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Phil Lindsey Jan 2017
Ahh, shady lady says she’s shy
And insecure
As it were,
I say sure,
Sure, she’s a bit demure,
But that’s only part
Of  her
I too am shy and raconteur.
Ahh, I always worry
Cuz faces are blurry
I never remember the names;
I hide behind a graffiti covered wall
Standing tall
Feeling small
I guess I’m just part of the games
People play
All day, they
Deep freeze you,
Mess with you, then
Bless You when
You sneeze,
Ahh, get down on your knees
Please, and
Beg for mercy
Beg for pain,
Scarecrow needs a brain,
I’m begging cuz I got nothing to gain
Ahh, let me explain,
Nothing to gain, nothing to lose
Wouldn’t refuse,
A new pair of shoes
Mine are old,
Have a hole in the toe
The laces are broke
And tied in a knot,
What you got,
In your store,
You can give to the poor?
Or for a switch,
You can give to the rich,
Ahh, relax,
They pay the tax,
But, I ain’t no Robin Hood, or
William Tell, whose
Overture to the pits of Hell,
Didn’t sell,
Until he licensed it to the Lone Ranger,
Hi ** Silver, ask a stranger
If it takes a silver bullet,
To **** the wicked witch,
Lies underneath the house,
Curling toes and ruby slippers,
Dreaming of all the zippers
She unzipped, then walked away,
Ahh, it’s a brand new day.
So if the IRS calls
Tell ‘em I’m dead
Or went to bed
I’ll sleep it off till noon,
Now you got the name of this tune
I’m howlin’ at the moon!
I’m crazy as a loon,
See you soon.
See you soon,
See ya,
I’m leavin’ in a hot air balloon,
Ahh, there’s no place like home.
Or Rome,
If you get the chance
To dance,
With the Pope,
Or if you want to see the lions
In the Coliseum,
You can see’em,
Having lunch,
Captain Crunch,
The Tin Man needs a heart,
Tear me up,
Tear me apart,
Ahh, you were all there,
You, and You, and You,
For certain,
You were all behind the curtain,
Ahh, MGM,
And the lion roars,
The End
Phil Lindsey 1/13/17
It is Friday the 13th.  Had a couple of drinks, stared at the moon for awhile.
Star Gazer Aug 2016
"Forget me already. It's not mmm... good for you to still remember me. Uhh; I want you gone from my life, please?" Sarah requested with frustration creased on her face.

Sarah wasn't your average university student, ash blonde with streaks of red in her hair, slim tanned legs just enough to make a young teen salivate. She was neither tall nor short, and if Goldilocks had met Sarah before Goldilocks would have exclaimed 'just right' about Sarah's height. You couldn't tell whether she was rich nor poor because Sarah had always worn amiable denim jeans though they were always ripped. It could have just been her fashion statement, a sardonic "looky over here people. I'm charming pfft, no one knows how charming I am and I don't even have to show skin to do so". Sarah though seemingly perfect on the surface, had always had self esteem issues; she'd mumble sentences and say "don't worry" when she struggled to convey herself.

"... Please?" Sarah requested with frustration creased on her face.
    To Jim, this was the usual request he'd heard over and over. At this point, about a million and twenty three times; it no longer phased him. Jim gulped in a mouthful of air before going onto his retaliation; except his retaliation did not involve calling her 'a *****' nor did it involve calling her 'a **** covered ***** that no one will ever love'. No... Jim was civil tongued in a rather strange demeanour.

"Sarah darling. The moment I forget you, the skies will fall, the clouds will shake, rain will flood the Earth because the very second I forget you, my world and I will have been destroyed", Jim said with a sheepish grin. Jim was a cunning man, almost too smart for his own good at times. He'd always reminisce on that one date he had with Sarah. He had taken her to a nearby farm, and nearby to a suburban kid was a two and half hour drive. The farm was not the most romantic place but to Jim, cow manure and sheep manure whispered "this is the most organic and romantic place you can ever find". The minute they had arrived in the general location of the farm, Sarah had already been, hungry, tired, sleepy, angry and most of all she had to put up with Jim not revealing anything to her....So fear was one of the cause of her anxiety with Jim, though she could trust Jim with her life so it somewhat lessened, the very moment that fear piqued.

