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Mark Toney Mar 2020

© 2020 by Mark Toney.  All rights reserved.
2/25/2020 - Poetry form: Abecedarian - An Abecedarian poem is a type of acrostic poem that is arranged by alphabetical order, the initial line beginning with the first letter of the alphabet. Each line or verse begins with the next letter of the alphabet and ending with the final letter; sometimes known as an alphabet poem. - © 2020 by Mark Toney.  All rights reserved.
Bardo Feb 2020
He died... died on a dung hill, on a
   manure heap
A little kitten, a lovely.... the cutest
   little thing
Just appeared one day, one cold
   Winter's morning
At the bottom of our back garden
Appeared out of nowhere so it
   seemed, just sitting there
I seen him out the kitchen window,
The other two bigger cats we had
They seen him too
They went up to him immediately
They hissed and spat at him
Hit him a few times with their paws
It was like they were saying:
"You're not wanted here, this is our domain, our territory, Keep out! Keep
But he just sat there, taking it all
Not even trying to defend himself.
Now I didn't want another cat, we had
   two already
I was only young, a boy, had no job,
   no money
We were just feeding them, feeding
    them on scraps,
But you just couldn't help feeling
   sorry for him
Sitting out there in the cold,
   unwanted and unloved
My young boy's heart, it went out to
Eventually I took him out some milk
   and some food
I petted him on the head
In a strange way he reminded me a
   bit of myself
" Seems like the whole world is
   against you too, little fella" I said
But his little head, it remained
   bowed, his eyes closed, looking in
       on himself,
I left him there,
Of the milk he never touched a drop
And the food, never even looked at it
He just sat there so still and so quiet,
When I went out a little while later
I found him, his little body all stiff
   and cold...frozen in the cold
"This isn't a world for little things", I
" there are no miracles here, no
And there ain't no happy endings
(They lied to us)".
I buried him.
I think I buried a part of myself as
   well that day.
The kitten poem, a true story, it always haunted me, that kitten and there were other cats who came to bad endings. I suppose I was a lonely kid, I grew up in a lovely area and had some really close good friends. But then we moved to another town, when I went to school, now secondary school I knew no one, not a soul. I hated it. The others all had friends as they'd gone to primary school together. I was an outsider, I knew no one, at lunch breaks you'd wander around alone by yourself. The lessons too, were harder and the teachers too were scary. It was so different and so intimidating. And there was no one who would understand. And then one evening this friendly cat appeared on our window sill. I never had a cat before but she was very friendly. I used feed her and bring her in and she'd sleep by the fire. In those days people were relatively poor and there was no such thing as spending money on cats, kittens would be drowned, if they were sick they'd be left to die.etc. It was a cold brutal world. I suppose this is what this poem is about, a sensitive youngster awakens to the realisation that life is hard and tough with little magic in it.
Nicholas Feb 2020
Can’t control my environment so I gotta split
I’m not afraid to admit
my anxiety is feeling legit
like I got into a fight
when I’d have rather taken flight
but the time wasn’t right
I couldn’t see the light
my chest is feeling tight
this is when I write
have my thoughts reach a new height
all in spite of tonight
I’m hoping for an invite
so that I may be so polite
as to be my own knight
and relish in delight
in exchange for my current fright
Shruti Gour Feb 2020
So eager to please are you,
that your first reaction is to smile,
as the poisoned words leave his lips.

‘Sorry, what?’ is your second reaction,
like somehow no matter how vile,
the words are your fault, you need to apologize.

He says ‘come here’ and for the first time,
you face your inner voice that whispers ‘Run’,
like it’s standing outside your trembling body.

But you are rooted in your spot, frozen,
still a smile plastered on your lips,
as the goosebumps erupt everywhere.

He bangs his hands on the table then,
says ‘are you deaf? I said come here’,
and you begin praying desperately for a miracle.

As you start to walk towards him,
your hands extended, placating him,
you wonder if it’s fight or flight you choose.

The doorbell rings followed by excited knocking,
It's probably his friends with his birthday cake,
their presence diffuses the tension in you a bit.

You finally exhale as they rush inside,
still smiling but it doesn’t reach your eyes,
you take the cake and escape into the kitchen.

‘She’s hormonal’ his lazy voice drifts to you,
like anybody looking at you will not see,
the fear that oozes out of every pore.

The money you’ve been hiding is under the sink,
your purse still on the kitchen counter,
while they cackle watching some old videos.

You shove the money in your purse,
with your eyes fixed on the back door,
and you move towards it, no longer frozen.
Michael Stefan Feb 2020
-in honor of Matthew Hennigan, Vinson Adkinson and everyone else who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their brothers and sisters in arms, you are missed every day

Oh, sweet empty mountain
in your quiet majesty,
Overwatching flowing rivers
meandering through a hushed valley,
And the sparsely growing forest
littered with ruins of times forgot,
In this silent, flowing landscape
for which many nations have fought

Oh, the things you've seen oh mountain,
from triumph to betrayal
To lovers' first awkward kiss,
and children battling so playful
And in waves, you saw it change,
one year peace, the next year tense
You have witnessed arc of all mankind,
each and every sad offense

You witnessed the day when they sat
upon your steep marble mountainside,
Wrapped in ratty tan blankets,
whose purpose was to let them hide
And fingers lay on naked triggers,
muzzles pointed to the road
Cloaked men carried bandoliers,
so their gunners needn't reload

And in the early dawn of light,
the first 'crack' echoed off your side
As a battlefield erupted,
the roaring of a violent fight
Oh, you ancient hunk of rock,
overseeing all as many died
In the distance could you hear,
the faint sound as we all cried?

