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Oct 2018 · 401
Prison walls.
You whispered
sweet lullabies, keeping
all of my demons under
your control.

You thought
you had my heart, but
really it was my freedom
that you stole.

-You hid me behind
prison walls..
Sep 2018 · 455
You quiet my demons.
As we lay together
comfortably entwined,
and supine
in this bed.
I can’t get these thoughts
out of my head.

But then you slowly trace
your love on my face.

Your fingers brush across
my thighs, then hips.
You kiss my shoulder,
my neck,
my lips.

I swear to god, I could
stay here forever, just
like this.

-You quiet my demons..
Sep 2018 · 582
Can you do this for me?
I know that I
don’t possess the
beauty of a rose,
the ones before you
taught me so..

do you think you could
find a way to love me
for my words,
and for how I survived
through all of the things
that hurt.

I don’t need your help.
I just need you to love me
while I learn how to
love myself.
Sep 2018 · 988
I have a hungry heart..
I have always been
the one with a hungry heart.

I will swallow you whole, even
if it tears me apart.
Sep 2018 · 293
I’m back!!
Hey everyone,

I’m back and have been writing more than ever! I hope to get some of my current work on here! If you have an Instagram though, go follow me!
Aug 2017 · 479
...remind me.
fall into me.
tug at my soul
and pull it
from my body.
remind me
what it means
to be in love,
to feel sorrow, be human...
...remind me.
Jun 2017 · 660
Number sixteen.
Jun 2017 · 601
Number fifteen
Your words cut
so deep;
Enough to
**** what's left
of the good in me.
I watch you leave,
anxious, helpless,
unable to move.
My teeth
pierce my tongue.
The tears always hurt more
than the taste
of blood.

The thoughts and nervous panic
never prepared me for this.
never prepared me for this.
Jun 2017 · 922
Number fourteen
It's 2am

Shadows dance across the walls
and the floor boards creak under
the weight of the silence.

It's 2am

Sleep eludes me
while my thoughts reel through my mind
like film through a camera.

It's 2am

And the thoughts of you
May 2017 · 350
Number thirteen
May 2017 · 441
Through eyes half shut
I see you there,
laying just next to me.
I could reach out
and touch you,
And yet you feel like
you are miles away.
Distant and lost.
Somewhere out there,
far away from me.
Or maybe that's just how it seems
because that is where
you want to be.
May 2017 · 1.6k
Number twelve.
Words mumbled.
Thoughts kept secret.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I'm fine, I scream
under muffled breath.
I'll get some sleep,
maybe when I'm dead.
But for now
I'm just stuck
in my own head.
Apr 2017 · 535
Number eleven.
We are all
just drunk
on the idea of love
and drowning in
Apr 2017 · 321
As you brush the strings
of that old guitar,
your acoustic harmonies
catch me in an embrace
that I can't seem
to free myself from.
The feeling surrounds me
and entwined in the composition,
I see you there
wrapped up in a passion
that you can't seem to contain.
Those notes reach out
and wrap around my soul,
pulling me in every direction.

Here we sit,
surrounded by all the chords
bouncing from wall to wall,
entangled in the melody
that is you and I.
Apr 2017 · 481
Number ten.
I decided to take
all the hopeless love
that I have and
color my words with it.
I share it for other
hopeless romantics
like me.

Everyone seems to like
my colorful words
all about you.
Jan 2017 · 1.5k
As I sit here,
rooted to the ground
like the trees that surround,
day fades to night
and the sky sheds its color.
I gaze longingly as lovers pass
on the dimly lit
moonlight path,
charged on the energy
they generate together.

As I sit here
waiting for you,
I wonder if we will
ever be like that.
I wonder if you will ever feel
the current I feel
when you're around.
Your smile alone,
sends a spark through me
strong enough to knock me down.
I struggle to stay grounded
next to you.

As I sit here
I wonder when
it will be our turn
to love the fire inside.
To let it out
and show the world
how we burn for each other.

