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Paul Hardwick Dec 2012
Fell                        FALLED


The floor
landed on his knees
and did think             OW NO
                                     HERE I GO Again.
I just know you are all going to hate me for this, but I do not give a ****.
Tunselous Jan 2014
many years ago in the tower of tunselous a man named tunselous was born
he gave birth to androsss ****** parents then he made his way to
rosswell new mexico to see if the ufo was still there and it wasnt
at tall tis but a forrest and a spot were a ufo used to be there was no
ufo so he traveled upwards to find one but instead found thee icy tower
of agnatohniousisoy he wnet on the great ice towar run where he found several dragons but not a single ufo
a man of tis a warden eve e preson seed no matter how hard you look
the ufos will cloak like ice dragons among there once was a man named turok
who find a ufo when looking add that man was me that man was a dino slayer
a king of eriched oreo bread if you know what i mean the point of the matter is
turok did not **** tunselouses parent for no reason then tunselous
said wait turok killed my pairents the warden said yes that is waht he
told me on the nyght we had tea on the icy roads of ufo city
tunselous said wait theres a hole cit7y of ufos the warden said yes
there is tunselous said do you have any left over tea from that night
the warden said no tea for thee then cast tunselous out of window
tunselous falled for inches into a pool of cat eyed johns fisherer
for impaired divers tunselous said wait if i eat theese pills they
will surely give me magic powers tunselous ate the pills and they did
nothing but give him magic powers he used the magic powers for nothing
they were not the ones he were searching many kingdoms ago a man once
said with great tun comes great selous and that man was trokie asked tunselous
if he wanted a robodog and tunselous said yes many kingdoms later tunselous find
the most magic thing that thing was a cat not any cat you see many kingdoms ago
cats were magic he would eat the flesh of cats and gain what litle magic was left in them
he latter went to calling himself tunsalous then he went back to
calling himeself tunselous and on that day he ate many a cat
and i mean many not the many you see on tv but the many catwhips you see for sale at sean johns
apple sale he has evrey year to get rid of his crapy apple computers
many years after sean john would meet on the very spot of the battle
feild where they fought and feasted on goatwich anvicos the goatwich
waS A POWERFUL king a king of druidness and fareness and evilness and
and gun shots in the leg and fair treatment of tunselous and kettlecorn
a bag of human limbs and markers and grocers and ****** enounters
and farawayland and great houses and ufos tunselous relized that
thee king was king of ufos and wnet to asked him for a ufo
and he gave him one and tunsalous studyed how it flyed
for many kingdoms later he discoverd powerfull magic within the the great temples walls of icelion
yes temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples
temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples
temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples and small children small children were used
for many thing like eating but the story tunselous was not over intell many kingdoms later when a man asked
tunselous if he was a puppet tunselous said tunselous snear and left for a day and came back
to his homeland of akaria where the hut he was born in was the hut tunselous was born in was a small hut cald
tunselous prisom the prisom was a place to eat anything you felt like at anytime you felt like
and i mean anytime
tunselous traveled to double check on the ice roads but they melted in the sun tunselous drunk
thee blood
they were made of and walked into a stadium and stole mines and huts like the one he was born in like it but
not it like the time he went to the carnavile with ser topemhat (ser topemhat:hey tunselous got a nickle for a ride tunselous: no)
many times of ages ago tunselous traveled to a hut then left to find gold in a mine that did not exist he knw it did
not exist but he wnet anywhy for kingdom is power and power kingdom is the power to control what we belive are granerys
the long celebrated granery special was rice and pancake with a glass olive oil only men of magic get milk and
grand wizards get tea and some hard boiled plates the plate were not to eatbut to eat off of
for many kingdoms and men who day thing of kingdoms would be cast down a sean shower a sean shower was a shower where shawns lived
and bathed and ate the flesh of wales and and somtimes a shawn would *** to tunselous house and they would have *** all day day than he
relized the shawn name was andross and you know who andross was but they did it anyway back to the main topic a house on top of a hill
on top a of a mountain on top of and iceberg on top of a gateway to the best place ever there was only only one way to the best place ever
that is if you were tunselous
evrey day on that day evryone would eat anything they could eat that is how tunselous day started the day that is evreyday the
reason people eat what they want evreyday and not tea or olive oil or milk or rice or pancake or plates or cats or small children
in the words tunselous:
shal not eat u
eat blood of nurses
hav the most *** with any cat you see on the street
use the most elctro sappers in one go
have and eat local small children
do it with a orc
eat u up eat up so good
use magic *****


