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Mustafa Mars Apr 2013
I live in the birth of Nintendo vs Sony vs Sega
Trying to beat that high score in the Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat
Combat with a K
That innovative ****
I survived the destruction of Sega Dreamcast
As they became third party
And Microsoft took their place with Xbox and Ninja Gaiden
Alive from that old arcade
I live in the awing of the interactive Wii
And internet friendly Playstation 3
I also live in the original Mario Bros and Pac Man and...
Terminator vs. Robo-Cop
I bet you don't remember that one
Or Galaga or Excitebike
Or even that good old
Asteroid, space dodging, alien blasting
Spacce Invaders!
Yea, I'm from Nintendoland
No... Segaworld
Nah... Sony City
Nu uhn... Microsoft...
Can't even think of a place for that
I am from that video gamer nation
That fight, hack, slash, race, create, explore, role-play
Even play those insane sports
See I'm from that...
See, I am from that...
I am from that
Video gamer heaven descended
That has that powerful curiosity and love for that
Space Invaders!
That love for all video games
And that memory of the ****** game graveyard
Where E.T. now resides...
See, I'm part of the new gen
Trying to play Street Fighter 4, Final Fantasy XIII, Star Ocean
Saying "I go harder than you young bloods cause I played
Space Invaders!"
So, what era am I from?
I'm from the era of all gamers
Playing Space Invaders
Space Invaders!
I'm from the
"Game of the Year goes to..."
Mario, Tekken, Metal Slug
Namco, Sega, Bandai, Konami
All those companies that started as something else
But realized their calling was for our nation
Cause you see
I'm from that
Old school Nintendo
New School Wii
Old school Playstation
New school PS3
Old school Sega
New school Microsoft 360
I'm from a legacy that always succeeds in giving us dreams
That always seem to revert back to that
Old school
Asteroid, space dodging, alien blasting
Space Invaders!!!!!
For those who enjoy playing some video games.
Kristen Hain Sep 2015
Often times I’m staring
Awing in the curves of full blooming lips
Carved jawbone covered with deepening dark moss
The journey through the damp forest after warm rain
It is all awake alive and breathing clearly
Rising and falling like the rare drops from deciduous leaves
I cannot tell you how inhuman you feel to me
Your skin darkens around your eyes from nights up
Long evenings too many and whiskey that never even made it to a cup
Sometimes I cannot break a gaze from the casement around your pupil
The pools of honey drip further toward me
My feet find it impossible to remove themselves
So much like quicksand but sweet calming and warm
Smooth and simplistic in youth the way skin drapes
Hangs over structured bones in the most phenomenal way
Just as your eyes are lavished in graham brown
You stay glowing even in the cold weather from blessed ancestry
Down to tender arteries and muscle where I’ve placed lips a thousand times
Shoulders swoop outwards like broad boulders
Distinguishable markers play connect the dots toward inked surfaced skin
Permanence of scarred lines forming a hot air balloon and anchor pulling it down
It’s from your favorite band, I’m noticing synapses collide on the concept
Elongated extended vines lead to tools that hold and create masterpieces
Strong slender hands with fingertips that press and pluck strings
Coat themselves with paint on late evening or early mornings
Tread lightly on my skin and illuminate my face with a coaxing touch
You are the rain forest from sunrise
My heart thumps to the sense of danger behind a corner
But I know such things and if they were to **** me,
I would be treasured in becoming a tall Kapok
With roots buried miles deep
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Un, dos, tres,
un pasito 'palante, Maria!

Were the words
that ignited
her flare,
seducing every man
in the room
with her dessert-like
tone skin,
cherry colored dress,
and her *Latin
awing every soul.
She embodied
she embodied
Salsa music.

She was Salsa music.
Bathed in sunshine,
thy tint,
so polychrome, so fragile,
rode on the wind.
No perpetual apex,
only the awing moment.

Holding just a slender assurance,
you explore the ends of heavens;
yet only a trace of lingering,
exceeds the lifetime liberties.
SassyJ Apr 2016
A cider and a minder
Passing time as a reminder
Pink glow and songs flow
A waxy time erodes the mow

Renegades and perspiration responds
Swimming in winded seas of  Jordan
Heated in space, evicted in their pace
Libido fails as the liquor dilutes in taste

Catch an esse as the moonlight smite
Hold another to fake a romantic right
Filter to the cards of ace as the one winks
Emotive intruders farm in fields of pastures

Imbued with alcoholic waterfalls
Molehills of termites condense lose soil
A lack of connection a taunt that apes
Future anthems triumph in hungered strums

Amused by the music erupting volcanoes
A morrow blows as the candle slows
To tow the tall grassed disused straw
A spring to summer that promises sun rays

A resolve to moderation to preserve modesty
A kiss stored forever peeping the awing stars
To guard a heart and hatch uniformity
Trembles justly forgotten in termed premises
Friday night people watching in a Jazz / Blues club.
Jeremy Duff Nov 2012
"Ezekiel saw de wheel; way up in de air
And de littl' wheel run by faith, oh yes, an' de big wheel run by de grace of God
'Tis a wheel in de wheel in de middle of de wheel way Lawd in de middle."

