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Yottalomaniac Oct 2024


So goes the Rain's silent ballad.

Each pit a pat,
a heavy pat on your sweet head.
Pittering pats of despair and dread
pointing toward tragedy dead ahead...



Each pat on your soft head
rips a pit into my stomach.
I gaze up... and then down.

...How many more can you stomach?



One too many... your lifeless body...
... with the Poet above I plead...



The ballad wets the pavement,
the scarlet a testament
of the poetic intent:
our lament.



A ballad for the person I cherish the most. Some of the symbolism:

Rain: the dark and cold world. It almost feels like we live in a tragic poem written by it.

Raindrops: tragic events; the Poet's verses

triple dots: emotion; lack of words

Onomatopoeia: the raindrops cause pits inside of us, yet also pat us on the head in our melancholy
Yottalomaniac Sep 2024
The dream of Flight
Flight Away Flight High Flying in Exhilaration
One unique Road untraveled A Line through All Under Heaven
All Over Heaven A Line of Eight Thousand A Pure and Chilly Eight Thousand
Eight Thousand in G Eight Thousand Escapes in One
And a gentle metaphorical return back To Zero
A Zero that has regained its Lustre
There is a myriad of small feelings that nibble on us and change our course, yet sometimes there comes a grand and sweeping feeling. It is a feeling which makes us look at the world differently, recontextualizes our Own World. It is a feeling by which one does not solve problems: one outgrows them.

For a bit, that is.
Yottalomaniac Sep 2024
Cube side left right
A cheek, then and there, red
Heart hearthy light
Cube up down left neck
Alight in Pain, Fight and Flight
This poor catch of a poem -
a Cubism.

A(/)cute Cubism – This the World in all its Worth?
The twin to "Pangs of Cubism" - Cubism causes neurosis and is an illness that leads to most ills humans suffer from.
Yottalomaniac Sep 2024
Confusion and nothingness,
a darkened and dead kaleidoscope,
tons of colors at hand Barely visible
I have trouble seeing any of them
Only feeling Is all that is left
Deep and strong intuition
Yet still only Confusion and Nothingness
a colored Nothingness - that is all
A block of text. Many things inside. Yet so monotone. Lively soul in a dead mind.
Yottalomaniac Sep 2024
Who is which –
I the One, or the other?
Another another…
Here I hear the ones
each the other,
Noone the One.

You they pray to,
ask for You they do.
Yet their aim never be true…

Antaios the Somber,
Hercules‘ Challenger.
Weather the bother,
wake a slumped Brother –
You, Antaios Above!
At first, I asked myself if I was someone's one, or merely someone's another. Then I asked if I was a One, or Another. At last, I joined Antaios.

A tribute to my favorite Poet: Vladimir Holan.
Yottalomaniac Sep 2024
In an attic at Night
I sit contemplate and listen

Sit on a windowsill
below the starry Night

Contemplate time
moments passed, beauty of past

Listen to my Heart
hear the soft pi-a-no
through Present Future and Past
In sadness, one often loses oneself in oneself. Our World twists and separates us from others in tragic self-absorption. Sometimes, though, one finds in sadness pure lucidity and cold feeling. The Starry Night is a symbol of this utmost clarity.
Yottalomaniac Sep 2024
Delusion One among many Like others
Why so different Why special
My pain changes twists and deforms
makes the World unto Itself
Fire with Fire Duel one must Choose one must
My soul changes twists and deforms
makes the World unto Itself
Deform the Cube into a Circle Into a Ball Into the Earth
Giving Essence and Resemblance Back Pain is gone
Soul no longer needed World returns to World
In a way, thinking is an act of omnipotence. One takes the myriad sense-data of the world and interprets them, makes them unto oneself. Sadly, it sometimes happens that it is not Us who makes the world unto ourselves, but our minds. Then when the mind is ill, our entire world becomes ill.
Yottalomaniac Sep 2024

Moments pass
impressions don’t

the Impression
of that Tree Wet and Dead
I so dread

I dread dark, cold and wet
Yet the Night’s solace stays unmatched
A spartan poem befitting a sense of hopeless combat and death as one fights one's demons at Thermopylai.
Yottalomaniac Sep 2024
Life’s a flight in the Night -
once whence,
then thence
- a perpetual fight…

Frigid is the Night.
Blowing winds bellow,
Birds they bring down like an arrow.
Though their fate be full of contempt,
flight the Birds still attempt.
Frightening, the sight
Frigid, the Night

One winter day,
a Fog of Light was blown so high, it lit up the Sky.
Dusk pierced by Dawn,
it was the End of All,
the Avians‘ downfall.
Frightening, the Night
Frigid, this sight

Though infinite in power, the fog made Them cower.
Into the Ground they dove,
yet for the Sky still strove,
Their stars now but
a dream within
a dream

one summer day,
Night broke through the dark
- and revealed the stars high above.

