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blklvndr Jul 2014
I deserve a good morning text every morning you wake up with me on your mind, not by your side.
And if I’m neither on your mind nor by your side,
I deserve a sweet goodnight.

I deserve someone who isn’t constantly reminding me of the imperfections and insecurities I have no problem struggling with when I’m alone, even if it is “just a joke.”

I deserve someone who wants to study every photograph I’ve ever taken until their eyes grow weary.

I deserve someone who asks what I’m writing, even if it is just a one word scribble on a sticky note.

I deserve answered calls.

I deserve beautiful nicknames and extravagant hellos.

I deserve flowers on my doorstep when I’ve had an awful day.

I deserve words when they’re needed and beautiful silence when they’re not.

I deserve kisses on my dry and cracked knuckles in the winter and kisses where the sweet sunshine hits the tip of my nose in the summer.

I deserve to be checked up on when I don’t reply all day long.

I deserve to be carried when I can’t bear to move.

I deserve to be looked at the way your father did when he first fell in love with your mother.

I deserve the truth no matter how hard it may be for you to tell it.

I deserve laughter even when I’ve just told the worst joke in the world.

I deserve understanding for my former ways and promises to better my future.

I deserve to be cuddled every day you have the chance.

I deserve to be the one you cry on when sadness fills your soul and I deserve to be the one you laugh with when warmth fills your heart.

I deserve for you to try to see beyond what I give.

I deserve to be seen for who I am inside, not for what’s on the out.

I deserve to be loved in a way in which could erase all the former ones who failed to love me the way you should.

I deserve to be loved, not lusted after and if one day you realize that I don’t deserve all that I do..

I deserve a cruel goodbye.
Dan Same Sep 2019
I Deserve to Die, A shout of Joy.

I deserve to Die
My life is a lie
A flippant lie
I Deserve to Die

I Deserve to Die
In this world full of Love
I fly like an unguided dove
I Deserve to Die

I Deserve to Die
If I could tell myself the truth
I may be a better youth
But, I Deserve to Die

I Deserve to Die
Too weak for this battle
To grip for this struggle
I Deserve to Die

I Deserve to Die
The song I hear in the morning
The door opened in the evening
Ready to Die
I Deserve to Die

I Deserve to Die
The depressing things I tell myself
The worthless value of myself
I Deserve to Die

I Deserve to Die
Not a prayer
From a player
But I Deserve to Die

I deserve to Die
But who cares?
The limitless growth of the stairs
I Deserve to Die

Who will save from my grief?
Do I even believe?
Maybe not!
Maybe I do!
I’m not sure
I Deserve to Die

I Deserve to Die
But I don’t want to
Will I have to?
Do I need to?
I Deserve to Die

I Deserve to Die
Shall I help myself?
I shouldn’t Die

Well, I Deserve to Die
But He went ahead and Die
Now I can’t Die
A new beginning,
A new life,
Lord I Deserve,
Will you let me Die?
Hear my cry
Save thee
I Deserve to Die
Don’t allow me to Die.  

I Deserve to Die
But I need to escape
Open the gate of life
Hear my cry
I just need a way
To run away
I Don’t want to Die
I cry…

                                                          ­                                   Esperanto
Emily Madeira Aug 2010
Look at me
Thinking positively
Back to who I was
But then again not who I was at all
I can’t believe I’m sitting here right now
Crying tears that aren’t sad
I’m here
And I’m alive
And I’m breathing
I am human
I’ve made mistakes
We all have
But life doesn’t stop for you
And it doesn’t stop for me
The only way is forward
Everyday I’m just going to get better
Take that life
Who’s kicking your *** now?
Yep it’s me and I’m ready for you this time
I am a beautiful person
I’ve made mistakes but that only makes me better
I can find me again and I know I will
It will take time but its possible
I don’t have to wallow anymore
I can embrace the sun
There will still be downs but I will depend on myself
And whoever else I need
To get me out of those downs
Because although necessary
They don’t need to be prolonged
I’m going to get better
I’m like wine and as I age, I will be all the greater
I deserve this
I pulled myself out of a great big **** hole
And now I’m here
Happy again
So now I have a plan
I will egg myself on
I’m going to do this
I deserve to be happy
With myself and with the people around me
I deserve to be healthy
I deserve to love my body and myself for who I am
I deserve to push myself
I deserve to talk loud and animated
I deserve to be opinionated
I deserve to be liked
I deserve to not hate myself or put myself down
I deserve to be weird
I deserve to have hope
I deserve to be free
I deserve to live
And I deserve to be me
So if you cant handle what I deserve
And you don’t know that you deserve it to
Then that is not my fault
And if you cant love or appreciate the person I am
Then you deserve to go **** yourself
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2016
for Matt

