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Mar 2019 · 217
The Wolf
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
All the words are taken,
There are no words to say.
A million write
About a wolf
Yet never
Been face to face.
Many write about the moon
Yet never dream
Of outer space.
So many write of love
Yet pass it by every day.
So I will write about life
In a few lines or less,
I stand by my right to howl
With only all the best.
Show the moon
It's cherished
Each and every day
Stop to glance at love
And watch it
Walk away.
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
Cherished are the memories that
Brought us to this day,
For yesterday, was just a dream ...
A wish to contemplate.

A fantasy where in my mind,
A fleeting glimpse I would see ...
A vision of the true desires
I longed for endlessly.

And when I dreamed, I did not know
The love I would feel today;
The height of my true feelings,
And the depths they would portray.

And if I had one wish today,
A simple wish that would be ...
Is that the love we feel this moment,
Lasts eternally.

Reality has merged now
As you stand here by my side;
And as I join your hand in mine,
My heart does fill with pride.

For as I pledge my love to you,
I see in many ways,
Reflections of my love for you
Are mirrored in your gaze.

And by our presence here today,
And for the love we share,
I thank you for our yesterdays
That brought us to be here.

But more than this, I vow to you,
My wishes yet to come ...
Tomorrow's dreams and fantasies,
This day that we are one.

Tomorrow's an adventure
That we will share together now;
Our future's intertwined forever,
Through this holy vow.

I promise to remember
In the future years and days,
The love I feel for you this moment ...
Dreams fulfilled today.

For in the coming years as we
Move on, and reminisce,
Back to the day, I stood with you
And promised with a kiss ...

That blessed are the days that
I have looked into your eyes,
And felt the warmth and love reflect,
The essence of our lives.


Yesterday we dreamed of what might be;
Today we validate our love;
And tomorrow we will cherish the life we have shared as one.
Mar 2019 · 234
To Sandy
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
My fingers fly
  across the keys

trying to compose
  my thoughts to please

For you, my dear,
  my lovely Wife

The woman I chose
to call my Wife.

My heart is yours
to have and to hold

forever dear,
  as we grow old.

I Love You.
Mar 2019 · 178
You are...
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
"You are the poem
     I never knew how to write

and this life is the story
     I have always wanted to tell."
Mar 2019 · 179
The Secret
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
"The secret of it all is to write in the gush, the throb, the flood, of the moment — to put things down without deliberation — without worrying about their style — without waiting for a fit time or place. I always worked that way. I took the first scrap of paper, the first doorstep, the first desk, and wrote — wrote, wrote…By writing at the instant the very heartbeat of life is caught.”
Mar 2019 · 322
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
I have a fear of dying

With unwritten words
  still in my mind.....

Never put on paper
   there was never enough time....
Mar 2019 · 158
A Long Erotic Night
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
it's going to be one of those nights my dear
the room will steam and echo with your cries of pleasure
primal urges are mounting within my core
your body before me so tempting, so beautiful
this ravenous beast in me is not long to be contained

your very scent intoxicates me calling my soul to join
the room spins and my blood boils as madness overtakes
your lips pout waiting for my kisses slow and deep
gently I **** on your tongue and dance about your checks
breath held as my mind envisions what is yet to come

reaching for you, pulling you into my firm, hard physique
feeling your body melt and mold to mine
temperatures rising hot as I caress your lithe form
tracing down lovely curves lingering on familiar parts
breathing in the aroma of your lust ridden wilds

I take you, my swollen desire hard against your flower
juices of passion flow from your womanly well
the silky creamy softness of your gentle folds open to me
I push in slow and deep, as far as I can and linger there
incredible is the feel of your walls closing in hugging me

pulling back slowly almost completely out then back in
passionate, methodical, holding you, caressing your body
pumping in and out and in and out, faster, harder
desires no longer under control only lust, fevered lust
pounding your passion pool, splashing your waters

the room shrieks with raging screams of longings fulfilled
your body writhes and bucks in the height of ******
waves crashing down over us, and I too burst
we are a pounding, pulsating sensation of climatic fervor
here with you, wrapped in my arms, you make me believe in forever...
Mar 2019 · 209
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
When she touches me
  Stars appear under my skin
it makes me want
        her to keep
        touching me
   Until I become a galaxy
Mar 2019 · 248
Could You?
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
Could you be the poet's lover?

