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Gayathri Sarathi Oct 2013
Dreaming of rainy days
Beside my sweet heart
holding his hands, closeness to heart....
Oh what a day it was....
will the dream come true...

Yes it came true for two days..
Rainy days....
started my journey.. to his place...
carrying all dreams...
thinking his smile..
meeting him after three months..
whether to Hug or kiss first
how to start??
all the questions were falling into my heart..

suddenly came a pop message:
message me your coach no...
Train stopped...reached PKD
It was raining like hell...
i was little down..
eyes were searching for him...

Saw a flash of white striped T-shirt..
sparkling eyes searching for me..
and seeing the mobile for my message.
it was my sweet sail....
butterfly were flying inside my heart..
after seeing him....
first time in my life felt that hunger...
Saw me going towards him...

How to start...the smile which was seen after three months..
and he  saying,"Happy to c u here and my sweeto is with me..."
literally made me dumb..
He took my bag and holded umbrella in another hand..
got into an auto..
My sweet heart holding my hand...
closeness to heart..
Heat was felt...not only in my hand
which was holding him..
but also in my body..

climate was cold..
but heat was overruling it....
we were travelling
rainy days..
Sweets beside,,
it was dark..
seeing his eyes in the lighting light...
wanted to hold his face and kiss there...
but could not as the driver interrupted inbetween..

Reached his place..
He cooked and served the food,,
my happiness knews no bounds...
i felt O God wat a life,, u have given..
Im blessed....but didnt realise that it was temporary...
slowly after we cleaned the kitchen.

Moment came for my dreams to come true
Rainy days..
My sweets beside,,
room was dark
my hands was chill...
heart beat alone was heard in the room
it was complete silence..
how to start...
by the time i went near him he rushed hurriedly
holded me in his arms,,,and kissed me
saying cannot wait.....
heat was felt on the time i wanted to cherish the taste of his lips...and tongue.
he was inside me ..
O GOD im thankful to you for those beautiful moments...
Tears my eyes...i have got a guy who luvs me...and wants me...
but didnt realise it was temporary...

Rainy days are here,,,
Standing all alone......
Waiting for my Luv..

Sweets you have given those beautiful moments to me.....and taken away back all the happiness with you...

Miss you sweet heart...
I luv u a lot... ...plz come back to me..
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2019
.you can't persuade me... yes, i realiße that my language is riddled with overt-pronoun usage... dunn'oh... something in the air, i guess... yes... that's the german ß - an interchange of S and Z... which is not an Š... more piquant... akin to the distinction of an Ś... but not really... no... you can't tell me that you can read Braille... and play the guitar... no ******* chance in hell... less stiff little fingers (a decent band)... and more: numbed tip fingers... mid-of-the-road type of guys... blind lemon jefferson... you think... that... after playing so much guitar... he would be able to read the solipsistic / idiosyncratic invention of louis (b)? **** no! and not that blind lemon jefferson worked the ******* cotton-field either... but... fingers... numbing... playing the guitar... so... these's cucks managed to create a slave trade with these... hunk Zulu / n.b.a. warriors? alternative universe! alternative universe! no... you can't read braille while allowing yourself to play the guitar... so these feeble ancestors of not mine... managed to... enslave these... afro hulks?! the **** happened there? where some of the Europeans like me? oh, right, strapped to the Baltic... and non-existent for around 200 years... identify?! identify?! i was born 5 hours from Auschwitz! just because i learned English, doesn't imply i'm playing identity politics... but i guess, in England... only a Somali might... no chance in hell you'll play the guitar like blind lemon jefferson... and have the tender finger-tips of a louis braille... better start to learn to juggle oranges.

what would be the antithesis of
a... sodomite?
   someone from the city of *****?
a... gomorrahite?
****... that could work,
given we had people known
as the hittites...


the new: small ***** emoji...
           why is there a small
***** emoji...
with a dark complexion?

