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Jeremy Betts Jun 2024
Docile and tame,
A king slain by his own sword
Self inflicted pain
My shelf life would be considered inhumane
A body originally set to be a temple
Is now unlivable domain

Jeremy Betts May 2024
Recklessly I cruise a plateaued plane
One I call memory lane
Which in hindsight was kind of insane
I'm not sure what I was looking to gain
There's not much other than pain in the ones I retain
I know this, it's beyond first hand eyewitness obvious,
Even prior to being forced to meticulously explain
Becoming increasingly familiar with that ruthless domain
Thankfully some truly cherished living snapshots remain
However, most have broken free from their neglected, rusty chain
And I'm left cursing the bane of my existence,
While, in plain sight, the flashbacks that cause my eyes to drain
Swerve in and out of my lane
Joy ridin' my misery or being metaphysically driven to the torture of the mind and soul,
Instigated by a fraction of a fractured brain
That to this day isn't clear on what's it's actually sayin'
Can not seem to refrain from immersing myself in self inflicted pain
Forgotten or slain?
What's it matter if the outcome will be the same;
Me, laying motionless in front of a raging train,
Leaving only a crime scene stain
One that'll go as unnoticed as it did when it flowed through a main artery vein
'Till any and all evidence of my unspectacular,
Super localized reign
Washes away in the rain
And I become nothing more than a name

Alex Sidebottom Jan 2019
You had my heart in your hands
You told me that I was yours
Playing with my emotional strands
But you did things behind closed doors

I stood and watched as you played me
Wishing each day that I could break free
You woke each day and said I love you
But you had a feeling that I knew

I asked you if you where a cheat
You said to me that I was wrong
But I knew for a fact you weren't so sweet
You called me back knowing my love was strong

I wish I'd just left and gone
But I came back and you said it wouldn't happen again
But you played me again like a pawn
And now you've left me feeling slain
Abby M Dec 2018
The elusive redbug crawls in men's veins
In men alive and men just slain
A single needle draws it out
A *****, a drip, and then it sprouts
With evil claws and teeth I chew the little wicked knights I slew. They enter one by one, as I burn them down to the ground for fun.
My fiery breath I breathe to melt their shields upon their feet and open my maw to eat my treats, oh what tasty meats.
Bring me more gold my shiny fearless little hunks of meat for I am to be feared the dragon which is revered.
I cannot be slain I will not be tamed for I am the red dragon that is renowned in fame.
Michael Robert Triska copyright, april 2018, this poem was made for a 5e dungeon & Dragons game
G Rog Rogers Sep 2017
Guns go off
Helicopter flies
Sirens scream
Another one dies

Glancing glint
of the coldest steel
Final look
of a dieing eye
Sirens scream
Helicopter flies

High speed
Hot pursuit
Sirens scream
Helicopter flies
Chasing down
another freak

Screeching tires
Tangled metal
Sirens scream
Helicopter flies
No way to get
them out alive

Human tragedy

The gun
The blade
The despicable
The slain

Sirens scream
We barely take notice
Helicopter flies
Just more noise.



I am chained by your beauty don't slain me in love
I am stained in the process please take me just along
I am down below your feet you are up above my dove
When you ****** in my heart my soul carries like song

But in this world full of rivals I have my apprehension
So that no one can ****** you away from my warm arms
I am highly dejected and going through lot of tension
You are my muse of love and I am bound to follow norms

Let my kiss you my love let me miss you in solitude
You are my soul's solace and will remain till last breath
My love is very clever and your beauty is so crude
Let me declare the strong fact I will carry you till death

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Proxii May 2016
You have a seemingly Placid mind that Strikes back with the Vengeance of a Thousand slain Kings.
Luna Faun Sep 2015
I will not be slain, nor will I tame
and trade no stitch for kisses.
I am but ice, no use of dice
or foolish empty wishes.
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