if you see any dragon contact tunselous NOW

the details of the next story are witness accounts of what tunselous did to find the lost yew crossbow of agroness

two days ago tunselous was thinking about crossbows when he thought what if there were a crossbow no one could
find what if i found it i would be rich and famous so tunselous went on the internet and typed in lost crossbows
and he saw a crossbow for sale instead of buying it he tracked down the person who owned it and asked him for it he said no tunselous killed him
on the spot and took the crossbow from him and sold it to himself for 800$ but surprise for him he was not rich and famous at least not yet he took the crossbow and
kept selling it too himself so he kept making money soon tunselous made 800$ and spent it on a used crossbow this crossbow
the crossbow he brought was not any crossbow but the crossbow of agroness he took the crossbow and shot it at a wall a few times then he put it in a box
and til this day it is gathering dust.

Ben Jones Feb 2013
Peter built a paper boat
Which he could float about the sea
To hidden spots of lonely coast
Where not a ghost or man would be
He painted words along her bough
That soon would plough and skip and trot
Between the waves that rose and falled
The boat was called 'Forget Me Not'

He bid his wife a fond goodbye
The tide was high when he embarked
He drifted from his tiny cove
While weather drove and seagulls larked
He set his course horizon bound
For solid ground of ****** shore
As darkness came he made a bed
To keep his head above the floor

The voyage took him straight and true
Across the blue, toward the sun
But soon a tongue of lightening spat
And thunder rattled like a gun
The waves encircled hungrily
And angrily about their prey
The tempest heaved with no regret
It blew Forget Me Not away

He found himself all caked in sand
And on a strand of desert beach
Forget Me Not had run aground
But safe and sound from tidal reach
He folded down his paper yacht
And found a spot to build a home
But saved the sail and rudder strings
To forge some wings and daily roam

He glided high and long and wide
Past mountainside and shore to shore
And through the night he forged a blade
And with it made a lumber saw
He felled the trunk and snared the beast
And cooked a feast to celebrate
The rain it sought to disagree
But quick was he to remonstrate

The moonlight waxed and waned apart
And on his heart a longing formed
For home and his beloved bride
For fireside and there be warmed
And so he took the house he'd made
From humid shade of seldom oak
He set the island to his aft
And cried and laughed the words he spoke

They matched the words he'd lately hewn
Beneath the moon in shady spot
He carved into that seldom tree
'Remember me, forget me not'
Ken Pepiton Sep 2022
Analog, anabasis… trip, short, burn the bug to carbon dust…

Seeking in my treasury of books, pared down to ones with personal attachments,
- I sought a Welsh-English pocket dictionary, gifted me
- by a taller and older, by experience, Overmeyer… Bob,
- but he was one of a few in the corp, band of brothers,
- who sang along with me, when he heard me humm,
- he knew the words, worth-ship fixing words, yes,
- we shall gather at the river that flows by the throne of truth. Mmmmhmm, so we shall see, so we shall see,
Oldman river, you know,
you wait, and wait, fishin' wishin' cogitations got from *** go,
known good, known evil, and evil comes for effect, not cause,
clean up, aisle five
hell, in a target store. And a Walmart, #26.
-- I recognized the anti particle, passing through either or,
becoming here, from there, your thinking my thinking,

wall of text, in your current context, this wall has hat

hooks to insights marked pertinent someday, in the wide ocean
at the end of any river mind me and error master,
as awareness, meandering as all fluids do.
Aligning in honed most saline crystaline form, as
current opinions shapened from dust and ash originally,
then spit the idea out as a word,
matter… mater, really, bottom first bit, was realized after
paterialization falled to manifest self reproduction…
patterned thought, fabrication, plane geometry… which we
as a team, a man and his tools, gunslinger, plus accoutrements.