Choir songs are fun and catchy and I have to sing them every ******* day.
They are all written by some funny looking black guy named James in the earl 1900's.

"John said the city was just four square, walk in Jerusalem just like John
and he declared he'd meet me there, walk in Jerusalem just like John,
Oh John oh John what do you say, walk in Jerusalem just like John."

Most of them are about God and faith but sometimes you actually feel them.
It's weird, they make you feel spiritual. A whole class full of students singing can do that to you.

"All this night shrill Shaunteclear, days proclaiming trumpeter,
claps his wings and loudly cries, "Mortals! Mortals! Wake and rise!
See the wonder days are under, and through his will good be done!""

Sometimes you don't even know what they're about, no kidding, but they still feel nice to sing.
The ringing of the Sopranos and the roar of the Baritones is awing, it really is.

"And the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells,
how the twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle,
in the crystal lime-de light."

It's cool when you sing poetry, like Poe or something like that. It doesn't give you the same
feeling but it's still cool, if you can get into that kind of stuff.
Zemyachis Jul 2012
Tyger, Tyger,
            burning bright
Like a lantern in the night
Who prowls slowly in the dark
Leaving not a single mark
He growls gently in the deep
Sighs to entertain some sleep
Shape and silhouette undefined
But are doubtless in my mind
To belong to that one creature
With strip-ed face and whiskered feature
Eyes that pulse and glow untold
Simmering with melted gold
As they stare and scrutinize
From mighty haunches he does rise
His massive paws and gleaming teeth
His dark lips will soon unsheathe
Like gleaming daggers polished white
Smiling bold in deep delight
Of finding company this late hour
Some small snack soon to devour
His body tense with animation,
Tail flickering with agitation
A coiled trap that’s set to spring
With a jolt and sudden fling
He jumps and runs past in a slur
Former countenance in a blur
Sprinting round with crazed emotion
Faster he spins in frenzied motion
‘Till the Tyger seems to vanish
As if some unseen force did banish
And all that remains is golden honey
Smooth and sweet, the color sunny
I gasp at this mysterious change
A curious sight, awing and strange
I ponder, profound in meditation
Wondering of next morning’s salutation
If this is all that it will take…
To drizzle on my next pancake
on the cover the same ones appear
we've witnessed them showing out
they've done so for over a long year

repeatedly their monikers are about
parading an ability so **** grand
we've witnessed them showing out

remarkable they of well scripted hand
ever shining the infinite bright light
parading an ability so **** grand

we marvel at their dominant flight
they've always had a star's billing
ever shining the infinite bright light

again to-day their fab quills spilling
of a class which holds such veneration
they've always had a star's billing

watching them is an awing inspiration
of a class which holds such veneration
on the cover the same ones appear
they've done so for over a long year
RIGAAL Sep 2010
I'm a curdled mess
a puddle of expired something
waiting to be cleaned up

it's funny when you look out the window of this bookstore
you can't help but wish
that the clouds could wrap around your finger
in the same way they tie mountain tops together
over the vast arctic sea

cause after a while of gawking and awing
you just end up staring at your own reflection
Lexy Garcia Aug 2013
dark bags reside,
under my forest green eyes.
the thunder is silent,
almost like a mute lion attempting to roar.
the shame is nonexistent,
and the beauty is awing.

Nelsya Mar 2017
driving through
the vast lane
passing buildings so tall
they beat the skies
and corrupt the night space

mind wandering
through the empty streets
seeing streetlights and neon signs
tricking humans
into awing them
instead of the stars

also manipulated
by the wind
and midnight dreams
caressing each mankind
lulling into a good night fantasy
to abandon the complexities
of the relentless reality
Hal Loyd Denton Jan 2012
Carolina stillness
A loving daughter goes to say goodbye to mother unknown paths she must now trod though the way be among the steeps with
Angry black clouds of sorrow overhead torturous lightning bolts that pierce and burn and sear the tendrils of the soul dear one
Release her to eternal bliss then come home hurting child you will find love has been ramped up and though your souls bed
Resembles A sheet being laid over brittle limbs and sticks know that God has prepared blankets of love a soft one as unexplainably as the
Touch From their hands and fingers that touch your arm or shoulder will pulsate with love instantaneous connection to their souls
Depths will be felt and known in the family and out you will know and feel a current that feels like surging rivers that converge with
Yours these will be full bank to bank at flood stage with emotions and memories of times in their lives that they suffered loss they
Will bolster your life some will be trees of awing heights this will generate your need to feel empowered and not small and helpless
Another will be as the weeping willow you will know you are welcomed to shed tears at any length you desire and have need of
A mighty oak runs through your husband’s family you will see the deep burned scar of lighting that names the tree in finest detail
It reads Jack lean on it rest under its shadow when reality burns to strong you are not expected to bear the brunt of its scorching
Blaze while you are sheltered there let your mind drift among Carolinas mountain pine if they are inland they still hold the breath
Of Atlantic’s waters in this you will be soothed rocked and cradled mothers arms now spiritual will rock you and hold you as when you
Were the smallest child know her personality character and essence passed to you at her final farewell motherhood stretches before
You as in spiritual matters you will surpass her who was your teacher and blessing giving to make you strong life has head winds that
Must be experienced not endured but grappled with harnessed then used to make your travels swift and ports of call will be
Educational informative giving you the roundness you need and the squared sureness that will hold against all storms your husband
Will be you your rock at times flint for you to strike there will be times you must burn useless and out dated feelings that would only
Weaken your resolve in the warmth of this glowing fire you will know profound happiness so come home dear one it has been readied
For you by your heavenly father
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015