           last time i heard...
and i did hear it from a *******
during... something
that resembled *******
but more Picasso figuring
out cubism...
      she told me...
           with not satisfying
   'all the black guys have
big *****'...
   yeah... i paid the 110 quid
per hour...
   but didn't say anything,
stick to the proverb...
  cicha woda brzegi rwie...
so i was basically looking
at either...
   the mariana trench
of a **** or...
           so like an amputee...
can i get, some sort
of girth expansion
or a length extension...
or should i just put on
a strap-on *****
to mechanically **** my way
out of a de profundis
                      like Jonah?
oyster yap-yap...
       i don't think my
"tool"... has anything to do
   what i'm looking at...
something, something
from the kama sutra...
how... a rabbit man should
not **** an elephant woman...
nice metaphors
for... size... & depth...
so i turned on something
to relax from listening
to too much classical music
and having a wet-*****
over it in conversation
over lunch, und tea...
gets me all the time...
da pacem domine... templar...
sure... not my favorite
choir lullaby to hush myself
with... but as far as i know...
the hospitaller knights weren't
too keen on... curing
the ails of the heart through
but the miniscule emoji...
like... the modern hieroglyphs writers
are attempting to
signal... having evolved
to speak... cratylian?
  (sign language)

they are!
   they are!
        look, they're communicating
with the orthodoxy
that makes dyslexia: stigma...

but... i have never heard
a ******* tell me that
all white men have... adequate...
******* examples...
but i have heard that all
black men have... the adequacy...
and a tall tongue,
a labyrinth and a serpent's
equal length of it...
to waggle through
conversation, till they reach... 60!

only if you're watching ****...
i even sometimes forget...
are those the *******...
or the ***?
  you know... the "grand canyon"
of fixation?
dunno... for me ****
is mildly, or at best...
one step away from
the Reinnasance nudes...
i suppose if i was blind...
i'd be into the sounds of the grand O...
but static works best work me...
i guess: i like to imagine
what would be... working from
an instilled frame...

moses' worth of **** on
mt. sinai...
or jonah's de profundis
worth of **** in
a belly of a whale...
your pick...
       again... language is
not a ******* scimitar...
it's a...
                       yeah... that thing...
fun emoji, that one...
if you haven't been with
a *******...
what the hell is all this...
                     in in between
she's telling you about
a friend of hers who was
slaughtered while
working Barcelona...
  and then she tells you
you're nice... because you
just feel like kissing...
   and it's like:
  me? me hitting the dating
scene in anglo-saxon culture?
psst... can i have that whiskey
and beer and solitary
with a claustrophobia's worth
of thought that, does require
someone... shuffling and dropping
snippets of my output into
the local square?

   i only felt compatible with one
woman in my life...
   if i were a bull
and she was a cow...
and i had overlords who needed
us to do nothing
but perpetually breed?
sure... it could have worked...

          that other emoji...
the blood drop...
i heard, somewhere, somehow,
only after the fact...
     i nagged her for ***
for well over 2 weeks...
she was on her period...
       i heard that *** during
a woman's period alleviates
or... how does this even fit
   warm water, in the bath,
****** on...
                chirping *******
   a few days later
   7 hours non-stop...
   the Trojans had landed...
so yeah...
             little **** big mouth...
or... miniscule omni,
        big **** makes a mouth
the depth of... what?
          it's not like...
there's only one depth of
****... is there?
   contra... new meme...
like the o.k. sign...
         but all fingers holded...
with the index set
     on the thumb...
  expression? how deep?
but the modern hieroglyphs
are evolving into cratylian...
    yet i still don't know how i'm
to read emoji...
via sign-language...
   and have a light-bulb moment
of the subsequent: ah!

   being made literate
i am to unmake my literacy
and learn to emoji...
   i know that there are
interpreters of these... "things"...
like: i'm giving the explanation...
but then...
   have no sparring partner
to use it with...

     so i figured...
              better before i go blind...
then at least i can write some
⠃⠗⠁⠊ ⠇⠇⠑...

so yeah...
how's that chopping off the diacritical
hydra coming along...
with regards to the pointlessness
that's hovering over
                    i (ι)      and j (ȷ) -
well... at least the caron over
an s (š) indicates something...
   i.e.:                         šarp...
                       the **** are either of
those dots supposed to represent...
some... syllable, breath,
   "pause"... ' - apostrophe scalpel
                  incission for the tongue?
like... t'ango...
where you use the apostrophe
attached to the t'
    to almost swallow your tongue
before you burst out with -ango
   as if (to double of the metaphor)
            you did a geyser with your
mouth upon hearing a joke
    with, just prior, having a sip of
a fizzy drink?

modern hieroglyphs imitating
cratylian (sign language):
                  and all these letters in between...
good to know that
whatever literacy was left,
became entombed in:
to code...

starts to resemble...
                something akin to...
the language police take on
remembering to recite dyslexia
               of f@%&!

