Warm hands Barely touching On top of freedom land Flaming fire in the water He is willing to burn up She is cooling down Conjuring chaos Controlled reaction Tangled mess of thoughts Carve out of beautiful words They are like wind and sea Buried mass of emotions Rubble left after strom A torpedo half explode
Craziness of chaos emalgumated concretely with blazing head.
My eyes unlatch and hollow bones come to life Gravity presses me under Carving my own space into this world I wish it were that easy I wish i could understand why a hellish sphere of flames drives people to insanity Makes my skin glow, riveting down my spine to the intangible corners of my morality Back to an eternal loneliness, just me and my silhouette All my worries in harmony with reality Lost at mind and found in thoughts And forgotten in a grassy paradise where the only touch is thoughts left by others buried and grown nipping at my legs Yet this a serendipity A serendipity to have something holding me back Tearing the skin off my pale hands Tangling my chances until they find me Maybe another day
This poem is about sinking into your thoughts on a sunny day with nature
The hour is slim! the time to entwine with her and with advantage inhale the heavy offering from between the jaws of her open thighs.
Persephone's tasty flesh renders her cleft of wet truth- she can slake this thirst- can assuage my ache when, enthralled against the serpent earth, with legs knotted, we lay tangled in ancient ruin.
In the same space where once laid rubies and pearls now lies a tangled necklace of simple gold. Knotted, tarnished and with one broken end, it rests there for a long time, almost hidden, amidst bracelets of diamonds and waits to shine again.
i wanted to stay here, in this place only touched by nature. a place only devastated by the hands of natural things. far away from anything with a heartbeat or a voice. but reality tangles its hands in your hair and finds a way to drag you back. it always, drags you back.