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Abner Ros Nov 2020
As I said my goodbyes,
Exited the room in a haze
And hummed a mournful tune.
You lingered in the doorway with glassy eyes
And lips which struggled to perform on command,
A silent voice.

Outside, incandescence guided my journey
As filth cleansed my feet
And barren edifices surrounded me.
The rhythmic drip of murk from
Congregated puffs of white above blinded me.
As her silhouette emerged
Sweet as ever.
Bathed by beams of crimson.
It can’t have been.

You march forward. As though you’ve located your voice
Your lips purse and push each syllable out one after the other,
Your pacifying tenor cherished each sound, like all of what left
Your mouth was lyrics to an unknown song.  
You continued, never stopped, as words gushed like a stream.
I stood, paralysed.
Abner Ros Nov 2020
You collected what remained of Me
With an embrace too familiar.
As barren eyes leered
And spiritless reassurance washed over.

Your once crimson silhouette
Now a fading grey,
Polluting the air with addiction.
Engulfing what you wish to call your own.

My journey and my body
No longer my own.
Perfectly yours as you thief.
A victimless crime so you deceive.
Apathy a cruel creature.
Remorseless and voracious.
And so, I solemnly grieved
For what I was yet to achieve.

The call of the void to remain unanswered.
Yet, there You were to bring me Home.
Brett Nov 2020
I hope he can express himself
Without breaking her boundaries
It is easy to forget
It hurts to remember
That he became a better man
On the day that he met her
A heart once cold
Ignited by her ember
How she turned his heart of leather
Into something tender
He sits on this lonely cold November
Pondering how a stranger
Could make his soul feel like he met her
In another life
In the depths of his dreams
Alone in the crowd
How the stars in her eyes
Made him feel seen
The monkey on his mind
She made him believe
That love was the gravity
That pulled on the seams
Of his stoic façade
If there is a god
She is the essence of a pretty blonde
Sundresses and scars
She taught him that perfection
Is the product of our flaws
She is the songbird
Singing melodies through the jungle trees
The butterflies in his gut
The weakness in his knees
That is her
The universe could never do her justice with these words
Let him be frank
He owes you his life
A message of my thanks.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. Hold Your Loved Ones Close
Chloe Nov 2020
The here and now
A place in time
The world feels so soft
and open

Fulfilling my wish
A three part kiss
where time stands still
and I seize the moment

On the brink of lust
With each healing touch
And suddenly the world
appears less broken

The here and now
A place in time
Our soft worlds collided
and wide open
13 October 2020
Kathleen Nov 2020
Whisper my name again my love
Shout it to the stars
Make the wind blow
The earth shudder
Put your arms round me my love
Make my  world safe
Keep me warm in your embrace
Walk with me my love
Let us run together
Laugh at the rain
Dance in the moonlight
My love forever
Shevaun Stonem Nov 2020
then tell me why have we barely touched
but your bones feel like home,
why is your aroma-
my only known cologne.

then why does your heart pace at the same rate as mine,
synchronized thoughts and breaths
bringing us back together
time after time.
Masha Yurkevich Nov 2020

They were so perfect and bright
when I got them that night.
                      Their beauty amazed me;
                       they were such a sight.
He placed them in my hand
and we smelled them together.
                        "Like these roses," he said, "we will last forever."
As time went on,
they roses began to fade.
                         Their beautiful red, pink and white
                         became a lonely grey.
Their rich, full form slowly began
to dwindle.
                           Their large, open petals
                           soon began to shrivel.
They dried up slowly
and one by one they fell,
                            leaving their beauty just a story to tell.
But what about us?
What will we leave behind?

                             Stories about roses that have
                                     dried up and died?

The roses are fading...
solfang Nov 2020
the love
that I've never
gotten from you,
is the kind of love
that I miss the most
find someone who loves you the way you love them
Mathieu Nov 2020
Let us go a little mad!
If we try real hard I know we can!
Let’s not worry about what people think,
We’ll go bananas in a blink!

No more scrolling for what we need,
Or cave into another drink.
All that liquid dulls the senses.
When you’re insane the world is endless!

Let’s say what we really think,
Not be afraid of things hard to admit.
Degrade yourself for what, for whom?
Your ****** beautiful, you know it too!

Yes it’s fear that holds you back,
Your past, your story, you’re better than that.
Who you want to be,  that is your truth
And I’m crazy enough to believe in you!

Am I mad we so easily replace
One with another during a Netflix break?
If chilling is devaluing the human spirit,
How empty are we to need **** to fill it?

I’m not getting really riled,
So let’s go bon voyage awhile,
And not judge all the locals there,
You know, they too feel love and fear?

Now we’re lost in a nice direction,
We’ll stop using ‘hate’ in every sentence
I hate paedophiles and domestic violence
I don’t hate using an iPhone 7

Now we’re madly - I feel a-brewing,
Opinions based on fact reviewing
When emotions feel a little ticking,
Don’t buy that (blipping blip) they’re spewing.

Congrats! We’re seeping deep into nuts.
We COULD argue about funding cuts,
Or join the game of hide and seek with homeless/addicts/single mums.
OH! Using our imagination’s fun!

But in our little game of mad, we whisper
SHHH! 14 eyes will see the picture
No name, no phone, just disappear
I must be bonkers, a secret system!?

A game for friends and friends of friends
What a wonderful world when off your meds
When everyone is kept in a tidy pile
We can jump and stomp, kick leaves for miles!

Now I’m getting upset it’s blowing
The wind picked up and the rains are flowing
The little pile was so connected
They fight, the leaves for the nicest spot -  but in the end they fall, they wither and then they rot.

Some are pretty, some provide shade
But this pile seems to body shame.
If each think spring is unique to them,
the part they play will fall away.

I know that I’m most certainly deranged.
Some of these leaves, want weeds to spray.
All this trunk and extended roots,
They think this won’t affect them too?

I’ve had enough fun for today
Playing mad is a scary game
I need a joint, beer, some time to pray
Some pills, some sleep and don’t ask again.
I will redo this one! Reflecting as I drive over three days from north to south of Australia - the craziness of the landscape, the size, the emptiness - and yes, the kangaroo’s, camel’s and heat stroke.

It appeared to me that the key to understanding our reality is that we would have to be mad to believe it. Both the physical world - and the social structures - seem completely inconceivably mad. And maybe the people who understand, construct and command  it are, in fact, mad.
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