"My suspect credibility upon the rockets of birds,
the soft parts of people,
the oceans’ inevitable, cyclical weeping,
Who has time for poetry has more time than they deserve"

Breaking Spring by Matt Hart


your words warp me,
the woven texture of your composition,
dumbfounding the sweeping, weeping, instant recognition in
the soft parts' of
where credibility
long past being suspected,
simply arrested for statutory dark room
torrented questioning

deserve poetry deserve blessing deserve curse

You Jacob, wrestle with this angel witch curveball!
'tis better to give or receive
this poetry admonishment?

for who knows where the time goes,
when the fix is in,
the addiction itch,
commands and commends,

feed the poetry *****

write or die

one fix, one poem,
carousel leads to another,
with only time to live,
pay the bills
for renting the space you Earth occupy,
no time for illegal
compulsive word blending

the interrogator demands

deserve poetry deserve blessing deserve curse?

who is your supplier?
who is your time stealer?

by the ocean, weeping,
you plead innocence,
just ill drivel, needy for expulsion,
deserving of repulsion,
swear repeatedly,
never again, imbibe, scribe

but the ***** coos in my ear,
reaching beneath
the vulnerable soft tissued skin and cells:

write or die

I thieve your time,
'tis nothing you deserve,
I am Poetry,
just your mistress,
better served

deserve poetry
deserve blessing
deserve curse

June 25, 2016

written by the ocean, weeping


"the oceans’ inevitable, cyclical weeping"

here you-man
come once more to my irregular edges,
to replenish regularly my stores.
with your unwanted salted tears,
the sullied bodies of thy children,
mourning deaths you have fostered

Oh Orlando!

weeping, weeping,
even as your pulse's fury speedth,
every dance must end,
for to time subservient,
even as time ever forwards,
living men must slow weaken...

live by the sea,
die by the sea,
come unto me only as,
unruined mortals,
worn only by happy ending of
molecular disintegration,
the sweetness of time's decay,
a recording completed,
your resolute dancing resolved

come unto me
only from deaths
which one cannot void
but come concluded peaceful

Oh Orlando!
eileen May 2019
do I deserve it do I deserve it do I deserve it do I deserve it do I deserve it do I deserve it do I deserve it do I deserve it do I deserve it do I deserve it do I deserve it do I deserve it
do I deserve it do I deserve it do I deserve it do I deserve it do I deserve it do I deserve it

Do I Do I Do I Do I Do I Do I
Do I Do I Do I Do I Do I Do I
Do I Do I Do I Do I Do I Do I                                       Do I Do I Do I

Do I Do I Do I Do I Do I Do I

tell me

Do I deserve anything


I don't
Nadia MDG Nov 2011
I deserve a good rest.

I deserve all the happiness in the world.

I deserve more time.

I deserve eating healthy food.

I deserve to be loved.

I deserve to be pampered.

I deserve listening to great music.

I deserve to be heard.

I deserve to be respected.

I deserve precious friendships.

I deserve good grades.

I deserve to see all parts of the world.

I deserve a loving and a caring family.

