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Dhaye Margaux Dec 2014
The truth is-
    she really hates men
    wearing shiny glasses
    and boots
    riding on their big bikes
    like Kings of the Road

But everything changed
when she met at an old park,
someone who writes in simple paper
simple words of encouragement
and lessons based on his life

He was wearing shiny glasses
    and boots
    and black hat
    but never rode on a big bike

She loves his works so much-
   simple but elegant
   sometimes hot, sometimes not
   some are with silly things,
   but most are inspiring

His words feed her soul a lot

So if ever he forgets the way
back to that old park
she will search for him
or wait and pray

Only his words feed her soul a lot...
Memoirs of 2013:
An avid reader and her favorite poet
apintofwords Dec 2014
She was like the wind, everywhere at once and suddenly not there at all,
She was madness, she was irrational, she was blinded by love,
She was passion in itself, her soul always one step ahead of her body,
She was the girl who always loved too much, always gave too much and always hurt too much,
She conjured up lightning with her words,
She spilled oceans onto pages and then drowned in the storm,
She was the dreamer who never really woke up,
Love was always just out of reach, laughter was always a step ahead of her,
She was madness, she was lightning and she was love,
"I must get my soul back from you", she said, "I'm killing my flesh without it".
She still lingers on, in between the pages of the Bell Jar, hiding in poetry that touches your soul,
She still lingers on, waiting for the day he returns her soul back to her so she can laugh in colors again.
Notes on Sylvia Plath. The once-in-a-lifetime woman!
Today is not my day.
I feel like.. like.. I've lost it,
I feel like I've lost my special talent..
What if I never had a talent what if I really am not a writer or a poet, what if everything my teacher and friends say is a lie.. What if I really do have a talent and **** it's gone just like that. Oh boy, I feel it in my chest.. I feel the lie and the lack of confidence in myself... No, no!  I will NOT tear myself down after I've worked hard to bring myself up. No! I am good I'm not perfect or amazingly great but I AM good. After all I'm just a beginner right.
My talent has just shown itself.. This may not be a poem but this is me. This is what they say is my talent.. They say I am a good writer. I must see this for myself.
On this night i feel sad and many other emotions i can not explain to anyone but you my fellow hello poetry family for you may be the only souls to understand my words of sorrow.
Dandelion Dec 2014
To my future lover:

I hope you won’t get mad at me for leaving tea bags on our apartment sink. Sometimes I get lost in thoughts I forget to clean it up.

I hope you won’t mind that I suddenly wake up at three in the morning. My mind has probably brewed something noteworthy again. Please, get back to sleep. And let me write about how peaceful you breathe.

Please don’t get mad that I excessively stare at you in the most random times; I’m always dumbfounded with your ecstatic beauty—I’ve never seen such beauty like the starlit night sky. Your eyes shout the most soothing melody that the words slipping from your mouth become background noise.

I’m sorry that I get tensed often times, maybe it’s the lack of sleep, or too much caffeine in my system, but I assure you, it’s never about you—I can never have too much of you.

I promise that every letter I write will be infused with your love, and every word will be pervaded with your smoky-vanilla scent and every dot will not be an end, but another beginning. Another chapter. I am the author, and you are my muse. I will write until your name is engraved on my bones.
This probably needs to be improved but hey, I tried. :)
AMcQ Nov 2014
I wish to enter your mind;
to scrub clean its walls
of frenzied brush strokes
and scribbled words.
I will not stop
until my hands blister;
until I make of you
a blank, echo-filled room.
Only then, will I
leave for you my art;
A single flame,
glowing bright
to fill and warm.
You will only feel it.
But all will see it
in your eyes.

**Let me in...
JR Falk Dec 2014
An artist has a busy mind.
Whether it be lines of a poem
or lines of a play.
One may argue that literature cannot be art,
But I will look at the accuser and ask him to count the callouses on my hands
he’ll ask what for,
what they are from,
and as I count them I’ll tell him,
"From crawling out of my own little hell."
Of course, he’ll scoff and leave, but who is he to blame?
Poets are emotional.
Others fear to feel.
Which, in retrospect, is very ironic when you think about it, because technically, they are still feeling.

My mind is like rush hour all hours of the day,
Because there is so much left to think about,
So little time to enact,
So little time to involve yourself in the thoughts.
Things occupy my mind often and when I sit alone on a park bench,
I see a collection of cars screeching against the pavement toward me,
or hear a phone call that tells me my mother,
my father,
my sister,
my brother,
is or are dead when all of the above are very much alive.

No, my mind does not silence,
It is persuasive and deceiving and it never fails to fail me,
Yet I’m trapped inside, because it’s all I've got.
When people ask if I’m alright, I respond with
"I’m fine! I’m perfectly OK!"
Because this is how my mind has been since I could count to ten,
and I cannot seem to picture it being any other way.

Normality is boring, but normality is accepted.
Being expressive is not.
So I’m told I’m too emotional when I speak in a crowded room,
I do not argue, though I still wonder how
An obnoxious burst of laughter is far too expressive.
They say the saddest people laugh the loudest
Because they are most vulnerable and susceptible to a comedian’s antics,
Especially considering they've muted their own expression to the point of near insanity,
Smiling and suicidal,
Laughing but decaying and cracking drastically with each and every chuckle,
Ironic like an abandoned amusement park-
A dying happy place.
People say that “the saddest people have the brightest eyes,”
And the most common compliment I get is
“*******- I love your eyes!”

I do not try to be obnoxious.
The words slip, and the volume cracks up,
And my mind continues running when I am standing still.
I am trying to figure out why I cannot catch my breath,
When I am not even moving.

I wish I could be normal,
I wish I wasn't so ****** up and broken
But you can’t just take a totaled car,
hand someone the keys and say,
"Take her for a spin!"
Because it will forever feel useless and it will not function.
Therefore, neither will I.

Writing helps in easing the plethora of trains speeding through my mind,
Trains of thought just chugging along,
But it only slows them down, if only for a while.

As an inexperienced conductor,
When someone asks me if I’m “BUSY,”
I can never answer them “no” honestly,

Because an artist has a busy mind.
Old, finally revised. Still unsure if I'm proud of it.
Monique Pereda Dec 2014
I want to write
My own love story
But I know
That I will never be
A good writer
For I always fail
So, please, do the writing
And let me be the reader
Christopher Lowe Dec 2014
A writers best work
Is not that which elicits emotions from others
But that which
Elicits emotions from themselves
Went back and read a few of my less popular poems and they still hold great truth and meaning even if it is only to me.
Kyra Dec 2014
I'm shameless because I expose every little experience I have on a piece of paper

I have dreams of maybe one day being alright
and not having to settle with just being 'fine'.

My hand aches just as much as my heart does; working too much, or too fast

The qualities I have are like no other
because I'm indeed a writer
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