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axr Oct 2014
You strip and scream in the pillow of your king size bed.
Something about life being too hard
or your girlfriend's unfaithfulness.
Somoene's outside your door
or maybe under the tree.
They know what their future is
and their prospects are bleak.
'I don't want to eat because I am so depressed. '
Well, how about handing over that food to someone who has been going hungry to bed.
You are never thankful for what you have.
Let's solve this without any animosity
We all have days which are bad.

I have seen the citylights
I have seen the people cringe with the pain
You and I know that this system is to be blamed.
It's time that the government has shown their true face.
Those schemes are probably gonna fail.

Unclean water, improper waste disposal
it's time we return back to our own morals.
I don't mean to be abrasive
but it's time we face it.
The rich are getting richer
watching poor men die
You get the picture
Divided by an imaginary line.

Some charities are a scam
'Please help us fund the education of the kids affected by the floods.
We have no proof where the money goes.
Our logic is ******.

Traffic lights changing colours
Wait?  Did someone break that one again?
That's a ******
No one knows where they are going
as long as the cash is flowing
So many around the world starve to death
'What the hell did you put in this lasagna? A rotten egg?'

Your emotional security us important
and so is your money.
You can enjoy as many luxuries
but remember to think of the less fortunate.
Srishty Mittal Sep 2014
Sitting by the roadside, and watching
                 urgent horns
                                        bright lights

Sitting by the roadside, and looking
                  begging children
                                          endless fights.
                                                                                                    Mittal S.
Neha Rajan Feb 2016
This evening, as I travel
Halfway across the city
With the gentle drops of rain
Kissing the window
Reflecting the numerous lights
Of the buzzing town

Lights that stand atop silver poles
Lights that guide speeding vehicles
Lights of skyscrapers and of humble huts
I gaze up at the embracing sky
With just a handful of stars
Smiling mockingly at the land below

Undiminishing and overpowering
I can't look away as they whisper
And I realise
They are the truth
And all that I  see before me;
The enticing shine
Are mere, blatant lies
Before the glow of the universe
Before the stardust that makes us, us.
violetstarlights Apr 2019
i can't see them
the stars
i've left them for the city
as for cheaters never prosper
i've abandoned my dreams for someone else's
and all i have left
is to gaze at the lampost
as it flickers away
AM Aug 2015
On Friday night
the citylights shone at its brightest
he'd made me laugh the loudest
where being near turned into nearest
is how I know I am the happiest
rey Jan 2015
life is just a monotony if you fill it with a single thing
take one down and everything falls apart
i remember that afternoon when it couldn't be continued
i remember my knees get weak
i remember falling to the ground
someone should've told me to fight less
should've told me to stop loving short nights away from home
stop admiring citylights from the second floor
maybe i shouldn't have woken up so early
shouldn't have taken early morning showers
i should have stopped myself from living someone else's past
and living someone else's hopes
never try to impress a dummy
even the ones that say they'll bleed for you
i will try to forget how i sound after climbing those stairs
how they picked their microphones and screamed their adoration
this is time to start anew
maybe this time there won't be citylights
but please tell those short trips i'm coming back again
and tell them this:
today i don't have other dreams to die for
eileen Nov 2017
My memories are pounding
On the walls of my brain
Telling me they want to live once again
I'm sad to inform them
They're stuck in the past
will die
With my last breath of life

I could never pick a moment
To live in forever

It depends on the weather
Tom McCone Aug 2015
i walk down roadsides n smile at clouds in towering wonder and sit upon hillocks of gravel watching citylights and knowing the same kinds of light shine upon you, too, sometimes: sweet, and in flittering movements. and in this snow-flurry, a single snowflake floats down the river of endless night, and drifts lazy pattern from our respective skins to each other's; i'll clamber up, down, over valleytops and riverbeds

to find you
Alya Adzkia Nov 2018
our relationship is like
you force the sun to stay on such a gloomy, rainy day
because you need her to warm your soul up
no, she couldn't shine as bright as usual

but you asked the sun to leave at night
because there is a moon
there is a constellation of stars
there are citylights
they brighten up your dark soul

and suddenly you like cold weather

and suddenly you miss a warm morning

and suddenly you don't wanna be interupted by her light

and suddenly you miss her flame

— and

enlighten me,
how can I survive?
Mountain city lake
in the middle of two cosmos.
Trees and citylights are poems
that nature writes upon the sky.
A Purple Moon Jun 2016
I wanted to be alone.
So I went to the roof to see,
the citylights blaring at me,
in their luring tone.

I went to the edge and thought,
"Didn't I love these and all?"
and when I looked down,
"What should I do?", I thought.

I looked down again.
"Didn't I dream to fly?"
Then, a dilemma.
"Now why do I cry?"