I deserve to have what I have

And I am grateful for what I have.
March 30, 2009 · 1:20 pm
I don't deserve the sun
I don't deserve the sea
I don't deserve feet to run
Or eyes so I can see

I don't deserve a home
I don't deserve a friend
I don't deserve to roam
Or with others to blend

But I know you don't agree
You think I deserve more
But truly you deserve better than me
You're not something you buy at the convience store

But I don't deserve you
I don't deserve how much you care
I don't deserve anything you do
And hurt me? You wouldn't dare

When I deserve the rain
And every dark cloud in the sky
You take away my pain
And make the clouds say goodbye

I know I can't provide you
With everything you need
But there is one thing I can do
Is give you this poem to read

To tell you how much I love you
And I care so much for you
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To make sure I keep you

Because if we are honest
I don't deserve you
But I'll try my best
To make this good for you
Twice the peace; twice the grace...    Sound mind; steady pace
All the heights; I’m meant to chase... Man; I deserve it all.

Fewer foes; sharpest plans...  Golden stocks and bigger brands
Built it up with my own hands...  Yea; I deserve it all.

Shining stones; my wrist aglow...  Seats reclined; the engines roar
Waves that kiss my private shore...  I deserve it all.

Respect my name; let praises ring... Islands where the palm trees swing
Every blessing wealth can bring... I deserve it all.

For the my sister who left too soon... Gone before she met her bloom
Every loss; I turn to fuel... yea, I deserve it all.

World leaders speak my name with pride... Crowds that echo far and wide
More than riches; soul untied... I deserve it all.

More power; more freedom... Every ounce of what I’m dreaming
Every door that fate has opened; man; I deserve it all.

Pure in heart when doubt was strong... Held my ground when nights were long
Tempted; yet I stayed headstrong... So, I deserve it all.

6 AM; I’m up to run; Train my lungs... embrace the sun
Outwork fate ‘til battles won... See, I deserve it all.

See people first as flesh and soul... despite the words the world has sold
Still; I gave them love untold... So; I deserve it all.

Silent moves; I mind my lane... Penning poetry; shaping change
Guiding youth through trials and pain... yea, I deserve it all.

For the prayers made in spite... For ancestors who gave their might
For my bloodline shining bright; Aye; I deserve it all.

For my mother’s gentle heart... She deserves a brand-new start
Karma’s touch; no bitter scars... oh, she deserves it all.

For my brother’s boundless dreams... For my cousin to reign supreme
Taking steps beyond my reach...  Cos' They deserve it all.

God who whispers when I kneel... Tells me what is truly real
Speaks in echoes; I can feel;  Lord, "You deserve it all."

Keep the fakes far out my space... Keep my blessings in their place
Keep my essence laced with grace... I deserve it all.

If they hate; let them speak... Truth withstands the foul critique
Legends last beyond the weak... I deserve it all.

Burn it down or build it high... Test my faith; I still won’t die
I’m the greatest; don’t ask why.... Cos I deserve it more.
I deserve to be happy,
But the world is too scrappy;

I deserve to be pampered,
But people always hammered;

I deserve to be loved,
But I always lost my beloveds;

I deserve a precious friendship,
But always got hardship;

I deserve more time,
As to my destiny I need to climb;

I deserve to be heard,
But soon as comes a warning word;

I deserve a good rest,
But I'm lingering like an unloved guest;

I deserve to be respected,
And that's what I always expected;

I deserve to have what I have,
As that's only what the world gave;

But even that's not in my luck,
I'm totally stuck;