  Could you listen to a voice
  That has touched a million hearts?

Could you kiss lips
That have brushed a million ears?

  Could you hold a heart
  That is known to a million souls?

                       Could You?
Mar 2019 · 93
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
There are those...
  who have words
     but not feelings.....

Then there
  are those
     who have feelings...

But can't find
  The Words...
Mar 2019 · 129
Calling Me
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
I hear your voice calling softly on the breeze
the air has the same sweetness as did your kiss
the winds blow an early chill that shivers my flesh
but my thoughts warm to the memories of a love past
and my body aches for missing your touch

long, lonely nights with too much time to remember
remembering your kisses, your caress, your touch
my lips part ever so slightly as when our tongues danced
I can feel you in my arms, silken skin and sinewy muscle
and I am lost in your embrace and my dreams

memories flood my mind of desires and pleasures
of making love and lust and passion bursting loud
I am still here, vibrant and alive and needing love
you were a part of me, of my soul, now you're gone
this body, this flesh has desires and needs and wants

my heart will be forever yours, meant for eternity
our essence, our energy, our immortal souls
we were destiny to find one another and we did
time and time again we find our way back to each other
but until we do again, forgive me for the life I choose...
Mar 2019 · 246
Secret Passion
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
hidden in the doorways are secrets in the night
earthly pleasures of lusts and passion's delight
that timeless joining too intense to wait
any nook in the wall and we won't hesitate

an empty corridor in a busy hotel will do
the thrill of capture, what if everyone knew
blind madness as hormones rage hot
an appropriate place, it matters not

up against a hallway, wall breath warms your ear
hands above your head now quietly my dear
******* slipped into silken folds
a gulp, a whimper, the silent moan be told

on a staircase, the perfect rise stand tall and kneel
taken my prowess deep, tell me how that feels
the echoes of passion crying in an empty stairwell
hear footsteps above and below mental warning bells

heartbeats quicken and breathing heavies to pant
in a world with too many rules, this is not one you can't
the temptation of the moment's wanton needs rely
regardless of the circumstance you need never ask why..
Mar 2019 · 124
Read Your Mind
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
As I read your mind and your body
As I read your emerald green eyes who ****** me at Dawn..
In the sound of my body like the melody.. between whispered of birds who sings like the Angels.
Tell me how I do it to run for something you want oh for something you fear..
Just let yourself be carried away by the feelings that come out to flower of skin... they are the petals that with their aroma numb my cravings in your arms there is a whispered in the distance.. that speaks to me and tells
Tell me how I quench your body with mine.. and
I miss you on this dark night between my stars.. tell me how to stop loving you as I love you if the taste of your lips are printed on me as a tattoo in my soul I'm perverse and crazy lover and girlfriend That you want me to be.. tell me how I look like you did it ever take my life in it I'm your little girl full of sublime love who will review your body with evil caresses of my mind comes out and my You will learn to love in this distance between my lyrics of poet between my verses and prose, my regret and whine of lust in your skin writing with my lips the way to travel every space of your body with them I am that who writes and delineate your skin between ******* and lusts the sin for eating among my cravings of your ***** ***** and thick that crosses my wet being
As I do to not feel tell me how I do to make my body not tremble when you touch me, with your lyrics as I do to stop shaking with your kisses and perverse caresses in this sadness of my being for you
Mar 2019 · 143
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
Writing allows
  me to let go
    of my past...

I can always
  go back...

With the
  turn of
    a page...
Mar 2019 · 493
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
You have
an ocean
   in your inkwell,
      and who knows
         what new discoveries
  will flow
         your pen
Mar 2019 · 127
How Will I
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
How will I face the world without you?
You, that has given more than enough
Of your time, of your understanding
Of your care, of your compassion
And many, but words are not enough to mention
You, that made my days worthwhile
You, that brought a new horizon in my life
I always cherish the things you do
The way you wrap your arms around me
That always feels like the warmth of the sun
The gentleness of your touch and kisses
That always melts my weary heart
I think I have found my perfect match
To whom I’ll forever set my heart
You made me feel so cared and loved
And in return, I will love you with all my heart.
Mar 2019 · 300
I Tried
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
I sit
  and I tried
and I
  almost died..