I went to the roof.
But I'm still alive.
Kunal Kar Jun 2022

There's nothing to be afraid
noone here to be delayed
we're just tiny sparks in citylights
trying to pretend we're alright

Can we ever feel this way
like the times we used to lay
in the heat and the grass
just being in this endless moment


I guess it's too late
To have my daring way
in this fake time and space
can we pretend to be okay

I knows it's been late
For this thing to escalate
I've been lost in the head
when you're not patient


It always gets this away
If I never lose my way
How can I find my self (i'm just a missed call away)

It always fades this way
But you rather hope to stay
Through these endless nights, (cause you're scared of the day)


Babe, you can let me go
just get out of home
Just leave me by the day
With myself,

Hope I don't recall
All the times we've been down
laying drunk in the lounge
just be yourself, and you'd find you way

Babe, you can let me go
just get out of home
Just leave me by the day
With myself

Hope I don't recall
All the times we've been down
laying drunk in the lounge
just be yourself, and you'd find you way


Tu rehnti na thi
Is pal main kabhi
Ab tu kyun kho gayi
hai is dhun pe, I'm just by the corner

Main Jo Yun kho gaya
ab tu Jo pass Meri
Yeh dhadkan Mila de
Ab tu mujhse, i:'m drunkfaded for you

Pre chorus
Dil yeh roohta mujhse, kuch tera dimag
Hum khowein hai Yun, in Zasbado main
Dil roya magar, but sun li tu meri jaan
Tu na door mujhse, just few miles away,


Babe, you can let me go
just get out of home
Just leave me by the day
With myself

Hope I don't recall
All the times we've been down
laying drunk in the lounge
just be yourself, and you'd find you way

Babe, you can let me go
just get out of home
Just leave me by the day
With myself

Hope I don't recall
All the times we've been down
laying drunk in the lounge
just be yourself, and you'd find you way

I don't want to say
I don't want to fight
just give your space and time
And I'll be just fine.

There's nothing to be afraid
noone here to be delayed
we're just tiny sparks in citylights
trying to pretend we're alright

Can we ever feel this way
like the times we used to lay
in the heat and the grass
just being in this endless moment
Lalima Yadav Jun 2018
Of all the places
I have never been before
I carried myself
With weight
Of a million wreath
To reach
Along the endless shore
Under the blue sky
Away from the citylights
That's where
My tears silently
Rolled down
That's when
I looked up back the sky
To start
Healing and blooming
Once again......

Don't forget to tell me how's the poem!!!
Sarthak Dash Jan 2019
In the dead of the night,
She'd sit on the railings of that bridge
And watch the citylights sleep
Inside the river.
phoebe May 2020
let our radiant warm bodies unfold between the bedroom’s white sheets and sink into the only religion we know— lust; hoping it revives us from our past sins.

we drench our messy souls in kerosene
so that when the fluorescent citylights
touch our fruit sap skin, we can burn tenderly
and call it afire love! we dance in old hotel rooms and paint each other’s bodies with technicolor beats and map each other’s anatomy and build pavements of small towns from it so we can finally stop telling ourselves that we’re lost souls.

our hearts vandalize our innocence and youthful skin in each other’s name dedicated to these serene days that we will never forget because i heard that’s what lovers do.
Saanvi Jan 6
Neon moments in life,
Flickering like amber shades.
Like dancing shadows on beige walls.
Transient memories of life,
Slipping like sand from fingers.
When you exit the movie hall after watching an exhilarating movie,
Feeling that your life has changed.
Your last day of school.
You were crying,
screaming and throwing up.
Or watching the stars glow from an urban rooftop,
the cars and people below moving like ants,
Citylights that  outshine the skies.
Walking home alone late at night through the suburbs, rethinking your life choices.
The first time your mother held your hand and cried.
The first time you smoked with your friends
secretly in the woods, feeling guilty later on.
Getting ready for the  farewell party of your  high school,
Your sister was doing your makeup.
The first time they painted your lips
With beautiful brush strokes, you were covered in sin.
I know while reading these words,
you all feel breathless.
As if the images are moving too fast
On a projector screen.
But that's life.
Nostalgia that lingers on,
It's fingers choking with a sweet melody.
Covered in shades of nostalgia and bittersweet melodies....
Damon 14h
Through the clouds.
From underneath they look like thick, gray sludge.
You swear they were white a second ago.

Are you falling?

Loud wind roars in your ears, your head starts to throb.
The air passes too fast, no chance to inhale.

The clouds look so far now, strange.
Was that a bird passing?
Bird... bill, feathers... wings
Yes, just spread your wing and fly,
fly away

That didn't work.
Maybe try again,
just breathe and- no air.

You can make out citylights now.
lot of cars for this time. how rhythmic they move...
Makes it look like the town has a pulse,
doesn't it.

maybe someone is looking up right now,
wondering how you got up there...
How did you get here?

The lights get closer, closer- they are pretty.
Dont you think?

Perhaps you'll keep going forever.
The asphalt will part and you'll go right through,
or maybe not.
But you probably won't feel the crash,

Strange how the seconds stretch.
Your lungs burn, the skin too- but its so cold

Maybe try that flying thing again, after all this is a GOOD TIME
to start believing in miracles

ignore the burning, just try

still nothing, what are you doing?

you're not a bird you cant fly-
breathe-no air BREATHE- STILL NO AIR

ONE- shut up

You won't fly. For You-

TWO- stop
-there is only One way to go-

breathe, fly
COME ON, breathe, fly, breathe, fly


— The End —