I deserve to suffer,
As I had been a lover.
Thomas Aug 2016
Isn't stupid how we walk around like we deserve everything,
We deserve to have food,
We deserve to be rich,
But do we deserve to starve,
Do we deserve to be poor,
Do we deserve to have addictions,
Do we deserve to have racial minority,
Do we deserve to have war,
Do we deserve to become sick,
Do we deserve to be "damaged"
Do we deserve to die,
Do we deserve to live while others die,
Do we deserve everything?
Do we really want to deserve everything.
It's a poem
Shaquille Otto Apr 2020
Someone who won't take you through what I did
A person who has a better personality and a amazing heart,
A man that will make it to where you don't have to look to anyone else for comfort
That someone who will make you feel like your whole, not just a part.
You deserve better than a man like me
You deserve better than someone who doesn't betray your trust,
You deserve better than what you had
You deserve someone who will be there when day to night and dawn to dust.
You know I'll always be here for you
You know that I'm no good
Your heart is all that i wanted
Its to precious to be torn, shattered, and broke.
You deserve all the love
You deserve to laugh
You deserve to smile
You deserve of all things.
You deserve to not have any fears
You deserve better than Sha'Quille Otto
You deserve...
I wrote this poem because I realized that the woman I love deserves more than I could ever give her but that doesn't mean I'm giving up, just means I've got to put 1,000% more than i did before in order o give her what she deserves. One day you will have what you desire.
thoughts to dump Feb 2022
We deserve healing,
The kind of healing that cures
Our deepest, hidden, past sorrows;
We deserve relief,
The kind of relief that sets
Us stable and tranquil;
We deserve peace,
The kind of peace that keeps
Us safe from the wars outside;
We deserve warmth,
The kind of warmth that eases
Our troubled minds and heart;
We deserve love,
The kind of love that feels
Home, a sanctuary.
We deserve happiness
We deserve to be treated so right
We deserve a soft landing
We deserve assurance;
We deserve to watch every sunset
And never doubt its glow,
We deserve to wish upon every shooting star
And believe that wishes always do come true,
We deserve this safe space between us
We deserve everything
My love, we deserve each other.
We deserve the world we live in.
We've worked too hard to destroy it
To stop now.
We deserve the wars being fought.
We've built too high our borders
To tear them down now.
We deserve injustice and discrimination.
We've made too much an effort to build social barriers
To get rid of them now.
We deserve bad governments.
We've enabled them too much and given them too much freedom
To start complaining now.
We deserve all types of pollution.
We've taken nature for granted for too long
To take care of her now.
We deserve illnesses.
We've lived on excess for too long
To start worrying now.
We deserve the reality we live in.
We've been moulding it for generations
To break free from it now.
We deserve what we have.
We've put all our energy on it.
But who's to say we don't deserve
The chance to change as well
The opportunity to wake up
The drive to find unity
The knowledge to see the errors in our ways
Who's to say we don't deserve.
The chance to live.
Izzy Nolan Dec 2011
(i will listen
to your bones
shatter when
you fall apart)

you don't deserve any of this,
and i don't want you to let go

i don't want you to let go but i
know that's out of my hands

you deserve milky ways
running through your veins
at night and black holes
swallowing up every
ounce of your sorrows

you deserve soft evenings
and quiet mornings holding
your ribcage together instead
of your too-skinny arms

you deserve an arm
always linked with yours,
taking you to somewhere
foreign and beautiful
but eternally yours

you deserve the tallest ferris
wheels shooting you into the
clouds for journeys to the
ever-mended hearts

you deserve feeling
worth something more than
mix tapes that need rewinding
or the unmanageable tangled
chains of forgotten

(i will listen
when words fail
and you forget
how to speak)

you deserve upside
down umbrellas carrying
you down the flowing rivers
of the most exhilarating
corners of the universe

you deserve to run
simply because you want to,
not because you feel like
you have no other choice

you deserve the will
to hold on even when shards
of glass pierce your lungs,
because the scars will
show your strength

you deserve endless ribbons
lacing through your heart
with the hope of tomorrow
morning or the next

you deserve to love
without exceptions or
limits and to dream of
disappearing into things
much bigger than yourself

you deserve all these things,
and i want them for you

i want them for you but i
know i can't give them to you

(i will listen
even when you
have nothing
to say to me)
written march 2011.

for a dear friend who was going through a rough time.
He doesn’t deserve your kisses

