
     they should really have the same ****** cautionary
statement when you walk out on the streets these days:
caution! flashing christmas lights! santa's strobe disco
special... i'd be curious about those photosensitive
epileptics walking the streets these days...
and as they say: an englishman's home is his castle...
obviously that depends how many christmas lights
be dons in his windows... and how ****** annoying
their setting is... i blink less times in a minute
than these disco arrangements flash in 20 seconds...
but indeed, an englishman's home is his castle...
but put about twenty of such castles in a row
and you get the inkling... pray not call these
the abode of windsors... they look nothing like
castles... more like chicken-shacks...
      to live so close among each other, and for this
sole reason... despise each other so fervently
as to love one-another by simply: not even saying hello.
after a year so closely packed? what could
a hello ever do to me? ruin my day... that's what...
and you see these pseudo-hippies out there
on the television screen advertising mentos sweets
told by Ormond St. children in hospital to
hug people in the street,
          or 'wanna come round my house?'
that's a line out of Norman Bates' mouth, isn't it?
if we can't talk jolly over a drink,
    what do you think a conversation over a mentos
sweet would achieve? fresh breath...
  but certainly the still stone-cold heart of
              keeping up with mascaras and mortar.

iii. the best presents are the littlest of joys.

tiny, like the last babushka: a great psychological
schematic... hollowing out, hollowing out,
moving further apart... in the end it's not some
concrete ego-theory, or some self or some questionable
"self"... that last babushka (i was going to say egg,
added to babushka) - is but a pinch -
       pinch of salt, or a pinch of a little reality that's
that adequate spiderweb compliment toward each new day.
- and say, all grand things acquiring little idiosyncratic
words of these isles...
                            but inherently the baltic breathes into
us a different disposition: i too, upon waking
    see Sisyphus - but instead of utilising my body
i have to utilise my mind... i could remain a child
and think of pushing the stone telekinetically,
and become an engineer, and inventor, to ease the woes
of the daily toils, invent a mechanical drill rather than
use the old manual drill...
                         but i don't even contemplate
   telekinetic deviations... i just sit by the stone i'm supposed
to push up a non-existent hill...
    so unless i be ****** with some demon with a hot
poker to get mye lazy *** to the daily toils of the sweaty brow...
i'll finely sit and tell you this.

iv. and i told them.

i can stretch this soviet sleep experiment to two days,
sleep my twelve and wake to the twenty four and beyond
up to 36... but don't expect me to fear going
at night for my sedatives... even if I have to leave dear
McCormick behind on these travels, and travel east
and feed on ***** for a while, oh indeed the hiatus
and the family... even among my kinsmen i will walk
the night... and all I have to say: the worst has already
happened... the best that can happen would be
for Samael to kindly raise his *** from the cold marble throne
of graven idle - and finally make the clean scythe swoon
into my heart...
                            and that's how it began...
the †-word... the bilingual crossword -
       no, nothing like the original crossword game for
monolingual people...
          there are were no clues in the word scythe...
Scythians? that's Latin... meaning that etymology would
not help, but it was tested...
      and yes... he was crucified on the †-word,
on the basis that he gave no insight into hashem,
yes, the name, the y m c a, the y h w h... the acronym
of which was ironically †... or n.e.w.s. -
               that's why the scribes, the Pharisees pestered
him! they wanted some insight into their practices!
but what did he do? he scolded them!
         he insulted the scribes and the little scribblers of
Jerusalem long gone... and so with due irony:
got †-fied: defied... and by later jokes of the gentiles:
deified.             scimitar doesn't even help either...
then one word pops into my head, don't know
why, it's not even synonymous, and that makes it
even less antonymous - brzoza - birch tree...
also known as the pioneer tree... where the birch tree
settles, other trees may follow... palms?
palms are ******* dead end... the best you might
get from a palm tree... is a cactus.
        well... this is becoming a very horrible crossword,
i have scythe
                       Scythians... scimitar...
     sclera... dictionary...              but nothing leading
me to translate scythe into ol' ma'...
                                       no etymological congregation
to work from...
                  i'm not even going to cheat...
      i'll just make life a little bit more easier for myself
and enjoy the evening with my whiskey...
           now i know why i couldn't find the word,
it's too undisturbed by Greek or Latin,
        it goes to the ancient roots of when languages
didn't exactly borrow from each other...
scythe? in western slavic?       kosa.
      it's a basic word going back back to syllables...
and given that Latin is an alphabet of syllables
rather than nouns like Greek (a and alpha? different,
aren't they, obviously).

v. a chimeral opposite.