My mind
  was in
     such a mess...

And then
  I realized..

I could never
  write anything...

As beautiful as you.
Mar 2019 · 142
Poets ~ Shamans
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
"Poets, it's said, are shamans of words.  
    True shamans are poets of consciousness."
From     -Robert Moss-
Mar 2019 · 131
A Love I Seek
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
A Love I Seek

There is a love I so desperately seek
I will never stop searching for it
To find the other half of my heart
The half that makes my soul sing
My missing puzzle piece

There will be one
That begins where I end
And dreams the same dreams
Who can envision what I see
Who understands my insanity
Yet grounds me and keeps me sane

I want the companionship of a best friend
The protection of a father
The intense passion of a lover
A soul mate
For life

I don't seek material things
Someone to grow old with
Enjoy the days and nights with
A hand to hold until the end
When we temporarily say until we meet again

No road is easy
Of this I am sure
But knowing you are right beside me
Fighting the fight
I promise you
I will never give up
On you, me, or us

When I find him
I will simply ask
Will you
Walk with me through this life
Share with me all you have to give
Hand me your heart

If you say yes
I vow to you
I will protect your heart for an eternity
And even that won't be long enough
To be with you

My promise to you
Is to love you
Honor you
Be a 50/50 partner
On this journey of our life

I knew one day
I would find you
My life is now complete
Take my hand, my love
And let's take the first steps
Of our beautiful life
Mar 2019 · 313
Pencil & Pen
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
There are days
  when I write my poetry in pencil,
  just in case.  

      But when I write about you,
      I use my favorite pen,

             You're the poem
             I'll never erase...
Mar 2019 · 116
Lead Me
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
Shed my skin,
and bare my soul.  
Lead me not into the night,
  for I will not be broken.  

Poetry is my salvation.
Mar 2019 · 95
With You
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
Within you
I find my safe place
You are my home

Without you
I search for your sanctuary of comfort
Though you are never far

Knowing all I need to do
Is feel your heart
Inside mine

Within you
I lose myself
gifted daily with your forever love

Without you
I find myself wanting to be lost again
Just us, as we say

Never to be found
Without you
By my side
Mar 2019 · 124
Have Me..
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
lay waste to this body
devastate me in the most delicious ways
send me heaven bound over again
taken me to the stars
introduce me by name

body fevered with lust's sin
aching for a forceful touch
strong hands that grip and *****
pushing and pulling
stimulating my womanly parts

******* harden and stand *****
soft cries drip from wanton lips
moans echo quietly in your ears
caressing curves
kissing crevasses hungry for a feast

body taut and senses tingled
nibbles down my throat
hands grasping heaving *******
abundant handfuls indeed
******* pinched and suckled

pond overflows with passion's nectar
swim in my waters
delve deep into my wanting pool
splash about and tease me mercilessly
hear my cries of tormented anguish

back arched and hips raised high
begging for release
give to me your throbbing desires
push yourself deep into my soaked flower
pollinate me with passion's rewards...
Mar 2019 · 121
I Want You
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
I want to be the one you come to with your troubles
So that I can comfort you in your fears
I want to be the one you tell your dreams to
So that I can help make them come true
I want to be the one that causes you to smile
So that you have a smile in every one of your days

I want to be the one that holds you when you cry
So that you know that I care
I want to be the one you trust completely
So that you know you can tell me anything
I want to be the one you call your lover
So that I can hold you close at night

I want to be the one that knows how to please you
So that all your pleasures can be fulfilled
I want to be the one you give your love to
So that I can know how your love feels every day
I want to be the one you spend your life with
So that I can wake up to your beauty each and every day

More than anything that I am trying to say is
I want you
Mar 2019 · 108
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
Write one page a day
  Only 300 words....

And in a year,
   You've have written

a Novel....
Mar 2019 · 161
The Pen
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
The ink is ready
  The pen is set
     The book is open
         The paper is fresh..

Now sit back
  And watch

As she comes back
  To life
Mar 2019 · 108
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
To someone who's tired of trying to be okay.