Not like I did</p>

<p>He doesn’t deserve your love & affection

Not like I do</p>

<p>Just look around you quickly

There are signs to see

Why aren’t you coming up to me? </p>

<p>He doesn’t love you like I do </p>

<p>He doesn’t deserve to be in your dream

You should be talking to me everyday </p>

<p>He doesn’t deserve to be in your thoughts  

I should be your knight

Lwt me step into the spotlight with you baby</p>

<p>He doesn’t deserve your enacting

He doesn’t deserve your pictures

And doesn’t deserve your blessings </p>


<p>Just look around you quickly

There are signs to see

Why aren’t you coming up to me?</p>

<p>He doesn’t write you poetry

He doesn’t write you love songs

He doesn’t treasure your heart

He doesn’t have faith in you

His mind is out of romance

The guy you chosen is a mistake </p>


<p>He doesn’t deserve you</p>

<p>He doesn’t love you like I do</p>


<p>He doesn’t deserve your smiles

And he doesn’t deserve your laughs

He doesn’t deserve to wake up beside you when the sun rises</p>

<p>Baby!!! </p>

<p>I have a billion words of describing you</p>

<p>Just don’t understand how much I care about you</p>

<p>I would die for your love cause

I’m the one that deserves to be with you until the end</p>

<p>My dear   </p>

<p>He doesn’t love you like I do

He doesn’t deserve you</p>

<p>Just look around you quickly

There are signs to see

Why aren’t you coming up to me?*</p>
Sophie Mar 2019
I deserve Ice cream and cookies

I deserve attention and commitment

I deserve 'I miss you' 'I need you' 'You are beautiful'

I deserve happiness and a heart to rely on

I deserve hugs and the deepest kisses

I deserve laughter and a sound sleep

I deserve promises and a willingness to keep

I deserve openess and acceptance

I deserve dedication
I deserve them all

And when I find myself
Missing him
After everything he has put me through
I speak to my soul:
You deserve better, Soft one

You deserve Love
Remind yourself....
Nuha Alli Apr 2018
You deserve to wake up and smile because of your beautiful, bright, bold soul.
You deserve to laugh loudy and feel fusion of fluttering in your tummy.
You deserve to shy away and cover your rose-pink face.
You deserve to feel raw, ruddy, real emotion only with positive and pure intentions.
You deserve success due to your persevering, powerful  power house.
You deserve sincere care due to your pious purity.
You deserve to be fed with flavoursome fruits and nourished emotionally and physically.
You deserve to be put on a pedestal like a clear celestial body.
You deserve the truth and not to be fooled by equivocation from three weird sisters.
You deserve someone to pump oxygen into your heart and not deprive it of tenderness.
You're worth more than millions upon billions.
If anyone can't see the love you deserve, remove them you're an
Oscar Award.
You deserve it all-
But I'm not  good or the best.

I am the worst.

-Nuha Alli
tyler Apr 2016
i don't wanna worry about what you can and can't do

i want you to love freely. and live freely. and experience freely.

i want you to freely exist. to have that luxury. because it's not something you've gotten to do honestly yet.

not something you've freely done

and you deserve it

you who is so authentic & so giving & has so much endurance,
deserve that

you deserve nights in her car where endless is the only way to describe your journey

you deserve mornings in hole in the wall diners where your order becomes her order and vice versa.

you deserve saturday afternoons lost in her head and her sheets

you deserve love and someone willing to learn how you like your eggs

you deserve good *** and better intimacy

you deserve more than the world because the world can be bought and goddesses own heavens by birthright