Yep. Adam, did not work alone. The egg was first. He named eggs.
And chickens, full of eggs, no, hope, and chaos, nada mas…
- morals from old stories, we had lost all hold on those…
Stepmothers after The Hundred Years war, like as not was
first slave, with only obey believed enforce,
as far as
holy vows spoke allowed, but in a whisper…
hear us,
old folk, we scatterbrained old rockers by the fireplace
listen, this is living, right.
Pursue haps as haps occur, in thinking one thing or this other,

Our kind, fixed position ears perpindicularly augmenting per-
iferal vision, if, just, if. Immeasuarable meanings, justice, yes,

we settled at that point. All the Promises - in any living faith,
even dying proves life is a chance, we all go through it, and some leave marks, while others leave a heart felt
oxitocin, not cotin, red on yellow, **** a fellow, -tocin. Oxitocin,

Rush!- Kettle DRUM after a cello up run, or an old familiar rif,
Goin' up country, ' bought a map for a dime,
from a time lain aside in book, as I was seeking that Welsh word for these experience in side, feeling inside, but being mere, yes, not a limiting adjectival modification, on a word, intended to soothe,

NOT ******, soothe, as said of gentle rolling seas, calm as constant as Jupiter's ever near there, right there, red spot, there,
that is an anomoly, yet, there are those who claim clarity, that

Red spot, Ted-talk phaze, ease in, get a buzz, mmmm, slow, slow

whoa, so slow, what difference can plain-people, just us,
can we ever just know, this is the way, no obstacles,
and we leave trails, and trails widen, and widen, and widen,

wide as the milky way as seen from North Korea.
What a blessing, right?
--- God made these chickens we are eating,

no, child we selected these big red hens, people, like us, we can
know how earthly goods grow and we can help, as gard'ners,
retired guardians and priests can, make soil richer,
by leaven from the native soil,
fresh after fire, sparks the bloom

Patience, paid close attention, over time,
pay is as interest always is, compounding…
complex knots
slipping infinite loops generation systems
spinning straw to gold, bricks to build a tower…

to grow mustard into brocolli and cauliflower, prosper-o

we can engineer squash blossuming
be.. not spelch-pstpst-offt-listen,
- laughing
in my home are children, aged 6 to 13, across a seven year gap…
in my home with complete 5G internal Wifi, with cable
- copper, ah
- the humm, copper wire interference, acceptible as soft
- sub-spectra sfumati self-edged,- cut from whole cloth
Con, is with, fuse, is
blown… but, click, we are past that, where I live, on a pension.
I survived an oath in a war. And in America, the we, as
represented in Congress after Korea, and UCMJ, reach, reach,
- remember the ears that read, need to know
right, MP talk, uniform, all the exact same alignment and weave… for forsake, forsooth, forgotten gains, -- un-fore-gotten
upright walking, living concept, Phoebe Zeitgeist
- she made a word nest in my mind, on March 16, 1968.
- On a Douglas Flying Tiger insertion mission,
Flying to a foreign land more foreign than any thus far, redux.

Surreal stepped up to real, realms of preception, Metaverse/
uniform code under it all, we wished for this, can we, can we,

please, walk back in and watch the shadows morph to home sized I-max with true-fi dolby optimized to your very own, humanity
verified self--
- eyes up, look where we were when ever, then be come you now known as dear reader, responsibility free, cookie or no?
Be any mind you find you can wear with no wish to lie,
the wrong mind set with the ears and eyes, and we cannot lie…
you lose.
The whole ritual of prayer and supersites, tics, ****. We glow…

once illegal exposure
confidential, super-secret, super-positioned tyrannical systems,

whole cloth leprosy, black mold to dust time sequence…
-- such minds as fed us Elliot and Thorough Error-prone Poses,

as seen from the repressed mind of an unassimulated inate-ifity,
We are none of us, Adam sons, his model had nor repro circuits.

Hey, once there had to be something akin to ****** birth,
really, mitochondria developed virally, just fine, so, so fine,

imagine, we got the cell, a wall, with enzyme will efforts on the doors, we open to need, and useful matter is accepted,
as in another phase we open to expel the uselesshit, which then fills the red corpuscles, which use iron to hold the load.