The ground, wet soil, faint smells of manure, 'Nature'. Jim flaunted the minute he had arrived "HOLY SHEEP! Look around Sarah, aren't they wonderful?"
          Sarah mumbled, as she most likely always does "they....mmmm....they are nice....umm I guess".

Jim projected his voice, shocking Sarah again, but at this point a feather falling to the ground would have spooked poor little Sarah. "SARAH! Look over here. Do you see the cow. Why don't we call her Cherry?"

"Why Cherry?" Sarah asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Jim took a big breath of the farmland air "Because ...cherries are edible."

Sarah slightly disgusted but with a smile on her face nonetheless.

Suddenly, Jim grew quiet; and for a blabbermouth, 'would forget to breathe because he's talking' Jim, this is a pointer that there may be something that wasn't exactly right.

Jim spoke, breaking the silence created by the void of words that was Jim and Sarah, 'Babe. I've been thinking... and before you jump to conclusions, no we are not breaking up, not on a farmland, that's how you'll **** me and feed my bodies to the pig or something....and nothing eats Jim Thorens except dinosaurs. I wanted to say, I've been thinking about how lucky I am. No I didn't win the lottery, nor did I come to an inheritance of a million dollars; one because I don't gamble and two because shitheap of a family won't even leave a cent to me probably. But I am a lucky man, because I have you and having you is like winning the lottery. It is like inheriting a million dollars. It is like having the palms of the world, in a single minute I get to hold your hand."

Sarah spoke, tears invading the corner of her eyes, "Maybe this world is too good for us. I don't know but lately, it feels as though walls are collapsing and I can't keep feigning it anymore. I chose to come along with you in hopes you'd end things with me", Sarah had hardly ever spoken for so long without a few umms or ahhs in the way, but this time something came over her.

"...But I love you babe. Don't you love me?" Jim building a bridge to clear the doubt in between their relationships. Sadly, the bridge he built in the form of a question did not support the weight that they both held. One loving too much, and another loving too little.

A few days had passed. Well what was a few days for those who aren't heartbroken, felt like decades for those with a hellish hole forming in their hearts. A few days, merely a few days, with the overclouding, overbearing sensation of a lifetime.

Jim Thorens had called Sarah Silva to arrange a meeting, with the tone of 'complete strangers, who tried to hid that they were past lovers'. "Hey Sarah, It's Jim here. I've been wondering if...ummm if you'd ahh want to get a coffee. So we can have a little umm chat?" Jim spoke as he left a voicemail.

Jim Thorens saw Sarah Silva making her way to the empty chair in front of him, a smile lit on his face as it had always done in the before-times. Except now, it wasn't the same as the before times.

"Forget me already." Sarah mouthed in silence and though Jim could not read lips, he understood. He understood every bit of that silent air.

"Forget me already. It's not good for you to still remember me. I want you gone from my life, please?" Sarah requested with frustration creased on her face and a subtle roll of her eyes. This time, Jim's pain was audible.

"What if we..." Jim started to speak before being completely cut off by Sarah.

"Don't worry". Sarah said, as she stood up and left.
Scottie Green Sep 2012
I pressed my left heel down to get it into the strap of my sparkled sandal--bought from the cheap version of the rich girl store; I got them more than half off.
I'm a fraud.

Sliding my foot into the shoe,
the way I've done so many times before,
I lose my balance.

And there goes the first one.
I knew the nails were coming off;
I'm not all that wealthy.

I have to wait until the last minute to cough up fifteen bucks to get these things re-done.
I thought it just popped the nail straight off,
but it throbs and is begging for me to pay it some attention.

I peer down at where the once perfectly manicured nail (baby blue tips and all) had sat upon my index finger.
It has left a ****** mess--jagged and imperfect.

I can see my real nail drawn up next to my cuticle like a smile.
Placed on top is a half moon of hardened acrylic until it breaks off near the soft doughy point of my freshly exposed fingertip.