I've walked these woods for as long as I can remember
These pines tell tales of their own
It was foolish to go out barefoot
But I did this time anyway

The well-worn path had gotten stale
So I elected to step off the path
The creek-bed lead the way
And gladly followed

It was about 4 miles deep
Maybe more
And the sun was just about to set
That I had stumbled and fell

I heard it before I felt it
The pain rushed in
Drowning out the sound of my screams
The blood was pounding in my ears just as fast as it was pouring onto the ground

I don't know how long I stayed like that
Just crying and screaming
For anyone
But no one came

After many failed attempt to get up and move
Only to flail helplessly and fall
Causing more screams
I ripped a length off my shirt and tied it tight around my thigh
Just as I had seen in the movies

Night was falling on me
Shadows were creeping in
I was scared beyond grief
Wide-eyed and terrified
I prayed for something

That's when he came looming out of the darkness
I thought I was dying at first
Seeing white flashes
But he made his appearance

Two gold eyes were peering out of the shadows
They glittered with curiosity and wonder
He cautioned closer
Just enough to make out his white body

I was fascinated at first
Awed that a wolf had lived in these parts
Fear dawned on me
There was blood everywhere

I didn't know much about wolves
I thought maybe they were soulless  animals
Looking for a fight
Hungry to ****
Blood-thirsty and ravenous

I thought for sure he'd attack me
Rip into my flesh
Snap more of my bones
End my life sooner than what it would just out here

He edged closer
Watching me carefully
I could hear my ragged breaths above my pounding heart
His ears twitched at the sound

He didn't come closer than fifteen feet
Now I could see he was actually a very light grey color, almost white.
He just stared at me
For a long time
He watched me
Watch him

My breathing began to slow
And my heart rate went down
It was now that I realized he wasn't going to **** me
I just studied his face in the darkness

Suddenly, the wolf got up
He had been laying down for some time
His gold eyes were stunning
Bursting with spirit

His mouth popped open
Dropping down about two inches
His teeth gleamed wickedly in the moonlight
I got scared again

I couldn't hear him breathe in
But his chest expanded beneath his fur
His eyes flashed
And he lifted his nose to the sky

A piercing sound hit me like a tidal wave
It filled the air
Leaving no space for any other noises
It was demanding sound

The crisp sound was breathtakingly beautiful
His voice jumped up and octave
Before making its descent
He broke off
Leaving his howl echoing off the trees
Humming in the ground

He didn't look at me at first
Instead his gaze traveled around us
His head flicking here and there
Before he looked at me

My ears were still ringing by the time he laid down again
He put his head on his paws
Just staring at me
While his ears swiveled back and forth

We sat like that for a long time
More than a half of an hour
That's when he got up again
He filled his lungs again and threw his head to the night

This howl was different
The first was awing
Piercing you with it's notes
This one was different

Its heavy somber tone was striking
It found it's way into my chest
I could feel the vibrations beneath my skin
This one was submissive
Giving in

He broke off suddenly
His ears propping up fast
He swiveled his head around the clearing
This time he didn't sit down
He'd only glance at me time to time

It was like this for about fifteen minutes
That's when he howled again

Just like before
This howl was different
His eyes watched me as he voiced his longing

A cold ragged feeling hit the air
The night seemed to pause as he sang his song
His notes stacked upon themselves
Ringing up higher into his register
Before he dived into his chest
It was a throaty feeling
Dancing in my bones and capering in my blood
His voice edged off into silence

His soulful eyes gazed at me for the last time
Then he turned and walked into the shadows
"Goodbye." I called out to him instinctively
He never turned his head back
I had a feeling I'd never see him again

I began to feel incredibly alone and lost
The only one that was here abandoned me
My thoughts were lost to the dark
As I struggled with my tears
I yelled in frustration
I was going to die here

