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I close eyes and count to ten
Take shaky breath of air
Hesitate to open them
Afraid to see you are no longer there
I want to make you happy
Sometimes that seems so tough
Despite golden intentions
Efforts are never enough
Then we build expectations
Late into night
At first both exceed them
Until sparks ignite fight
Yet fire lights lantern
To guide way through the dark
Ecstasy acts as glowing beacon
On weightless journey I embark
Your laughter rings like chords in ear
You got me above clouds so high
Trust earned like a certification
Learning to let hang loose fears you untie
Teaching to speak with a tender tongue
Feeling finer than I have in years
I hope that beneath the surface
Devotion is as deep as it appears
Appreciating your words and savoring
Time we have before it disappears
My boyfriend read this and crossed out the last line and this is what he replaced it with:

I have to kiss your rear
I might be just so right
That we won't have to fight
Don't be scared because we are pretty tight so hear
To see, adventures are limitless as our hearts grow closer near

rory Apr 2020
staring at this blank paper
that may satiate its starving gaps
with my pain as viands
and my tears as water,
because hearing your beloved mother
be proud of someone else's daughter
was too bitter for me to savor
I S A A C May 2022
smother my mother in my love
kisses to her armor, she can’t feel it
she even resists, but I keep repeating the steps
approach, appreciate, allow
kiss her cheek and bow
I don’t know how much longer I have with her
but I cherish each moment, each pocket of sunshine I savor
my queen, the empress
The shining example of a goddess
I thank god for her, for my family
I am finally understanding
Ronna M Tacud Jun 2021
Lick me,
let our body set us free.
Savor me,
and y'all gonna see.
Smell me,
and we're gonna count one, two, three.
Flirt with me,
and I'll make sure you're gonna across the sea.
*** with me,
and I'll let you numb your knee.
Wake me,
because I feel lust already.
Taylor Apr 2020
moral of the story
is in the end
what destroys me ?
destroy me
and enjoy
watching me burn
as you throw
more propane
on the fire
and laugh
as you walk
destroy me slowly and you seem to savor every piece
I see you in my whiskey
My cigarette smoke has your savor.
And yet you are further away than ever
I'm waiting for you
Even if the sea ruins the poem I wrote you on its sand.
I'll get you, flower of dawn.
Let me water you with love and affection.
Ron Gavalik Nov 2019
Sometimes we crush a bug
in self-defense.
Other times we crush bugs
in annoyance.
However, there are times
when we go out of the way
to step upon a lesser life form.
Such ******* arouses
a sadistic pleasure
we cannot savor or even admit
in civilized society.

–Ron Gavalik
island poet Feb 2020
Savior or Savor

E.B. White

“If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise in the morning, torn between a desire to improve (or save) the world and a desire to enjoy (or savor) the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.”

you trap me tween savior and savor
and my plans well prescribed on a yellow pad
get ignored and the ignorant fool not cool

the poetry plane is my escape route
but that is now a locked door, saying goodbyes,
can neither save nor savor,
sorry have to return your world weary wise favor

frozen on a verse, a line too far for my composing,
but thanks for alliterating my stuck place
Kewayne Wadley Apr 2019
I love being with you,
Staring into those big brown eyes.
You don't know the effect they have on me,
The way they lure me in as only you can.
With the slightest touch I melt.
All with the simplicity of a smile.
I feel it imperative that you know.
These moments with you I crave.
Every song heard with you instantly becomes my favorite.
The background that increases intensely,
With my tongue against your neck.
You moan heavily in my ear.
Openly expressing more, more.
It's these moments with you
I savor,
Where thought becomes more than reality.
We connect in ultimate ******, both together you & I.
The tremble of your voice breaks the stare, your eyes gazed deep in mine.

Our bodies crave more.
The contour of your back wrapped tight in my arms.

The contour of silhouettes seen through low-cut eyes.
At the slightest touch your deepest desire screaming more
Cradled fast to sleep,
You in my arms
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