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Regan Morse Feb 2017
When I reach h o m e
I will shower
To wash away my s i n s
I will wash away the g r i m
I will wash away my t r i g g e r s
My temporary s a v a g e n e s s

As I walk out and wrap myself in a towel
A softsoftsoft luxury I haven't had in so long
I will b r e a t h e

In . Out

Inhale . Exhale

My shoulders will become l i g h t e r
My walk s u r e r
My hands c l e a n e r

*I will become civilized again.
Axel Stardust Feb 2017
I could imagine the film underneath her eyes
I wondered if I took a needle and poked it in
If I could find the roll of images that hide behind fleshy lids
They flicker
They glisten
They play on repeat
And when I look into her eyes
I swear I can see it all
elizabeth Feb 2017
Writing is my outlet,
My emotions are the charger.
I am an old Nokia.
I have endured pain
And hardships in life.
I have watched everyone
Else advance while I am
Left behind.
Everyone remembers me,
But no one really cares anymore.
Everyone knows who I am,
But no one wants me.
I'm no longer good enough.
February 18, 2017.
Late night tonight. Can't really sleep. These are the weird thoughts that run through my head. Maybe instead of watching YouTube late at night when I can't sleep, I'll post poetry and read it the next day.... And then take it down because it's probably weird as ****.
Anyways, goodnight all. Sweet dreams.
CJ Cole Feb 2017
Where did I go?
Should I go with the flow?
Did I lose myself?
Is that me on the shelf?
Can you lend me a hand?
Or are you on your last stand?
Does using your senses disappear?
Or, maybe use your eyes or ears?
Could it be my worst fear?
Who have I become?
What says my cerebrum?
Can you answer that?
Am I falling flat?
What can we do?
Feeling  blue, are you, too?
Is this as awkward for you as it is me?
Don't you want to be free?
Why so many questions?
Why deny my affections?
I mean, how many can there be?
Don't you want to see?
Don't you want to just go home?
Or, do you wish to roam?
Is there enough time before dark?
Did you hear the dog bark?
You hear it, too?
Do you think it's just us few?
Thank goodness, but what now?
Do you smell something foul?
Ugh, is that something sticky?
Gross, better get out of here quickly!
Leila Valencia Feb 2017
And we sing, together. But, I feel
And I sing alone, I feel, still.
And I feel alone in a breathe....
And every song is the last.
Scott Hamsun Feb 2017
I woke up in the morning, My cat was reading Twain,
I tugged his tail so hard, It yanked his little brain.

My Father walks down the stairs yelling "revolution on the rise."
And I know he really meant it, I could see it in his eyes.

I said: "whoa whoa pops what's up with you? You're actin' slightly mad,"
He said: "well son, here we go I'll tell whats got me sad.

Yesterday the mail came and I saw a ***** word,
It said, taxes are coming soon, You'd better hire a new nerd.

So I walked down to the town hall with this witchcraft in my fist,
they said well sir you gotta wait in line, and then marked me on a blacklist.

So I got on a bus back home, for to find a new kazoo,
and then an animal walked on and said 'son wanna hold my shoe?'

I said no way man you got a filthy disease,
You look like a racoon and you smell like rotten cheese.

Then It said hold me to sooth me ease the pain of life
And I guess I did, next thing I knew it was the end of Saturday night.

I said oh no my taxes are due I gotta find a nerd,
I saw one eating spaghetti with the cat and a purple bird.

I walked over stylishly and then in one swoop I stole the nerd,
then I kissed the cat, broke my back and ate that little bird.

Yes I loaded up my harpoon, with a fistful of grapes,
And I got ready to fire for to make my great escape.

I shoot them at my enemies, and let them pop in their face,
Then mama came, took my '**** and put me in my place.

Yelling: 'Oh Joy, Oh Joy I found my car, now lets go take the bus',
I said Lets go my dear, Its time for us to float like living dust.

Then the Medicine man Comes in with a skull on his cane.
Then he Hits mama so hard she began to go insane.

It was just then we got home so I left her on the bus,
Next time I'll just take the train, at least its color ain't like pus."
Scott Hamsun Feb 2017
I was walking along the brook,
landed in one of them corn mazes from the books.
I started running,
started funning,
'till I gone and ran into a corn stalk,
I hit it so hard I forgot how to talk,
I could barely walk.
It don't matter,
just started going faster.
Well I found my way to the end,
but across the field I saw a radish bend.
Ah well, I guess its the weekend,
and Id rather run the radishes than come to an end.
And I ran,
oh yes I ran.
I ran here,
I ran there,
in the sky,
nearly trampled a guy...

Yeah he was yellin',
at me,
I said whats up.
And then he says this, he says:
I own these here radishes,
Go on ***, get outta mah FaRm.
Then, I dunno, I guess I was just really cool,
I was able to convince him, that this here, was my farm.
And that's the story of my farm.
Tiffany Scicluna Jan 2017
In a moment of an act,
A cruel memory fogged my sight,
As my acting started to fade
My past emotions started to crawl out,
I started walking and trembling,
My eyes wide open,
I did not always see what was in front of me,
My past came back to reality
and mixed up with the act.
It ****** me up completely,
causing me to not breath
Panic took over,
And tears made their way out,
When they asked what happened,
No words could come out,
I only blutterd out bits of words,
With no meaning to their ears.
As out of fear I couldn't speak a word,
Until I was calmed down with another one's touch.
CastorPolydeuces Jan 2017
I'm always down, the gutter's my home
and the streets are strewn with plastic
and old cigarettes and syringes as always
but today I felt that friendly old surge
of an abnormal normalcy, as though
my ragged surroundings had elevated
to the level of the common folk.

I live for my manic high points.
This isn't really a poem, just a thought/state that I wanted to remember, and potentially call upon when I have more time to put effort into writing.
Blossom Jan 2017
Traveling down the side of the road
On the bicycle lane
Cuz you're ******* like that
Avoiding mechanical beasts and lakes of gas
In a distance of 3.6 in miles
According to the GSP your phone has
Sneak into the kingdom to steal the jewels
Don't let off any alarms...
DING **** oh crap here comes the guards

GUARD: Hi, welcome to Jack in the box! What would you like today?
YOU: I'll have a #4 with a Reese's Milkshake instead of a drink. large.
YOU: oh and curly fries. large. all to-go
GUARD: Okay! That'll be $7.64...

Digs through pocket
Finds some trash
Finds a ******
Finds some cash

YOU: here
GUARD: Thank you! Your food will be done shortly

Waiting so patiently
In this ***** old cell
The guard eyes you warily
You know this look well
Waiting not patiently
To find your way out
You then see the exit
And mentally you happily shout

*GUARD: Here's your food, have a good day!
YOU: you too.
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