The blood lines the rim and trickles it's way down
curving its way around the smile;
highlighting the crescent of my own fingernail.
It throbs.

I say wanting someone to hear me.
a little louder.

I just want to complain lately.
I want a little attention for the suffering I put my own self through.
As I wait it throbs more.

I wipe the blood away just to watch it refill.
I walk down the stairs,
and they take care of me.
They give me my oohs and ahhs and owes,
put some ointment on a paper towel because we don't have bandaids,
wrap it with tape,
and I'm off to sew my dress back together for dinner.

My sister's dress;
my sister's dress that she got from a nearby neighbor
who stuffed it in a trash bag and left it there for us to take.

Maybe I will get a discount.
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Doctor told me
I got a Vitamin D deficiency
Thought "I coulda told you that!
It's been 7 months!"


But in all seriousness
Twas a relief
To have an explanation
For all the fatigue
And flu and aches
And moods

I know I'm sick but was
Tired of always feelin ill
Child with Ricketts level
Gave me some souped up pills

Could feel it in my bone ahhs!
This is the ****** ***!
Alive again!
Spring in my step!

And though this is all said in fun
There's lessons to be taken
From the blood tests
I just had done

Put those vampire tendencies
Behind you
Catch them rays
Enjoy the ride
And erase the gloomy days
Of sitting inside
Go get out in the sun!


Bit tongue and cheek but true stories. If anyone's feeling a little low it's worthwhile to go get your vitamin D levels checked.
We are children of the light after all!
Anna Zagerson Oct 2012
If I loved lustily like a man,
I'd strip it all down.
I'd take away her oohs and ahhs until only her yeses were left.
If I loved her like a man,
I'd remove her woman's mystery.
I'd tell her she was doing it wrong and show her someone who did me right instead.
I'm glad I don't love quite like a man
Some days, it's easier being a woman.
A soft touch
Slides across the skin
Chill bumps rise
As belly quivers within

Expert hands used perfectly
Heighten desire
Every touch more exciting than the last
Body heats up like a fire

Lips press to the silken flesh
Velvet tongue delves out
Washing the skin almost
A moan escapes loudly

Teeth nip at skin
Nails scrape the surface
Buds tighten to a sensitive nub
Lips find and kiss

******* deeply
Knocking the wind from the lungs
Back arching
Hands cling to the head

Gasping as body grows hotter
Cries grow louder
Hands move faster
Lips meet lips

Moves grow demanding
Flesh to bare flesh
Growls mix with moans
Bodies entwine

Tension Grows tighter
Movements get faster
Heat engulfs them
Volcanic force surrounds

Electricty surrounds
Crackling and hissing
Shrill voice piercing the ears
Gutteral moans vibrate ear hairs

Finally shaft enters well
Nectar surrounds it delicately
Muscles squeeze and release
Steel hits harder and deeper

Friction increases
Sweat beads on surface
Honey flows against the tight rosebud
Fingers twist and release the plesaure spot

Perfect rhythm
Increases to a frantic dance
Changing position
Depth  unhead of obtained

Whimpers, Whines then Cries
Moans, ahhs, and Groans
Squishing slaps heard repeately
Mouth mash and bite

Timing almost right
It is on its way
Winding tighter
Growing hotter

Suddenly it comes
Body hammers quick and hard
Then pauses and and slams again
Milky white meets clear and thick

Panting cries reach high pitch
Waves of passion overcome all
Collapsing together
Entwined forever

Lovers thats what they are
Now and forever
Never very far from the other
Love You See



