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Vampyre Kato May 2016
I Am The Sunshine
Upon This Land
I Am The Pure Love
Of Woman & Man
Creatures Of Sea
Creature Of Sand
Creatures Obove Trees
I Am Sunshine
Im Feeling The Heat
I Am Sunshine
Love Shining In Me
Through My Eyes
Timeless Sweets
I Am Purity
Healing All That Need
A Calling Of Leap
The Falling Of Leaves
That Tracends To Beauty When
Waters Affection Harvest The Neat
Harvest The Trees
Harvest The Fruits & Vegetables
For All Us To Eat
God Were Sunshine
I Am You & You Are Me
Realms Of Angels
Elves Mermaid Reefs
Illumniated With A Sphere In Me
Its Clear To See
I'm Near The Sea
Abundance Prosperity
Inside Manifested Through Charity
Expand Consious Clairty
Increase Awarness
Perception Cherry Trees
Beautiful Judgment Free
Free To Be We So Let's Just Breathe
I Love You , You Love Me
Meditation Vibratatin At The Peak Of My Frequency
Elvish Whispers In The Breeze
Angels Untangle The Tangled
I Angle Dreams
The Frequency Of Jesus
Is Needed
Let It Seep Through
You May Not See Him
But He Sees You
Bianry Ritual 3 Help Darknes Nailed
I'm From An Elvish Realm
Where Fairy's Bleed Blue
Its Easy To Relate
Escape The Hate With Aatral Gates
Be True
Be You Sunshine Light Bright
Right Through Ooh
I Feel It In My Soul
From Outer Space
Down My Face Waist & Shoes
Normal Is So Distant
Weird Is JDifferent
& Difrent  Is Just So Cool
Sune Shine Amazon Fine
Island Side
Frequency High
Twin Soul Flame Is Feeling My Vibe
Pure Dear Come Here
Feel The Kundalini Rise
Eye To Eye
Hands On Back Of Thighs
Hearts Hugging So Tight
Protected By The Eye
Private Meeting Souls Singing Ocean Side
Stars Cry Body's Weaving Greeting
Gentle Screaming Oh My
Dna Embedded With Electric Healing Rhymes
Were Amazing Gazeing Sunshine
Breathe Release The Beast
No Need To Find
All Is Within So Grin Ya Chin
Your In Ya Win
Sunshine Sunshine Fill My Fins
Swimming Through
Realms Of Elevish Kin
Affection Covers My Skin
I Am Sunshine
Sing It Again
Hence loathèd Melancholy
  Of Cerberus and blackest midnight born,
In Stygian Cave forlorn
  ‘Mongst horrid shapes, and shreiks, and sights unholy.
Find out som uncouth cell,
  Where brooding darknes spreads his jealous wings,
And the night-Raven sings;
  There, under Ebon shades, and low-brow’d Rocks,
As ragged as thy Locks,
  In dark Cimmerian desert ever dwell.
But com thou Goddes fair and free,
In Heav’n ycleap’d Euphrosyne,
And by men, heart-easing Mirth,
Whom lovely Venus, at a birth
With two sister Graces more
To Ivy-crownèd Bacchus bore;
Or whether (as som Sager sing)
The frolick Wind that breathes the Spring,
Zephir with Aurora playing,
As he met her once a Maying,
There on Beds of Violets blew,
And fresh-blown Roses washt in dew,
Fill’d her with thee a daughter fair,
So bucksom, blith, and debonair.
  Haste thee nymph, and bring with thee
Jest and youthful Jollity,
Quips and Cranks, and wanton Wiles,
Nods, and Becks, and Wreathèd Smiles,
Such as hang on ****’s cheek,
And love to live in dimple sleek;
Sport that wrincled Care derides,
And Laughter holding both his sides.
Com, and trip it as ye go
On the light fantastick toe,
And in thy right hand lead with thee,
The Mountain Nymph, sweet Liberty;
And if I give thee honour due,
Mirth, admit me of thy crue
To live with her, and live with thee,
In unreprovèd pleasures free;
To hear the Lark begin his flight,
And singing startle the dull night,
From his watch-towre in the skies,
Till the dappled dawn doth rise;
Then to com in spight of sorrow,
And at my window bid good morrow,