> shift a little bit to the right
           < shift a little bit to the left...

yeah, that labyrinth's worth
of ego...
                         or egg'oh...
     depends on how much modern
graffiti you want...
stolen from a brick wall of
                          i suppose...
    enough of e.e.cummings will do...
to push you over
the edge...
     and forget to even use
that ingeious israeli invention,
the u.z.i.,
                      tongue in the bucket,
and all those itchy tips
of fingers, readied to do
the devil's bidding...
       while the holy... the holy...
sing! sing! sing!
           grind lips
against a pig's snout...
      and stand stark naked...
                         or at least...
that's how i see language,
                      or what is truly
my own... my use of it.
Suhas Ghoke Aug 2018
Her shoes
Small and pretty ones .
She said u had no clue what my blue shoes are going through .
She had a shoe bite ,
She was uncomfortable .
The shoe soul weak holded just came out .
What the hell !!
She looked down at her feet with black eyes
She was worried .
Her innocence and beautiful face lost the charm
She cursed herself for the shoe she wore .
Brought a day just before from a big  shoe store .
She loved her little tiny ones and the branded trust
A mere 2 days and the pair went bust !!
I had no clue what to do ?
As it was raining outside  
Seeing her misery , i didn't feel cool  and I was worried about her humble feet .
Going barefooted along the road could not be fun .
Cellotape all over shoes was only idea left and looking for cobbler the another one .
Walking down  the street with broken shoe
I felt for her ,but nothing i could do .
With her walked in the shoe shop , she was blessed .
New pair and the smile on her face .
I said just chill and be happy , u got to share this moment with me bcz we haven't talked in a while .
She reminds we have to go home soon .
We rushed for the train .
She was happy though , no crowd , she could seat and  reach home . Waved my hand  and I could only  give her good wish .
All along the way I was thinking about her , had a laugh too but what if I would have gone through !!
She thanked me and was happy with her new shoes .
Indeed me too .
A day to be remembered .
                                                   - Suhas Ghoke
Sarvesh Thakkar Sep 2015
Knowledge   is   power

                                                          ­          - Sarvesh Thakkar

Do you know what knowledge holds?

Knowledge is a power

Which has a huge range tower!!

Knowledge is a wine

This makes you shine!!

It’s very rapturous!!

To have it is courageous..

Endless, Eternal, everlasting the knowledge is!!

A mentor who charges you no fees…

All these facts are very true

But the right knowledge is holded by very few!!

Get it, grab it in a right way..

Use it ; impart it in a wise way!!

Knowledge is everything!!

Learning is interesting…

Collect from everywhere

To have it is very fair..

Knowledge is a power!!

This is wisdom shower…

Knowledge is what cannot be sold

That’s all the knowledge holds!!!
Gayathri Sarathi Nov 2013
It was 5:30 pm yesterday when i was in the busy station it was so crowded , as soon the train stopped people flowed like a water spouting out from a shuttered dam doors...

When all people were getting down with multiple reactions in there faces...there came a voice a loud. calling "Mom where are you"..
with a hope that his mom will be beside him ...he was calling her...within a minute mom came and holded his hands..
one of his leg and hand was paralysed....had a squint ...smiling at every one he saw....not Knowing about his future....walked away happily waving his hand.

I was sitting in an end of wooden chair at station, observing all scenes......tears flowed in my eyes..and my heart boomed...there is no difference between him and U.....

As i was handicapped too....
Had heart but was broken...
Had legs couldnt walk beside him....
Had hands couldnt hold his hands...
Had eyes couldnt see him and his sparkling eyes..
Had smile...but lost ...

Was with a hope ..
thinkin my guy will be beside me..
It took a minute from him to move away from me

Not knowing about my future.....he walked away happily waving his hands...
Im handicapped without you..Miss you sweets
rosecoloredpoet Sep 2018
I only write when I'm sad
Does that make me mad?
When I wish to be dead
And all these holded tears are shed
I turn to poetry and suddenly life's not as bad
I don't know what I would do without it
Pratham Sharma Aug 2016
Don't pour so much love on me,
I might drown.  
Do not go too far from me,
I might get depressed in frown.