"Hello!?" Someone yelled not too far off
I was shocked but I quickly regained my ground
"Hello! Please help me!" I called back, holding in tears
"Hold on, I'm coming to you." I could hear the bushed move and twigs snap as whoever came closer
"I'm over here." I could see them now
"Are you hurt?" I could tell now he was a man, early twenties. He leaned over me
"I think I broke my leg."
"Oh Lord. We need to get out of here. I'm going to try to pick you up, it's going to hurt." His arms gentle closed around me, carful to not brush up against my bad leg
I nodded
I bit down on my lip as he lifted me into his arms, holding back a scream. Silent tears ran down my face as he carried me back onto the path.
"I'm sorry." he told me
"What's your name?" I tried to busy myself with thoughts
"Conan. Whats yours?"
He carried me in silence for awhile. With every step he took pain seared up my body. I began to think maybe I had imagined the grey wolf.
"Why did you come here?" I asked him.
"I hear a wolf howling. I thought maybe I could catch a glimpse. Thankfully he howled three times, I almost turned around after walking for a half hour without hearing anything. But he howled again. You heard him right?"
"Yes I heard him."

He had called for help
He was my savior
That wolf has a soul too

That's why his name is Savion

© Copywrite Lycan
When weariness has struck me,
I look upon the old,
I see them fail, day after day,
and Fade.....

Oblivion's sire, is it not your name?
For if oblivion is past all Light,
Then into darkness we will fade,
to see the dark void's night...

I walk in forests with weeping eyes,
and shadow holds in my fears...
That the light of Trees will diminish;
An Awing lovestruck finish...

And as I look upon the trees,
I see star and moon shine bright,
and I, wandering my slumber,
See them fail tonight...

For all things on Earth,
even Earth, Water, and Sky
cannot resist the looming power
to surely fade; And Die.....
Hollie Stutzman Feb 2013
The Night Watcher pleads
“Oh, say, say, say”
He slips each rotting corpse beneath gray epitaphs bread and water
     prisoners of six feet, dirt, wood, fate

"Please speak, please say"
Mumbling under a thick dark blanketing the moon
The Night Watcher floats between stones
     awing statues adorned with shiny gifts and flowery colors
     trinkets of the worthy

     kneels longer at dusty crosses
     gives them spare bread

"Ha! Say, do say!" He laughs
    pursuing conversation with the silent sleepers
No answer comes through the soil
    applause of dead men silenced
    crossed arms stiff in cramped coffins
The Night Watcher lays among strangers
counts the lone stars
"Kids sure are growing larger these days!"
"Drug abuse is hardly seen!"
"My eyes view only opaque haze...
from the awing abundance of trees!"
"Not a soul took their life this year!"
"And not one harassed for being queer!"
What is this word you say?"

"My son is not known for
deceiving tricks,
or time spent in various prisons!"
"My daughter is not known
by her shade of lipstick,
in fact, when she speaks
everyone listens!"

"Not one reason to lock your door!"
"Avarice defamed, people are content with less,
rejoicing graciously for!"
"Did you hear of the major contribution
Of food for the poor?"
"I took a moment to watch water drops glisten"

"Predisposed judgements?
Don't make me laugh."
"Ink on the skin is an expression,
and a craft!"
"Those holes in their skin?
That just means they seek more!"

"It never occurred to me
To speak not the truth!"
"My government provides safety
without being uncouth"
"In fact, the president's never aloof
He's stern in his convictions!"

"Our troops have returned
from what they're calling
'the unnecessary war!'"
"BP oil are hanging their heads
to the floor!"
"And all marine life scrambling to shore,
don't worry, with this sanctuary, we be hoof"*

These things were heard on opposite day
And unless thoughts stray
They'll remain this way.
Don't let it waste, or let it fray
Because it matters right here, right now
Written at 3:11 PM July 1st, 2014 by Christopher Polizzi (THE Apache Tomcat)
Immense fire,
We heed you dire,
and bear the weights of shame!
The doom growing, blood flowing,
All ends shall be but the same!
O'er legions of frost do lie our hate-marshaled hearts
and over hills wreathed with flame do lie our dearest pains...
O misery us! This evil stabs my skin!
Buries needles, burns flesh at his whim!
Yet driven on by hope we barely stand aloft...

Amidst the endless sorrow
I look forward for tomorrow
Only to suffer pain,
day after day, it is vain...
My life, I woe alone,
Why have you, through the game
with spiteful wrath, assimilate us?
Evil wrath, decimate us?
our mind, and soul frail
and suffer unborn rights to wane..

Our grateful doom, inescapable might
the evil's fall, of unborn light
flees from pain, and his night
in which the gloom is set free..
Upon the endless mournful sea.

"Pain Flee!" Shrill my voice,
"Flame Light! Flee Night!" Rejoice!
The dark pain grows, an awful sight
of unending power, fueled by might..