Flushing blushing bride, Mito-mom, her daughters, imagine…

trackless wasteland, aftermath of minor miscalculation
in the dancing cosmos, whirling
whiling, smiling

I made it. 2022, Everest Pax, is the real name
of my youngest grand son, who randomly
reassures me he loves me, as though he wishes me
to not let that slip, naturally, his version of me is fragile,

what he imagines I am can disappear, in a day,
like Uncle Mike, and Uncle Dennis, and Uncle Richard,
and Uncle Remus…
none of whom were alive, when Everest Pax was named,
by his mother, with no input from me, save
the covenant aspect in the who gives this wombed man…
common pagan ritual adapted to post-Jesus Christ-sanity.

X-mas, nada mas. Agree, and take the cookie,
or risk another death,
on the real wrong battlefield… Well, what the hell… hero
or legend in my mind, thinking, what would any who do?
Raw raw raw
Chuck Mar 2013
I'm a rough rider with a Henry rifle.
You're forced to sling ***** in a smoke filled saloon.
I'm just a cowpoke kickin' dust with cattle.
Whiskey's needed and gamblin' and a fun tune.
Gallop my pinto to Silverado's Star.
Saw the perdiest little thang at he bar.
Order the good stuff, say, "Howdy," take a belt.
I reckon I falled in love, they way I felt!
This is my first Rispetto. If you want to learn the form, read Somthin's Purge. I never heard of this before Somethn. Some of the names came from the movie, Silverado. I hope you like it, I reckon. Thanks, Somethin!
Donall Dempsey Sep 2018

( for Liz Berry )

We all felt
as if our collective mind

had fallen
and grazed a collective knee

so to speak
and that Miss Berry

with her lovely Dudley accent
would say" "Oh and did you fall

you poor little thing?"

And we all wailed: "Yes...
yes...we falled!"

And Miss Berry soothed so
our mind that

we felt better
just because of her

mind gently so gently
touching our mind

tears drying on our collective face
as she read

and that she was the best teacher
we would always forever remember.
Poetic T Apr 2021
Whoever thought the fly was the prey,

never thought it was a diversion..

The sacrifice of one
                                         for the many...

So many wings flying through threads...

till the spider free falled to the death

                                            of inevitable fate...
Pastell dichter Oct 2015
Your words came to late
The damage was all ready done
The cuts all ready made
The tears all ready shed
The rope was to late
I'm sorry I falled you
But I couldn't hold on
I was slipping in to a dark abyss
And I have yet to return
You where to late to save me
Just go on without me
You can do it I know
The sun shone on me to late
I was all ready consumed by the dark
It was all just to late
I'm sorry maple I lost again
Alexandra G May 2013
Tick tock, Tick tock,
I've seen your smile,
I'm still a child.

Miles away from the horror of my past
You were soft and kind.
Day and night for months on end,
I stared into your twinkling eyes

grasping hands, burning passion, bodies melted into one
And there was love.
thundering heart, breathless love.
My darling, my love, my prince, i'd falled into a storybook.

Tick tock, Tick tock,
the first summer, i feel like a real grown up.
flying over to see you.
I find out about her.
Heart splits, head breaks,
blood rushes from my wrists onto the bathroom floor.
Chest is burning, eyes are burning, wrists are burning.

Im crazy, its me, im too much in love.
i have no one, no friends, its you, only you.

Tick tock, tick tock.
I'm an adult now.
bills, rent, graduate jobs.
Our home is filled with memories of us.
It smells of us, it speaks of us, it begins our family.

My whole body shakes, my breath is short and sharp.
there's another, another, another.
you call her the same names you called me, my darling.

the sea spray is stinging my face, the tears are stinging my eyes.
goodbye my home, my life, my everything.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
I am He, as He is Me

As I was falling in love with you,
Your heart began to break.
Such disappointment in your eyes;
As I allowed you my heart to take.

Now forever entwined with you inside,
I stay in pain, to leave you standing alone in the light.
For life it seems, looks down on me
And laughs, not smiles; this is my purgatory.

Punishment, for being so ****** stupid!
Why the Hell, couldn’t I just go through with it?
Instead of just running away with misery…
I live a life of regrets; it is all I am left with.

For years now, I’ve wasted my time;
When all along, I had already met my Wife.
We just didn’t know it, until we touched
And now that night shall be remembered forever by each of us.

I couldn’t believe how good we could become;
But now it feels like we have always been in love.

This is for you, you beautiful lady:

I am in love with you…
Head spinning, loco, loon;
Crazy, e-love for only you.