Since the first time when I saw you,
I haven't closed my eyes for weeks.
Just tell me once, what's in you?
I won't disclose, whatever it is.

Don't come too much close,
I love you though I fear.
I fear that your love I'LL lose,
And like others, you'll leave me in tears.

The first time when I saw you through,
To my heart and soul it felt like bliss.
Just Tell Me Once what's in you?
I won't disclose whatever it is.

Don't leave me alone again,
I can't take on one more blow.
I swear to bear all your pains,
We'll face together, all the highs and lows.

The first time when you, holded me with you,
And gave my soul a hopeful kiss,
Just Tell Me Once, what's in you?
I won't disclose whatever it was.
Qasid Ali Dec 2016
Blazing through the clouds
High and alone in fervor
No one knows who is next
Every moment every prey in tremor

With eyes containing vision of miles
Piercing through the wind it flies
It's appearance creates a beauty in skies
It's flight is deception body of lies

Drops down wings folded
Stealth, body molded
Prey in the eyes
The stance holded

Strikes like a lightning
The moment is frightening
It has seen it's prey
Start hope abandoning

E legant
A rt
G Gazing
L ands
E ternally
ck Apr 2014
Help me now to remember

How you hugged me to your chest
your arms strong+holded me, let me rest.

When you whispered quiet
And quiet

Help me to remember

How I held on with dear life
Scared to let go

And scared I won't remember.
And scared that you would go.
Yume Blade Jun 2015
You wasn't there so you texted me like you holded me in your arms and whispered in my ear : I don't want you to leave me or sulk me because of all I did or do ...   I just show you my fear , fear you leave me , or you change your mind about me , about staying' with me , about lovin' me , about being with me forever like you said.
I'm scared about everything ... I'm scared that your dad didn't accept to leave you travel alone , or something make him changes his mind about this ... Like I told you before ... when I get too close to happiness something go wrong and it goes away ... because all of this , all you doing for me it's too beautiful and perfect to be truth.

Livin' with you ... hold you in my arms ... to spend the rest of my life with you ... have you for me in my bed all the night  ...  I wouldn't be alone anymore ~ We'll be together.

I want this future ! I want you in my future !
You are My future
i don't want something or someone break this , I promise you I will not break it  , I'm your , only yours ! I will not cheat on you  , you just haveto respect the 3 rules and everythings will be fine.
Never leave me ~
Be Wise ~
Obey Me ~

No matter what happens and what I do

i read your text a hundred time and i still read it.
To my love and my sunshine~Light
Gayathri Sarathi Apr 2014
Is there any chances of going back to those days i longed for you...
Mind says dont...
Hearts says please..
Undo my Luv which i had for you...

those lenghty eye lashes
which i loved to touch
wanted to be mine
glittering smile
which i have fallen for

those long rides
where you and me
together felt like WE
holding hands
touching hearts
asking will you be mine forever...

Where are you now
unable to undo my luv for you
people ask if the luv is true
i should holded you

was it my slip from the heart
or your hatred towards me
missing you here
are you missing me?

wanted those squint eyes stares
wanted that smile
wanted that luv
wanted those flying kisses
wanted those hands to hold me

Oil and Water we meant to be
but by fate water is drained out and oil strains remain

Undo my luv which i had for you..
While the person whom i long for are feeling for his first and lost love betrayal
Are you not hidden in me...
loaded with the sins over here where GOD himself will never forgive me...
forget me never for which  i luv forever....
J Valle Mar 2016
Do you remeber the last time?
How you failed to love me right,
And how I felt like with no light.

I holded you close
Trying to keep you tight
With my head upon your chest
Begged you to remember.

One by one, tears flowed
And I felt as if I drowned
Between us there was no sound.