so fill to me the starting glass
good morning and misery be with you all,
as the years pass,
with each new year, i don't know what
i'm expected to be celebrating or seeing others celebrate.
Emma Amme Jan 2014
Don't talk to me like you know me
Talk to me like you love me
She just wants him to adore her
Even if she yells at him and says words she doesn’t mean
Or if she sings out of tune, or that her hair is frizzy
Or she doesnt wear make up, or if she swears too much
Or if she wants to believe in love, but at the same time she doesn't.
She wants to be that girl. The one he cant stop thinking about
The one who looks pretty in a neon pink rain coat in the rain
With her hair dripping water in thin streams of uncontrolling.
She doesnt want it to be love, though that would be nice.
But she wants him to tell her that she is special
And that she is his one. And that he cares about her
In the morning and the afternoon and in the night
And especially when its raining
With her mascaras running and her hair laying flat
On her rain soaked face.
high school relationships ****
Benji James Jul 2018
She's sitting alone in the dark tonight
You haven't seen all the tears she cried
You haven't seen all the wounds she hides
She keeps her deepest feelings inside

And she'd stand for him in the pouring rain

Just so, she could be in his arms again

If he left she'd never feel the same

He's the blood that flows through her veins

In her heart is the place he'll always remain

The girls trying to keep her, head held high
She's trying to hide her tears behind a smile
And every time he looks her way
She hangs on every breath he takes
She takes in every word he says
She tries so hard not to break away

She tries so hard to shelter her heart
The girls loved him from the start
She's afraid to let him see her flaws
She's not brave enough
To let him through her walls
The broken hearted girl stands tall
While she anticipates her next fall

This girl could cave in anytime
This girl feels invisible all the time
She's trying so hard to show him the sign
That she wants him by her side
And it's only a matter of time
Before she decides
Whether she'll stay his prisoner tonight
She'd give everything to break out of the chains
But she's still burning in the flames
And she still feels the shame
She feels part of the blame.

The girls trying to keep her, head held high
She's trying to hide her tears behind a smile
And every time he looks her way
She hangs on every breath he takes
She takes in every word he says
She tries so hard not to break away

She tries so hard to shelter her heart
The girls loved him from the start
She's afraid to let him see her flaws
She's not brave enough
To let him through her walls
The broken hearted girl stands tall
While she anticipates her next fall

Regrets we've all had a few
But the girl doesn't realise
The boy is hiding things from her to
She wants to make a change
He secretly calls out her name
The mascaras running beneath her eyes
She's wiped those tears a million times
But it's alright to cry
Over the boy too shy to give her his time
Over the boy who misses all the signs
Over the boy who can't see her dying inside

The girls trying to keep her, head held high
She's trying to hide her tears behind a smile
And every time he looks her way
She hangs on every breath he takes
She takes in every word he says
She tries so hard not to break away

She tries so hard to shelter her heart
The girls loved him from the start
She's afraid to let him see her flaws
She's not brave enough
To let him through her walls
The broken hearted girl stands tall
While she anticipates her next fall

©2017 Written By Benji James
Had to put this up again, just because this is one of my most favourite pieces I have ever written.
Poetroyalee Dec 2016
Mirror mirror on the wall,
cuts and scars and suicidal falls.

Mirror mirror on the wall,
pressures upon pressures,
mascaras and concealers
on the dressers.

The who am I’s
the broken smiles
upon short journeys,
feeling like a million miles .

Sticks and stones break the bones,
with sharp edged swords, depression is shown.

The melodramatic emphasis of artificial fixtures,
the wrong lessons from photo shopped pictures.

The melodramatic emphasis of the "It crowd"
People, rambunctious and obnoxious
malevolent and pretentious .

Mirror mirror on the wall...
Benji James May 2017
She's sitting alone in the dark tonight
You haven't seen all the tears she cried
You haven't seen all the wounds she hides
She keeps her deepest feelings inside

And she'd stand for him in the pouring rain

Just so, she could be in his arms again

If he left she'd never feel the same

He's the blood that flows through her veins

In her heart is the place he'll always remain

The girls trying to keep her, head held high
She's trying to hide her tears behind a smile
And every time he looks her way
She hangs on every breath he takes
She takes in every word he says
She tries so hard not to break away

She tries so hard to shelter her heart
The girls loved him from the start
She's afraid to let him see her flaws
She's not brave enough
To let him through her walls
The broken hearted girl stands tall
While she anticipates her next fall

This girl could cave in anytime
This girl feels invisible all the time
She's trying so hard to show him the sign
That she wants him by her side
And it's only a matter of time
Before she decides
Whether she'll stay his prisoner tonight
She'd give everything to break out of the chains
But she's still burning in the flames
And she still feels the shame
She feels part of the blame.

