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Big Virge Oct 2014
Ya know .....  
I have one now ... !!!  
but ... hear the sounds  
of people complaining  
in different towns  
A woman one day  
had this to say .....  
"This ***** keeps saying  
all types of things  
on my Facebook Page  
as if my thoughts  
shouldn't get airplay !!!!!"  
Well to me ... Her Lines  
meant Facebook ... Shine ... !!!  
Why ... ???  

Well ... because her views  
play a different tune  
to them and those  
who drop ... THAT PROSE ...  
which ... CLEARLY ... shows ...  
what's up ... Their Nose ... !!!!!!  
Something .... BROWN .... !!!!!!!!!!  
What's with these clowns ... ?!?!?!  
Folks ....  
It just goes to show ...  
that ... ******* go ...  
with ... BIG EGOS ... !  
Could it be ... Crack ... ?!?  
that's got her on ...  
"Facebook Attacks !!!" ...  
Well ......  
Here's ... My Pitch ...  
to you ... Facebook ***** ... !!!  
Unhook yourselves ...  
from where I dwell ...  
but ... Don't Dismiss ... !!!  
These here ... Lyrics ... !!!  
When you see ... My Posts ...  
Please ... just do this ...  
Adopt ... That Pose ...  
and yes ... Double Click ...  
where you see ... " QUIT " ...  
and make ... Your ... EXIT ... !!!!!!  
A ... Nice ... Quick Fix ...  
for your obvious ... " Glitch " ...  
to act ... " Foolishly " ...  
before you ... " THINK " ... ?!?  
which is a ... Habit ...  
You ... NEED TO ...  
... " MANAGE !!! " ...  
Is this ... what you ... REALLY ?  
Have one ... for ... ???!???  
to wage ... Cyberspace War  
with ... Lyrical Swords ...  
that aren't ... Sharp Enough ...  
to cut through ... The Stuff ...  
that Clearly gets you ...  
... in a ... " Huff " ... !!!!!!  
So you ...  
" Huff and Puff " ...  
All ... Facebook Tough ... !!!  
But ....  
That's NOT ... Tough ... !!!!!!!  
All it proves ...  
is that ... Your Moves ...  
are ... Shady, Hazy ...  
Thought waves ... CRAZY ... !!!  
thinking that ... befits a ... " Baby " ... !!!  
Facebook hype ...  
has got these types ...  
acting like ...  
" They've Lost their Minds ... !!!!! "  
Girls and ... Guys ... ?!?  
Women and ... Men ... ?!?  
Hiding behind ...  
Facebook pretense ...  
Their Facebook Friends ...  
and posts contrived ...  
to prove how wise ...  
and ... EVER SO ... Nice ...  
these people are .....  
who have ... " NO LIVES " ... !!!  
2000 friends .... !!!!!  
on ... Facebook ... Yes .......  
Very ... Popular ...  
like a piece of ... "****" ... !!!  
that likes being ... licked  
by ... Any Old Chick  
or being ... " Sticked ! " ...  
by .... " THOSE ! " ....  
"Naaaarrrsssttty *****" ... !!!  
Is this what you ...  
REALLY .....
have one for ... ?!?!?  
"Really man ...  
don't you ever use it ...  
to try to uplift ...  
and share something ...  
that helps our kids ... !?!  
" Oh right, You DO !!!!! "  
You ... "FaceTime" ... yours ...  
now they're ... abroad ...  
because they ... RAN ...  
away from ... YOU ... !!! "  
"Oh your fam and friends  
in far away ends ...  
that's how you stay  
in touch with them !"  
"Okay that's cool  
but tell the truth ..."  
"It's once a year  
that they call you  
to bend your ear  
about THEIR issues !!!"  
Now ....  
Calm down your mood  
and don't be rude  
it's just ... MY VIEW ...  
on Facebook crews ...  
Who ... think they're cool ...  
Posting this ... and ...  
Posting that ...  
Until someone ...  
points out some ... FACTS ...  
or ..... Even worse ...  
Points out the ... FLAWS ...  
in post they've made ...  
that have ... No Cause ...  
than to get people ...  
to message you ...  
and say,  
"Hey dude, your post was cool !!!"  
" Vacuous CRAP ! "  
that just ... attracts ...  
the flies who ... Lie ...  
in ... " Venus Traps "  
Hoping to escape  
when they've .......  
Long since made ...  
A page of ... " Farce " ...  
to build a ... " Facade " ...  
that proves their thoughts ...  
come out their ........... ???? ............  
.... " Perverted Minds " ....  
You're bound to see  
****** imagery ...  
I think ... You'll find ...  
on their ... Timelines ... !!!  
It is what it is ....  
This Facebook thing ...  
Built to consume ...  
Peoples' thinking ...  
and built to ensure ...  
Egos get .... Poured ............................  
It's a ****** disgrace ...  
don't you people ...  
feel ... " Ashamed ?!? "  
Such forums should be ...  
used for more ...  
than ... waging war ...  
or trying to impress ...  
these ... " Cyber ****** " ... !?!  
This question I guess ... ???  
is for ... " Face-Hooked " ... hoards  
Is this what you ...  
REALLY ... have one ... for ?
Social Freaking Media ... !?!
Raquel Butler Sep 2014
And for some reason, I can't make myself prioritize.
So I wind up reading web sites during the time I should be writing, writing while I should be sleeping,
and sleeping while I should be in class.
And making the "smart" list.
And continuing on the same dreaded path I've been on since middle school, when I first realized I could get away with this.
Shweta Darji Sep 2014
We look at ourselves and think of ugly words
We think that we aren't good enough
That we aren't capable of doing something
Ugly, dumb, foolish, childish, clumsy
But we never look at ourselves and think of beautiful words
We never think we are good enough
That we are capable of doing something
Gorgeous, smart, selfless, amazing
We need to love ourselves more
We are the beauty
because we all "need someone to love us in order to love ourselves"
Eleanor Rigby Sep 2014
Here's a rope, baby.
I know that you're smart enough
To know what to do with it.