Ravage these wasted barren lands
and steal their rightful joying mirth!
Strike the stars! Illuminate
us of our doom, an abyssal fate!
And saw the trees that together congregate!
Pain! You do all these things!
Through the dark to us, he brings
The Devil's willow, Satanic curse!
Pain rapture us before it's worse!

Pain you are misery!
Strike the innocent!
Steal their right!
Shall they hide from shadow's flight?
Or flee from dawn to the starry void's night??!

Pain, mistakable,
You fill us with your corruption,
and deceive us with seduction,

The doom of men is caused by pain,
ever a torture, wrongfully sane,
As we fight, we wane in woe,
The gloom and darkness is our foe.
That lets everlasting darkness in
only for doom again to begin
No man may withstand you
all are doomed to die through...
The game of agony, bemoaned by wrath...
Such blasphemy!
Amidst the chants weaving
and my dark heard deceiving,
and ruin to my heart,
from the End back unto the Start.
As time is undone,
and as children play,
and my heart begins to sway!
Everyone weep with me!

Poem # 9: Doom (again ;p)
When weariness has struck me,
I look upon the old,
I see them fail, day after day,
and Fade.....

Oblivion's sire, is it not your name?
For if oblivion is past all Light,
Then into darkness we will fade,
to see the dark void's night...

I walk in forests with weeping eyes,
and shadow holds in my fears...
That the light of Trees will diminish;
An Awing lovestruck finish...

And as I look upon the trees,
I see star and moon shine bright,
and I, wandering my slumber,
See them fail tonight...

For all things on Earth,
even Earth, Water, and Sky
cannot resist the looming power
to surely fade; And Die.....

Poem # 10: Law
What is law, if a law is abiding the law
IS law, what then IS the law????
What unmatched power,
unquestioned, higher,
than the firmaments, and yet
lower than the fiery pools of hell
might have power to make rules
we must abide???
Law, of man, is blasphemy!
No mortal creation should be deemed destiny!
Into the foundations of law!
O slavery! Misery!
In the void did law bring life?
If so, starts beamed blank on his face...
Law is powerless, save for Him
That bends it to his whim...
I totally winged it. With the help of Mr. M
I lay bleeding in the crevice
trying to scream the pain away
like a fiction, was noble bliss
I closed my eyes to end the day
and along came the man
that would silence my fears
bandaged wounds
skins of beers
dirge of tunes
smiling, "Cheers!"

I could walk when morning came
shake of hands
sharing names
Eljago, he said proudly
I cringed admitting my name
regardless he called it fitting
I said much the same

With Eljago's farewell words,
he strode in danger's path
Mount Death on his horizon
I looked on, "Absurd!"
walking after him,
"Why head there?"
He said love tests all men
but for some, there is a fare
"I'll join you on this quest!"
Looking mournful, he said,

Long was the journey!
'Neath forests, o'er hills
Nests of creatures, exotic thrills
Barbarian territory
Witch's lands... chills.
"I tire," I complained
Eljago urged we continue
"My wound gnaws me!" I shrieked.
Still, he pushed us
I collapsed, swamped in sweat
Angered, he chided me
and warned of the danger
I languished despite he
There was no roar or crack of twigs
no arrogant warning
the creature's maw like a cave
came to swallow us, darkness
Eljago swift, his might awing
cleaved it in two
while I sat bawling
Like two halves of a hill
each side flattening trees
the forest hushed in chill
as the beast was no more...
What did he use,
to fell the monster?
Eljago pointed to Mount Death
he insisted we go faster

The Journey was longer
than I could have known
at a faster pace
you'd think I was thrown!
I twisted an ankle
Eljago gave it strength
I fell over
He picked me up
I puked
He fed me
My legs gave out
He carried me
I wept
the air was so thick
I could barely breath
He finally stopped
He told me stories of his love
On an island constantly devoured by the sea
Eljago was loved immaculately
Her name was Vailloria
she came from the sea
they had ten children
but angered the Gods
for Vailloria was wed
despite Eljago's perceived odds
to have her for himself
he had to face Dragado
God of lies and darkest shadow

I told Eljago of my life
in laborious
and how I'd fallen to die...
Eljago, my savior,
to cry.
He had never heard a story,
so mired in turmoil
adversity made him strong
but it made me so weak.

Eljago carried me further,
to the top of Mount Death
There, I watched him approach
the throne
of the Shadow
of Death.
Dragado stepped out from shadow
his features made of bone
he looked down on Eljago
and laughed a roaring drone
"Is this what she wants?
That pathetic adulterous crone!"
Like thunder was the strike
right down on Eljago's head
never had a blow
filled me with so much dread,
but Eljago stood for glory
Eljago stood for love!
In fact, where was Eljago?
There he was, above!
His strike was like an eagle
or an axe
or something mighty
it split Dragado quick
but there was something
a puff of cloud and shadow
no residue of anything messy.