The girls trying to keep her, head held high
She's trying to hide her tears behind a smile
And every time he looks her way
She hangs on every breath he takes
She takes in every word he says
She tries so hard not to break away

She tries so hard to shelter her heart
The girls loved him from the start
She's afraid to let him see her flaws
She's not brave enough
To let him through her walls
The broken hearted girl stands tall
While she anticipates her next fall

Regrets we've all had a few
But the girl doesn't realise
The boy is hiding things from her to
She wants to make a change
He secretly calls out her name
The mascaras running beneath her eyes
She's wiped those tears a million times
But it's alright to cry
Over the boy too shy to give her his time
Over the boy who misses all the signs
Over the boy who can't see her dying inside

The girls trying to keep her, head held high
She's trying to hide her tears behind a smile
And every time he looks her way
She hangs on every breath he takes
She takes in every word he says
She tries so hard not to break away

She tries so hard to shelter her heart
The girls loved him from the start
She's afraid to let him see her flaws
She's not brave enough
To let him through her walls
The broken hearted girl stands tall
While she anticipates her next fall

©2017 Written By Benji James
This piece is one of my most set of lyrics that I have ever written.
Dryden Apr 2018
Sinto-me cansado, talvez nem neja cansaço,
É que todos os dias eu escrevo
Nem que seja o mais pequeno pedaço,
Na esperança de elaborar a melhor rima
Que exprima a dor dos meus fracassos.

Portanto eu insisto e deposito o que sinto,
Inconscientemente por instinto,
odeio-me porque minto
Engulo as minhas falhas como absinto.
Embriagado, caio deitado, ja vejo tudo desfocado,
Fecho os olhos, olho para dentro, fico assustado.

Cortava qualquer membro,
Se me prometessem sentir descansado,
Com uma visão mais clara
Do que se passa ao meu lado.

Todos os pensamentos de ontem ou do passado,
Repetem-se hoje como seria de esperado,
Estado mental em auto-piloto, caio desesperado.

Procuro na escrita algum alivio, algum silencio ,
Algo que á vida me faça sentir conectado.
Tento ir aos confins do meu subconsciente  
Desdobrar os efeitos dele no presente.

Sinto arrepios com a vibração do mundo
Enjoa-me a forma como escondemos a cara quando pecamos,
Como enterramos e oprimimos aquilo que condenamos
Como baseados em mentiras,
construímos verdades que agora acreditamos.

Sei que faço o mesmo, mas já o fiz mais,
talvez seja algo intrínseco a todos os animais,
escolhemos o caminho mais facil,
onde pensamos estar a fugir da dor
mas a resignação é um veneno
que nos torna incompatíveis e sem sabor.

Acumulamos mascaras, crucificamos o nosso bem estar
deixamo-nos mentalizar que temos de nos adaptar,
perdemos a essência, para uma sociedade de aparencias,
que temos consciência que nos esgotara a paciência.

As vezes o mais importante é ter um amigo,
outras vezes um simples antiquado papel.
O perfeito é encontrares uma alma,
E que possas fazer dela uma tela ,
Onde pintas a tua alma nua e deixas a tua chancela.

Alguém com quem promessas são feitas e recusadas,
Ou mal feitas e quebradas
No entanto insistimos em usa-las.

A eternidade delas é coisa de anjos
Não de mortais perdidos e inconstantes
Egoístas e ignorantes.
Somos apenas meras penas com destinos semelhantes.

Que envelhecem com as estaçoes
E que rejuvenescem com as ilusões.

A minha alma penso eu que já é velha
Com uma voz grave e rouca da exaustão
Transportada num corpo jovem fruto da reprodução.

Sinto que trouxe algo de novo ao meu ancião interior,
Que apesar das suas enumeras vidas sente constante pavor,
Trouxe-lhe frutos proibidos aos quais ele não estava habituado
Então ele sussurra aos meus ouvidos um grito angustiado
O que a estas horas estou a fazer acordado (?)

Então eu respondo-lhe,
Esta noite decidi voltar a pecar.
Que direito tenho eu de escrever e de me libertar ?

Tens razão, devia ficar quieto no meu canto,
Adormecer com a mente vazia de vez em quando.
No entanto gosto de te incomodar
E nos teus sonhos sem tu saberes participar,
Fiquei desiludido com a imagem que tens sobre mim
Quando me mostraste o espelho,
Julguei ter visto o meu fim.
Acho que tu me odeias, eu até gosto de ti ,
podias falar mais comigo, deixaria de te atacar,
Mas o teu silencio enerva-me, da-me vontade de te sufocar
Com a crueza do meu ser que tu tentas limitar.

