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5.4k · Dec 2014
I Wish I Wore Red Lipstick
tyler Dec 2014
And felt as beautiful as you think she is.

I wish I walked into a room and grabbed attention as much as she grabs yours.

I wish I spoke and captivated someone the way she captivates you when she says your name.

I wish I awoke in the morning and heard my true love's heartbeat next to mine as she does every day.

I wish I knew a love as strong as your love for her.

I do not wish for your love, though, because I know that is one thing that is far out of my reach. I only wish for someone to love me the way that you love her, so that maybe someday I will love him as much as I still love you.
tyler Dec 2014
Do not adore her because she will never believe you when you look into her eyes and say that she is beautiful.

Do not crave her because she will never trust you when you say that you feel forever in her touch.

Do not cherish her because the time you get to spend with her will never be enough.

But most of all, do not love her because she will never love you half as much as she hates herself.
2.7k · Jan 2015
tyler Jan 2015
fate is a funny thing.

all these years, i thought it was on my side.

i thought it had my back, and would bring us together some day.

but that day came, and we lost each other.

fate didn't even give us a chance to be beautiful together.

we were right there next to each other, but somehow we missed it.

we missed the moment that they talk about in the movies,

when you see someone and suddenly your entire world changes.

we missed it, all because fate wasn't on our side.

and now we'll go our separate ways and probably never get a second try,

because fate is telling us we would never work out anyways.
i am far too in love with someone who i'll never have a chance with so i write things like this and i think they help
1.6k · Dec 2014
thinking out loud
tyler Dec 2014
i wonder if it's true that people fall in love in the weirdest ways

because i have imagined you falling in love with me too many ways to count

and each one has a different story and a different scenario

none of which will ever happen

but i keep imagining it because i know how much i could love you

and i know how perfect we could be if you would just follow my script

but then i think about how real love doesn't have to be forced

it just happens

so maybe one day you'll see me and you'll realize

that no one will ever be more perfect for you then me

and then maybe i'll believe that love happens every day

rather than just in the stories and poems i write about you
i was listening to ed sheeran and now i can't stop crying because i think i love you even though you'll probably never love me back
1.6k · Apr 2015
tyler Apr 2015
it was always a competition
between you and myself
to see who could win the most
be most liked
and have the most.

but then one day
i realized you never mattered
and it was just a competition
between me and myself.
because half of me
hated who i was
and the other half
simply wanted to be happy.

you were never in the equation
and it took too long for me to see
that it was never about you
and always about me.
1.5k · Dec 2014
tyler Dec 2014
You are a star that will never burn out. Your flame will never be dim or washed out by others. You are the brightest star in the sky and you will always burn in my heart, but I will always be just another planet that revolves around you, trying to get closer day by day.
this isn't very good but i'm tired and i just saw a picture of you and my heart hasn't slowed down since
1.2k · Dec 2014
We Share The Same Name
tyler Dec 2014
We share the same name, but that is all we share.

We have never shared the same breath or touch or laugh.

We do not share the same friends or life or even the same town.

But we share the same name, and the game that is your passion is the game that is my escape.

Maybe one day you will learn of me and realize, too, that we share the same name.

But we will never share the same love, because while your heart is out of reach to only me, mine can never be touched, even by the sweetest love.
993 · Dec 2014
What a Poem Should Be
tyler Dec 2014
I wrote a poem for my English class and my teacher said he didn't like it.

I wasn't mad because I got a bad grade, I was mad because what if I wasn't strong enough to look past his opinion and keep writing? What if that one negative comment made me quit altogether and never share a single word again?

What if he ruined my future because he couldn't look past his idea of what a poem should be?

A poem does not have to rhyme or end with closure or even make sense to everyone who reads it.

A poem simply has to reach part of someone's soul who had no idea that these were the words they had been waiting to hear and these were the words that were meant to save them.

This is what a poem is, not a grade from a teacher or a rhyme in a book. A poem is a method of coping and a way to understand the world with ease.

I wrote a poem for my English class and my teacher said he didn't like it. But I am stronger than he thinks, and I will continue to write poems that he does not like and I will continue to love them in spite of his opinion.
646 · Aug 2015
dear God (10 w)
tyler Aug 2015
the only thing i pray is to forget he exists.
644 · Aug 2015
3 wishes
tyler Aug 2015
if i was given three wishes, the first would be to forget every word he's ever said.

the next would be for my parents, even though they haven't gotten everything right.

the last would be eternal happiness for everyone else, because mine would be attained with the first.
573 · Dec 2014
12 AM
tyler Dec 2014
It's 12 AM and my brother is playing guitar,
And wishing that his ex was still his girlfriend.

