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Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
Union of fire and Ice
Divinely of beautiful mystery
Complimenting their vibes
Explore dark to get light
Inside wrong there is some right

Honesty is imperfection
Like a life of Yin and Yang
White soul of dark community, and
Dark soul of white community
With every answer,a question begins
Fire and Ice
Water quenches a life
Fire purifies
Touching our lives
Shared from my Anthology, Canvas: Echoes and Reflection, 2018.
BSeuss Dec 2017

brain: we've been floating for 5 hours. Do you want to go back?

Heart: FLOATING?!? I'LL TELL OF WHAT FLOATING IS! Never more can a seed bear stem if it has no subsidence to sustain it's sacred geometry! The growth of one that is physical is the same as one that is emotional!

Brain: .. so yes, when an apple is ripe it volunteers it's nutrients. When a woman is ready she will open her heart, yes?


brain: a man gives a woman his trust, just like a woman gives her trust to a man. Who would want that thrown in their face?

Heart: are you saying an apple can be compared to a human in this sense then?

Brain: apples are inanimate and without emotions heart.

Heart:........does that mean they want to hear themselves being ATE!?!

brain: it's science. Just because a tree is technically alive, doesn't mean it perceives it.

Heart: ENOUGH! This time is different brain. If a human doesn't want to be hurt why should the apple be hurt.

Brain: apples don't have nerves heart.

Heart: so what?! You're saying they can HEAR themselves being chewed and it isn't painful????!!!!

Brain: ....... yes....

Heart: ..ya?... hahaha? Why.

Brain: I don't truly know.

Heart: HA!! then HOW?!?!

Brain: science.

Heart:..............I forgot what I was talking about.

Brain: she dumped you. You did your best. Even to give her a pat on the back although you wanted to give her a talk of a century.  You let her go because you love her. She didn't feel the same at the end of the day, even if she did at the beginning. She is complex, and causes pain suddenly to avoid pain long term. You are a soilder. And would rather take the pain to what ever end to get to what you are trying to believe. You believe in love so much that it isn't tolerated when you get broken again. Because of your intention. And you know what? Your intention shows. Because instead of showing your pain to her, you wished her well, like a bad ***. Then came home, got drunk, destroyed your bedroom, and started talking to me, looking for sympathy... but you should know me by now.
You are so refreshing heart. I can't remember if I've ever felt a thing.
But out of all my knowledge, I'm still unsure as to if you have a mind of your own or not.

Heart: and what gives you this authority over me? Huh?

Brain: 42 you THINK you're all that eh?????

Brain: I know buddy. How do you FEEL?

heart: D*MNIT BRAIN!!!!
Kaylee Sep 2017
Beaming of passion’s warmth
The curtain of light, leaving its impression
Giving life and energy to the earth
Enveloping the land in its tenderness
Charity of enthusiasm to the seamless sky
Seeming to fond away from darkness
Darkness, fills as the clouds cry

Pattering of peace’s wave
The drapery of liquid crystals, washing away pain
Sympathizing with unfathomable ache
Engulfing the land in its serenity
Subject of ambedo
Calming as there is tranquility
Lightens and dazzles, ready for photo

Sun and Rain
Together to make the majestic
Yin and Yang
Variety of hues, washing the skies with aesthetic
Is this poetry? I hope it is.. I tried.. hard
Aesthete Flower Aug 2017
Let's face it, we just aren't meant to be, It's my fault. You are fire and I am water.

You burn brightly. You are energetic, fierce, strong, and warm. You could do anything. You're passionate, a little hot-headed at times, occassionally a bit dangerous, but you can love like no one else.

I am calming. I go with the flow. I'm cool, but not in a good way. My heart is cold. I crash into everything like waves. I engulf things. Anyone that meets me ends up changed for the worse. I am the ocean during a storm. I don't want your fire to be extinguished by my water. So I am letting you go. Get out, before you drown.
Arlene Corwin Jun 2017
The Sun, Birds, Cozy Cats & Light

There is the sunny side:
The bursting green of tree and bush,
The light, delight, the precious ****,
Processes key to happiness.
A breakthrough, negatives decried,
And you
Taking in,
All full of beans.
Within your day, the friendly means
Of sun, the birds, the cozy cat,
The light within,
The light without.
You, the end result content.

The Sun, Birds, Cozy Cats & Light 6.29.2017
Circling Round Nature II; Circling Round Reality;
Arlene Corwin
Yin & Yang
Soulace May 2017
If you paint me dark, like a devil
I hope you see the angel in me.

If you paint me in light, like an angel
I hope you see the devil in me

I hope you paint me as human though,
Because then, you can see both.

And then hopefully you can see
The other colours in me
Wrote this thinking about how people's perspectives on you change literally in the matter of a single instance. How your name can be slandered after a single mistake kinda thing. Thought it be interesting to write something about it :o
What if
our personalities
are just
our mother
and our father
inside of us?
Jami Samson Jun 2013
In the black sky, he glows like a falling star.
While on the ground, she stares from afar.
He flickers like fountains of meteor shower
And she can't help but to devour.

The clouds gave way upon his presence
And she was bedazzled by his luminescence.
His sparks are like shimmering asteroids;
Which, one by one, she desperately avoids.

The girl is Yin, and the boy is Yang.
When they collide, it'd be the Theory of Big Bang.
She's the color black, he's the color white.
They can't be combined, just like day and night.

Yin couldn't be heard even with her voice so loud.
While Yang, even the planets are proud.
He's the sun, she's the moon.
When they intertwine, it'd be the start of doom.

But alas, the constellations have connected
These two heavenly bodies by a thread.
There was no need for a North Star to be of guide,
For their lines are meant to coincide.

Neither did a black hole,
Nor did a nuclear fission divide them sole.
Just like saturn and its rings;
When he spins, she clings.

They're both from different galaxies,
With the same discrepancies.
Yet, they are in one circle in cosmology.
This is Yin and Yang's story.
#10, 2011
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