Love the best of them All
Written by Niyahlove all rights reserved
Carolyne McNabb Jul 2016
Back into the circus,
Back into the ring.
Just another spectacle,
Another freak they can make sing.
I'll do my flips and tricks,
I'll sing, dance, juggle flaming sticks.
The audience laughs and cheers.
If one jeers, boos- no one can hear.
The thunderous applause,
Whistles of approval,
All of the oohs and ahhs
Please me and tickle my ears.
Welcome to my carnival.
Here in this tent I put on a show.
It is a mirage to please all who go.
It is the most convincing act-
A performance no one can look past.
They can't see the real me
Past the freak they want me to be.
Here in my circus,
Here in the ring.
Ring around the rosy,
Throw the ashes around like sickness.
Welcome to my carnival
Where I'm just another freak who can sing.
Ring around the rosy circus tent
Until in ashes it all falls down.
Erin RH Mahoney Feb 2013
The ineffable ignites the sky,
As words unspoken
Crackle and combust
Into the raining fire
That lights our eyes.
Oohs and ahhs gasp
As the ashes disappear into the night,
The very fabric of heaven  
We dream of each slumber,
That one day when we too will see the light.
Two lovers kiss beneath God's gates,
Believing that they will ascend into the stars as saints.
When the twilight has passed and dark is upon us,
We too may take that firecracker to the heart,
Life's deepest and cruelest form of art.
Marlo Jul 2014
How am I supposed to celebrate Americas freedom
While I'm not free myself?
My mind strangled by metaphors
And thoughts of him
The fireworks making the sky
Shine and glow
As he used to do
By placing a smile upon my face...
The oohs and ahhs of excitement;
Barely equivalent to the burst and sizzle
Of each shared kiss...
Happy people in love
Suffocating me,
His scent is pushed past me,
Carried by the wind.
My heart sinks a little more
With each vibrant spiral in the air.
Fire is raining in the sky
As I'm slowly sinking through the ground
And into the fire below.
. *** .
KingOmar69 Sep 2013
Fade in: Ext. Theater - Day
Cue clouds: gray shrouds
blanket the sky
and the sun's last remaining rays
Cut to: Ext. Theater - Noon
Cue crowd: no sound,
no song comprise
the mise en scene
of this somber scene
Fade in: Int. Theater - Night
Cue sound: few gasps,
some oohs and ahhs,
some cries comprise
the mise en scene
of this joyous scene
Cut to: extreme close up
Their eyes reflect the faces on the screen:
Newman, Hoffman, Brando, Ledger
Pacino, De Niro
Penn, Caine, Dean
Fade out
Nat Lipstadt May 10
happened upon an extravaganza of spring’s hallmark,
the cherry blossoms outing their munificence of color,
I happened to position myself direct below a tree,
the thicket
of blossoms so, well, thick, that sky was obliterated ‘cept
for pointillistic spots of blue sun, yellow sky that poked
through the
few de minimus interstitial spaces permitted, and was
struck silent, by-for-before shimmering eyes that uttered the
requisite oohs and ahhs,


words came to me weeks later,
when the memory, now fully decanted,
courtesy of a giant tech company’s code tinkering,
merging and splurging the combined images in the
photographic memory
of my devices,
as if to say:
your life is
points of light and color and scent
as you write now
amidst the hubbub of jackhammers, raucous horns a blaring,
the homeless screaming on the street at god,
the fatalistic headlines of hate and
the pallor of a low level haze of perp~gray
between you and your true elfin self,
and you are not surprised,
but sadly, but not entirely,
that the photo’s true utility was to
remind weeks later
that all that my eyes utter
is not just
woe, double trouble and toil, toil,
but to Hey Jude and George,
step out and see the park on a Sunday
in its entirety and to glory in
your being
by being
a point in that tapestry spectacular
of ingestion, digestion and final comprehension and
a happy

