Have some confidence,
smile a while and think of cuttin' back,
think of how hard this winter is
most places where it is winter now,
and all the houses are rubble, we see
we almost…
in some ways…
on some levels… true, we can feel
we breathe the same winds, we hold
truths self evident, by faith we found,
sheer mind fog hedge hog white horse
chase minding, hedged bets,
we'll laugh every day,
in joy, for strength,
peace of mind is what we stalk.
We think we pray silently.
We think we all do,
hope and wish and pray all call
fix it make it better for all, eh
liberty, completely agreed to by
we must imagine the old trick,
freedom isn't free, inside the fence/
How come we to be the first generation ever
to breathe dust from Alamogordo and beyond
co incident… in the scope of what we can imagine,
Earth, as seen from Saturn via global science access.
Any where such truths are not denied by law.
How come is not the same query as why, because
words mean things, ghost
of Limbaugh. Being causal
points, peak mind share,
Superbowl .64% All eyes worth, all the value
to all the advertisers and stakeholders
on the line,
oh, you know, it could be money,
on the line…
99.36% of all attention payers, paid none.
But… stop
think 127000000 or so, simultaneously hoping
that's a lot,
to high heaven they don't choke, oh, the thing
e-feared holy hell we say some stupid blessing
sneeze gnosisnot too fine
to finally think gesundheit, so fine.
Test reactions