i don't wanna write about what you deserve because you should already have it
Jane Doe Aug 2016
I have been listening to terrible poems all day because you don’t deserve a good one.
You don’t deserve the spit that hailed the ground from my mouth when I screamed about pride and privilege you do not deserve the ground that I stamped on, hollow breaths escaping a tiny mouth.
You thought you were helping me to get louder but I have lost so many voices since I heard you scream.
You do not deserve to look at me! I am going to be so much better because I left you, you do not deserve to think about the way we used to be, you do not deserve to miss me because if you did I would not be writing this about you.
Instead of miles would be mere meters between us. Our ginger hair would still be tangled in the morning light, your body breathing beneath mine.
If you deserved to love me, you wouldn’t have loved her. You wouldn’t have let her slip her fingers around the cracks in the foundation of our house and hold you.
If you deserved to miss me you wouldn’t have kissed her, you would have told me about her the moment you got home, still dripping with sweat still casting off bets still letting me call you my best friend and lover, you shouldn’t have loved her. You shouldn’t have loved her.
But you did. Dear ginger, did you taste her? Did her sweat linger on your naked body like the shame that should have lead you to tell me. Did the courage it took to take her body wash down with the rain while you walked home. Did you feel any pain? Dear ginger, when you knew we were over – when we felt it like the fog which covered the rental car as we inched closer to home, why did you let me feel so alone? At what point did you not recognize me as the person you swore to protect? Dear ginger, when did I become a stranger, when did I become someone you wanted to hurt? At what point did you start taking dating advice from my abuser?
Dear ginger why didn’t you just leave me? Dear ginger the ***** were always in your court. Except when they were in her mouth. Dear ginger, did you stop her from ******* you off or was that a lie too. I don’t actually know anything about you? I’m sorry am I being unfair? Dear ginger did she run her fingers through your hair? At any point during the two encounters did you maybe think that, while you were inside her. “Huh. Maybe I shouldn’t ******* cheat on my partner!?”
I must be over this, because I’m laughing about it. I must be over this because I’m bringing up good jokes, or maybe that’s just how I cope with a situation as ridiculous as this one. In truth, I’m just done.
I wrote a poem about you called plan bee, about a bumblebee who was too fat to fly. It was wordy, I was nervous because I had never written a poem about someone I loved before. After I read it to you we cried together and made love on the ***** kitchen floor. You made me feel like a small puppy, I was always excited to see you. Even lately I’ve been catching my breath when I met you on the street and when our eyes meet I want to believe that you’re the person I could trust and I’m your little bumble bee. But you don’t deserve to see me, and you don’t deserve to make me happy.
River Feb 2017
The love I deserve
Is a love a haven't tasted yet
I have felt it for myself
But not within a relationship

The love I deserve
Is infinite and continuously kind
It has no thorns or ulterior motives
It fills with light the dark crevices of my heart and mind

The love I deserve
Is free and delicate
It's a leaf floating along on the breeze
And enjoying every moment of it

The love I deserve
Is warm and healing
Within the embrace of trust
There is no need for concealing

The love I deserve
Is undying and relentless
Even within the eye of the storm
Nothing will ever take away what we call precious

The love you deserve
Is the love I deserve
It's the love we all deserve.
Kat Apr 2018
Why am I such an awful person?
I don’t deserve my life.
I deserve to die.
I deserve to rot in hell.
I don’t deserve my friends.
I don’t deserve any of it.

I’m a real *****.
I say rude things and smack talk to people I hardly know because I’ve gotten myself into a ditch.
My mouth gets me in trouble.
It spuds and bunch of *******.
It tells lies and lies and more lies
I don’t deserve to be here.

I’m jealous of a friend in hello poetry because she’s doing so much better than me.
I’m happy that she’s had so much success.
It’s not that I’m not grateful for how far I’ve gone from this site.
But I specifically asked her to stay away so I could have my 15 seconds in the spotlight.

I told her this and you know what she did?
She came and joined the site you know the one I forbid.
She’s been here for 2 days and she wrote a poem that I can’t even begin to convey.
I’m jealous of her success.
I’m jealous of her in general.

She claims to be depressed and can’t do anything right but she has so much potential.
I’m such a horrible person I can’t even be happy for a friend because I’m being blinded by jealousy because we are friends.
I’m such a terrible person I don’t deserve to be alive.
I’m such a terrible person I deserve to go and die.

I’m such a terrible person I’m mean and rude
I’m such a terrible person that’s whenever someone does something I highly dislike I punch or kick and they end up with a bruise.
There’s this boy that I consider my friend.
He did something I didn’t like and he ended with a bruised knee
And instead of apologizing like a nice person would do,
I punched him there so there would be a larger bruise.

I don’t deserve these people I call friends.
I’m mean and controlling and I extremely rude
I don’t deserve to be alive because I’m cruel.
I don’t deserve the people I called friends because they to me they are abused and used.
I don’t deserve to be happy or have anything that I have.
Because I haven’t earned any of it.
I doubt that they would cry if I died.
Because they shouldn’t care.
I should go die and no longer alive.
Mafia Princess Apr 2015
You know why I like being hurt during ***?
I want to feel the pleasure with the pain

Of course it hurts
But I like it

I can't hurt myself
So you do

I deserve every uncomfortable feeling
I deserve losing every breath..
As you squeeze my neck;
Watch me gasp for air when you release
I deserve not being able to move when you tie me down.
I deserve for you to rip my head around.
I deserve the bruises that you leave.
I deserve to be submissive to you.