Through the Sweet-Briar, or the Vine,
Or the twisted Eglantine.
While the **** with lively din,
Scatters the rear of darknes thin,
And to the stack, or the Barn dore,
Stoutly struts his Dames before,
Oft list’ning how the Hounds and horn
Chearly rouse the slumbring morn,
From the side of som **** Hill,
Through the high wood echoing shrill.
Som time walking not unseen
By Hedge-row Elms, on Hillocks green,
Right against the Eastern gate,
Wher the great Sun begins his state,
Rob’d in flames, and Amber light,
The clouds in thousand Liveries dight.
While the Plowman neer at hand,
Whistles ore the Furrow’d Land,
And the Milkmaid singeth blithe,
And the Mower whets his sithe,
And every Shepherd tells his tale
Under the Hawthorn in the dale.
Streit mine eye hath caught new pleasures
Whilst the Lantskip round it measures,
Russet Lawns, and Fallows Gray,
Where the nibling flocks do stray,
Mountains on whose barren brest
The labouring clouds do often rest:
Meadows trim with Daisies pide,
Shallow Brooks, and Rivers wide.
Towers, and Battlements it sees
Boosom’d high in tufted Trees,
Wher perhaps som beauty lies,
The Cynosure of neighbouring eyes.
Hard by, a Cottage chimney smokes,
From betwixt two agèd Okes,
Where Corydon and Thyrsis met,
Are at their savory dinner set
Of Hearbs, and other Country Messes,
Which the neat-handed Phillis dresses;
And then in haste her Bowre she leaves,
With Thestylis to bind the Sheaves;
Or if the earlier season lead
To the tann’d Haycock in the Mead,
Som times with secure delight
The up-land Hamlets will invite,
When the merry Bells ring round,
And the jocond rebecks sound
To many a youth, and many a maid,
Dancing in the Chequer’d shade;
And young and old com forth to play
On a Sunshine Holyday,
Till the live-long day-light fail,
Then to the Spicy Nut-brown Ale,
With stories told of many a feat,
How Faery Mab the junkets eat,
She was pincht, and pull’d the sed,
And he by Friars Lanthorn led
Tells how the drudging Goblin swet,
To ern his Cream-bowle duly set,
When in one night, ere glimps of morn,
His shadowy Flale hath thresh’d the Corn
That ten day-labourers could not end,
Then lies him down the Lubbar Fend,
And stretch’d out all the Chimney’s length,
Basks at the fire his hairy strength;
And Crop-full out of dores he flings,
Ere the first **** his Mattin rings.
Thus don the Tales, to bed they creep,
By whispering Windes soon lull’d asleep.
  Towred Cities please us then,
And the busie humm of men,
Where throngs of Knights and Barons bold,
In weeds of Peace high triumphs hold,
With store of Ladies, whose bright eies
Rain influence, and judge the prise
Of Wit, or Arms, while both contend
To win her Grace, whom all commend.
There let ***** oft appear
In Saffron robe, with Taper clear,
And pomp, and feast, and revelry,
With mask, and antique Pageantry,
Such sights as youthfull Poets dream
On Summer eeves by haunted stream.
Then to the well-trod stage anon,
If Jonsons learnèd Sock be on,
Or sweetest Shakespear fancies childe,
Warble his native Wood-notes wilde,
And ever against eating Cares,
Lap me in soft Lydian Aires,
Married to immortal verse
Such as the meeting soul may pierce
In notes, with many a winding bout
Of linckèd sweetnes long drawn out,
With wanton heed, and giddy cunning,
The melting voice through mazes running;
Untwisting all the chains that ty
The hidden soul of harmony.
That Orpheus self may heave his head
From golden slumber on a bed
Of heapt Elysian flowres, and hear
Such streins as would have won the ear
Of Pluto, to have quite set free
