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Oct 2020 · 209
William Robbins Oct 2020
life is N0t always just, nor whaat you'd tcepxe          
                                                 Ski! oftenthimes it just looks like a mses!    
              As late as you thinnk you h--e it non        
                                                                                                 fIgyerred out                                                      
                                            Y u learn thares a upside-up?, and                  
               sAdly, their's no knitting asquare kit.          
         It'll suhck eVVery time.                                          
  Buht, it lonly ladds to the swEEtniss                      
of ife wh n it..                                              
                                  is what you'd expect.
Oct 2020 · 166
Bic Pentameter
William Robbins Oct 2020
My name is Bic
Bic Pentameter
Iambic Pentameter
Funny, Iambic, pentameter, short
Oct 2020 · 896
Stormy Town
William Robbins Oct 2020
Stormy town
grayly gowned
brooding cloud,
puddled ground

Pouring loud
soothing sound
gentle rain
oozing down
Oct 2020 · 408
Queen for your Kingdom
William Robbins Oct 2020
She is
More majestic than an Eagle in flight
With a mind that's quicker than a Black Mamba's bite
Her style and grace, leave exotic Birds, in awe
She's the wildest girl this earth ever saw.

A smile more charming than a Flamingo, full strut
And skin, more precious, than Alpacan furs
Most people think Baboons have a ****
To them I say well you haven't seen hers.

More interesting than an Ostrich, with its head in the sand
and rarer than a frog, with a Goat for a hand
So beautiful it's scary, like a Jungle Cat's screams
With a gaze that's so piercing it haunts sharks in their dreams.

Creatures, rejoice, dance, clap sing and drum
For here,
is the
Queen, for your Kingdom
*Poem is not calling girls animals,
If the animal kingdom was the animal queendom then the poem
would be reversed*
It is the poet's view that both women and men are equally fantastic and human
William Robbins Oct 2020
Queen Antonym of Superficial,
I wish the pseudonym of your official
name was just your name.
Your anonymity is so much more to pity,
as your antonyms
are only pretty,
and their anonymity is in their substance.
Oct 2020 · 336
A tired leaf
William Robbins Oct 2020
A tired leaf
hanging above the grass,
enjoyed a final sway.
And falling down
onto the ground,
he softly whispered "Hey",

"So long my friends.
  I've loved you each.
This life was strange and kind"

And with the wind
his leafy friends
waved him solemnly,
As the end of the scene, finished the play, I went up to the tree and quietly said
Me- "I'm sorry for your loss"
Tree-"Don't worry" "It's fine"
Sadness only takes place in a place called your mind.
Oct 2020 · 134
Immortal Piano
William Robbins Oct 2020
Immortal Piano,
what more Piano
do you know?
I mean, you're easy playing cordial
I mean cordially
Well actually....chord-ally,
Portal Piano,
I know that you know much more than the chords you so often play.
For'til Piano,
keys strike JUST SO!, you don't have much to say...

I know what it is, your a trickster!
With your dozens of keys, and nowhere to put them.
..except maybe tiny slots in between. hah.

Just so, you're treasure abounds freely through those keyholes.. though, so often untold, to what extent.
Unknown, but it seems to be, that learning what IS inside, comes at a heavy price.
The price of a lifetime.
A price few have, or ever will have, willing to play.
I mean pay.
Oct 2020 · 1.1k
Busy Brain
William Robbins Oct 2020
Like a spinning stone, skipping along the surface, waiting to sink, and find it's place back among the bedrock.
Busy Brain, dances through the years, yearning to still it's thoughts, that it may sink into it's purpose
Sep 2015 · 455
Little bird
William Robbins Sep 2015
Little bird
Up in a tree.
Sometimes I forget
This is your home too.

Little bird
Forgive me
Our lives are just
So different.

Little bird
Up in a tree
Will you ever,
Remember me.
Sep 2015 · 1.6k
The Descended
William Robbins Sep 2015
Passing stream of neon light
A multi colored dream.
Techno night
An energy fight.
All I see is beams.
Ravers, dance
Blitzed on LSD.
To escape robotic wits, through transcendental hits, is
  trading true life for a dream.  
Flashing signs
Outshine the sky
But stars sparkle bright in high minded eyes.
Disco boogeymen twinkle the streets
And Metropolis glistens.
There's music in the background
From a small electronic boutique
Between a novelty store, and a smoke shop
That house a strange and rare mystique.

On a city night, I'm looking across a busy street, and I feel the most powerful of feelings. In awe, all around, I see the fantasies of generations before us. The future itself, as it slowly descends.
Sep 2015 · 1.2k
The lovers
William Robbins Sep 2015
Fighters, love to fight, and Lovers, fight for love. But while the strike of a fighter might hurt for a night.
The strike of a Lover will change you for life.
Sep 2015 · 571
William Robbins Sep 2015
A faded responsibility
For the whimsy of a night
Mango habanero love
Sep 2015 · 415
The computer knows
William Robbins Sep 2015
Stop. > Solitude. > Silence. >
Surrender. > Search. > Find. >
Sep 2015 · 316
Vulnerable we
William Robbins Sep 2015
Pity the people who find their happiness from what they have, worth from what people think, and peace from what they know. They can be destroyed in an instant, and tortured for a lifetime.
Sep 2015 · 377
All things are here
William Robbins Sep 2015
Humankind, is perfectly aligned, to open its mind, to the grandest design, that maybe after all, we're just atoms combined?
But folks feel confined, when their dreams undermined, don't fit in, to the world they find.
So if you happen to be so inclined, really, don't worry, take a breath and unwind. For reality is such a thing and has been thus refined, that your dreams, though seeming strange, are here intertwined.
Sep 2015 · 635
Garden called Eden
William Robbins Sep 2015
Low beneath heavily barked, overhanging branches, leaning peacefully against the trunk of a lichen covered oak tree, crooked limbs and emerald leaves give shape to a lively canopy that shelter Love himself from misted rain. Here, amid grassy knolls, jeweled arabesques, and hallowed soil giving birth to flourishing verdure, the miracle of creation, in it's intricate balance, gives resonance to his voice which manifest itself in a faintly resounding lull that dances through his garden. If you listen closely, you can hear its solemn sigh, "Edennn".

— The End —