Only during ***.

If you don't love me you wouldn't have *** with me.

I don't deserve to have my heartbroken,
But the pain is my fault.

I deserve it

To know I was wrong.
Vampi Fallborg Sep 2013
I deserve so much more love than I can see
I deserve to see it for I can feel it.
I deserve so much less pain
I know that for I can't feel as much pain as I see
I deserve much more flowers
I deserve much less tragedy
I deserve words of truth
I deserve words of courage and hope

But how can I know that I deserve so much?
It is because I see something about me from outside
Though a little gap in a door I forgot to close.
The door in the room that I've made to hide from
Lindsey Eleanor Feb 2013
I think I need to learn what I deserve.
I've managed to get myself to thinking that what isn't worthy of me, is.
And as much as I don't want to admit that,
As mean as it sounds,
I deserve better than what I've been giving myself.
I don't deserve the cuts covering my skin.
I don't deserve the pain I'm in.
I don't deserve to feel lonely or sad or betrayed.
I don't deserve to feel tired all the time.
I deserve to sleep soundly at night, because the demons shouldn't disturb my slumber.
I deserve to not have to cry myself to sleep because I'm better than that.
I deserve to be independent because I don't need anyone.
I deserve the man who will drop everything and come running to me
The man who tells me he won't ever leave
The man who isn't afraid to argue with me
Or tell me when I'm being mean
The man who loves me for me, good and bad
The man who won't cheat or lie or break my heart
The man who wipes my tears and holds me at night.
But you?
You don't deserve me.
Because I am better than your lies.
Raven Apr 2018
Maybe I deserve to go back

Maybe I don't deserve you

Maybe I deserve the bad
But not the good

Maybe I deserve to be yelled at and for everyone to leave

Maybe I deserve for no one to love me
And for no one to care

Maybe I deserve to be hurt
And have no on there to help me

Maybe I deserve to be left behind
And not even looked back upon

But no matter what I deserve I won't stop fighting and I won't stop trying to deserve something more
Jan/ 29/ 2018/ 10:30 PM/ 14 yrs old
Aiswarya Oct 2016
Being lonely isn’t a bad thing after all,
I get to sit and ponder about how much better I deserve,
Ponder about all the times I degraded myself,
Ponder about all the times I was blinded by my love for you,
That I find it disgusting and worst of all petrified to even think about.

It took me long enough to realise you leaving wasn’t the worst thing that could possibly happen,
All the times I spent crying by the window staring at the empty sky wondering if God’s watching,
Even questioning or to be precise rebuking God for stealing my loved one.
Then came the day I stopped doing so,
The day I realised he didn’t steal my loved one,
He did not steal my loved one because you-you were not my loved one,
You didn’t deserve to be.

I deserve better,
I deserve to be sunk in love- not drowned
I deserve to be touch by passionate hands and not itchy ones,
I deserve better,
and you,
you deserve nothing but sympathy,
my sympathy for you that you can’t love,
you can’t love like me,
you can’t feel like me,
you can’t be me.  

You deserve nothing.
More than the combination
Of Math and English,
More than the uncertainty
Of sour bitterness

Don’t I deserve better?

Then the hours upon hours
Of monotonous words
Then the blaring and the whistling
Of simultaneous noise

Don’t I deserve better?

More than the giggling
Flock of girls
More than the chants of
Your irritating name

Don’t I deserve better

To compete arrogance
With compassion
To argue utmost uncertainty
With obvious honesty

Don’t I deserve better?

Than the continuous
Than the pressure to

Don’t I deserve better?

