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Colm Jan 2018
With horizons like shoulders
Stands the image of the self
In the self-perceived mind

Until called like ringing
The mountains asleep
Undisturbed in dew and time

So the woodsman knows and is awake
To the truest of nature
The societal eyes

And at the feeling of ever
Need it depart

He flies

Into the mountains to live a life spent alive
I've been reading too much E.E.
Colm Jan 2018
When did our altered
   culture decide
     that WE
       would be happy
         with our little screens
           and such little stillness
             within our lives
Sad really
Colm Jan 2018
It's the doubt which grows in the back of your mind
That you're on the wrong side of the road
That you're going to collide
But not with fate
But head on with an eternity of unkind

Side by side are different directions
Same road and minds
From one to the other, so much can vary.
Colm Jan 2018
Falcons do not concern themselves with inching worms
Nor bears with minnows
Nor I with you
Of lesser men. Opinions are kept. Quiet and out of respect. Even when it's not deserved.
Colm Jan 2018
A desk is a chain
And a door a weight amongst a wait
And yet men and women chain themselves
To merely familiar similar fates
On a daily basis they do base
Their admirations on those without chains
But it couldn’t be
That IT were THEY
That freedom were found in a more free way
Here to breaking patterns. Destroying expectations. Ans freeing yourself from the forgetful because.
Colm Jan 2018
I am a man of little blocks
The world it tears me down
And when I'm broken on the floor
He picks me up
And gives me the support to build around
My God - My center
Colm Jan 2018
On days like this
With heavy flakes
Tumbling down
All around
I wish I had another set of eyes
To lose myself in
One more time

*Mirror me
And also you
My mind
Heavy flakes indeed
Colm Jan 2018
The sound of snow is a beautiful thing
Catch every snowflake, you could not
But the earth can
Like the marching ants in the fruitful spring
Snowflakes need not tiptoe through the house of winter
Instead, they patter a song to sing on the frozen ground
And we, as humans are helpless to stop it from falling down
With tiny little pinprick sounds
The reign of winter falls all around*

End of storm
Beginning of season
This one... I really like
Colm Jan 2018
How is a young man
Intent in mind
To introduce himself
And yet
For the first time?

I ask of you
But only me
To hear the question

How is a young man
Supposed to be?
So forward as to ask of you
To spend any amount of time **on me?
Yup... How?
Colm Jan 2018
The perfect form of imagery
They're clear but not
They are but not
Visible but not directly in front of us
A marvel of modern society
A symbol of something
Safe and deadly
Broken but whole
Reflective in all
A monument of our mastery...

**** it Bill Gates
Windows - Always liked em
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