Foi bom contigo hoje dialogar
Ou comigo monologar
Não passas de um grito que eu com versos consigo abafar.
Po Jan 2023
ive gone through a lot of mascaras... more than id like to admit
the first one i tried on was bold; made my lashes look long and strong
it held on to me; even when I was crying.
I was crying because that mascara burned me, so I let it go.

the next few were all the same.. kinda mushed together in my brain.

then there was the one i never wanted to try on because I had no interest, until I did.  
I loved that mascara, until I left it somewhere, miles and miles away from home.  

mascara changes all the time. I wish it didn't.
(P.S this isnt about mascara)
Julie Rogers May 2019
Now I’m brunching
on weekends
Painting black bird wings
On my face
My hair spirals
Like my fear of the space
Between the face in the mirror
And the women in the catalogs
And yes
I’m getting closer now
To that ideal
I scribbled in ink
On notebook paper
When there were
Fewer lines on my face
I wait in lines
For the train
Wearing stilettos
Growing up tastes like
Black coffee and
Owning four mascaras
That all look the same
On my face
I take your hand
We look like
Your American dream
V L Bennett Sep 2018
haunt empty mirrors
Pastel fingertips trace lipless smiles
eyeliners and mascaras circumscribe vacancies
These women do not suckle babies
They do not write books or poetry
They never read the editorial pages

Their husbands never get hard-ons
except when they *******
The women are glad
Their hair won't be rumpled
and the sheets won't be stained
They rise early in the morning
apply honeysuckle or springbreeze vaginal sprays
and polish their mirrors

When the windows of their houses melt
they turn up the air conditioning
When their men leave them
they shore up sagging *******
reclaim their virginity by its loss
practice pouts and pirouettes to perfection

The moon is their enemy
Another presidential election means
more wrinkles, more grey hairs
means nothing on TV
and they have to fold up
into themselves, a lonely
place where the mirror is the mind
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2017
and i walk with a desert
in my brain,
i walk, encapsulating
and the sidewinder snare...
and i walk with a desert
in my brain...
   drunk, labouring,
above the governing concrete...
i've brewed some wine,
and i'll drink it...
   there i am:
             figurative humanity
where subjectivity equals ∞,
and objectivity is an oscillation
between - & ~,
  the numbers don't really matter,
they don't Downton Abbey inspire me
either: to butter some lord's crumpet...
oddly enough...
               it's seeing these gnats
worth of people drop dead in a battlefield
that gets me...  
               runny mascaras of no-man's land
   at Ypres...
     they just drop dead,            dead...
            it might make abortion clinics readied for
  fundamental rights in celebrating Sunday...
         i don't get it,
and each day i am woken into this nightmare....
   this celebration of all things possible...
of a humanity...
               oh but char...
                       semblance to a cynicism...
               it never made any sense to watch, and cultivate
                      forever the jammy doughnut,
  and the life i wish i could have received,
smitten with cool... cradling the wooly jumper...
             why are these people so *******
alien?             so much
the cure's killing an arab with camus' the outsider?
iron maiden did a better egyptian jive...
           to that smitten cowadrice of the the bangles
pepper-shaker dance of a numbed egyptian.
   pyramid ******* cruise-ship of female escapism.
yeah baby, it's war!
scuttling with the jive of powerslave:
abandon ship! abandon ship!
Beverly Bolea Mar 2021
Let me undress you
To see the bright colors in you
Let me remove those mascaras
Even the costumes and everything that is fake in you
Let me undress you
Not the litteral one
Where can I see you in ****
But instead in the way
Where can I see you in new
Valeria Chauvel Sep 2018
Me dueles. Aún me dueles,
como los gritos de la piel en fuego,
como las ansias de la abstinencia del deseo.

Mil mascaras apiladas fingiendo,
pero me tocas la herida abierta,
cuando me miras, cuando me besas.

Late en ti el recorrido de tus manos,
cuando te escucho, cuando te siento.

Me conoces,
y escondes el sentimiento con la boca,
cuando tu cuerpo narra otra cosa,
y te refugias en varias rosas,
pero sé que la mía es la que gozas,
cuando te toco, cuando me tocas,
cuando te siento, cuando me sientes.

Me conoces,
pero lo escondes y yo lo escondo,
pero lo niegas y yo lo niego,
y así bailamos el tango de este juego,
y aún me dueles... Sí que dueles.

Aphrodite Mar 2020
Deep beneath the waters,
Are memoirs that etched history,
A feeling of disgusts and longing,
A madman full of hopes without learning.

Behind the lashes of every soul,
Are flashbacks of what wrecked thy heart,
A heart full of sincerity and faithfulness,
Became broken gestures of closed chapters.

Signs whispered more than string of words,
But are neglected and ignored,
Because the heart tells to love more,
That even the owner's eye clamor in despair.

Dainty mascaras have fooled the ones looking,
Telling people to adore the fancy lashes,
Has blinded them of what's happening,
The one who's wearing is a disheartened being.

— The End —