You know of my love for Her;
It is minute compared to the love I will always feel for you.
For I knew with Her it would never work;
But with you I knew it couldn’t work,
Because back then I was a ****.

Now I hope after all this time,
You too still feel the same.
Because I see your soul in your eyes
And your eyes speak of someone who has already loved…
Only to be shown loves grave.
But you are my angel;
You simply make all my problems and my history go away.

Imagine your brain has just been born
And it can believe me with no cynicism.
I look deep into your eyes and you naturally smile,
As I speak to you the words of ‘Within’.

I flied!  I flied!  No, you falled.
She loves me!  She loves me!  No, she isn’t interested at all.

I am in love with You!!!
I love You, yes I do!!!
Yep, yep, yep.
Me and You.
All I ask for, is for you to truly believe me, when I tell you…

Goo, goo, ga, choo!

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Donall Dempsey Sep 2017
( for Liz Berry )

We all felt
as if our collective mind

had fallen
and grazed a collective knee

so to speak

and that Miss Berry
with her lovely Dudley accent

would say" "Oh and did you fall
you poor little thing?"

And we all wailed: "Yes...
yes...we falled!"

And Miss Berry soothed so
our mind that

we felt better
just because of her

mind gently so gently
touching our mind

tears drying on our collective face
as she read

and that she was the best teacher
we would always forever remember.
Teressia Jul 2014
i didn't know what was going on
until i let my hands off everything
and miraculously everything falled into pieces
every piece falled where it belongs
i didn't use any tricks or strategies
i have never been so sure
my proves came looking for me
the truth will always remain the truth
whether known or unknown.
better watch carefully who walks into your life with free hands or handcuffed hands.
Now I remember the day we met
Looking at your face in the morning sun
I’d give anything to live that one more time

It was the last memory I could never forget
Just before you let everything between us done
Don’t say that you love me cause I would believe
Don’t stay beside me cause I would want you still

How could I know you’d make me regret                              
All I ever did was giving you all my love
Not knowing you’d give me none
Not knowing you'd treat me like no one

Now I remember the day we met
Looking at your face in the morning sun
I’d give anything to live that one more time
Just before I leave you behind

Run run running away
I don't want to live this way
I had hope for so long
That can’t have it anymore

How could I know you’d make me regret                              
All I ever did was giving you all my love
But everything between us falled apart
This last goodbye will always be the worst for my heart
jackonary Jun 2013
Do you remember the fire pit night?
Flames erupting to the stars
And that is when I placed my trust in you
and you, in me.
You didn't realize
I was aware of the line at the time-
that very fine line that defined everything.
He was mine- a ring to prove no crossing.
You had your own,
And I knew of that line as well
I found comfort in that line
I found innocent comfort in yours after you stole mine.

I recall feeling filthy.
How did you feel?
I never asked you.
I didn't care.
Heartless *****.
I never spoke of it.

My drunk, unbalanced feet paced to the door
and as my hand reached the ****
I climbed from my body to the air above
watching my physical self
swing the door open-
not abruptly.
I didn't have the confidence for that.
I didn't have the stomach, either.
But the instant I felt the smooth lines of the door,
and the faint, callous whispering
it was too late.
I was in.
You were on your knees,
******* obvious-
he always said you had a wonderful chest.

I wonder how you tasted to him.
I also wonder how he felt to you.
Was he better than your own?
Did he ******* like your lover did?
Merciless woman.

I remember running after that.
Hands shaking to turn the key in an F150.
Screaming in my head before it hit my vocals.
Erupting, falling, shattering, crashing
Uncontrollable fragments of me thrown around the truck.
I remember my only rational thought
"How fast can this truck go?
How quick would that death be?"

I did not face it-
you were not worth it.