To choose what should
Be chosen
To love for uncertainty
One who does

Don’t I deserve better?
To love those who love me
To ignore those who misplace me
To finally be with someone of my choosing
But it rarely works that way,

Will I ever deserve better?
Abigail Madsen Feb 2013
Between stolen kisses
The hits and misses
We create ourselves
this distorted image of what we
This façade to aid our acceptance
this thing we use to find any remanence
Of self confidence that has been ripped away
leaving our self importance at bay
Our own distortion of inner meaning
unable to see
we deserve
The nerve
Of ourselves saying we don't deserve
the best
and that we deserve everything less
than the most
it's not fair, how
being imperfect
makes you believe you're some how defective
and its not fair
when we get caught in a place with dont belong
with someone we don't belong
The only possible reasoning being
We accept the love we think we deserve
but you deserve the best
So accept it.
Heather Sarrazin Dec 2013
The sting
A reminder of your hand on my cheek
Seems to taunt me with every throb and beat of my heart
As my pulse quickens
Without asking, I know what they're thinking
I was dumb for letting you touch me

As I walk through the halls I observe their expressions
Seeming to yell I deserved it, without any question
I know I deserve more

I deserve more than broken promises
Slivers of shattered glass that stab just as sharp in the morning
As the deceitful lies uncovered the night before
The permanent wounding of my trust
Lies that weren't meant to be told
Vows that weren't worth being kept

I deserve more than wondering
If your daydreams revolve around me
Cherishing the joy I bring to your life
Or if they're filled with faceless beauties,
And the question of who you'll **** tonight

I deserve to be put on a pedestal
High enough that no one could doubt my
Importance, seen as others as some one who's worth it
Simply by noticing the smile on your face when you notices me in a room

I deserve to wake up with a text
That serves not only as a "hey", a mindless token
But as piece of insight to how lonely you've been since we've last spoken
Even if the last time was last night

I deserve to feel special
Like no one else can take my place
I deserve to hold your hand
Not feel it across my face
k Mar 2016
You deserve to hear those words and believe them with every piece of your torn apart heart. You need to hear these words and nothing less. You don't deserve maybes and someone who doesn't know what they want. It needs to become a rule to believe these words and not something to laugh off.

You deserve to hear someone say, 'I'm not going to hurt you.'

And you have to be able to trust them. You deserve a chance to believe them. And what those who left gave you was not love. Because love is giving as well as receiving and you have to open your eyes when looking back on the past and see how empty they made you from taking and taking and taking all your love and leaving you with so little. But take your bent and battered heart that's far from broken and allow yourself to fall in love again. Because after all the tears and pains in your chest that felt like trying to swallow broken glass, you deserve to be happy. Don't rely on someone new to fix you - fix yourself. You deserve to know and be so sure of the fact that you don't need someone's hand to hold in order to be happy. You deserve to find love again and never have to look back and wonder what you did wrong. They were wrong and they never loved you. You are lucky, you have not lost anything. They didn't love you. You loved them with everything you had and that is their loss. You have so much more to find and its waiting for you just around the corner. But you can't look back, stop looking back. You deserve to open new doors, shut the old ones and swallow the keys. They'll always live deep inside you, but they won't matter anymore. They don't deserve to matter to you anymore.
Jack Taylor May 2014
When we fell asleep together,
I knew it was too soon, too unreal.
You don't deserve my early morning hair.

When you yelled at me,
I knew it was true passion, true love.
You don't deserve my raw, bleeding throat.

When you broke the skin,
I knew it wouldn't be the last time, the last night.
You don't deserve my battle wounds.

When you shared your cigarette,
I knew the feeling of a false love, false worth.
You don't deserve my smoky whispers.

When we talked about our future,
I knew you wouldn't stay, wouldn't tell me.
You don't deserve my limited time.

When you finally slammed the door,
I knew it was going to hurt, to be the end.
You don't deserve my happiness.

When I made the first cut,
I knew it would **** me, bleed me out.
I don't deserve to live without you.
Lindsay Thomas Dec 2015
I deserve better.
I deserve better than half eaten words,
Casual, passive glances when I enter the room.
I deserve more.
I deserve more than your lack of love,
Your empty words; the way your eyes look
Away when you utter those words through
Licked lips. Wetted to prep for the lies.
I deserve me.
I deserve me, and no one else.
Only I can love me like I've never been loved before.
So here I am. I'm doing just that.
I never said I needed you,
Just that I loved you.
No one really means what they say
In the heat of the moment.
So, I deserve better. I am better.

— The End —