His half regain’d Eurydice.
These delights, if thou canst give,
Mirth with thee, I mean to live.
Siyabulela May 2011
Breathless in the winters ewe,valentines the adolescent passion, smiless like a drought world,tears creating up a dam,heart breakers proccess,pronounce and procceed daily a day to remember,swimming, slimming tear fall.calf love will never take you down,it reaches your beautiful inside,traps and translate  you'r kindnes into a devil evil's bin.smash your mind into darknes,calf love is a herd of brocken hearts,dissapointments,it inherite trust and close of honnesty but when u once own it,you will never re think,than to re use.sense the heat of frictional emotional force,calf love bunks,sticks and turn,lean above lime light and its ectacy,charge and interchange nor interacts the internal lies,calf love is a misery of ones soul
This rich Marble doth enterr
The honour’d Wife of Winchester,
A Vicounts daughter, an Earls heir,
Besides what her vertues fair
Added to her noble birth,
More then she could own from Earth.
Summers three times eight save one
She had told, alas too soon,
After so short time of breath,
To house with darknes, and with death.                              
Yet had the number of her days
Bin as compleat as was her praise,
Nature and fate had had no strife
In giving limit to her life.
Her high birth, and her graces sweet,
Quickly found a lover meet;
The ****** quire for her request
The God that sits at marriage feast;
He at their invoking came
But with a scarce-wel-lighted flame;                                
And in his Garland as he stood,
Ye might discern a Cipress bud.
Once had the early Matrons run
To greet her of a lovely son,
And now with second hope she goes,
And calls Lucina to her throws;
But whether by mischance or blame
Atropos for Lucina came;
And with remorsles cruelty,
Spoil’d at once both fruit and tree:                                
The haples Babe before his birth
Had burial, yet not laid in earth,
And the languisht Mothers Womb
Was not long a living Tomb.
So have I seen som tender slip
Sav’d with care from Winters nip,
The pride of her carnation train,
Pluck’t up by som unheedy swain,
Who onely thought to crop the flowr
New shot up from vernall showr;                                      
But the fair blossom hangs the head
Side-ways as on a dying bed,
And those Pearls of dew she wears,
Prove to be presaging tears
Which the sad morn had let fall
On her hast’ning funerall.
Gentle Lady may thy grave
Peace and quiet ever have;
After this thy travail sore
Sweet rest sease thee evermore,                                      
That to give the world encrease,
Shortned hast thy own lives lease;
Here besides the sorrowing
That thy noble House doth bring,
Here be tears of perfect moan
Weept for thee in Helicon,
And som Flowers, and som Bays,
For thy Hears to strew the ways,
Sent thee from the banks of Came,
Devoted to thy vertuous name;                                        
Whilst thou bright Saint high sit’st in glory,
Next her much like to thee in story,
That fair Syrian Shepherdess,
Who after yeers of barrennes,
The highly favour’d Joseph bore
To him that serv’d for her before,
And at her next birth much like thee,
Through pangs fled to felicity,
Far within the boosom bright
of blazing Majesty and Light,                                        
There with thee, new welcom Saint,
Like fortunes may her soul acquaint,
With thee there clad in radiant sheen,
No Marchioness, but now a Queen.
Do you know even
what darkness looks like?

