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Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Is everything talking to me?
I don't know
It seems to be
It seems to be telling out my feelings
The words I hold onto, really.-.
But I know this feeling
However it's so painful it feels so new every time
My mind is just letting this time do a drive by
I swear time is killing me more than healing me
My dreams show me killing me!
My soul has a cold sore
And my heart ain't on chill, B
I'm enraged and deranged
But I'm wondering...
Is the universe talking to me
Or am I just pulling all this **** towards me?
Hm. You know how they say if you put negative energy out there it'll come back to you? I wonder if that theory is true.. But idk. Plenty of bad things happen either way.
We'll see.
Trevor Blevins Oct 2015
I'm looking through at the joys
Which are traveling slowly
On these dim LEDs tonight.

There is eternal love
Behind one of the doors,
And behind plenty of others
There exists a world
Where we begin to dissolve,
But our surface area increases greatly.

Will we luck out,
Or are we destined to call this audible?

I don't know why you
Are coating yourself in this
Jagged exterior of elitism
When you know all too well
How Faust squandered his soul.

Don't tell me I'm repeating my mistakes
Because you don't understand
That I'm bettering myself,
As you glare in to my consciousness
Through your kaleidoscope
Where everything must look like paradox.

Let me think for myself now.

I've weighed the advantages
More times than you have,
And I promise you,
These circumstances are far better.

Love to you is like the Monty Hall Problem,
And you always think there's a bigger prize
Behind the next door.

You aren't increasing your fortune,
And that's not how you win.

I'd say you're not using game theory very well,
And I'd posit that's no way to live your life.

You want to feel calculated and powerful
By approaching love with your Id fully wanting,
And wanting the apex of what it can obtain.
CautiousRain Oct 2015
Meet me in the 982.

Where the flowers grow,
pink, red; purple, blue,
and the sun always sets,
a hazy mix, a palette box, a painted mess.

Meet me in the 982.

Where dreams collide,
memories drift, wander, shift,
and the moon is white,
like fine porcelain cups; fragile chips corrupt.

Meet me in the 981.

Where your eyes are hazel,
or are they blue? Maybe green;
haven't you noticed, voices changed,
an ordered desk, books arranged?

Meet me in the 981.

Where thoughts like this,
conglomerate or dissipate,
haven't you ever missed a song,
a smiling face, is something wrong?

Meet me where the numbers touch.

Where colors smell and words taste,
where the universe collapses and reshapes.

Meet me where dimensions merge,
where mirrors break and lights fade.

Meet me in the 982,
where my heart will race,
waiting here for you.
Dimension jumping from the 982? But what if I want you to stay here with me? I guess I can't control that. Idea from the subreddit here:
David Adamson Oct 2015
A form of alchemy
By which
Emotional pain
Is transmuted
Into verbal pleasure.
Amidst the screams and pain,
One innocent boy,
Tears on his face,
He did nothing to deserve.

And amidst the starving panic,
One dying girl,
All she ever knew,
Was how to hurt.

And amidst the desperate protests,
One person stood,
And somehow,
They changed the world.

One story,
That's all it took.
CasiDia Aug 2015
                                                 is declared
                                                  of person
                                         who rationalizes
                                                that­ matter if
                                      merits recognition
                                      as being good
                                      on it's own

                                      but really      
                                         are we
                                         the ultimate stewards
                                               of absolute purpose?

                         what confirms                      our judgement

                                        in deeming what deserves
                                             to exist for it's own
                                             and what belongs
                                                 to our means
                                                           ­                 and ours alone?

                                      is it so fantastic
                                                  to suggest
                                      that by some means of
                                                  ­of intangible
                                                                ­            comprehension
                                                all matter
                                       is fundamentally intertwined
                                               in the sense
                                            everything is stardust
                                             created by
                                                                ­   the universe's omnipotent hand?

                                      don't you
                                                 ever get the feeling
                                      inside of your conscious
                                                       ­           too?