Maybe eating the brown acid wasn't a very good decision.
Aliyah Sep 2014
This is for the girls who lie awake at night,
Pulling at the blankets to keep them warm,
Drenched in sins of deprecation.
Tossing and turning on their twin size beds,
because there is not enough room to fit expectations,
let alone their own.
This is for the girls who stare at themselves in front of their mirrors,
Pinching at the extra layers of skin that hang around their tummies.
Rolls of "fat" as they call it, I prefer the term "beauty."
This is for the girls who have shoulders are backs plastered in scars.
From the bras that were one cup size to small, overly adjusted and tightened straps.
This is for the girls who fall prey to the fallacies of magazine stands,
captivated by the cold letters bleeding off the covers:
"Three hundred, sixty-five ways to style your hair!"
"How to get the perfect ****!"
"Turn off the lights to look good naked!"
"How to make him love you!"
Pull apart the flesh, look beneath your skin,
you are not defined by the number of eyes that manifest lust towards you,
you are not the hands that plead to saunter their way toward your hips,
You are not the number of inches that space out your thighs.
Or the visibility of muscle that line up on your stomach.
You do not need to look good naked,
don't turn off the lights.
Your **** looks fine
Stop falling victim to the media
To the photo shopped ads of puppets who look nothing like you
Because your real
and if you want a man to love you, he must learn to accept you
with your extra flaws, our scars, and rolls of fat.
Because that sack of bones known as a model on a Cosmopolitan cover will not keep him warm.
It is inscribed in the atoms that make you a person
you are a three dimensional beautiful masterpiece
you are not a computerized pixelated image
reshaped and resized retouched and revised
stop letting society dehumanize a woman
your a woman
all the fury to slither through you limbs until you shake with and anger and purpose, acknowledge the value of your worth for you are more that just a waste of paper and space, you are space, you are human, your alive, and beautiful
David Rusiecki Aug 2014
Poems don't always have to Rhyme
Hell, I see un-rhyming poems all the time!
Poems about food, nature and love
Poems about family, and the stars above
A poem doesn't need to have rhythm
For the feels to be put in em'
They just must be beautiful, to enter your soul
Put your mind at peace, make you feel whole

****...  this is kind of ironic.
STILL has a message AND comedic appeal.  You can thank me
Dougie Simps Aug 2014
Love* is our Achillesheel and when it's lost we fall hard
Passion are our lips and without feeling there's nothing there
Pride are our hands and without reaching out we feel the same
Happiness is our eyes and without wide lenses nothing changes
Creation are our feet, when we decide to walk another direction, we make a new path
Determination are our hearts, the thrill of attempts help make our pulse beat fast
Build on your mind. Allow your thoughts to make a new craft
As your moments don't last
But memory last forever
Friends come and go, family should stay and he or she is unpredictable
Life is yourself, and only, can make it better.
-Dougie Simps
It only means what you think
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