It's 12 AM and I'm writing this poem,
thanking God that she is not longer his burden.

Sometimes the world works in odd ways,
And the people around us see clearer than we do.

This is what my brother is experiencing for the first time,
Because he is heart broken and I have never been happier for him.

God is upstairs pulling the strings,
Knowing us better than we can ever hope to know ourselves.

And we should take every big change as a message
From above that we need to venture down another path.

Because sometimes happiness and bliss
Are in the last place we would ever look ourselves.

It's 12 AM and I am thanking the world for saving my brother
Even though he does not know it yet.
tyler Mar 2015
Modern love is that which comes much
To those who do not wish to feel
The shocking nature of its touch
Upon which it does not seem real.
Those who find despair in the dark
Will never taste another’s love
Until they find and hear the lark
As he sings his praise to the dove.
It arrives quicker than you think
But it can leave you just as fast.
Fate lives and dies swift like a wink;
Like a crowded room, it won’t last.
She knows that true love is a storm.
Two perfect souls do rarely meet
Before the world makes them conform
And their connection takes its fleet.
It takes too much to join two parts,
So love lives in a middle state,
(Still, Love depends on our two hearts)
And if it passes, all will wait.
But when the giddy heaven wins
Against the torn down Earthly smoke,
Two become one and so begins
A bond like the earth to Oak.
When paths so destined do both meet,
And Fate takes this round’s victory,
That love will flourish as concrete
In all the world’s supremacy.
Therefore Love which holds them near
And defies the odds of poor Fate,
Is rare as when the night is clear
And will for none a lifetime wait.
Written for a 17th century poets class. Inspired by Marvell.
561 · Aug 2015
loving you
tyler Aug 2015
loving you has caused me the most hurt in my short life, but somehow i can't bring myself to stop.

all of the other pain has come and gone, but you have been a constant since the day you entered my mind.

it hasn't all been bad, loving you. some days my feelings put me on top of the world.

but others i'm at the bottom of the ocean because i am just another fish in your sea of lies.

loving you has shaped me into who i am, but i still don't know if that is good or bad.

if given the chance to do it all again, i hope it hurts you to know i'm not sure if i would let you in again.
i hate this poem just about as much as i hate him sometimes but maybe someone else will understand
tyler Dec 2014
Write. Write until your hand hurt and your brain gives out. This is what makes you happy.

2. When you're 18, a boy is going to kiss you for the very first time, and you're not gonna like it. This is because he is not the right one for you.

3. It's okay to watch 5 episodes of a TV show in one day. These are the days that you will never remember, but they are also the days that will keep you sane.

4. That girl you call your best friend; she's going to betray you. And it is your choice to forgive her or not.

5. Your real best friend is your brother, because he has always had your back, and you will always have his.

6. No matter how sad and lonely and worthless you feel, none of the bad things you think are true. You are worth more than the bad days.

7. Your high school graduation will not be what you want it to be. And you will never be okay with that. But it's okay to not be okay with the way the world works sometimes.

8. The friends you make in your first semester of college will outweigh 90% of the people you have met up until then, and that it absolutely okay.

9. Your mom is better than you have ever given her credit for, and you will realize this more and more each year.

10. Wait for him. Wait for the guy that will sweep you off your feet from the very first glance. Do not settle. Ever.
I wish I could go back in time and tel myself these things to avoid 8 years of tears
tyler Dec 2014
I think the reason
I love children so much
is because they're oblivious
in the most beautiful way.

They haven't yet learned that
People can be demons, too.
That the monsters they fear are under their bed,
Are actually across the hall,
Driving their school bus,
And signing their diplomas.

They still see the world as a beautiful place where anything is possible and happiness is automatic.

They still have life in their eyes and hope in their hearts.

I think this is why I love children so much.
437 · Dec 2014
You Asked And I Gave
tyler Dec 2014
You asked or my legs, and I gave them to you, even though I had miles left to run.

You asked for my eyes, and I gave them to you, even though there were places I had not yet seen.

You asked for my mind, and I gave it to you, even though I had thoughts waiting to leave my lips.

You asked for my love, but I never gave it to you, because I had none left to give. But I gave you my entire body before I let you realize that there was nothing I could give you that you didn't already have.

— The End —