across the course of
May 2024
You put forth and claim you loved me;
And with a murmur
        who purrs like my cat
    Kindly as sundown to nightfall myself
        in such manner—
O' dazzling days o ' ember
Ye, sayeth now you love but
then thine gloaming lips
You say you are at blitheness
Although mired than silhouetted
         by pouting kisses
But you say,
You love me
While midst sublime to yours
Beguiling passions, abets
Breathtaking verses,
sweats out of me
I'd love for you to open up
A Fire-burning ardent desires
My God,  can you hear me whispering
My amazing Lord!
Please give me my soul mate
to cuddle
and ******
Ahhs of snuggles
Don't let me go this thine nuzzles !
I wanna be entwined unto the shadows
Of blamelessness..
I will fly to you,
so please put a halt for me
But only one thing I doubted about,
Herein hearty Eros of God's love
wherein this immortality is made of,
And die in it,
Yet cherishes was in my
Brain trust, thinking, sweetly,
Oh come to me in my dreams
Whist starring beams
with schisms
Thy butterfly kiss
Thou renew though begotten vow soonest
We can't win 'em all as best
behaviors chronic, in stills
Thou when dost wakes up
As much-needed hopes
our love into the deepest
enchantments of all essence
  Oh me, inquesting questions,
Sowith love never-ending failures
Ne'erland of promised lands
Shying away lessons - learned amass
let alone revisiting sadness,
at hand
        Oh dear Thee, behold, love me truly!
Once more, wish you could be here
   so no more storms to adhere
More so thy moment of September
    deemed Saint Cupid's calls for
Lest my mindset a trendsetter
Let alone sustainable care
You utter
and care
For a favor
In return I can't take it back
But go ahead, come on rays of light
Tough 'love' and found 'lust'
we gonna kiss the disturbed dust
In silence when we must
Unselfishness thoroughfares
and I can't help it but be just..
Oh com'on love me with all thine heart!
Brandon Jul 2014
Fireworks go off.
Boom. Bang.  Fizzle.

I'm inside reading a book.
Some drunk writer rambling about work.
I hear the oohs and the ahhs of civility outside these four walls
and I look at the bottle of scotch nearest me and grab it.
It goes down and warms my stomach.
I stand up,
walk to the window,
move the curtains out of the way,
and watch outside.
I see people
and their families
standing on front porches,
chaired up in their driveways,
some ***** standing in the streets.
All have their gazes pointed to the sky.
I look.
I wait.



Blasts of color and noise
then the dark grey smoke
staining the night sky.
I take another drink from the bottle.
I sit down.
Close my eyes.
I see fireworks
exploding in the sky.
Debbie Lydon Sep 2019
The ooos and ahhs have hunched my mind,
Crippling my conception of a world undefined,
Wandering alone will tear the fabric of this frail design,
And crucify me upon a truth to which I am aligned.

There's a nuisance and a laughter waiting there, just in front,
When fear approaches it is made humble by humour's brazen affront,
Oh such honesty can only be existing to amuse or to make my edges blunt,
Turn the tables of their titles, I am neither teacher nor student.

Hallowed ground? not at all, it did regenerate its soil,
A ground that knew those ancient footsteps knows no more the walker's toil,
From creation's genius clowning I am so ready to recoil,
But I say face the laughing liturgy, recall the joke that roused your turmoil.

A joke that has remained there, at the core of every tear,
It is quiet, almost inaudible, if you will not hush your brain to hear,
Once discovered, like the sun, it strips the night of all its fear,
And in its wake there is a smile and a wreckage to revere.
Cat Caldwell Jan 2015
That’s what I am
That’s what we all are

by the flaming desire to be that
special something

The special something that
shimmers and
in the light
Creating ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’
at every turn of the page

It lives in the back of our minds.
That desire.
Waiting for
yet another chance to look
for the
golden pedestal

I am consumed by search
The search for that
special something

In people and places
I’ve looked in
books and
movies and
a few mirrors
    and there
no image seems to measure up