As the mist cleared,
Eljago glanced at me, confused.
I shrugged, scratched my beard
hoped the fight would be continued.
Eljago dropped to his knees,
clawing at his chest
"What's happening to me!" he cried.
I rushed over at his behest.
It was sudden,
it was cruel,
no honorable way to end a duel...
The shadowed hand of Dragado
burst from Eljago's chest
clutching Eljago's heart
failed was the test.

Eljago smiled,
he looked into my eyes, relaxed
he handed me a little scroll
"Find Vailloria..." and passed,
before his last words were said,
but I knew what we wanted last.

Dragado sat smiling
on his spectral throne
For once, something brave I said,
"Take me to Vailloria's home!"
Laughing, he obliged
A dark door opened
I walked through with confidence
and emerged on an island's bed.
There was Vailloria, waiting
beauty radiant as a breath of heaven
around her, children played
I walked to her right then
I handed her the scroll
She read it with her children ten
Who was Eljago, to you? she asked
Thinking of his tears,
I said, "He was my true friend."

The Mellon Jul 2016
The woods were floating
With song.
The light winked out at the trees
Burning in my soul

I felt my faith burst to life the same way a spark lights a fire,
Then just as easy as it was ignited
The icy breeze of doubt suffocated the spark of my heart

I was hopelessly lost in the dark
I floundered and fell

I felt like a rock in river,
Jutting up from the water,
Interrupting the current.

I felt like I didn’t belong, in Your sea of believers,
That I wasn’t clean enough to be of Your grace.

But Your waters eroded my harsh edges
And softened me to You.

I could live in the roaring water of Your love,
I could finally breathe with my head underneath Your waves.

My soul was a raging fire,
The eyes of the demons that haunted me
Glittered in the unknown.
Each pair of eyes, a question I knew not the answer to,
Prodding at my beliefs like iron in dying coals,
My mind would flicker to and fro
To and fro

Eventually I no longer had to look anywhere
I gazed down upon my dying embers of faith and saw a demon's eyes staring back at me

My face broke the surface of Your love,
And my lungs gulped in
The course air of doubt.

I left Your depths for the shallows,
Still there,
But no longer welcoming Your currents
Coursing around me.

The wind of voices telling me to leave You was strong,
And chilled my still damp skin,
Fresh from Your loving waves.
It made me shiver to hear them,
And long to be dry
And away from You, like them.
Washed up on the beach and alone.

The sharp stones on the shore away from You cut my feet, and I became calloused.
The only memory of You, was the drops of water still on my scalp.

I felt You stir my ashes
I felt the world stand still as Your breath coaxed fire from my coals
I felt the release of the wood pinning me down begin to kindle

I was reborn into fire
All that pushed and held me down now burned in my redemption
I watched as my light blew back darkness
I watched as my tormenters fled in awe of Your glory

I made a vow to let my light shine
It was good.

The air surrounding me became hot,
It burned wherever it touched,
And humidity clung to me,
Thick and sticky as molasses,
Choking my breaths
And ripping at my face.
I would watch Your waters for weeks,
Wishing to go home to You,
And tormenting myself with the idea that I couldn’t.

Then I watched Your Son sink into Your depths,
And the water glistened gold.
More desirable than any life I could lead away from You.

I dipped my fingers back into Your river
And You welcomed me.
You brushed the sands that had encased my body
Off of me and made me clean.
You healed the bruised parts of my heart,
And led me back home.
It was good.

*Saved, fire can burn upon water and water remain fluid in flame
No torrent of water will douse Your flame
No inferno will ever evaporate Your waters

You’re a gentle stream,
And a roaring fire.
You’re an army of crashing waves sweeping me from my feet,
And a gentle, crackling, dancing, light. Warmth filling the cold,
Your love is a hearth for me to rest at,
And an ocean to rage against evil.

Our shared relationship is fire and water.
Passion and tenderness
Love and love.
Though I stray from You,
You relight my flame,
And wash me of my wrongs.
You hold me close, and call me Yours,

You are Passion and Tenderness,
Awing and unchanging.
Love and love.
Love and love.
Love and love.
We mingle together to create
Tranquility and
Co author, Anonymous Freak. I haven't a clue how to add a co author, please msg me and tell me how.
For a week a man laid stiffen,
Was alive for his funeral in his coffin,
He admired the awing voices of the local choir,
For a second forgot why it was grimier,
He disapproved the chosen reverend,
For his summons would go on on end,
He couldn’t get over the irony so strong,
So many heartbeats for a summary a page long,
For a moment he wished he was dead,
For his mother retold childhood stories, turning his face red,
His love for his wife was renewed,
For on her face she had his buttocks tattooed,
He let out a silent one when his friend spoke,
Gas so deadly he could of choke,
He was irritated by his mother-in-law,
Lying that she loved him when he was her daughter’s biggest “flaw”,
His son had his heart overwhelmed,
Saying all the words in his pronunciation realm.