I held your lover in my arms.
You couldn't tell him
Disheveled and helpless,
is that what I looked like?
I felt his tears and shaky breaths
turn to anger
and as he ****** fists into the wall
and cursed the God he believed in
I watched as his world falled apart, too.
You weren't there for him.
*It was the third time my entire life I've seen a man cry.
to an old "friend"- you broke so many promises the moment you took off your shirt filthy *****.
SassyJ Jan 2017
I look at your work and see
an array of strokes in-between
The smiles and tears that piles
Isolated brushes in small rooms

I peep on your life and portraits
On the aisles of temptation and love
The misery of the human formations
Inside a three dimensional canvas

I think of you from symbolism realism
On the island where nature was proud
Landscapes of greenish violet spoke
Soaked romantic tinges in spiky pokes

I see your blue lonely bubble episodes
On the earth's doleful daunted pasture
Culminates of gloom, isolation suicide
Dark and blue composite of blindness

I love the painted roses of orange tosses
On the eve where mistresses and lovers
Speak accents of lust with naked bodies
Paraded games of the heart captured on ice

I seek your open mind and astuteness
On the soil of Africa celebrating souls
Dancing at the rhythm of the drum beats
Shaping,hunting,pacing, tracing, painting

I like the way you wandered and hoped
On the excitement of something a new
When cubism of browny monochrome
Shaded neutrals in fragmented collages

I long to figure you out and your gems
On that dynamic cased experimentation
Crystal periods of pipes, guitars and glass
The passion that brought you riches and fame

I love to romantasise you Pablo Picasso
On my search you were a dreamer and a doer
Falled and failed, waited and won it all
From surrealism, abstraction to classical
A repost as promised. Written at Musee Picasso in France Sept 2016
Paul Hardwick Jan 2013
foot sliped
BRAIN moved towards the ground
fell, falled
words came out
BODY hit the flour
sound came out more
thought thunk man just made an **** of my self
old lady helped me up.
All true, thanks old lady.
Donall Dempsey Jun 2023

Did you ever wake up
(oh when you were very small)  
in the dark black pitch of night
and find yourself

in your very own room
(in your very own bed)  
although you had falled asleep
(in another room)  

or the long journey home from the sea
Did you ever wake up
(oh when you were very small)  
and scared of shadows

and rubbed the broke sleep from your eyes
and wonder how (it came about)  
you were ok and everything was

And peering from your patchwork quilt
you heard your Dad asleep ('Hee Haw! ')  
and heard your Mummy's gentle breathing.
And thought how Daddy was like the sea at her side
and she was the shore dreaming of seaweed and shells.

And still you didn't know how you had falled asleep in Aunt Mary's
and found yourself washed up on your own little island.
And the Mystery made you suspiciously sleepy
and you drifted back to how you wer

Superman and all
your other favourite comic book heroes!
Did you ever wake up(and find out)  
how.. when...
the day's play had drugged you asleep
Daddy came and lifted you with his strong hands
(Yes...Superman dreams and all!)  

and brought you home to your own room
sailing ship shape bed
and Mammy said:
'Shhhhh....don't wake him! '
And Auntie Mary said:
'Ahhhhh...the poor little cratur'! '

Did you ever wake up
(Oh when you were very small)  
and catch
the Mystery
My girl in my goals
The one I loved
Whose love was true
Vibrating and pulsatin
The one a day cannot go
Always in mind
Included in all my prayers
Whose love was true.

I regret my step
I evaded to my best.
She went far
I went far
We were far apart

Then Delila came
Evil and treacherous
She cheated me
In the moves of my peers
I falled for her,
Once though...
She went happy.
Her trap caught me!
She was pregnant .

Now,she is back
Set to settle,
To lead life with me
I hate it,
She snatched the golden place
I kept save for my girl.

My heart is fire
Questions unending
Bleeding unstobable
I was wrong
Her bait got me
I am leading a caged life!
Nexus Sammy Aug 2016
What is joy
But the absence of sadness
"I love you"
Is the cutest phrase to hear
With few words
Its made up of three words only
But capable
Of healing a thousand souls
It falled on my ear
It excited me and still is
How happy could people be
If "everyone"living
Had the courage to say
"I love you."
Emma Nov 2019
i killed by your sweet poison.
i dropping in the ocean.
i falled in water of your lies.
i choke, have no emotions.
i killed by your sweet poison.
i killed by your sweet lies.
your coldnest and your freeze,
i am in snow of icebreath.
so don't belive, you don't believe girl.
this smile, it's nothing more than lie.
Donall Dempsey Jun 2024

Did you ever wake up
(oh when you were very small)  
in the dark black pitch of night
and find yourself

in your very own room
(in your very own bed)  
although you had falled asleep
(in another room)  

or the long journey home from the sea
Did you ever wake up
(oh when you were very small)  
and scared of shadows

and rubbed the broke sleep from your eyes
and wonder how (it came about)  
you were ok and everything was

And peering from your patchwork quilt
you heard your Dad asleep ('Hee Haw! ')  
and heard your Mummy's gentle breathing.
And thought how Daddy was like the sea at her side
and she was the shore dreaming of seaweed and shells.

