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67 · Apr 26
An announcement, of some one’s Soul, leaving,
Their human body, as it travels, to the next,
Planned, mission, in journey, to God’s kingdom.
Also a short, biography, of the person, who they were,
In this earthly life, what they did, and accomplished,
From the thoughts, visions, messages, from their mind.
An obituary, is a tribute to a person, how they served,
Helped others, while making this earth a better place,
For the rest of us, to live out our earthly days.
Notes of the time, knowledge, and efforts,
They shared, during their entire stay.
Many people, in this short life, use someone’s personal
Obituary, as a announcement, of all the family names,
Their place, in time, for their funeral line.  Honestly,
Most people on those list, would make excuses, not to visit you when, you are alive,
Then they rush to your funeral, they cry,
Thinking, when you were alive, they should have shared,
More time with you, in many ways.

The original: Tom Maxwell © 4/26/2024 A.D.
Death what Obituary are far
A thought to think about, in your mind,
If you died today, what kind of memories,
Would you leave behind?
You live your life every day, is the knowledge,
In your soul, growing in many ways,
Or is your life, the same habit every day?
Do you ever think pass tomorrow,
What this life will be in future days,
Will every one be free, or forced to live a certain way,
Our generation, is creating the future days,
We are to share our wisdom, with those of the future,
So, they will understand today, that no one,
In this life will forever stay.


                  The Original: Tom Maxwell  © 06/13/2024 AD
60 · Jan 2021
When we have an idea, that comes up in our mind,
Electric impulses are created, then sent out by the brain, through space, and time.

Most people can not control, how intense, or direction, when they Leave, on their way, a gifted person, can send and receive, messages, never knowing when, time or day.

The thoughts, are strong,  when they leave the mind, They can go,
Through walls of buildings, not following the laws,
Of space, and time.

More than one person can receive, the same signal, when they are traveling, out there, many are not, and just break up,
As they travel through air.

Most messages are received, spontaneously, with our,
Unconscious mind, our brain does not have time to eject them,
So fast, in a very short time.

Everyone has some psychic ability, it's not a supernatural,
Mystical thing, as some believe,
It's just part, of being, A human being.
60 · Jan 2021
The Turning of the Leaves
The wind has stopped, blowing,
Everything is staying so still,
After a few hours of rain,
A small stream of water,
Starting to flow down the hill.
When rain clouds, block the direct sun,
From shining on the popular & silver maple trees,
Along with an increase in the humidity,
A Jester they give, to let us know of the wet times ahead,
They turn the sides of their leaves.
From snow, rain, wind, or a sunny day,
There is so much taking place,
As I look out my window,
Memories that will stay.

                    Tom Maxwell copyright  5/27/2020 AD
                                                                                                   1:00 PM
Nature weather
54 · Jan 2021
How to Rearrange
You had a dream,
Then set your goals,
Invested your time,
Now living, the roll.

Years have passed,
Your ideas changed,
Also, physically too,
\How to rearrange.

Risk what you can,
Keep security inside,
Head either direction,
Our bodies, waiting to die.

This one journey, so short,
Of our future, and past,
Enjoy adventure now,
Any moment, your last.    
Tom Maxwell ©
life changes accepting
People come into your life,
Unexpected, on different days,
The black sheep, the odd ducks,
The loners, the eccentrics, have their own ways,
often those who are ignored,
They do not, have to follow the styles,
Or want to be popular,  that’s not their goal,
If you want to meet and have a trust - worthy,
Honest friend, they usually have, the most,
Wonderful Souls.

                                           The Original: Tom Maxwell © 4/27/24 A.D.
24 · Jul 30
Keep an Active Mind
You ever think about all the people,
You meet in an average life time,
Sometimes a face, or name, brings a memory to your mind.
Many you only see, a short time, although their actions,
Or words may appear, when your day turns to a bind.
Almost everything we do, we learned from someone else,
That was sharing so kind.
How many memorized stories, do you repeat,
On different days, without a clue who told you,
A stranger to you today, they taught you something,
Then you went on your way. We each do the same, sharing,
Which could be, hard physical work, or to help someone,
Too breath and see, their next day.

Always keep listening too, and teaching, with each other’s mind,
Not until your last, will you know the best day, of your life this time.

                                 The Original: Tom Maxwell  ©  6/26/2024 AD

— The End —