I just can’t figure it out

My life is laced
with reminders of
the golden pedestal
I’ll let the flames continue
licking my skin
until I’m
more than burnt ashes
by the words on a page
The sounds I missed
full of bliss
Little moans
Whimpers and groans
Heated breath
Sighs with depth
Sugary AHHs
and HEATED O's
Vocal gestures that reach my toes
Back again with baited breath
Vocally charged little deaths
Hello I giggle
Alive again
Panting sounds
Hiss & Snarls
Grunts & Growls
sounds I've been making for hours
Robert Gretczko Sep 2016
i'm thirsting for jacquards and fine stemmed glassware
arias and plain flat violet skies that seem to curve to the clouds
firmness that releases soft edged conversations relinquished doubts
and stubborn stroked outlines of earlier times... peaches in kraft bags
ripened to the sweetness that "ahhs" the tongue and smiles that
linger and trickle down to bebop rhythms and Sarah's songs
tricky stuff said and done with twisting turning resolute
convictions and strained certainties that spoke to truth and
utter passions that seemed to spiral like so many dervishes in tophat
wonderment... look at the fallen trees and lost warriors that happened past histories... ultimate choices when futile jestures seemed
like the oligarch's pronouncements... merriment comes to tamper with
memories and sadness falls into chutes flowing to wide streams
where friends wade knee high over soft slipping stones all placed and counted matched like Orion's special quarter of the universe... stay quietly among the ferns and frogs and pace yourself to the changing monotony or feast upon the first light tickling your eyes tomorrow morning.
A Living Shoreline!
red violet trumpet blossoms
and spiraling vines curl happily
alone the craggy, rocky banks of the Indian River
oyster reefs, black and white mangroves,
truly a wonderful coastal restoration effort
at Ernest Kouwen-Hoven Riverside Park

A little piece of paradise
with a spectacular view of Melbourne skyline
fills us with smiles, oohs and ahhs

David and I hold hands while ambling
out on the long wooden fisherman wharf
jutting out into the Indian River
A few folk at the end of the pier
dangle their baits into
indigo ribbon waves

Perfect day with a lithe breeze,
umbrella clouds, and damask silk blue heavens

A youthful couple in a green and gray hammock
sway playfully to the not too loud rap music

This gorgeous day ends too soon
we pack up our picnic baskets
saunter towards our car
two regal pelicans gracefully bid us adieu
B J Truax Nov 2015
First snow is set to fall.,
Not ready for it at all.
First it's all oozs and ahhs
Then we turn and we shiver
With thought of more on its way.
Pull the covers and wish it away....
tom krutilla Sep 2016
It seems so long ago
Yet just a whip of time
When your tounge browsed
Around my lips
You did that to tease me
To weaken me to a puppet state
The only thing I can do
Is hold your hips and let those seductive eyes and sensual breath
freeze me
And with a smile and a coaxing nod
Are bodies entwine
All the oohs and Ahhs provide passion
As I take another sip
Maddy Dec 2019
Fifth avenue is dressed in her finery
her shop windows glistening
Her Rockerfeller Center tree stands with ohhs and ahhs around
Her daughter was excited
Her mother didn't have the heart to take her to American Girl or FAO Schwartz
The money wasn't there
This young mother was not dressed warmly but her little girl was
New York City has a magic all her own
A beautifully dressed woman with three little girls in tow gave the little girl a bag
Happy Holidays she cried out as she and her children were whisked away in a car
The bag said American ******* it and it was full
In and out the door
Seasons Greetings and be grateful for others don't have what you take for granted

Travis Green Sep 2022
Upscale praisable sensation
Radiant grade-A tastiness
The most cherishable
And worthiest immersiveness
Your infectious eximious flex is beyond description
Unconquerable mind-boggling machoness
Banging hot marvel
I want to mack with your grabby beardazzling masher

Take a ride on your remarkably rip-roaring rollercoaster
Taste your fabulously picturesque and delectable lips
Fuse my silken feelers against your smooth tattooed neck
Get an eyeful of your lush deluxe seduction
Opulent dominant hot stuff
So arrestive, impressive, and reflective psychedelic finesse
I yearn to unravel your enrapturing earth-shattering majesty

Feel inside the slickest and sweetest depths
Of your incredible stretchable majesticness
Make you moan astonishingly saucy words
Break down your flaming powerhouse sublimeness
Make your extraordinary worshipful mantuary shudder
****** my seductiveness in your yummy creamy tunnel of thugness
Let my magical slappers captain your beefy brick-hard buns

Make your hunkiness dumbstruck
As I run my mayo shooting thunder gun
Deeper in your lustfully seductive guts
Rub my luscious mushroom head against your manpussy
Swirl it around in your appetizing amorous playground
Let me devour your splashiness
Jab my spectacular graspers tight enticing masculineness
Meddle with your thick meat stick
Your massive dangling clappers

