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Sergio Gonzalez Jul 2021
I know you’ve been struggling
To keep it together
Whenever the weather changes its mood
I know you’re out here wishing
You were on the moon
With no reaction to change
The wind blows with force
To move on to its next destination
And away it goes

I wish you could talk to me
The way you talk to your pillow
Always wondering why you’re so alone         When you don’t allow me in
When you hurt the most

So what’s holding you down?
You can blame the whole world
For the way you are
This and that
I’m so happy and now I’m sad
And my rain clouds form
When I see you like that
I wish I could do something
I wish I could take it all away
But my ship is sinking
And you’re the one to blame
Pseudonymous S Jul 2021
“Bombs away!”

You called.

They exploded with love.

Then suddenly,

The world was left empty.

Until the next wave.
I am twenty three
She is twenty seven
I love her so much free
Our love is now flying in heaven

I am younger than her
She is older than me
Both of us are always together
Let sing a happy song for me

I am an ordinary boy
She is gorgeous one
We always enjoy
And make this life so much fun

I live in fantasy world
She tries to make me real
I want to grow old
and the love gives me all the feel
Indonesia, 7th July 2021
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
Hadrian Veska Jul 2021
You may doubt it, but I've see it
What lays beyond all oceans
Never would one imagine
How easily all can be deceived
By a few books and a map
It is true that ice lays beyond our borders
In every direction it is inescapable
Some have pondered, guessed or seen this
Yet none but I know
What lies beyond even that
For you see this earth we are on
This place we call the world
Is but a mere portion
A section of the plate
Those things beyond it
Can scare be imagined
Unless seen with the naked eye
And even then they may induce madness
To eyes like yours
So readily accustomed to deception
Àŧùl Jul 2021
My new novel
Is now available
On the online circle
Of Amazon Kindle
As a soft copy eBook
And as a traditional
Hard copy novel

It set it in beyond COVID19 days,
Read what I write as a PhD scholar.
I know that China modified it,
Naturally, CoV won't affect us so much.
China altered it in the Wuhan lab,
They made it a novel Coronavirus,
They called it nCoV19, ask why,
Because they engineered it in 2019.

My novel talks about it,
This sin is punished,
Not just by India,
But also by USA,
And everyone sane,
There happens WW3,
The Negative Axis powers are:
China, North Korea & Pakistan

Indian Army has HuSaVe's,
Human Safety Vehicles,
Robotic suits that the DRDO creates.
China copies them,
Removes the human part,
And makes GHOST's,
Global Human Omission Safety Transformers.

The story is built with a lot of action, some technology and a bit of romance,
A lot of red shades make the story, some blues for it and a bit of pink,
For writing it, I wasted not a microlitre of real ink.

Indian Army comes up with TASIP,
Terrestrial Army Soldier Improvement Program,
And the protagonist, Ravindra Thakur is selected to be one of them.
He becomes a genetically modified soldier,
The DRDO has a specialist scientist Dr. Malakar who does it with his team,
CRISPR-Cas9 is used to elongate all his telomeres,
And now he has stronger chromosomes.

Ravindra & his batchmates can handle extreme doses of hormones,
Adrenalin, human growth hormone and testosterone to name a few,
These hormones can otherwise **** people in such high overdose,
But his sixth sense is strengthened and even the seventh & eighth senses top with those,
You begin to read it and if you can't put it down, blame it on me,
Cross-references to my previous novel help bring your heart closer,
Yes, the novel is sci-fi, army, diplomacy and hypothetically viable too.

My HP Poem #1933
©Atul Kaushal
Man Jun 2021
who the **** knows how an alien would view us

terrified, at the awe inducing power
we've wrestled from the world
and the lack of respect we have for it

mortified, at the sheer opulence
we've dug out from the earth
and that the many shall never see

inside, we all know
that anything makes more sense
than a perspective that rung
even neutral
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, very old draft:?

maybe God just God maybe
the sea
the underworld not water meant to be
the air
the too much hollowness for a free soul fair
the fire
the heated blare that makes cold a liar
the earth
the destined
the chosen
or is it not
because from where I stand people are standing alot
and a sane man can see the cuts
in eyes or in harmed hands and hearted plots
maybe God just God maybe
I am blind shot

Druzzayne Rika Jun 2021
You wanted the world
Now the world won't let you be
Till you cease to be
Hamna Jun 2021
Today,  I picked up flowers of life with glee

Tomorrow, the thorns of death shall pick me without any glee

Today I enjoyed the temporary pleasures of the world

Tomorrow, I shall dwell with the displeasures of death

The funeral ahead is declaring ‘O humans of this earth’
‘Follow my lead since I am your guide.’
Sayyidunā Abul-Ḥujjāj Šumālī رضي الله عنه narrates that the Holy Prophet صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم said, “When the dead person is laid into the grave, the grave says to him, “May you be destroyed! Why did you forget me? Didn’t you know that I am the home of troubles and darkness? Why did you use to walk on me arrogantly?” If the deceased is pious, a voice from the unseen says, “Oh grave! He is one of those who always spread goodness and prevented evil” The grave says, “If it is so, I will become a garden for him.” The body of the person then becomes Nūr and his soul goes towards the court of Allāĥ Almighty” (Musnad-e-Abī Ya’lā, Ḥadīš 6835, V6, P67, Dār-ul-Kutub-ul-‘Ilmiyyaĥ,
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