You aren't perfect, nobody is.
Please do not be afraid to climb mountains
and shout how much you hate everything that's happening.
It helps a lot.
If you don't feel like smiling then please don't.
If there's already so many tears to bear
behind that sparkling eyes of yours
then please cry, you have to.
It's okay not to be okay.
You've done enough bravery so far.
I know everything ***** already.
Everything's so painful that you cannot see
even a tiny light through this dark tunnel.
I know you feel alone and lonely
and broken and helpless.
You don't have to show them you're fine because you're not.
Lastly, tell the world how broken you are.
Let them know.
It's not like being happy changes everything after all.
Be nice to yourself.
You only have you.
Mar 2019 · 115
Rain again
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
rainy days with hot chocolate
curled up on the bed
a mess of blankets and pillows
with my head on your chest
and your arms around me
I know I'm cared for

busy days bustling by
quick kisses of 'hi' and 'goodbye'
morning coffees
evening night in
with take outs and chick flicks
I know I'm secured

quiet Sunday mornings
lazy day, pajama days
week-long hustles
Friday fun days
sweet, crazy Saturdays
every single day with you
I know I'm loved

and yet
the movie nights with take outs
became movie night and take out without me
the lazy days in sweats with pizzas
became lazy days without me
the everyday, lovely day
became every day without me

it's not that you're deeply flawed
or you're never enough
it's not that you're not worth everything
or that you're the not best love anyone could ever ask for
because it's quite the opposite really

it's because your love is so profound
so warm and perfect
it does not deserve to be given
to some half-assed complicated mess
with chips and scratches and broken parts

its because you deserve the best
you should want the best
and you will find that someone
but it isn't gonna be me
Mar 2019 · 126
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
Oh from afar, I saw you pursue
the heart of the woman - for since her father died - you knew
Your love was like fire
that consumes
so greedy, so lonely, it's taking all of you.
Lurking in the night, oh my grieving Phantom,
saw you give in to the dark
just to let her
shine among the shadows.
And every little word
and every curve of your letters,
every tune of your music,
and every message of your symphony
All for the fuel of her wings and glory.
And when she sang for Raoul,
a crumbled rose, an out of tune
your soul lost the little hope
that I wanted for you.
And now, won't you be
my own Angel of Music
or perhaps I can be
the Angel you wanted to be.
Oh, won't you look at your back
and see my secret love.
We'll make a new song of light and dark,
of betrayal and a new spark
Let me see the dark in your eyes,
those lonely sights behind your mask,
those desires for a happy life
Let me sing
your broken songs
of loss
of pain
of longing
as I mend your shattered dreams
and bruised bones
and we'll make a new song
of chances
of embraces
of me - seeing and loving you.
And as Raoul was bound to love her
when he heard her sing,

I was and am bound to love you
when I heard you cried,

The one that loves you,
Mar 2019 · 79
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
With innocent eyes
and lustful

she begged me
to drip  
words down her throat
             like honey
Mar 2019 · 268
Your Princess
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
Show the world she is your princess
your lady fair, your queen
treat her with the utmost respect
be chivalrous and tender
always the consummate gentleman

to the outside world, she is your treasure
your most priceless joy
protect her heart with all you have
as she protects yours
the invincible duo

but when the world falls away
and lust's madness takes over
that spark of magic in her eyes
telling you her demons want to play
it is then your beast awakens...and smiles.
Mar 2019 · 115
Loving You
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
The world is so beautiful now
Though I never thought it could be true
But everywhere I look these days
I can’t see anyone but you

Your touch fills my every wish
Your kisses bring me calm
Looking in your eyes is my life
Being in your arms is my home

No matter where I go
No matter what I do
My heart is so full now
Because it’s always loving you
Mar 2019 · 121
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
~I grabbed her by the throat,
but I didn't choke her...
Just kissed her so deep,
she forgot whose air she was breathing~
Mar 2019 · 98
Walking in the Woods
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
just a walk in the woods
reconnect with myself
lose myself in thought
the quiet stillness
nature around me sings

time for me
to just be living, nothing more
notice the beauty of the world
melodies teeming life
the energy connecting us

soft breezes caressing the skin
the warmth of sunlight
flowing waters passes time
serene and peaceful
my mind empties and my heart fills.
Mar 2019 · 178
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
every touch a melody
each tender kiss a song
life spent in three-quarter time
tunes written for the heart to hear
etched upon my skin

