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Stella Jun 2019
I don't want to be with the ΉЦMΛП ones
I don't want to participate in their sick games

They put my body in a new light
Pinned down, legs and arms sticking out
My chest rising like a storm's wave
The pointy instruments jabbed in my direction
Who did these cretins think they were?

Then you should imagine how I felt
When I discovered through torn tissue and sharp rule
What the humans really desired from me

"We want your blood, organs, and much more."

"We want to see what you have back home."

ΉӨMΣ? They repeated the word more than enough,
a foreign tongue and culture, I had trouble understanding
My uniquely pristine terrain was ΉӨMΣ
My business was not extended to these cruel organisms
My body was not open to these merciless cuts
My fluid...
I am dizzy
but for now they are gone,
No more agony
I look around me finally

Lifeless white, lifeless shine
my liquids on the floor,
No soul

Back in my world,
One could not compare
the lack of luster behind these walls
to our fresh, fragrant colored happiness
I did not take in pride
as much as I did in these moments

My liquid- blood as they called it
was ironically the most beautiful thing in that cursed room
A splash of amber on haunting floors
I wonder if ΉЦMΛПƧ bled like us?
Why must I be thinking like this?

I already decided how I felt about these beings
They were no good
They captured me
Trapped me
Pried me
Taunted me

But I reminded myself that my species wasn't all good
As much as I am justified in my anger
Perhaps there's good ΉЦMΛПƧ too?

Another thing picked away at me,
really got under my skin
They clearly thought they were above me
At least in the sense that I was mere entertainment for them
Like a budding flower to be stripped away

They considered themselves superior
Over my home and species
They've given me a little name
Taking it to heart even, playfully

I am sincerely asking,
what does ΛLIΣN mean?
₩łⱠⱠ ł ɆVɆⱤ Ʉ₦ĐɆⱤ₴₮₳₦Đ? ₩łⱠⱠ ₮ⱧɆ₴Ɇ ⱧɄ₥₳₦₴ ₴₱₳ⱤɆ ₥Ɇ?
Stella Jun 2019
Something else,
Could be so much fun
When you are not around

When someone new,
Can not adjust
when you are always nearby

I became someone new,
what do I do?

Why must you insist
I resist,
When you know I'm not that shy...

Don't make me pull my hair out
trying to make you out,
You don't want to see my entropy...
entropy (in-truh-***): a person's gradual descent into madness
Luis Valencia Jun 2019
I'm in a room at a party
And the only thing I can think about
Is how different I am

I'm stubborn
But I'm too weak to keep fighting
I feel run down
Completely drained

When I speak
The words rush into each other
I panic and feel them string together
The taste of empty words
is like sewage in my mouth

I dress like my skin will peel off if it is admired by someone
The fabric must be loose or I fear that people will call me grotesque

When people are around me
They always hear my voice
But never listen
I'm a cacophony of forgotten lines

I'm in a room at a party
And I'm the outcast
I am different
But that shouldn't make me
An outcast
Carmen Jane Jun 2019
I had three
Now I have one
I had Happiness, Faith and Love
Now I only have one
To which it added Sadness
What should I do with one and the Sadness?
I don't quite know
So I feel disoriented
I travel in the darkness
But the one in my chest pocket
It's there
And I feel the other two, that they are not there
Yes two is bigger than one
But the one it's still there
I think I should seek the light
And enjoy the one
And stop wondering
How would it be, with the other two as well
I should tell Sadness,
She could visit, but she can not stay
As I still have the one
And I'll do my best
To make memories with the one I have
As life is short and weird
I would not let Sadness,
Or Dispair,or Fear,
Take control of it
I will try my best
To be thankful I have the one
And even if I always miss the two
I will keep wearing the shirt
With the pocket at my chest
Where is plenty of room for them, too
Jillian Jesser Jun 2019
There are nights,
blue sky coming through the window
the last orange of the sun
no longer aglow
when I seek myself.

She is a daughter.
She is a son.
She is the weird and wary night coming in
                                                              ­        slowly.

like an idly turning spinnerette
she awakes.

There is a morning,
fog traipsing through the mountain
around the trees
and to my door
when I see myself.
MisfitOfSociety Jun 2019
Don’t read this poem!
It is disgusting!
Hide the kids!


Lady of the drains, children of the ****,
Have been taking your **** for far too long.
Her once white bridal dress is now brown,
Stained by the **** and **** you flushed down.

Death came from every open window.
Unexpected rain fell down to the streets.
You waited for the weather to carry it all down,
For Venus to take it and cleanse it all underground.

This is how the world ends!
Engulfed by your own tithes and offerings!
The prisoner of Cloaca Maxima!
Is sending every prayer back to the sender!

We are the **** and **** you thought you flushed away!
We are coming back up to drown you today!
Out of all the ways to go this had to be it!
Drowned in your own **** and ****!

You caged Venus below your cities,
Punished her with your iniquities.
You thought we were gone when you pulled the handle down,
But we are coming back up and bringing a **** storm

Venus gave us a conscious,
She weaponized us.
All little things add up over time,
Surely you were prepared for this?!

Like the bud of a tossed away cigarette.
You didn’t think much of us then.
The bud hatched open a forest fire.
You are thinking alot about us now.

Trying to build an ark when the flood has already come.
You never learned to swim so you are going drown.
Next time you shouldn’t leave your armbands at home!

You plastic wrap your stink hole,
Hoping not to add more to us.
Your chocolate starfish bursts open,
You’re gonna add more to us.
It all has to come out eventually!

We're coming out of every faucet, pipe, plug hole, shower head and toilet!

***** rising up around you,
Surrounding you,
Covering over you,
Suffocating you!
Out of all the ways to go this had to be it!
Drowned in your own **** and ****!
Love it, or hate it. You have to admit is is a pile of ****.
hickery dickery do, she pulled down her pants and said there were two,
we got on the bed only for her to fall and hit her head,
then when she waked, she was totally baked,
after awhile she committed a crime, she turned a cops **** into a dime, the cop gave her a smile and she knew what she did,
she took off her pants and gave birth to a kid,
the cop surprised not knowing what to do,
believe it or not she gave him the flu,
i guess she did some magic ****,
after that she knew how to knit
the end?
Anastasia Jun 2019
beans in my shoes
beans in my pockets
she put beans
even inside my locket
i don't know why
she likes beans so much
she says they're good to eat
and nice to touch
she's kinda strange

beans in my bed
beans on my head
she really likes beans
i guess i'll have to deal with it
but only coz i love her
u will have to deal with it
Zeynep Çiçek Jun 2019
It is as strange as the legends say,
She seems as ugly as the swans titter of.

With that groomed, pristine coat
And the croon of songcranes;
She seems as beautiful as I dream of.
Duckling???? No idea.
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