And still you didn't know how you had falled asleep in Aunt Mary's
and found yourself washed up on your own little island.
And the Mystery made you suspiciously sleepy
and you drifted back to how you wer

Superman and all
your other favourite comic book heroes!
Did you ever wake up(and find out)  
how.. when...
the day's play had drugged you asleep
Daddy came and lifted you with his strong hands
(Yes...Superman dreams and all!)  

and brought you home to your own room
sailing ship shape bed
and Mammy said:
'Shhhhh....don't wake him! '
And Auntie Mary said:
'Ahhhhh...the poor little cratur'! '

Did you ever wake up
(Oh when you were very small)  
and catch
the Mystery


One of only 3 poems that survived my early days of writing. Grateful none of the others survived and grateful that this one did. Shows me how important my Da was to me in my life and how tender and loving he was. He shaped me into the man I am now leading by the example of himself. I soaked him up by emotional osmosis. I could only attain an iota of how good he was...he was the original...the real McCoy. There was never anyone like him. A most beautiful wonderful man
Bones Jan 2020
I thought i saw a piece of heaven,
but that was just a dream
i thought you cared about others
but maybe you do it for you
loyalty has no bounds, they say
but what happened to you
your wings are burnt and soiled
with deaths that were not your fault
your halo is cracked and dim
with shadows that overtake you
how did you fall down here
where hate grows like weeds
why did try to save us
when we are unclean
angel who falled to save us
give them back their wings
though they are not perfect
they mean everything to me
Ahna Jill Sims Sep 2016
You look happy
you look silly
you want them to belive
to belive that your happy
but in side
weres theres no were to hide
your falling apart
giving up
nothing to do
nothing to want
Her eyes are stained
from tears that have not falled
but she wont
An unrelenting wave,
Sudden rest of the heart.
A pervert of success,
In a sprint of my heart.

An unyielding force,
Etched in her stare.
Falled through,
No one cared.

A general
That does not rest.
Cannot capture one foe
An unquenched thirst,
Of a sudden hero.

To push forward,
Is a beggars virtue.
Why he begged no one,
No one even knew.

A creed that lied,
Made me survive.
Even broke the vow,
And left me behind.
wanshu Feb 2021
perfect illusion ,invisible hope
countless unaswer question
it was a cliff of edge
everyone hope beyond this boundary

after getting into this
there was no exit
countless loud sounds
make my ear crazy
but i cant reach into it

covered by red ink
trembling voice shout out
it was never ending scene
repeating moment,
reach up those hand
"save me now"
it will never end

it was a false alarm
like a blooming flower in the panic city
getting deeper into it?
only darkness there
faint smell surounding this hell

desperate with non- meaning action
hope was just a lie
light just become darkness
the one that gonna end was me

this finally come to the end
gonna disapear without single  breeze
the petals falled
i will in your memory
but im accepeted that at the end
i will become forgotten petals that blown away by the wind
If you ever feel that you are frightened,
by barks, intimidating.
Do not fight, ignore or repress your feelings.

If your inner-walls detain you. Imprisoned.
And you seize. It is because,
your rage within, will leave you beaten.

If the dark arts can't ever be enlightened,
start off, illuminating,
your life's canvas, with your soul's graffiti.

If cold, bitter winters leave you stricken,
stiffen your fingered gloves,
and reach for your extra cover, fleecy.

Life's the hard part, please,
know, that the unliving's easy.

Strife's a scarred heart, please,
be careful, when it is given freely.

Be careful and know that,
the windowed moments,
of living pane,
will be mirrored,
in the reflections,
of every anguished,
droplet of rain,
and as they descend,
upon the ground,
in puddles, lain,
they'll pool together,
a collective of absorbing grief,
cried from the heavens,
again, and again,
and again.

© poormansdreams
*** falled in my bed accidentally
I fall asleep deep dipped with rumming effect

Can I be healed from cold tomorrow may be?
Callamasttia Jul 2020
But you
Had a better sense of balance

- it goes on and on

— The End —