it is when your home turns to dust
from sudden shellings
and you walk over bodies
of children,women and brave men
you once knew,blown up in syria,
the middle eastern sun even couldn't
outshine this obscured darkness

when your first flight out of country
ends up with you body tattered in pieces
dropping from 35,000 feet just because
pro rebel russians felt showing
how big their ***** are,

and here you sit
pleased in your well perfumed house
petting your cat
while writing on your mac-book,
"the way he left me, I was confined
to darkness"
I pity your darkness
but I hope you recover soon
from a weak heart
and delusions of insignificance
Shayne Dowell Aug 2013
My tender spring Rose, I see you gently breathe in the soft darknes
My fingers and my hand delicately glide across your skin,and I feel your every  stirring at my whim
You are always dancing, always changing, always filled with flair
Even when you are calm and still, I feel your presence rousing the very air
You are a flowing melody to my ears, a soothing glow to my eye,
You are the fragrance that I draw in, and then give back with my sigh
Yet you were the very first breath I drew
You fill me up with vigor, though become weak for you
Your beauty is heart-breaking, how could any man stand to not be one with you?
Passionate desire fills me to leap into your essence, to melt into your soul
I yearn to be able to say for just one shining second that I am not just with you, but I am your whole
I long to give myself to you, and my whole energy in the night
To be one with your beauty, one with your light,
I would offer all selfishness in sacrifice
This lion’s mane trembles with impatience to fall into your essence
Like lightning endlessly falling into love with the sea, from the heavens
I thirst for the exploding dive, charging through the life flowing through your veins
Down into your depths to retrieve that pearl that is the key to your existence
Finally reaching the destination and resistance that my soul was searching for in desperation
I desire to hold it within me that short moment of triumph, your precious fire in blessed consummation
You would be finally mine in totality, and I yours, my wild shimmering flower
And the thought gives me excellent peace, calming my restless heart
Though I am saddened, for I don’t know If it will ever be
My love, I hope and I dream that you are made for me
Many people consider travelling around the world
to be an adventure.
You see some place, the picture is there and that's it.
Where is the adventure there?
Talking to an individual discovering their characteristics,
Unravelling the most mysterious to science and never mentioned in religion-BRAIN.
The best adventure ia having a deep converstation
Caused by unstoppable sensation
To feel someone else's abyss.
Seems like our thoughts are the never ending
And always reacurring treasure we are looking for.
Dig and dig and dig..
Most of them are afraid what are they going to do with so much treasure.
Unable to whield it and create a better future with their vivid imagination
They leave it alone, wondering behind a dark door, locked away in their mind always beeing there for their master-like a ******* dog.
Good thing I am a sinner so my mind doors are black-darknes can't absorb my colored imagination.
No matter how hard you try to hold the door closed, your colors will always try to get out.
You can't run away from who you are.
One shall always strike to unravel him or herself
After all, we wouldn't have exsisted if all our layers were on.
If that is the case, then why am I walking around
Never seeing a person with deep intellectual knowledge ?
Why aren't they asking themselves the major questions?
Why aren't they looking for meaningful lovers?
Why aren't they appreciating the loyal friends?
The ability to learn should have been given to
Snails, they would've been faster in discovering themselves than we humans are.
Ann M Johnson Oct 2016
What I fear most are not the things that go bump in the night.
The things that frighten me are often times things that at first you can not see.
These things that first start with someone elses thoughts can too often be turned into negative actions. What may start as a passitionate thought, or cause can too quickly turn into a distructive action. This is why I fear insensitivity, crude jokes, apathy.
Other things I fear are people that talk without thinking about what they are saying first, or how others might interpet what they are saying.
I fear selfishness which may lead to uncaring actions.
I fear crude jokes that do not respect ones fellow man or women, because it could subtlely desensitize ones perspection of those around them. They may get defensive and say it is just a joke.
The constant violent images on the news and on television, may further desensitize others to think that volence is normal or okay, or worse still that it is a normal part of life. It don't have to be perseived as normal we can chose to limit our own exposesure to violence on television. We can let others know that we don't condone violence, whether it is on television, or in reality, or in our own community.
I fear all these things that at first hide inside the deepest parts of someones mind, long before it is publically seen. This realization of this hidden darknes,makes me cry, or scream, if I thought about it all before going to bed. I would cover my head and sleep with the lights on, and every noice would make me jumpy.
This is why I fear the things that I can not see the most.
Marian May 2013
I am begining to like darkness as well,
I am begining to come up with books to tell,
Books about the darkness that I am begining to love;
The darkness all around and from the sky above.

