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JAC Jan 2017
You can be likened to a kite
Bright, vibrant, fun
And you fly higher
The longer the string you are given
And I know
Even though I know nothing
That you would soar
With nothing tied to your ankle.
Marco Jimenez Mar 2013
flying like the wind but ever calm
sun warming me as I reach out my palm
a blanket of warmth like no other
similar to that of a loving mother
soaring among the oceans in the sky
a feeling that brings a tear to my eye
such beauty in silence I’ve never heard
i dare not speak a single word
a dream it would seem has come to life
as ever real as skin to knife
as present as the beat of a lifted heart
never swaying or straying too far
not afraid to fall and die
a feeling as immortal as the oceans in the sky
I wrote this a few years ago. their are just some things, some places, and some people that make us all feel like the greatest, strongest and happiest person in the world.
Charlie Hazels Nov 2016
If losing yourself is like drowning in the deepest sea
Then I'm being drowned by society
Down into isolation and darkness
I realise it's important so hark! This
Person is finding out just who they are
It's taken time and I've travelled far
But I'm sinking and flying at the same time
If you've got a problem you can wait in line
Behind all the bullies and people I've been mean to
I'm starting to get my problems seen to
By doing it myself and carpe firm
I need to be me so they can be them
Heading down I don't know the words
But up in the sky it all seems absurd
It's safer to be a serious straight woman
Than a fun bi genderqueer who can
Do whatever the hell they like
And don't feel scared be "***" or "****"
Being yelled at across the street and whispered on the stair
Because confidence means they just don't care
What people think or how they behave
So standing up for myself isn't brace
It's supporting human rights and I have a right to be
Here on this earth as part of this world
Not in the sea or sky, not boy or girl
Kaeli Hearn Feb 2016
Paper plane high above the clouds
Soaring - Flying - Wind

Paper plane shoots into the stars
Soaring - Flying - Wind

Paper plane too high to see all the tiny people, tiny places, tiny faces, tiny problems
Soaring - Flying - Wind

Paper plane high in the stars, moon, sun, & clouds.
brandon nagley Nov 2015
Soaring free;
Holding onto
The wing's of mine queen.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication-filipino rose
The Bleak Poet Nov 2015
Sometimes I wish I was a bird.
I would be able to fly away.
Not deal with any problems.
Not feel any stress.
Not know any fear.
Not a care in the world.

Sometimes I wish I was a bird
So I can avoid the ****** people,
So I can fly high above the clouds,
Feel the tension leave my body,
Feel the wind beneath my wings,
I can soar.          

Sometimes I wish I was a bird
I can see the world from a new view
Everything looks so small up here
I'm sure I look small too.
I certainly feel small.
I'm insignificant.

Sometimes I wish I was a bird
I can fly away from everything.
Instead of migrating for a season,
I'll migrate for a lifetime.
Leave this world behind me.
Leave everything in the past.

Simply, because I am a bird.

– Birds // F.C.
CL Oct 2015
We will soar through the sky hand in hand,
bouncing from clouds of ecstasy to utopia,
no longer fearful of the demonic world in which society tries to control and oppress.

An unstoppable energy of fearless expression and loving creativity, we will find refuge within freedom.

We will wrap ourselves in the essence of the other and melt into one,
to be carried away atom by atom,
to a place of nirvana where our souls will reside evermore.
kj Foster Jun 2015
Birds only fly
Because their bones are hollow.

Empty yourself,
Wings widening,
Weakly at first,
Soon little one,
You too can soar.

Lose the ground,
Gain the skies.
Sometimes I feel like I'm boundless

The sky cannot contain me
I shall soar into the infinite expanse
I am free to fly wherever I choose

Then, my heart crashes
Plummeting to the ground

I realize I don't even have wings
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