With his joy overflowing,
And the guilty for the tears growing,
The wise man bursted from his hiding place,
Embracing everyone, ignoring their confused face!

You might call the wise man mad,
While we are alive we insult, we make people sad,
But when they die, we utter praises, but they can no longer be glad.
That’s some serious irony.
Laurie Fisher Aug 2012
A solution is an answer is a new start is plan for action
My mind is a tangled mess is a upheaval of confusion is a plane of destruction

Your words are kind are intentions of rescue are helpful injections
My words are cold are harsh are screams of imperfect reflection

I am stained am bleached am covered in a negativity wave
I am fallen am failing am flailing

This day is everlasting is demanding is a revelation of my creation
My acts are grim are stern are unrelenting

Your forgiveness is comforting is awing is, undeserving.
Serendipity May 2024
Dashing, charming,
full of foolery,
She unwinds with legs of poison
sitting still on top the table,
seeping deep into my mind.

The image stains the flesh
and how I wish I could undress
the bottle of her sickly cyanide.

But taste testing pills and potions
made to drowse and **** the roses
are not nearly as sweet as implied.

So I admire from afar
oohing and awing at the bar
staring at the glass
and not taking a bite.
Dannie Marie Dec 2012
You saw me once
Interested in my appearance.
I was alone and scared
For no one had ever
Approached me with such inquiry.
As you reached out, you had asked,
"Who are you?"
I began to tell you my story,
The tales that no one ever knew.
I was a drama magnet, filled with pain
I weeped and I cried. I fought and I pained.
I gave you all that I was, hoping for you to complete me.
Instead, you had tuned out, never heard me scream.
As you turned away in disgust
I caught sight of you, awing at a better story than I.
I weeped again, and added more to my pages.
I had hoped you were the one,
To show me what it meant to be treasured,
To be called yours.
But yet again, I wait
For that one person
To judge not and pick me above all others
Despite all my pain and hurt,
And change my ending
For I was a book titled "Broken".
We are seas apart it seems
even sitting across each other.
We sail into rooms the same
hoping the Sun is risen.
Blinding as ever,
so this endeavor is not in vain.
So when we lock gazes there is no escape.
The pull is just as awing as the star
strong enough to pull these rafts
and drown us in these seas together.
Garima Khatri Jun 2015
Beautiful this morning is.
Maybe another word for serene!
The sun is lambent.
Embraced by those cotton *****.
This irregular arrangement makes it prettier.
Just like life.
Here I birdwatch
I realize how awing they are.
They are the morning alarms.
Where this perennial twittering wakes up the world;
Commands to do something new
Something different;
This new morning compels you to endure a hope!
A hope to to reach those heights where the sun always shines
How beautiful this morning is! :)
ivory Nov 2015
the poet in me is lost
it left my body while i slept, while i wept
and the shades of life have since grown duller
colors reach out to touch me
they say see me, see me
i once filled your endless cup of a spirit
with something,
an awing otherness
but all i see is the pit from whence it ascended
it's just black, black and black
Jade Quirk Oct 2018
It’s still 2am!
2 AM stuck in the same zone again
I’m in a room full of louding echos
Thoughts I simply can’t let go
I’m quite sure the world is upside down
And some people’s smiles are starting to frown.
As I lay awaking with an open head,
I’m letting moments spill over the bed
Flooding the floor.
As more memories pore
And I am alone no more.
Time pulls me back and I sink
Tumbling off realities brink.
When times rewinds it’s awing sight
One is quietly assuring, “It will be alright,
we’ll be alright.”
Wow it’s 2 am.
Then I want to sleep ;)

Late, late night in bed it is hard to feel okay. When the thoughts can drown you.when I just want to go to sleep. But sometimes hope assures me just to go to sleep.
Bryan Allen Apr 2014
Dear God,

I wanted to tell you that we're grateful.
All the things you do that we may not even see.
We go through our daily lives paying no attention,
But you are there nudging us forward.

Like a supporting father pushing us to our goals.
You are like a warm blanket letting us move on
As we bathe in the beams of your sun.
Your creation.

A man wins the lottery,
He is overjoyed by the money.

A loved one near the edge of death,
Someone thanks the technology behind it.

We can't seem to decipher what really brings us these things.
And maybe it's because we can't be exactly sure.
But if you are to call yourself a Christian.
A believer in our savior and a worshiper,
Why do you not praise these parts of life?

Or life itself?

I wonder about you in everyday miracles,
Little things that make a whole day better.
And most may not pay you mind when you do,
But they would if they had the time.

I just wanted to say thank you,
But then I think again,
Maybe something else gives us these miracles,
But I still go on calling you friend.

I wonder.

I wonder why you gave us what you did,
And why we still have it after we abused its power.
We're pawns of the world awing in your greatness,
And without our king, all hope is lost.




I wonder who you really are.