Feel your supernaturally passionate *** cheeks
Bounce against me as I pound you violently
Like the biggest, fiercest, and unbridled lion
I rifle your divineness, tattoo gayness
On the salacious pages of your straightness
Shake down your inner nation
Listen to your oohs and ahhs
As I send steaming steezy electricity
Throughout your ****** attractiveness

Watch me dominate your brazenness
Feel you clench your back end
The more I send your masculinity
Give you my exceedingly bewitching sweetness
Bliss you out, make your mouth water
As I hold you tighter, peruse the inmost limits
Of your seamlessly invincible dreaminess
Smoke you out, make your head spin
As I stream out hot and salty sausage juice deep into your innerness
Travis Green Jun 2023
His strong hot rod is
The most thrilling treasure
That mesmerizes me deeply
That makes me crave him
Deep in my mouth

Feel his long, thick piece poke
And smoke my throat
Melt my heart and soul
Make me high as a *******
Hold on to his thick tattooed thighs

Admire his bright divine sight
His ripped, kissable abs
With big Zaddy vitality
I wanna bob on his rock-solid throbbing rod
Give a mad hot dose
Of his overflowing passion

Cause me to gasp as I snack on
His pleasure monster pumper
Run my fingernails
Up and down his dreamy manly waist
Crash-hot magical kisses

Delicious lips lock
Sprightly smiles, beguiling eyes
He is so ******* seductive
The touch of his sturdy construction
Enraptures my whole world

Makes me so bowled over
By his majestic poetic flow
The most heart-stopping macho charmer on the planet
The type of desirable fiery knight
That has me so in love with his untouchableness

Such a nasty passionate smash
I dig his rhythm of virility
He got gangbuster game that hypnotizes me
That makes me hanker
To collide with his enticingness

Make my gleaming cream pies
Shake from side to side
Make me sweat as I taste
His unparalleled sensational enchantingness
He pounds my mouth

Pulverizes my entireness
Finesses my **** velvet playground
Makes me choke on his dope man-motor
**** his bouncy danging coconuts
***** his hypnotic hips

Lick him everywhere
Let him **** my face ungovernably
Plunge deep into my throat
Knock me sideways
Make me speak ****** ****

Arrest me from head to toe
Give him the hottest mind-blowing *******
I didn’t know a potent rugged Romeo like him
Could have me blissed out
Desiring him for hours on end

Listen to his top-notch baritone voice
The foul slang that rises from his mouth
His bang-up bulging muscles
His oohs and ahhs take my breath away
The way he licks his lips
Leaves me so **** speechless

I call his name, feel his intensifying flame
Streaming within my domain
I am so wet for his flex
So lost in the way he gazes at me
With his amorous eyes

I will do anything for him
Keep him rock-hard
Face down on his long, suckable sausage
I wanna know what it feels like
To be stupefied in his sight

Feel him ****** my jaw-dropping knobbers
Arouse them, bite them
Make me feel his formidable heat
Turn me on with the way he slays my nation
Make me breathe heavily

****** my mouth with his manhood
Tell me how ******* lit my ****-hot head game is
Shove his hella hung junk down my throat
Shoot his *****, make me crunk and drunk
Crushing on a hunkish luscious stunner like him
Travis Green Feb 2022
I awoke with thoughts of you imbuing my mind
Thirsting to ****** your milky hot chocolate body
Drink your sweet loving dreams
Lick his perfect merry lips
Escape into every breath you take
Feel your solid and chiseled cheeks
An impeccable dashing dreadhead
Your dreamy fragrant caresses
Are incredibly mesmeric to my flesh

Your bold tender hands
On my immaculately stacked *******
Suffuses me with immense frenzy
As your teeth cling to my dark, hard *******
Consume me like a brown butter and bourbon pecan pie
Like maple brown sugar pecans
Like a salted caramel chocolate fudge cake
Like chocolate butter *** donuts

I moan passionate oohs and ahhs
Sail away into the heavenliness of your creation
Draw me closer to your sensual heat
Let your sinuous supreme slang overpower my mind
Pour your potion of rare sweet magic in my soul
Make me smile and sizzle as you nuzzle your body against mine
Your smooth hypnotic marvelousness makes me so sozzled
With our hearts weaved together, with your fragrant masculine
Spectacularness, you cascade through my world unreservedly

