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If you're going to pull the arrow out, replug the hole with your finger.
Book of Murphy chapter 16:02
Dear *******
If you wish to **** in the wind, you might want to close your mouth.
Book of Murphy chapter 16:03
If thou wanders the world with the wrong philosopher,
thou might fall off the edge.
Book of Murphy chapter 13:08
You never know who's wrong and right. **** flat earthers.
If thou is going to make friends with the cannibals bring seasoning to trade.
Book of Murphy chapter 13: 05
Only the paranoid will rule the underdark within their little bunkers and the wise will stay within the sun's light.
Book of Murphy chapter 13:04
Stay in the light.
When standing on Occam's razor thou shall, not try to tip the scales in their favor.
Murphy's laws chapter 13:02
What a visual.
Well that was awkward
and uncalled for.
Book of Murphy's laws chapter 13:01
The Scribe shouldn't write down everything.
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