The darknes is like a veil of mist,
And all the flowers are dew-kissed,
I am begining to the land of dark Fantasy;
And the landscape I love to see

Meka Boyle Sep 2011
The scent of death is a curious thing
Sometimes it is upon one long before ones final hours
Yet other times it doesn't appear until long after ones last breath

But when it appears, there is no mistaking it
Despite its similarities with longing and forgetting
It has a subtle distinction all its own

It comes in the dark of the night like a thief
Stealing ones innocence and erasing any signs of hope
Leaving behind a skeleton adorned with empty optimism

Maybe if we pretend we can't smell it, it will pass us over
Leaving us prey to it's scarier half, called life
Whose smell is faint yet highly sought after

So douse me with dreams and kerosene
To trick the ghosts of the darknes
Because life and death are not what they seem as they see who can pull me farthest.
DC raw love Jan 2015
in times of darknes
with feelings of pain
this crushing moment
can drive you insane

it can feel like a vice
chushing your head

it can spin your head
and wish you for dead

it can make you bleed
from your heart within

it can make you cry
tears of pain

it can bring you thoughts
about love and pain
PrttyBrd Mar 2015
Abandoned to think...
Silence, darknes, loneliness
Emptiness...and me
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
authors note
Hey Everyone! This is a little peom I made with one line from each of my peoms fused together. It's a little strange but I wanted to represent all of my work. I hope you like it!!! Crandall*

I feel safe with your power
You chomped me and swallowed me whole
you're pitch dark eyelashes, like pitch dark strings
your kindness, happiness, gorgeousity

corporations are evil
crandall's art was super great
our wurld is a mess

you whispered it in my ear as soft as a pillow that i have just fluffled by beating it
i hear your screeches as you sing along to katy perry's "swish swish"
towers of grape, rolling bouncing
my fingers would slide down it like a sheet of paper on a river of melted butter

paper-thin beetle wings,
i love the little *****

eggs remind me of you
the next day i saw you your eye was the size of a glob of clove powder
Or an ant on a log

That was your licky number,
Don't be ashamed of your hobnobs.

I pear down and see its little legs trembing, shaking in death
the repriduction of the universe
howdy doo
my princess, my darling, my murderer

the ocean, salty like my tears
My thoughts were running wild like snip snip
i  g u e s s  t h i s  i s  j u s t  a  c r u e l  w o r l d

i smell you
take the nuts
Your kneecaps
hope you like this strange peom i created!
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
irinia May 2023
this endless procession of luminous shapes of darknes,
of blindind lights full of dark stories passing through
everything my mind can envision
thoughts slowly growing like trees with imaginary roots
to dygest to recycle the unbearably bearable
a true psychic cosmology cause life creates
by destroying, destroys by creating
I need to examine my dreams, not the alphabet of dreaming
-symbolic transformation, not equation-
the terror to be so alive in an unresponsive world
it is pain that turns my thoughts into wax figures
I want to deny that words have a heart of stone cause they might deny their nature
in the beginning was the word, or the emotional field, the primeval soup of vibrations
you are not what you know, you are not what you perceive, you are the one to be felt and let go of
we are all that is unbearably bearable
In a "symbolic equation" (Segal, 1978), the person cannot distinguish between the symbol and the thing symbolized. The symbolic equation denies separateness between self and object, whereas symbolic representation bridges prior loss.
Tulip Chowdhury Oct 2017
This darknes
can’t be lit
by sunlight, moon
of 100 wts or more.

I’m lost
walking blindly
stumbling, falling,
waiting for you
to hold my hand
and lead the way.

The darkness
in my being
can only be lit
by the one
holding my dreams.
DC raw love Feb 2015
in times of darknes
with feelings of pain
this crushing moment
can drive you insane

it can feel like a vice
chushing your head

it can spin your head
and wish you for dead

it can make you bleed
from your heart within

it can make you cry
tears of pain

it can bring you thoughts
about love and pain
I'm completely exhausted.
The fights, the screams, everything.
It makes my ears ring.

I cry myself to sleep.
Wishing I could turn back time.
When i was nothing but a child.
But I am stuck in this timeline

I gave you my everything
But all you gave to me was nothing
I promised you endless things
But now my sacrifices are just nothing

For I see you everyday
Wasting your life away
With the person I hated the most

Through thick and thin
I went through hell and back
My god what is my sin?
Why do I feel this pain?