Soak me in your beautifully blossoming universe
Preserve and cherish my love
Let your luxurious smoothness send me
On a trip to deep, speechless, and rhapsodic ecstasy
My mouth waters when I marvel at your jazziness
You make my whole body soar beyond
The rings of matchless, impassioned Saturn and hypnotic Mars
You unravel me in the luscious lustrous moonlight
Spread your hands all over me and ravish my land
Travis Green Dec 2022
I hanker to feel your flaming untamed game
Step into the open doors
Of your glorious red-hot mantuary
Serve your immersiveness
Bow down before your profoundness

Give you all of my feminineness
Feel your splendidly silken hands
All over my slender and graceful limbs
Feel your ***** robust seductiveness
All up in my headspace

Make my mouth water
With your unconquerable crash-hot sounds
Your enthralling ahhs and oohs
Pure masculine splashiness
The way you rub your thick liver disturber

Flex your mad moist muscles
Let it mesh with my flesh
Keep me steadily guessing
As you arrest and finesse me
Caress and *** me

Make me catch feelings
For your exquisiteness
While you approach me
Control me, hold me in your dopeness
Push me against the wall

Shove your juicy long throbber in my tightness
Pound it again and again
Make me take that ****
Make me feel that ****
Make me swim in your
Wicked steaming masculinity

Feel your vibrant vile veins
How your spit your slang
Run your game
Make me wanna marry your immersiveness
Listen to the way you groan

How you draw me in closer
To your glowing and smoking seduction
Got me lusting for your rock-hard saucy chocolateness
Tall, sweaty, and incredible as ****
Sink me into all your dreaminess

Lean me into your untouchable love storm
Make me hunger for your more and more
As you pull at my heavy voluptuous jugs
Squeeze my delectable points
*** me up, destructive luscious daddy

Make me give it all up
Make me feel each resounding, mighty stroke
Your unbelievably lethal heat
Cause my legs to shake
Put me in a dangerously desirable trance

Let me feel your smooth *** groove
Feel the way you get lit
How you hit my sweet spot
Rock my boat ferociously
Encompass me in your enchantingness

Romance me, lay into my gayness
Captivate my nerve cells
Let me fantasize about your violent enticing delight
Your swiftly graphic splashiness
How your massive juicy nuts

Rub against the back of my soft delectable thighs
Make me so wild on your powerfully
Magnificent transcendency
Suave chocolate marvel
Keep me exhilarated
With your bang up-to-date engagingness
Your majestically mesmerizing manfulness

Boldly blissful belvedere
I cherish your thick *** piece
The way you stare into my eyes
Work my inner world
Use all your killer monolithic muscles

Make me thirst for your transfixing tattooed thugness
Vicious sun-kissed heavy-hitter
Your gripping and hard-hitting virility
Gets to me deeply
Leaves me dancing incessantly
In your flexing, frenetic dreamland

Freshalicious hairy charmer
You are so ******* bomb
So sick and slick with your ****
With your sensuous accent
How you pin me down
Pour out your lecherous lekker leche
All over my mind-blowing five-star rearguard
Shamai Nov 2018
Used to be a time
When pictures were taken
And put into photo albums
Stuck up on a shelf

Used to be a time
When cameras around your neck
Were common place
And expected on holidays

Used to be a time
When we waited days
To see what photos
We had actually taken
And we stood in line
To gather together
With oohs and ahhs
Surprised that many
Weren’t what we expected
With heads chopped off and eyes that were red

Used to be a time
When we used cameras
Instead of telephones
And we bought lenses
Instead of apps

Used to be a time
When it took time
To get the right angle
And we had the time
To wait

Used to be a time when film
Came in canisters
And we used chemicals
To develop them

Used to be a time
When we reminisced
Remembering the good old days
And thinking we knew it all

Used to be a time
And that time is now gone
And no one is developing pictures anymore

— The End —