Rest in peace you glorious *******
I love you Matty and Vinny
I'll see you again one day
Can't really talk about this one.
Audrey Feb 2020
if i think too hard about the things you deserve
i am then too close to violence
Big Virge Feb 2020
Ya Know... Big Virge Words...
Are Built To Merge With... " The Purge "...

As In ... " The Flick "...
That TRULY IS ... SICK... !!!

But Here's The Trick...
This Flick Has Some TWISTS That May Well PREDICT....

A Future Where SIN Is A... " Once A Year Thing "... !?!

That's Where It BEGINS ...
As Do These Words I've Put Into Verse ...

I YES ...
PURGE The Urge To DENY What Hurts...

So That I Stay Calmer ...
Rather Than Bring The DRAMA ...
Like These ... " Wannabee' Osamas' "... !!!!!

Trying To Play That They HARDER ...
Than A Man Whose Words DISTURBS Their Nerves... !!!!!!

Because My Words ... BURN... !!!
When They INSERT What I OBSERVE About Their World...

Where It's CLEAR That They ... " Think "...
They ARE ... " BIG SLICK "... !!!

When The TRUTH is THIS ...
They're ... FULL OF IT ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which Is Why I DECLINE To JOIN ... " Their Kind "...
And Have To PURGE ...
MY Wish To Employ That Which DESTROYS ...
The INFANTILE Noise Coming From These BOYS ... !!!!!

PLAYING That They MEN ...
Til' They Have To DEFEND Their Brand of NONSENSE ... ?!?

Against Words I Express ...
That Lyrically SPLURGE My Wish To ... " PURGE "...
That Bore Like ****** With... SWEATY Pores... !!!!!!

This Flick Fa' SURE Has STIRRED In Me ...
What It Is I FEEL ... Humanity NEEDS ...

BEFORE People ... " En Masse "...
Get LOOSE And Start Acting UNCOUTH...
Through EVIL Moves Like BURNING Roofs ... !!!!!

Because of What HURTS ... " INSIDE Their Worlds "...

A NEED For LOVE And WARMER Stuff ...
Than Acting TOUGH And *** That's ROUGH ... !!!

Maybe That's What WORKS For Girls To PURGE ...
Their NEED To FEEL Something That's REAL ... !?!

But Is THAT ... " The REAL "... ???
That They're TRYING To FEEL ... !?!

Or Just ... "A Deal "...
That Has NO MEAL On Which To GROW ... !!!
Because It Feels Like Their ... ONLY HOPE ... !!!

Any OB1's ........ ?

... NOPE ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just Moves Below That Are NO JOKE ... !!!!

Cos' They PROVE What BURNS May Well Just Lurk ...

.... " Internal SCARS ".... !!!!!

Because It's THE HARD That's FUELLING Their Hearts...
of Those Who THINK They're SMART Like ... TONY STARK ... !!!

So Back To The Flick ...
Cos' I Recognise ... What The Movie Implies...

PROBLEMS On The RISE That Are Now WORLDWIDE ... !!!!!
How ... TOO MANY Lives Have Become Contrived ...

Because of LIES That Reside In The Minds ...
of Those Wanting To FIND Some PEACE FILLED Times ...

Yeah I Think It's Time To BELIEVE The Signs ...
That We NOW Observe ... ALL OVER The World ... !!!

BEFORE This World BURNS Because of Our Words ...
And VIOLENCE That Serves ...
Some ... FRUITLESS Hors D'oeuvres ... !!!

It Seems CLEAR To Me That Humanity NEEDS ...
To STOP VIOLENT Sprees That In The Future ... Could Be ...

.... " Government OVERSEEN "....
For TWELVE HOURS ... " YEARLY "... !!!?!!!

Like ... In The Movie... !!!
NOT ON Big Screens But VIA .... " CCTV ".... ?!!?

It Would Seem We NEED To ... " Work "...
To Learn HOW We Should...

........ " PURGE ".......
I really do believe that humanity could now do with, One BIG PURGE !
Michaela Ferris Feb 2020
So sick of being told how to be;
laugh and smile until they all believe
that everything is perfect
even if it's just for show.
You can't let anyone see the pain that's there.

For whats planted in my mind is
a family with their backs against the bedroom door,
the sounds of threats and screaming
Bouncing and echoing off the walls.
The first day I truly understood
that everything is not always good.
But you wear a smile and pretend it's all okay!

My memory is plagued with so much dark,
the voices of pleading children for it all to stop,
to be loved by a man who could never.
And the emptiness of promises
followed by spewing words of hatred
lead the violence to be seen as something deserved.
But you do your best to act normal and pretend it's all okay!

I thought with growing up, things would get easier,
but I guess things never will.
People like to try and take advantage
even if it destroys you inside.
When I close my eyes I feel it happening,
Their hands overpowering, taking away all my control.
But of course it must have been something I did, so just smile and get on with your life!

Maybe this is why i struggle to trust,
I'm so scared to be hurt and let down.
So before you get too close, I'll try and run.
I feel like this is all I can do to protect me from the violence,
or maybe this is all I am worth?!
Michael Stefan Feb 2020
I thought of cool lines with hard angles
Sliding fingers across steel burnished bright
The touch felt solid under rapt enraptured fingers
Heavy to the hand, but built so very light

This gun was my protection
It shimmered in the moonlight, built for feel
Blurring hard angles into smooth curves
Steel gave way to flesh, earthly appeal

Lubrication turned to sweat, slick with desire
This power is intoxicating, it makes me free
Silky hair took place of polymer coat
My lover was my gun
Pointed right at me
This poem describes the textile nature of love and fear.  Many have shared in a toxic relationship where we have felt powerful as if nothing else in the world mattered.  Love like guns can be dangerous if we lose ourselves in that perceived power.  Don't be the gun pointed at another person and don't let someone else be the gun pointed at you.
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