On my way
to recovery
I hit bumps
I crossed chasms
I defeated my monsters
as they defeated me
I took two steps forward
and three steps back
but recovery isn't always positive.
I have spent my fair share
of crying
of drinking
of hating
Hating me
Hating my family
Hating my decisions
but I can see the finish line
There is just one more leap
but it is my biggest.
Apologizing and forgiving
I hope that one day
I can do just that.
But until then,
I will take a water break.
Okay, this was too fun.
I just want to say: Mom, I am sorry for all the hell I have put you through and the hell that I will put you through. I love you so much.
Jason, I want to forgive, but I will never forget what has happened. I hope we can still be friends. I will never be your daughter again though. Too much has happened. But I want you walking down the isle with me. I want you to meet my boyfriend, be a grandpa and be like a dad. What you did was not being a dad. That was a monster and I know you are better than that.
Okay, now that that is over (urg) the prompt was Trails and Paths. Think about trails and paths, real and/or imagined that you have traveled or would like to travel. Imagine those trails that loom large – the Pacific Crest Trail, the Appalachian Trail, the Camino, and imagine those that loom close and personal – a path to recovery, a path to a career goal, a path to a poem, a path toward…whatever we all take paths toward. Write a poem. If you’d like a parameter, make your poem look path-like – a few words on each line perhaps; a long, skinny poem perhaps; playing with spacing