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The toughest conflict
you will ever encounter
is between your thoughts
and what you feel.
I water you not to gain something,
but, you stung me with your thorn.
just with benefits
Like any coin,
a story always has two sides,
and every rumor
carries a seed of truth.
If you are afraid about getting burned,
don't play with someone's fire.
You will never quench.
Don't play fire and expect not to get burned.
Tummo is also the Tibetan word for
"inner fire"
Huwag kang pumukol ng puno ng niyog na hindi mo kayang saluhin ang mga bunga nito.

Huwag kang gumawa ng sarili **** ulan at mang-gagalaiti kung bigla kang tinamaan ng kidlat.
A gentle creature
eating nectar from flowers
then roams in our yard.
A poem requested by my son about butterfly
I still bleed in pain
since you were gone.
There's a hollow space inside
that will never be filled and
there's no way to untangle
my heart from yours.

For the rest of my life,
you are always tucked in my heart,
.......our bright star.
First Death Anniversary of my Son Clay
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