For if you're nothing but an imaginary figure,
What have we been praising?

And why do we convince ourselves of your existence?




Thank you for allowing us to be what we have become,
And comforting us in times of foolishness.
Annie Quill Jan 2016
Oh moon of Mars
Innermost satellite
Falling around mars in a mere eight hours
How fast that is!
How awing
In less than a day you go around
In a mere school day
You have gone around once
What an amazing thing!
Delphinium Aug 2018
birds startled awing
dashed across the glowing skies
like scattered inkblots
these things that I cannot word
I crumble another page
Part of Correspondence, a tanka collection.
Aditya Roy Sep 2017
God hides
Behind the trailing clouds
From the seer
And from his shapely shady sepulchral cynicism
It gets to him
Like his loss
Loss of power
And loss
(Anger reigns and now no more feeling of loss)

From the point of view of a mere mortal
This seems to be a fabulism
As the soul loses its gold
As it wishes to conquer aurium itself

The seer seeks permission to become the alchemist
To bring the God in the hearts of men and women
And God in their work and their mortal heir

Oh ***** that’s me
Thy expectations make me genuflect in obsequiousness
But, as the rage of the veiled forlorn crusade rages on
(Thy devoted matured follower shouldst not fight and let me do my bidding)
He barely manages a bow as he ripostes and hides
From the eyes of vicious genocide
But as this fearsome God manages to keep his cover from being blown
Thy Androgyny comes in many shapes and forms and memories of people
To test this loyal servant

To test like the serpent of ****** love
But he pollutes the platonic connection of God and man
And he falls to the steep mistake of his below-the-belt trick
From the scientific jester
(Awing everyone with his scientific gymnastics)
To a desperate trickster
Running from the path of Fate’s judging hand

The seer refuses to accept his victory
As he loses his love for you
(Fate destroys its oldest companion)
But the present seems too narrow for emotions
Relive the past and future written on Fate’s hand
To gain respect for Fate’s future actions
(I only complain about the traumatic present rather than the abstrusely illustrious past of the world)
Who knows what time brings to immortal Godly beings
A seer tries to defeat God's power to become alchemist. But he encounters Fate.
Nick Stiltner Nov 2020
I circle around a seething pit,
rimmed in despair,
as a vulture hungrily around it’s edge.
Vainly I look up, to the sun
And some days it’s there,
My reasons to be seem firm,
I can smile into the light
But on others it hides and I grow unsure.

On dreary days I can’t help but glance,
A quick sideways shoot, into the pit.
Another look, this time longer,
And I see it’s familiar form beckoning to me.
I see the swirls
Of Tartarus, the awing black,
And now it grabs my full attention.

Ward it off, I say to myself,
Be strong!
Some days this works, much to my delight
On Others the words ring hollow and I am pulled in,
A rope tied in my chest
To the side of the pit,
and I sit, head down in defeat,
on its edge.

It takes everything in me not to go slack,
Relax and fall, fall, fall
Deeper into the apathetic darkness,
Into the grips of senselessness,
The liberation of nothing meaning anything
Of life being a tortured, laborious dream.
Onoma Feb 2019
it's unbearably a word

waves away meaning.

yet means so much.


particularized fractals.
Crystal Freda Oct 2017
Inhale the sweet smells
of the Holy Spirit
Overflowing wells
of His great love.
Dance and rejoice
with awing feelings
at the sound of His voice
and seeking His face.
Britt Swann May 2020
When I close my eyes one last time,
I can see a darkness in depth I've never known.
It takes but a moment to recompose
That soon my flesh will recede from bone.

Yet of this infinite night adhere:
Stars gather round, burning cold and bright;
In passage my sorrows morph to stone,
Wings gaining in my crowning flight.

And those whose hearts beat close to mine
Seek to catch my pacific gaze.
Spritely in their telling smiles, golden and pastel,
I feel a hum amidst the celestial haze.

Together like wild geese awing,
My journey begins past Earth's lovely air.
We speed off to tour the heavens sound,
Until we reconvene to quell despair.
Nick Stiltner Oct 2020
Mother Nature grabbed my hand,
And Guided me when I did not have a path myself.
I followed my nose, the scents of honey suckle dragged at me
I followed my eyes, watched the damselflies glide
I reached my hand out and brushed the bark of a grizzled oak,
I learned what it meant to be strong.
My ears caught the soft reverberations of the babbling brook,
When I caught myself dreading a new dawn.

Oh sweet and awing mother,
You brought the rain and lightning
When I had a storm raging inside of me.
You crashed a tree in my way,
When I needed to learn to climb.

Snakes and spiders may scare some others,
But they remind me that we all have our places in your world.
You made the clouds move west,
When I needed a sign to move on.

When the path forked and diverged
And a queasy indecision rose into my spirit
You sent a single bee,
Who hovered in front of me
And lead the way through the forest.

— The End —