I love you whispered in poetic prose
the rhythm of a beating heart
body moves and sways in time
each note struck to perfect chime
I ring, I sing loud and clearly

my body's tunes played in concert
the tempo rises and falls as we do
rhythmic changes pulse over our flesh
our timing building, building higher
until our crescendo lays us to waste..
Mar 2019 · 76
Strong Enough?
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
to feel everything
life, love, loss
the weight of the world
the intensity of existence
I tremble

am I strong enough
pondering question
to bare emotion
scars unhidden
I weep openly

life lived without rules
by my own wits
I love fiercely
giving everything

it is enough
eyes open wide
have I seen too much
tears for those in pain
muscles strain to uphold

I am infinite
the cosmos beckons
those who care
who's hearts bleed
we are the mighty ones...
Mar 2019 · 126
Mirrors 2
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
mirrors lie, hide the true picture
deceptive in their reflections
they play on your insecurities
tease you with your misgivings
showing the beauty around not within

a photograph only a moment in time
a blink captured for posterity
gambles taken to capture a shot
posed or candid it really matters not
a picture is just someone you once were

look into these eyes, see the love shining back
you are beautiful heart and soul
my joy blossoms each time I see you
my desires erupt at the very thought of you
truly, who is it you are going to believe...
Mar 2019 · 115
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
"If I am lost, find me but do not ask me to come back just yet.  
Sit with me in this lost place and maybe you will understand why I come here too often, what draws me to my Neverland.  
Find me, but bring me back when I am ready.  
Maybe you will get to know me a little better.  
Maybe we can get lost together."
Mar 2019 · 213
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
If you limit your
choices only to what
SEEMS possible
or reasonable,
you DISCONNECT yourself
from what you
And all that is left
Mar 2019 · 142
Her Soul
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
I write poems
inside of her
with my fingers.  
Our story began
with her scream.
and ended with
her soul
on my lips.
Mar 2019 · 86
True Love
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
Searching for words
That express my feelings
Getting lost in memories of a sweet kiss
The only words slipping through my lips
Are I love you, and I love you true...

Met you once and got enhanced
Met you twice and lost my heart
Never thought a stranger could leave me breathless
Yet the unforeseen did happen
Leaving me mesmerized in a romantic bliss

Of all things I ever desired
I found you to be everything I wanted
Before I could even realize
You turned out to be the sunshine
That brought in never-ending joy to my life

You are my beacon of hope
You are the one I fantasize about
I don't know why I need you so bad
The only reason I can give
Is I love you, and I love you true...

Shattered into a zillion pieces
You mended my heart as if by magic
My heart no longer feels the pain
It just grows fonder day by day
Getting intoxicated by your love

Poet, I am not
Yet I try to weave a verse
My thoughts creating a ruckus
Just to let you know
That I love you, and I love you true...
Mar 2019 · 146
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
He held her safe,
  much like an enclosed confessional.
    Mesmerized by a lustful tango of penance.

She was baptized in His sin.
  An angel, wings deflowered.
    Little did He know her
      confession would become His salvation.

She... an awakening redemption to Him.
Mar 2019 · 292
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
If a Poet
  Falls in
     Love with you....

You can
   Never die....
Mar 2019 · 110
My Angel
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
With your angel eyes
And your wonderful smile
Your smooth black hair
And your heavenly lips
Every time I look at you
That is what I see

When I look at you
I swear you were
Made by angels

When I look in your
Wonderful angel eyes
They send me to
A magical place

Where I can see you
As an angel with
Silk wings and a warm glow

Your angel eyes take me to
The place where i can hold you
The man who understands me
And never judges me

The one I can trust
With all my heart
Though you can never be mine

I will always love you
My Sweet Angel
Mar 2019 · 153
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
Your fingers slowly dip below my waist,
traveling at an oh so sensuous pace.

The lower you go,
the quicker my anticipation builds.
My heart beats faster
bracing for that explosive thrill.