Until then
I will stay rooted here
for you to unearth
the love
we've both been
waiting for..
Dec 2016 · 824
Midnight epiphany
What odd creatures we are.
We fill our heads with
empty promises of forever,
when even the most precious things,
like time and life itself,
are temporary.

We hope to have forever,
But nothing is ever permanent.
The only thing we can keep
are the blissful memories.

This, my dear,
is all that's left for us.
Dec 2016 · 765
I dare you.
Be careful boy,
behind those pretty blue eyes
is both hope and heart break,
that has eaten men alive.
The things that go on
in her head
are chaotic, yet beautiful.
I dare you
to look deeper,
because if you can handle her,
your life will never
be the same.
She will be your muse,
and your biggest critic.
She will be your little spoon,
and steal your shirts.
But most importantly,
she will show you
that not every love,
is the same.
Dec 2016 · 640
Number nine.
If you want to know
how I feel about you,
just listen to the songs
that I showed you,
that night.
Because the lyrics scream
all the words I can't
seem to say.
I've tried many times but,
the words just won't
escape from my lips,
whenever you're around.
Those songs are
my unwritten love letter
to you, my dear.

--Random Thoughts & Whiskey Courage.
Dec 2016 · 1.5k
Number eight.
Falling for you
wasn't gradual.
It was like skipping the
last step in the dark.
There was a moment of panic,
and then you smiled
at me and I knew,
it was too late.

-- Random Thoughts & Whiskey Courage
Dec 2016 · 377
Number seven.
Don't worry,
one day,
you'll get curious
and look me up.
Then you'll wonder
what happened to us.

-- Random Thoughts & Whiskey Courage
Nov 2016 · 697
Number six.
And I know
that there are moments
when you wish
she was more like

--Random Thoughts & Whiskey Courage
Nov 2016 · 659
10 words
And my mind
        always finds its way
                               back to you..
Nov 2016 · 231
Number five.
Oh my dear
with those eyes,
so big and bright,
how can you be
so blind?

--Random Thoughts & Whiskey Courage
#eyes #beauty #blind #loveisblind #randomthoughtsandwhiskeycourage #rtwc
Nov 2016 · 2.0k
Number four.
There I sit
turned inside out
for all to see.
I try to hide
the parts of me,
the ones you weren't
supposed to see.
They all stare,
burning holes in me,
like they know this isn't
how it was supposed
to be.

--Random Thoughts & Whiskey Courage
Nov 2016 · 664
Number three.
And your words
are like knives.
With every phrase
you cut deeper into me.
And the pieces I have left
spill out onto the table
for all to see.
I am made of nothing
but twisted organs
and thoughts of you.

--Random Thoughts & Whiskey Courage.
Nov 2016 · 345
Number two.
I'm sure that someday
you will decide
that you love me.
On that day, you will feel
an overwhelming sense
of affection and lust.
You will run to me.
But I am afraid that day
will be much too late.
For I have loved you
for far too long, my dear.
By the time you read this,
I will already be long gone.

--Random Thoughts & Whiskey Courage
Nov 2016 · 405
Number one.
And sometimes
you hold me
like I'm the only hope..

you have left.

--Random Thoughts & Whiskey Courage.
Mar 2016 · 296
I want to love
like I've never been afraid

But I'm always too much
And not enough
At the same time..

Nov 2015 · 534
Nothing at all
You say you see beauty
but all I see are flaws.

You say you see pretty eyes
and a lovely smile.

I look at you with disgust
and say I see nothing at all.
Nov 2015 · 709
There she is
There she is.
You can see her
Seated just across the room.

You look up at her
From time to time
Just trying to catch a glimpse
Of that particular smile..
The one that most people never see,
Simply because they just don't
Look close enough.

You observe her every move.
Cautious not to be seem
But risking it all anyway,
Because there's something
Almost beautiful about a girl
Who can't see her own beauty.

— The End —