Felt your lips
One last time
Swore to keep
You on my heart,
But as I walked
I turned back
And you were gone.
Asim Javid Aug 2015
For the years we stayed together,
For the ages we live with each other..
You are a friend,  sister and a mother,
Love for you is upto infinity and further..
Your will be introduced  to new life,
as you are going to be someone's wife..
Happiness and blessings is what
i wish for you,
you are moving out and the time is due..
Stay happy,  stay blessed and
never get troubles,
You holded my hand in all the rubble..
May you be get life of the  stellar,
Love you and that's eternal*...
On the event of my closest one's marriage
Ananya zootz Oct 2015
I don't know why now, however I was gazing at this picture in which I was dressed in a black dress and your arms are snaked around my waist, my head inched towards your shoulder and your gaze falling on me,  and suddenly it seemed so agonisingly pleasant how happy I was in that moment. And somehow all that happened between us didn't mattered looking at the picture, yes we aren't together now. In that frozen moment you holded me and I would have preferred no one else. In that snapped picture it was you and me for each other , loving ,caring , filled with affection . that moment captured in the photograph , I realised will remain like that always, that in that picture you and me will remain forever, lasting till it needs to fade, persisting in memory , in frozen times, in pictures ,in stares.
So maybe we are over now, but in some plane where there is no reason you and I still exist together, where there is no need for explanations, of lost love and evaporate feelings. Where you and I will last forever.
The phantom assassin picks up her blade of blood
Having ended the war with the demons
Thanks to the one who backed her hood
After ceasing the battle through the obstacle
Magina has done his role...he conquered the meadow
Then to ancient, his soul remains bleeding
But he can not see Mot-red's shadow
That the eye of her never blinks
She can not believe in anyone’s cry
For the demons still dwell in her shadow
As been caught in their evil’s macabre
Trusting only time can make her whole
The sacrificial of who holded them at war
Cries in the triumph of battle end
Avenged and laughed at those who tried
But never ends the duality raging within
The blood on her death sword below
A sequence of cries he cried
Her power to hide his soul at deathblow
Reigns the dawn of the glory
He had killed and been killed for his glove
Giving hand to the shadow princess
Searching for the meaning of sacrificial love
Soul always holding behind her shadow
Strength confirms but the war doesn’t dies
By the tears in the edge of her blade
With eternal rays from his eyes
The blood still fall from the heaven
Those who shielded under their stand
Bows before the tears in her eyes
His back to her soul at the demon land
Breaks the secrecy of the her mask
She lay down beside crippling soul
Rubbing his hand to let out genie
Wanting to let out the console
Only to see him smile over blushing mask
Will she never weep in the rain
Of this blushing magic killer
Knowing he always will be in pain
Fighting the joy that has never existed
There is never a higher word
To define his hand for her
Some only understands partial
The tale within the past time
Gayathri Sarathi Feb 2014
Is Love is true and can be felt.....

The day you decided to become mine forever...
leaving all souls caring for you...not bothering about the society...
That made my luv grow stronger towards to you....

Not even an iota of second thought you holded my hand...
Kissed me in head...strenghtened me and said worry not "Im there for you, will face together"
That made my luv grow...stronger again towards you...

Love which was seen in cards and flowers and gifts was seen in veracity thru you....
You proved im worth your love.....made me to think that you are Man of my dreams...
You made me to listen my heart beat ...
Stood against all, faced the truth...
won my colors to my life....

Those blues and white colors reminds me of you....
those kisses shared inbetween the fights....
those luving calls which says I luv you.....
being in same room...
Your smile....which always reminds me of happiness what i received and gave to you...

Now where is that happiness gone....
Im pushed far away from you...dont know where im ......
What im doing....cannot hear those heart beats....
it is all pain n sufferings which i can see..n hear
where are you gone ....
Luv is so painful....
which made me to forget all happy moments...which i had....

All that you gave are taken by you.....except loneliness....
you always remain in my heart....even you have gone away from me....
I dont know how you are....
but still luv n thoughts clings inside in my heart ......

Happy Moments where are you??????.....lost in memories....

Yes luv is left(changes which occured by the word "L" taking first place in word)
Things may not be easy to get through right now
but they will get better

When it rains
it pours.

But when it's sunny
It's beautiful

No matter how hard it rains or
how much the sun shines,

your not in control.
But only you can choose

how it makes your days.
God may close a pathway

but there always another door.

he's the cure
say faithful

u have a heart of gold
behold there's better things to come.

just holded on
what hurts us makes us stronger!