                                      doesn't your awareness
                                               ever whisper
                                                   as a sentience
                                                you have an obligation
                                                from some unspoken contract
                                                    sign­ed before birth
                                                  to uphold the integrity
                                                  of everything
                                                  that­ inhabits this earth
                                                       whether or not
                                  it thinks in the way                                       you do?

                                      for what purpose
                                           we exist assembled into
                     abrupt                 profound               togetherness
                                      remains       ­      undecided

                                      earth's fabrications
                                                 will survive
                                will you
                 do the same?
Braxton Reid Aug 2015
There's a theory
     That when we die in one plane of life
We are brought into a plane where we are

                     It occurred to me
                       When you left
      I felt new and it felt wrong even yet

                        So just maybe
           I'm not used to this new body
      It explains why my steps feel sloppy

There's a theory
     That when we die in one plane of life
We are brought into a plane where we are
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
You know for centuries politicians have been trying to push their correctness on to everyone.  It's usually the first lady that does this as part of some etiquette program or something.  Etiquette is okay, I guess.  But, when you think about it, the only ones who really NEED to be politically correct SHOULD be the politicians.  Why would anyone who is NOT a politician be required to practice political correctness.  Why would a baker need to be politically correct, or a news anchor.  (Well, maybe a news anchor.)  But, an accountant or a cashier or a bus driver or a police officer.  They would have to be cashierly correct or accountantly correct or policely correct.  Wouldn't they?  Political correctness should only have to apply to politicians.

  As for me, All I really have to be is poetically correct.  Yes, there IS a thing.  You can look it up if you don't believe me.  Ya know, I was thinking about poetry the other day and I remembered poetical correctness and what it was all about.  It's been stated before by many and I'll try to explain it to you, to the best of my memory.

  To be poetically correct one must never use words that are negative or profane.  One must always use soft words that flow easily.  Words that produce warm feelings of sensuality and never words of hatred.  You must be descriptive when you speak of the spotted toad with the red stripe on its head and the shine that bounces off his slime when the sun shines through the tall trees of the forest where the rock he is perched on  sits parallel to a beautiful babbling brook.  Love and nature.  That should be the two things that one should write about.  Love and nature.
And the nature of love.  And one's love for nature. Or the nature of nature and the love of love. But, maybe they're not that much into nature.  Maybe they love the city and its grittiness.  Well, there you go ruininging the grandness of a city with description.  Poetical correctness.  Always think poetically and not politically and that's Poetical Correctness.
Zack Leffler Jul 2015
There's a sick and twisted saying that I've heard all too many times: time is limited. Time has no limit. Time exists in its own entitlement. It always has been and always will be. It has given birth and it has taken life. Time plays by no moral code. It does not judge what is has done like we do. It simply precedes on the path it sees fit. We have to coexist with time. We have to learn how to understand time and it't awful sense of mortality. Because that's all we are, right? We are a bunch of animals floating ominously through millions of years of space with an unknown amount of time.
Our time is far from limited. No animal is woken from birth with a clock counting down to his final moments; instead, we are just fed the idea that we will someday die and wither away. We have no idea when and where it will happen, or even why. All we have is the guarantee of death. The guarantee of the unknown.
What can we do to stop time and its awful habits? Nothing. We have to sit and watch it play its deadly hand on all of us. Its fingers intertwining with our own. Its disturbing face, smiling at what you can and never will know. Time is a god. Time is the creator of life and the destroyer of life. Time is success. Time is failure. Time is love. Time is heartbreak. Time is.
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
Some people believe in Darwin's theory but I don't.
These people want me to believe Darwin but I won't.
I can't believe in Darwin's theory because it goes against what the Bible teaches us.
If I have to choose somebody to believe, I choose God because he's the one I trust.
Darwin wanted us to believe that we evolved from apes.
Darwin was only a man and men can make mistakes.
But God is perfect, he never has and never will make a mistake.
I'm sorry but Darwin's theory is something that I must forsake
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