You screamed "I hate you"
Yet I whispered "I love you"
I kept all the burden inside
Hid it and locked it forever
Within me it will reside

I tried to understand you
But you never gave me a reason to
All you cared for was yourself
Always your needs and wants
Never once of mine

All I need was you
All I wanted was you
But then you left me
And who was torn to pieces?
Nobody else but me!

While you were out there partying
I was in my room crying
While you were dancing the night away
I was slowly fading away

You had a drink in your hand
I had a razor on mine
Liquor was spilled on you
Blood was oozing from me

I am now waiting
For the darknes
It will soon engulf me
For I am long exhausted.
Dennis Willis Feb 2019
This slipping away
Starts with a
just let go

Or is it the
doesn't matter

Not worth it

And I wonder about the math of payback
given entropy anyway

The distraction of value
And achievement

What crawls through these Notions
And ends up being us

Confused in the theater
of life
While everyone experiments
With shouting the word

And I'm a liar
in time
Believing in you
Reaching for you
Patting you on the back
Looking for your eyes
I need what's in them

To feel

And you know me

Recognize the same
of haunt
and need

bleed the lines
of pressure
maybe bear down on it

Just nervous
this day will pass
without us

connected 2 it

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
just live Aug 2016
Some think the sunrise
happens all at once.
The sun bursts over the
edge of the earth
And suddenly golden rays
Shower the world!

They're wrong.
The sunrise happens slowly,
almost imperceptible.
The darknes starts to lose its edge.
The blackness goes from black to dark grey.
Then dark grey to light grey.
Until without noticing
you look around and you can see
Then over the horizon
peaks the edge
Of the glowing, life bringing orb
that floats in our sky.
That's when the golden rays come,
and warm your very soul.

*You were like the sunrise
Blue Angel Sep 2015
I feel as if in walking in the darknes
light stiches are broken but the twitch just enought so I can see something in from of me. I walk towards it, a mirror, it goes my scars, bruises, and cuts from life.
I want to disguise them, but they don't disappear. Especially the one marked with Love on it. It hurts, it hurts like a knife penetrating the skin. I can't seem to stop it. The damage is done
Luna Lynn Oct 2015
look up at the sky
the stars pull you in a trance
the bending of the naked trees
the blowing of the rotten leaves
put my soul at ease
the warmth of the fire
fuel my heart's desire
the fear dissipates into the night
black as ever
and here we lie chained together
i've figured out who you are
you were never far
you kept me alive
but you had to die
and now i know why
my love for the thickness
the depth and the darknes
my constant need to fade away
from the heartless
i still look to you
my ember in the sky
(C) Maxwell 2015
Micheal paxton Sep 2014
Rose fild from leaf to leaf of black darknes and bruses leaves it in shamefull regret untill out of heaven it self came the light of redemshon brighten's it back to life
Aprajita Apr 2016
Born on a silent day
With a tuff life
But there you were angel, inside
Always there to hold me tight
With happy memories to keep me alive

Decade has passed with our love's insight
But there you were angel with devil's eyes
All the trust shattered
All the love gone
What happened to us when they were wrong?
Left on the path of inferno night
Maybe you don't care about my life

Here I was alone, weeping
Buried on the graves of frowns again
Dreams of illness left by you
Cherished by me like they were new

Guess what angel?
You came back to me
Sparkling with the same spirit like it used to be
I curiously saw the shadow coming close to me
But the light unveiled your another face to scene

The darkness fooled me, I cried
But it was you just with another smile
Reasons came back to keep me alive
Dreams of illness are far away from mind

I rose from the graves and climbed the cradles
Darknes showed me a new shine
I found my angel with moon's light
With the same spirit but the face different from you, so quiet
Yanamari May 2017
The water rushes is in

The water laps gently
On the side of a metal container
In the darknes--

Almost choking

The water recedes
The white froth forming momentarily
Bubbles dancing
Back and forth--

Back and forth...
Back and forth

It sloshes
Using its smooth shrivelled hands
To wave away the heat
Wiping off the droplets--

The container vibrates violently
The echoing sounds of the
Tumultuous noise ricocheting
Inside the metal walls
Of the empty
Mohd Arshad Mar 2014
In its lap darknes
Folds me; stars gleam but very far,
my soul they elude.
Fernanda Moncada Aug 2015
I'm here alone again,
Thinking about all i've lived,
Thinking about the good times and the bad times,
Thinking about you, thinking about me.