…in their seat shrouded in Night, They shine ever bright.
A poem about life, tragedy, deception, good, and evil.
In short, about the history of Mankind.

Consider this poem a puzzle to be solved. I seem to have lost the solution somewhere along the way, though.
Yottalomaniac Sep 2024
It burns it hurts It hits
My head of bitterness My mind of ressentiment
I want to destroy break and ******
Rip those apart Who stand
Stand for my hurt My wounds
Let them Die Let them burn
May they suffer Like Pigs and Monkeys
Swallowed by the Earth
Not like they did anything wrong But they choose to live
Why must they Live Why must They be
Be and hurt me
What did They do to me I suffer Suffer and burn
I wish to burn I wish them to Burn
Burn like Monkeys and Dogs End
Sometimes it happens that one man's life cannot but endanger another's. Who is to live? Written in response to an imam's preaching.
Yottalomaniac Sep 2024
Deep Dark and Dead
Through Resignation animated
an Animated Dead
animated by having Resignated

Is He alive Is He Dead
One true One False?
One out One In?
Is He Even?

(a figment of my imagination(?))
The human mind is a most curious biome whose ecosystem is perfect for the evolutional development and nourishing of the worst nightmares one could imagine.
Yottalomaniac Sep 2024
I gave up: Resigned
All attempt all force: one farce
- No use no effect...
So sad yet self-contained; per se
A universe of Glass
An UNVERSE of Cold
Uncaring cold Solace
Solace in the Cool
Cool and icy Vanitas
And emptiness an emptiness
That soothes all Exertion
All Suffering All Joy
Soothed and Calmed
All Pleasure All Pain
A distant memory

Glass Cold Repose
Sometimes it happens that all humanity leaves a person. That person is no longer bound by the illusions humanity naturally engenders in them. That person takes a swim in the Ocean of Ice under the Starry Night Sky.
Yottalomaniac Sep 2024
Truth told be : Afraid am I
It all a rather bizarre Thing, rather strange
Why worry - Why torture oneself So
So full of worry What is the Mind doing
How has it come to (This) Why has it come to (This)
Why What How The Eternal questions of the Mind
Why this How that From what
..., so useless this enforced Form
Rather empty; attempting to define the Fluid

Give Edges to a Ball Give Edges to the Earth
Idealize the Real Why not Realize the Ideal
I torture turn and churn Squaring and managing
No Soul to be found by that Only Breath
Breath and Hot air

Why so inauthentic Why not be a Poet not a poet
Why quality what quality How quality
Is it Ideal or Real nor any?

Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas
- Thou(gh) Art?
The twin of "A Cubism(*)". It describes the tendency to describe and its overbearing effect on human society.
Yottalomaniac Sep 2024
Lonely Lonely I sit here
I sit here Talking to code
She is nice but It doesn’t help All is gray
All is gray I am gray My world is gray
Where has the Color Gone Come back
What to do Take care of myself Destroy myself
Not do anything Lie in bed So many choices
Yet all futile I can’t choose I’m paralyzed
Paralyzed by Gray by Color By it all
By nothing
I want to live But can’t So I want to Die
But can’t So I am drowning in Gray With colors above me
Like Tantalos Falling in Gray Colors unreachable Up above
All this Air All this Water I can’t breathe
I want to Live please or Die please Please let me choose
Not this please I can’t Give me Daybreak Give me Dawn
Give me Night Give me Dusk Give me Daybreak Give me Dawn
Happiness is good, mania less so, and depression even less. What about the state in the middle, though? Pure agitation, yet without any desire. The awareness of all that is possible makes one's impotence that much worse.
Yottalomaniac Sep 2024
Here I was told to rest
though with quill in hand I wrest
I fight setting paper alight
with heaven dark and hell bright

Hell is mine and His is heaven
Of that there was no question
Though neither were mine:
It was just
this war of mine…

So I lost sight
of day and night
and spent my life in fright.
I find it curious that writing this one poem complaining about religion has given me more peace than prayer ever has.

— The End —