Your touch has me moaning oh so softly and deep,
begging for more.
Your hot passionate kisses;
I can't resist and simply adore.

Oh, I can feel it, I can feel you,
as I crest on such a high.
A place only you can take me,
on this oh so incredible ride.

Baby, do it again, again, again and again.
I can never get enough
of this our delightful sin...
Mar 2019 · 183
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
My soul burnt and cold
Smell of burning rubber against the road
Sight of tail lights in the pitch dark
Echo of the fading acceleration lost in the night
I'm going going gone...

That's all I can think
I hit the highway at 130mph
Leave it all behind
Headed anywhere but here

It doesn't seem to matter what I do
Doesn't matter what I feel or say
Because as I leave
I'm already D.O.A.

Under the starlight
You fall off to sleep
Lay in your bed peacefully asleep

Think about the perfect life
While I'm a hundred miles away from here by now
I can't leave this behind
Don't want to, but I can't stay

You lay asleep in your bed quiet and content
You're gonna think I'm mad
But I'm not
I wish I could look in your eyes
Show you how I felt inside
Unwrap my soul
Exposed to feel the heat it once had
You'd then see that I can't be mad

This heart and soul are burning cold
Lost in a world without light

Reality sets back in and I'm, I'm...going, going, gone
It doesn't seem to matter what I do
Doesn't matter what I feel or say
Because as I leave
I'm already D.O.A.
Mar 2019 · 108
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
Minds wander hours away to a place where we're connected...connected by miles of thoughts that reveal the truth of our senses...
smell (slowly breathing in the scent of hair, sun-kissed skin, excitement, and ***...create a heady bouquet of anticipated sin)
sight (eyes piercing the soul before we start a mental mind f@©k that teases, taunts & excites to the point of no return)
sound (breath in your ears causes soft moans, electric tingle & cries of pleasure, heartbeats combine...all in sync)
touch (mouthes start to devour, our bodies, both so in tune to the other, that, no words are needed only the feel of skin on skin that's on auto-pilot and every touch leads to pure indescribable ecstasy)
taste (the sweet honey essence of lips & tongues entwined, the taste of salt on skin, juices...all combine into the nector of the gods)
Falling exhausted after hours of independent sensual journey to paradise, that, we can slip away to, together, even when our minds are hours apart...
Mar 2019 · 98
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
Through the shadows of my mind...
I see your ghost, most of the time...
It bids me follow down dark winding paths...
To a place that holds parts of our past...
The spectre begs me to follow close, as we go deeper in the smoke...
Doors appear & start to open wide, revealing glimpses of our carnal pleasures inside...
The bright flash of intense, throaty grunts & thrusts...
Feeding the entwined spirit's lust...
Each door leads to more & more delicious sin...
Mind has my body...trembling, aching, yearning, burning from within...
Oh, I'm trapped & will never break free...
Mind trapped by this constant thought of...we
Mar 2019 · 92
Tied Up
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
Eyes dark embrace
Fingers trace
Tied rope upon my skin
Sending sensations within
Answering anticipation
Sensual stimulation
Nonverbal communication

Lips caress
Fingers fondling *******
Softly stroking
roughly poking
Take me, please
Massaging my mind
Don't think & just unwind

Foreplay’s creativity
Secret sensitivity
Holy Intimacy
Spring ecstasy
Our bodies become one

Lips hungrily tasting
Like a brush
Imagination overload
I am only yours
Surrendering with heart & mind
With each deep powerful grind
My body’s liquidation
Within my walls saturation
Bodies swaying

Intimate heat
One sensuous beat
Legs spread wide
As you travel inside
Love intertwined
Souls forever aligned
Just you and me

Bound to my loyal devotion
Our bodies move in perpetual motion
Then cease
As we release
And we hold each other until day
As we love in our own special way
Mar 2019 · 94
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
Isn't it just obscure
that the very symbol for
can be tilted slightly
and change to a numerical meaning,
     'number eight'.  
The very symbol
that represents an everlasting time span
can be knocked sideways
and given a meaning of limited time?

Much like life,
we think we have all the pieces together,
we think we have all the time in the world,
but then something knocks us,
something tilts us,
and it changes us all together,
it changes everything.
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