I'm here alone again,
Infront the mirror, looking at me,
Looking my destruction,
Looking that i'm a mess.

I'm here, but not alone,
Because I found a place confortable,
between the darknes and the sadness,
So i don't have to feel alone again.
#depression #darkness #sadness #1stpoem #10:25pm
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
i gaze into this abyss
she is dark and wide,

her wide black eyes stare back at me
with sadness and longing.

i try to kiss her but when
i lean forward
i find myself falling, falling,

farther into this cold oblivion,
as the void whispers to me
"she will never love you"

and i say,
"i will always love her",

but this time the abyss does not respond
because she has eaten me whole

and all there is is

please comment and feedback below! thanks :)
Muck monster Feb 2016
Im swimming in darknes as a crippling weight hangs over me.

I find myself constrained so tightly breathing has become a challenge, thinking has become impossible.

Fatigue rusts me, chaining me deeper into my prison.

A crowded street or an empty room show little difference in the sunken eyes of solitude.

Solitude is not the lack of life around you, solitude is a vile terrifiying demon.

It plagues you, consumes you, feeds off your life force until the pulse of another living creature cant find its way past your skin.

Then, it just continues to feed.

Its not the room that's empty.

You're the void.

You're your own blackhole, freefalling within yourself with no bottom in sight.

Fatigue. My very soul aches. My consciousness is abandoning me;
                                              im slipping...
betterdays Oct 2017
the imaginings
of the lonely heart

wander within this page
and beyond.
sent like beacon lights

out into the darknes
of the heart's distress

out across the waves
seeking another life,
another living

seeking connection,
a return other than
plaintive echoes reply

into the dark
the deep, deep, dark

a butterfly
of heartstrings
and hope,
sent out
into a hurricane

and somewhere
there sits a soul,
weaving a net
of love and lonliness
awaiting a battered
but hopeful butterfly
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2023
You can say you are the

                           light and we the darknes

You can build your wall

                           taller than our olive trees

You can cast your satanic

                           silhouettes dawn to dusk

You can shadow over

                            our struggling seedlings.

Yet, fungi, lichen and moss

                        for the Hamas headbands

were flourishing in the Ubac

                      of our enforced depravation

while the circadian rhythm

                           of resistance survived all

your attempts to dominate

                                 eradicate and control.
Charlene Aug 2018
Darknes at times feels like my friend.
Early mornings brings me to a different state of mind.
A sunset changes the way I feel at that time

I love the dark because I can relate to dark places like the darkness that I feel is  in my heart.

I enjoy the  early morning it seems like the whole world is still asleep therefore Im feeling peaceful.

Sunsets remind me me to,get ready for the next day and that's why sunsets changes the way I was  feeling as I watched  the sun fade away.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2023
Circadian Rhythm

You can say you are the

                           light and we the darknes

You can build your wall

                           taller than our olive trees

You can cast your satanic

                           silhouettes dawn to dusk

You can shadow over

                            our struggling seedlings.

Yet, fungi, lichen and moss

                        for the Hamas headbands

were flourishing in the Ubac

                      of our enforced depravation

while the circadian rhythm

                           of resistance survived all

your attempts to dominate

                                 eradicate and control.
dylan Jan 2020
like a firefly trapped inside the palms of a bear.
i see only darknes,
even though,
I am made of light
i feel trapped inside this endless cycle of pain
fahminabesh May 2018
This time i can't hold you back anymore. i'm sorry, but it's just chaos here,chaos and darknes. My tears escaped my eyes
And I knew in my heart you were gone. Gone  just gone far away.

— The End —