-maded by richard reinhardt
feel free to send this to others who had family members past away.just keep my name on the bottom on it
Paul Hardwick Jun 2013
There is water at the bottom of the ocean
a place i can not walk

Protecting all time that ever was
a place I can never walk within
or even holded my breath enough
to begin to explane

**** there goes my mind again
giving up the **** that is mine
but if you also have it yourself
then let it be yours.
When you feel not much stable than the blowing storm,
hundreds thoughts spill within your mind in fraction of time.
Out of which one can make you the happiest person and the other could tear down your eyes.
Where you see nothing beautiful than you love.
And find every particle of sweet and bitter hung to him.
When you would smile after falling in the mud seeing smile on his face and your heart will be the happiest guy when he would see him coming back in hurry to offer you a hand.
When you start loving him at his work.
When he irritates you the most you don’t feel annoyed but even wanted to hold his hand with no words .
When you could fail to handle your keys but intelligent enough to handle his all emotions.
When you feel to caress his hairs for long till late evening to earn peace and a smile for his face.
And how about being in the nature’s park when it starts raining suddenly. where the nature has trees to offer you two a shelter and bringing you close which can leave all limbs paralyzed and only hearts pounding and eyes asking for inseparable hug.
When you have kissed him many times before kissing him and you feel hugged when he stares you.
When you don’t care your scars and wounds and your voice chokes while he puts his hand and ask for the smallest one.
And While you go for the distant place and all bones feel a crush to be holded tight by him.and after reaching to the place you say not in much excitement that we have reached.
When your limbs shrink and expand a hundred times and you feel shrink sitting next to him and wanting to close eyes on his shoulder with your heart busy in loving him from inside.and his eyes falls on you could make you feel more sensitive than the touch of his hands.
When you don’t actually want to tell him that you love but to love him.
And you can travel million miles crossing boundaries of highways with him..
When the evening sky would paint your love and the returning bird would say there is love lost between the two and he slipping closer to you,
bringing his cheeks near to your ears and keeping his
chin on your shoulder and holding you around your waist through his hand and saying “take me where the road takes us away” that moment you would see the love opening the gates to you for the city called love.
Nathalie Hill Mar 2021
i remember our last winter,
where flowers bloomed instead of dying,
as our love

You holded my trembling hands
while they were freezing and kissed them with your soft pink lips.

You warmed my body with just one look
and  made my heart beat too fast.
I miss the feeling of our las winter,
i miss your warmth and our little flower.
Satvik gupta Aug 2019
The white balloon filled with black smoke,

the little hands that holded,

doctors asked for big dough,
if  they wanted to treat their doll,

The family members for mercy,

The staff and the  medico

The doors of society with great hope,

The ghastly devils from the key hole,

The  fresh meal of a soul,

The depressed anemic parents,

The time was in  hurry ,

The hopes that were free,

The heart of young she,

The eyes with tears,

The warm lap of a mother,

The love of a father,

The two soul alive,
and the devils quickly arrived.
anu Mar 2018
I myself have concluded

Not the life
With the knife

But with the strife
To bring the meaning in everyone's change of life

Though I don't wish for new chapters
Let everyone's everyone chapter
Get a new answers

Nothing to be worried
Can move with two things
One is decided a right path
And I had two hands which is tightly holded by two wonderful God angels !!
So I can
Be the strongest version of you
God ... Just  needed ... a peace for everyone !!
anu Oct 2019
When I thought
It was dead
But a tear proved that
It was eternal

Never eyes met
Hands holded tight
Lips blabbered not
It lives
As pure as it

Because still
I am alive
And it will

In thoughts
Nothing i wants
Newly i like to coin alove - a love live after its death........
Geetika Jun 2020
The place where I born
The place to which I belong
Will always remain in my heart
From which I'm never gonna apart

The place where I found
Gods named - DAD and MOM
Who made me feel that
I'm not alone

Sitting on the shoulder
And roaming all around
Were the most dazzling days
With the most precious gem

That gem is my baba
Who always holded my hand
From the second I born
Till after life of his own

I exactly don't remember
The games I played
But still have that scent of soil
On which i wrote A

The day i left the house
For my studies
I missed it, baba, maaa and pa
And cried out loud

Now I'm here after years and years
Completed 4 months
And living every second
That i missed out

Feeling every single thing
That I missed
From chirping of birds
                   To the flowers bliss                      

Missing those pakodas from mum's hand
Those sweet kisses from pa on forehead
That rolling on the floor
And jumping on the bed

Love ❤ u all
Loving every moment of my childhood that i remember 😘
Simply don't understand
Difficulty can't think
Exhausted ...
Dipped in room of cactusy alcohol

Yet ...
Holded the Unfolded

— The End —